VSIX Manifest Designer

Lets you modify the VSIX manifest for a VSIX package. The VSIX manifest sets the installation behavior for a Visual Studio extension.

To open VSIX Manifest Designer, in Solution Explorer, double-click the source.extension.vsixmanifest file.


Source.extension.vsixmanifest outputs to extension.vsixmanifest when the package is built.

You must have the Visual Studio SDK installed to use VSIX Manifest Designer. If you do not have the Visual Studio SDK, or if the source.extension.vsixmanifest file is invalid, it will open in the XML editor.

  • ID
    Specifies the unique ID of the package. For more information, see Identifier Element (VSX Schema).

  • Product Name
    Specifies the name of the extension. For more information, see Name Element (Child of Identifier Element, VSX Schema).

  • Author
    Specifies the name of the author of the extension. For more information, see Author Element (VSX Schema).

  • Version
    Specifies the version number of the extension. For more information, see Version Element (VSX Schema).

  • Description
    Provides a text description of the extension to be displayed in Extension Manager. For more information, see Description Element (VSX Schema).

  • Locale
    Sets the default locale of the extension. For more information, see Locale Element (VSX Schema).

  • Supported VS Editions
    Click Select Editions to open the Select Visual Studio Version and Edition dialog box, in which you can select the Visual Studio products that the extension supports. Notice that selecting Visual Studio Integrated Shell makes the package available to all Visual Studio users, and selecting Visual Studio Professional also makes the package available to users of Visual Studio Premium and Visual Studio Ultimate. For more information, see SupportedProducts Element (VSX Schema).

  • License Terms
    Displays the path of the text file that contains the user license, if one is present. To add a license file, click the ellipsis button (...). To remove the currently displayed file from the manifest, click X. For more information, see License Element (VSX Schema).

  • Icon
    Displays the path of the bitmap file that contains the icon to be displayed in Extension Manager, if one is present. To add a bitmap file, click the ellipsis button (...). To remove the currently displayed file from the manifest, click X. For more information, see Icon Element (VSX Schema).

  • Preview Image
    Displays the path of the image file that contains the preview image to be displayed in Extension Manager, if one is present. To add an image, click the ellipsis button (...). To remove the currently displayed file from the manifest, click X. For more information, see PreviewImage Element (VSX Schema).

  • More Info URL
    Specifies the URL of a Web site that contains additional information about the product. For more information, see MoreInfoUrl Element (Child of Identifier Element, VSX Schema).

  • Getting Started Guide
    Specifies a file or a Web site to be opened when installation is complete. For more information, see GettingStartedGuide Element (VSX Schema).

  • Supported Framework Runtime
    Use the Min (minimum) and Max (maximum) fields to specify the range of supported versions of the .NET Framework. If you leave the Max field blank, the extension can be installed on any system that is running at least the minimum version. For more information, see SupportedFrameworkRuntimeEdition Element (VSX Schema).

  • References
    Lists the references to include in the package, together with relevant attributes. For more information, see References Element (VSX Schema).

  • Add Reference
    Opens the Add VSIX Reference dialog box, which lets you add a reference to the current VSIX manifest in one of three ways. Select Installed Extension lets you select an entry from the list of extensions that are installed on your system. Add payload to VSIX lets you select a .vsix file that contains an extension. Manual Reference lets you add a reference by specifying its attributes. For more information, see Reference Element (VSX Schema).

  • Remove Reference
    Removes the selected reference from the list. For more information, see Reference Element (VSX Schema).

  • Content
    Lists content to be included in the package, together with relevant attributes. For more information, see Content Element (VSX Schema).

  • Add Content
    Opens the Add Content dialog box so that you can select a content type, and then select the source of the content. Content types include any valid child element of the Content element, for example, an Item Template or a MEF Component. The source may be a project in the current solution, a file on your system, or a file in the current project.

  • Remove Content
    Removes the selected content item from the list.

See Also

Other Resources

VSIX Extension Schema Reference

Visual Studio Extension Deployment

Anatomy of a VSIX Package