運算式樹狀架構 (C# 和 Visual Basic)

運算式樹狀架構代表樹狀資料結構中的程式碼,其中每一個節點都代表一個運算式,例如,方法呼叫或如 x < y 一類的二進位運算。

您可以編譯並執行運算式樹狀架構所代表的程式碼。如此可提供動態修改可執行程式碼、在各種資料庫中執行 LINQ 查詢,以及建立動態查詢。如需 LINQ 中運算式樹狀架構的詳細資訊,請參閱 HOW TO:使用運算式樹狀結構建置動態查詢 (C# 和 Visual Basic)逐步解說:建立 IQueryable LINQ 提供者

運算式樹狀架構也可用於 Dynamic Language Runtime (DLR),提供動態語言和 .NET Framework 之間的互通性,並可讓編譯器寫入器發出運算式樹狀架構,而非 Microsoft Intermediate Language (MSIL)。如需 DLR 的詳細資訊,請參閱 Dynamic Language Runtime 概觀

C# 或 Visual Basic 編譯器可以根據匿名 Lambda 運算式為您建立運算式樹狀架構,或者您也可以使用 System.Linq.Expressions 命名空間手動建立運算式樹狀架構。

從 Lambda 運算式建立運算式樹狀架構

將 Lambda 運算式指派給型別 Expression<TDelegate> 的變數時,編譯器就會發出程式碼,建置表示 Lambda 運算式的運算式樹狀架構。

C# 和 Visual Basic 編譯器只能從運算式 Lambda (或單行 Lambda) 產生運算式樹狀架構,無法剖析陳述式 Lambda (或多行 Lambda)。如需 C# 中 Lambda 運算式的詳細資訊,請參閱 Lambda 運算式 (C# 程式設計手冊);至於 Visual Basic,請參閱 Lambda 運算式 (Visual Basic)

下列程式碼範例將示範 C# 和 Visual Basic 編譯器如何建立可表示 Lambda 運算式 num => num < 5 (C#) 或 Function(num) num < 5 (Visual Basic) 的運算式樹狀架構。

Dim lambda As Expression(Of Func(Of Integer, Boolean)) =
    Function(num) num < 5
Expression<Func<int, bool>> lambda = num => num < 5;

使用 API 建立運算式樹狀架構

若要使用 API 建立運算式樹狀架構,請使用 Expression 類別。此類別包含可建立特定型別之運算式樹狀架構節點的靜態 Factory 方法,例如 ParameterExpression 代表變數或參數,而 MethodCallExpression 則代表方法呼叫。ParameterExpressionMethodCallExpression 和其他運算式專屬型別也會定義於 System.Linq.Expressions 命名空間中。這些型別是衍生自抽象型別 Expression

下列程式碼範例將示範如何使用 API 建立可表示 Lambda 運算式 num => num < 5 (C#) 或 Function(num) num < 5 (Visual Basic) 的運算式樹狀架構。

' Import the following namespace to your project: System.Linq.Expressions

' Manually build the expression tree for the lambda expression num => num < 5.
Dim numParam As ParameterExpression = Expression.Parameter(GetType(Integer), "num")
Dim five As ConstantExpression = Expression.Constant(5, GetType(Integer))
Dim numLessThanFive As BinaryExpression = Expression.LessThan(numParam, five)
Dim lambda1 As Expression(Of Func(Of Integer, Boolean)) =
  Expression.Lambda(Of Func(Of Integer, Boolean))(
        New ParameterExpression() {numParam})

            // Add the following using directive to your code file:
            // using System.Linq.Expressions;

            // Manually build the expression tree for 
            // the lambda expression num => num < 5.
            ParameterExpression numParam = Expression.Parameter(typeof(int), "num");
            ConstantExpression five = Expression.Constant(5, typeof(int));
            BinaryExpression numLessThanFive = Expression.LessThan(numParam, five);
            Expression<Func<int, bool>> lambda1 =
                Expression.Lambda<Func<int, bool>>(
                    new ParameterExpression[] { numParam });

在 .NET Framework 4 中,運算式樹狀架構 API 也支援指派和控制流程運算式,例如迴圈、條件區塊以及 try-catch 區塊。使用 API 所建立的運算式樹狀架構,可以比 C# 或 Visual Basic 編譯器根據 Lambda 運算式所建立的運算式樹狀架構更為複雜。下列範例將示範如何建立計算數字之階乘的運算式樹狀架構。

' Creating a parameter expression.
Dim value As ParameterExpression =
    Expression.Parameter(GetType(Integer), "value")

' Creating an expression to hold a local variable. 
Dim result As ParameterExpression =
    Expression.Parameter(GetType(Integer), "result")

' Creating a label to jump to from a loop.
Dim label As LabelTarget = Expression.Label(GetType(Integer))

' Creating a method body.
Dim block As BlockExpression = Expression.Block(
    New ParameterExpression() {result},
    Expression.Assign(result, Expression.Constant(1)),
            Expression.GreaterThan(value, Expression.Constant(1)),
            Expression.Break(label, result)

' Compile an expression tree and return a delegate.
Dim factorial As Integer =
    Expression.Lambda(Of Func(Of Integer, Integer))(block, value).Compile()(5)

' Prints 120.
// Creating a parameter expression.
ParameterExpression value = Expression.Parameter(typeof(int), "value");

// Creating an expression to hold a local variable. 
ParameterExpression result = Expression.Parameter(typeof(int), "result");

// Creating a label to jump to from a loop.
LabelTarget label = Expression.Label(typeof(int));

// Creating a method body.
BlockExpression block = Expression.Block(
    // Adding a local variable.
    new[] { result },
    // Assigning a constant to a local variable: result = 1
    Expression.Assign(result, Expression.Constant(1)),
    // Adding a loop.
    // Adding a conditional block into the loop.
    // Condition: value > 1
               Expression.GreaterThan(value, Expression.Constant(1)),
    // If true: result *= value --
    // If false, exit the loop and go to the label.
               Expression.Break(label, result)
    // Label to jump to.

// Compile and execute an expression tree.
int factorial = Expression.Lambda<Func<int, int>>(block, value).Compile()(5);

// Prints 120.

如需詳細資訊,請參閱在 Visual Studio 2010 中使用運算式樹狀架構產生動態方法 (英文)。


下列程式碼範例將示範如何將表示 Lambda 運算式 num => num < 5 (C#) 或 Function(num) num < 5 (Visual Basic) 的運算式樹狀架構分解為其個別部分。

        ' Import the following namespace to your project: System.Linq.Expressions

        ' Create an expression tree.
        Dim exprTree As Expression(Of Func(Of Integer, Boolean)) = Function(num) num < 5

        ' Decompose the expression tree.
        Dim param As ParameterExpression = exprTree.Parameters(0)
        Dim operation As BinaryExpression = exprTree.Body
        Dim left As ParameterExpression = operation.Left
        Dim right As ConstantExpression = operation.Right

        Console.WriteLine(String.Format("Decomposed expression: {0} => {1} {2} {3}",
                          param.Name, left.Name, operation.NodeType, right.Value))

        ' This code produces the following output:
        ' Decomposed expression: num => num LessThan 5

// Add the following using directive to your code file:
// using System.Linq.Expressions;

// Create an expression tree.
Expression<Func<int, bool>> exprTree = num => num < 5;

// Decompose the expression tree.
ParameterExpression param = (ParameterExpression)exprTree.Parameters[0];
BinaryExpression operation = (BinaryExpression)exprTree.Body;
ParameterExpression left = (ParameterExpression)operation.Left;
ConstantExpression right = (ConstantExpression)operation.Right;

Console.WriteLine("Decomposed expression: {0} => {1} {2} {3}",
                  param.Name, left.Name, operation.NodeType, right.Value);

// This code produces the following output:

// Decomposed expression: num => num LessThan 5            


運算式樹狀架構應該是不可變的。這表示如果要修改運算式樹狀架構,您就必須藉由複製現有的運算式樹狀架構並取代其中節點,以建構一個新的運算式樹狀架構。您可以使用運算式樹狀架構訪問項來周遊現有的運算式樹狀架構。如需詳細資訊,請參閱HOW TO:修改運算式樹狀架構 (C# 和 Visual Basic)


Expression<TDelegate> 型別提供了 Compile 方法,此方法會將運算式樹狀架構所表示的程式碼編譯為可執行的委派。


' Creating an expression tree.
Dim expr As Expression(Of Func(Of Integer, Boolean)) =
    Function(num) num < 5

' Compiling the expression tree into a delegate.
Dim result As Func(Of Integer, Boolean) = expr.Compile()

' Invoking the delegate and writing the result to the console.

' Prints True.

' You can also use simplified syntax
' to compile and run an expression tree.
' The following line can replace two previous statements.

' Also prints True.
// Creating an expression tree.
Expression<Func<int, bool>> expr = num => num < 5;

// Compiling the expression tree into a delegate.
Func<int, bool> result = expr.Compile();

// Invoking the delegate and writing the result to the console.

// Prints True.

// You can also use simplified syntax
// to compile and run an expression tree.
// The following line can replace two previous statements.

// Also prints True.

如需詳細資訊,請參閱HOW TO:執行運算式樹狀結構 (C# 和 Visual Basic)



HOW TO:執行運算式樹狀結構 (C# 和 Visual Basic)

HOW TO:修改運算式樹狀架構 (C# 和 Visual Basic)


Lambda 運算式 (C# 程式設計手冊)



Dynamic Language Runtime 概觀

Lambda 運算式 (Visual Basic)



在 Visual Studio 2010 中使用運算式樹狀架構產生動態方法
