Microsoft.VisualStudio.TextTemplating.VSHost Namespace

This namespace contains types concerned with the text template transformation service in Visual Studio.

To invoke text template transformation in a Visual Studio extension, get the STextTemplating service, cast it to ITextTemplating, and then use the methods there:

ITextTemplating tt = ServiceProvider.GetService(typeof(STextTemplating)) as ITextTemplating;
tt.ProcessTemplate(templatePath, templateContent, errorCallback, vsProjectHierarchy);

For more information, see Customizing T4 Text Transformation.


  Class Description
Public class BaseCodeGenerator A managed wrapper for VS's concept of an IVsSingleFileGenerator which is a custom tool invoked during the build which can take any file as an input and provide a compilable code file as output.
Public class BaseCodeGeneratorWithSite This class exists to be co-created in a preprocessor build step.
Public class BaseTemplatedCodeGenerator Text Templating Code Generator
Public class CommandIds CommandIDs for the Text Templating Orchestrator package.
Public class CompositionServices Class to standardize usage of MEF within T4.
Public class ModelingTextTransformation Use this base class for text transformations from domain-specific language models.
Public class OrchestratorOptionsAutomation Provides storage for the settings that are displayed in the Text Templating page in the Tools Options dialog.
Public class OrchestratorOptionsPage The page in the Visual Studio Tools>Options dialog in which users can set Text Templating options.
Public class ProvideCodeGeneratorAttribute Apply this attribute to the package class in a Visual Studio extension that provides a custom tool.
Public class ProvideCodeGeneratorExtensionAttribute Attribute class to provide registration of a code generator against a specific file extension
Public class ProvideDirectiveProcessorAttribute Attribute class to provide the registry entries for a T4.VSHost Directive Processor
Public class ProvideIncludeFolderAttribute Attribute class to provide the registry entries for a T4.VSHost include folder.
Public class TemplatedCodeGenerator Parses a file template to produce its output. Only a single generator is needed for any style of template as the custom code is handled with directive providers.
Public class TemplatedPreprocessor Parses a file template to produce the code class needed to generate the output of the template. Only a single generator is needed for any style of template as the custom code is handled with directive providers.
Public class TextTemplatingCallback
Public class TransformationRunFactory