
Retrieves a type given its name.

HRESULT GetTypesByName(
   LPCOLESTR          pszClassName,
   NAME_MATCH         nameMatch,
   IEnumDebugFields** ppEnum
int GetTypesByName(
   string               pszClassName,
   enum_ NAME_MATCH     nameMatch,
   out IEnumDebugFields ppEnum


  • pszClassName
    [in] Name of the type.

  • nameMatch
    [in] Selects the type of match, for example, case-sensitive. A value from the NAME_MATCH enumeration.

  • ppEnum
    [out] An enumerator that contains the type or types with the given name.

Return Value

If successful, returns S_OK; otherwise, returns an error code.


For generic types, the name to look up for 'List<int>' or 'List<int,int>' would be 'List'. If types of the same name appear in multiple modules, the ppEnum paramter will contain all copies. You have to use IDebugField::GetTypeInfo and distinguish based on the guidModule parameter.


The following example shows how to implement this method for a CDebugSymbolProvider object that exposes the IDebugComPlusSymbolProvider2 interface.

HRESULT CDebugSymbolProvider::GetTypesByName(
    LPCOLESTR pszClassName,
    NAME_MATCH nameMatch,
    IEnumDebugFields** ppEnum
    HRESULT hr = S_OK;
    CModIter ModIter;
    CModule* pmodule; // the iterator owns the reference
    CFieldList listField;

    ASSERT(IsValidWritePtr(ppEnum, IEnumDebugFields*));

    METHOD_ENTRY( CDebugSymbolProvider::GetTypesByName );

    IfFalseGo( pszClassName && ppEnum, E_INVALIDARG );
    *ppEnum = NULL;

    IfFailGo( GetModuleIter(&ModIter) );

    hr = S_FALSE;

    if ( nameMatch == nmCaseInsensitive)
        while (ModIter.GetNext(&pmodule))
            if (pmodule->FindTypesByNameCaseInsensitive( pszClassName,
                    this ) )
                hr = S_OK;
        while (ModIter.GetNext(&pmodule))
            if (pmodule->FindTypesByName( pszClassName,
                                          this) )
                hr = S_OK;

    // If the list is empty then no type
    IfFalseGo( listField.GetCount(), E_FAIL );

    // Create enumerator
    IfFailGo( CreateEnumerator( ppEnum, &listField ) );


    METHOD_EXIT( CDebugSymbolProvider::GetTypesByName, hr );

    return hr;

See Also

