
Extracts a numerical value from a character sequence that represents a monetary value.

iter_type get( 
   iter_type _First,  
   iter_type _Last, 
   bool _Intl,  
   ios_base& _Iosbase,  
   ios_base::iostate& _State, 
   long double& _Val 
) const; 
iter_type get( 
   iter_type _First,  
   iter_type _Last, 
   bool _Intl,  
   ios_base& _Iosbase,  
   ios_base::iostate& _State, 
   string_type& _Val 
) const;


  • _First
    Input iterator addressing the beginning of the sequence to be converted.

  • _Last
    Input iterator addressing the end of the sequence to be converted.

  • _Intl
    A Boolean value indicating the type of currency symbol expected in the sequence: true if international, false if domestic.

  • _Iosbase
    A format flag which when set indicates that the currency symbol is optional; otherwise, it is required

  • _State
    Sets the appropriate bitmask elements for the stream state according to whether the operations succeeded.

  • _Val
    A string storing the converted sequence.

Return Value

An input iterator addressing the first element beyond the monetary input field.


Both member functions return do_get(_First, _Last, _Intl, _Iosbase, _State, _Val).


// money_get_get.cpp
// compile with: /EHsc
#include <locale>
#include <iostream>
#include <sstream>
using namespace std;

int main( )
   locale loc( "german_germany" );

   basic_stringstream< char > psz;
   psz << use_facet<moneypunct<char, 1> >(loc).curr_symbol() << "-1.000,56";
   basic_stringstream< char > psz2;
   psz2 << "-100056" << use_facet<moneypunct<char, 1> >(loc).curr_symbol();

   ios_base::iostate st = 0;
   long double fVal;

   psz.flags( psz.flags( )|ios_base::showbase ); 
   // Which forced the READING the currency symbol
   use_facet < money_get < char > >( loc ).
      get( basic_istream<char>::_Iter( psz.rdbuf( ) ),   
           basic_istream<char>::_Iter( 0 ), true, psz, st, fVal );

   if ( st & ios_base::failbit )
      cout << "money_get(" << psz.str( ) << ", intl = 1) FAILED"
           << endl;
      cout << "money_get(" << psz.str( ) << ", intl = 1) = " 
           << fVal/100.0 << endl;

   use_facet < money_get < char > >( loc ).
      get(basic_istream<char>::_Iter(psz2.rdbuf( )),   
          basic_istream<char>::_Iter(0), false, psz2, st, fVal);

   if ( st & ios_base::failbit )
      cout << "money_get(" << psz2.str( ) << ", intl = 0) FAILED" 
           << endl;
      cout << "money_get(" << psz2.str( ) << ", intl = 0) = " 
           << fVal/100.0 << endl;

Sample Output

If you run Windows 2000 or earlier, you will get this output:

money_get(DEM-1.000,56, intl = 1) = -1000.56
money_get(-100056DM, intl = 0) = -1000.56

If you run Windows XP, you will get this output:

money_get(EUR-1.000,56, intl = 1) = -1000.56
money_get(-100056EUR, intl = 0) = -1000.56


Header: <locale>

Namespace: std

See Also


money_get Class