
Enable or disables the automatic generation of inactive button images.

static void AutoGrayInactiveImages(
   BOOL bEnable=TRUE,
   int nGrayImagePercentage=0,
   BOOL bRedrawAllToolbars=TRUE 


  • [in] bEnable
    A Boolean value that specifies whether to dim inactive images. If this parameter is TRUE, inactive images are dimmed. Otherwise, inactive images are not dimmed.

  • [in] nGrayImagePercentage
    Specifies the luminance percentage for inactive images. If bEnable is FALSE, this value is ignored.

  • [in] bRedrawAllToolbars
    A Boolean value that specifies whether to redraw all toolbars in the application. If this parameter is TRUE, this method redraws all toolbars.


If bEnable is TRUE, the framework uses nGrayImagePercentage to generate inactive images from the regular images. Otherwise, you must provide the set of inactive images by using the CMFCToolBar::GetColdImages method. By default, this option is disabled.

For more information about the nGrayImagePercentage parameter, see CMFCToolBarImages::GrayImages.


Header: afxtoolbar.h

See Also


CMFCToolBar Class

Hierarchy Chart

