
Retrieves a pointer to the Global Interface Table.

virtual HRESULT GetGITPtr(
   IGlobalInterfaceTable** ppGIT 
) throw( );


  • ppGIT
    Pointer to the variable which will receive the pointer to the Global Interface Table.

Return Value

Returns S_OK on success, or an error code on failure. E_POINTER is returned if ppGIT is equal to NULL.


If the Global Interface Table object does not exist, it is created, and its address is stored in the member variable CAtlModule::m_pGIT.

In debug builds, an assertion error will occur if ppGIT is equal to NULL, or if the Global Interface Table pointer cannot be obtained.

See IGlobalInterfaceTable for information on the Global Interface Table.


Header: atlbase.h

See Also


CAtlModule Class

Other Resources

CAtlModule Members