

這個 API 已經過時。這個選項是 unordered_map Class

傳回位址的 Iterator 以反轉 hash_map 的第一個項目。

const_reverse_iterator rbegin( ) const; 
reverse_iterator rbegin( );


解決反向雙向 Iterator 的解決一反轉 hash_map 的第一個項目或還沒有 unreversed hash_map 的最後一個項目。


啟動 使用 hash_map,rbegin 搭配反轉 hash_map。

如果傳回值 rbegin 指派給 const_reverse_iterator,則無法修改 hash_map 物件。如果傳回值 rbegin 指派給 reverse_iterator,則可以修改 hash_map 物件。

rbegin 可以用來傳遞 hash_map 向後逐一查看。

在 Visual C++ .NET Pocket PC, <hash_map><hash_set> 標頭檔 (Header File) 的成員不在 std 命名空間,,而是移至 stdext 命名空間。如需詳細資訊,請參閱 stdext 命名空間


// hash_map_rbegin.cpp
// compile with: /EHsc
#include <hash_map>
#include <iostream>

int main( )
   using namespace std;
   using namespace stdext;
   hash_map <int, int> hm1;

   hash_map <int, int> :: iterator hm1_Iter;
   hash_map <int, int> :: reverse_iterator hm1_rIter;
   hash_map <int, int> :: const_reverse_iterator hm1_crIter;
   typedef pair <int, int> Int_Pair;

   hm1.insert ( Int_Pair ( 1, 10 ) );
   hm1.insert ( Int_Pair ( 2, 20 ) );
   hm1.insert ( Int_Pair ( 3, 30 ) );

   hm1_rIter = hm1.rbegin( );
   cout << "The first element of the reversed hash_map hm1 is "
        << hm1_rIter -> first << "." << endl;

   // begin can be used to start an iteration 
   // through a hash_map in a forward order
   cout << "The hash_map is: ";
   for ( hm1_Iter = hm1.begin( ) ; hm1_Iter != hm1.end( ); hm1_Iter++)
      cout << hm1_Iter -> first << " ";
      cout << "." << endl;

   // rbegin can be used to start an iteration 
   // through a hash_map in a reverse order
   cout << "The reversed hash_map is: ";
   for ( hm1_rIter = hm1.rbegin( ) ; hm1_rIter != hm1.rend( ); hm1_rIter++)
      cout << hm1_rIter -> first << " ";
      cout << "." << endl;

   // A hash_map element can be erased by dereferencing to its key 
   hm1_rIter = hm1.rbegin( );
   hm1.erase ( hm1_rIter -> first );

   hm1_rIter = hm1.rbegin( );
   cout << "After the erasure, the first element "
        << "in the reversed hash_map is "
        << hm1_rIter -> first << "." << endl;


標題: <hash_map>

命名空間: stdext



hash_map Class
