
Enables or disables automatic creation and management of the pop-up pane menu, which displays a list of application panes.

void EnablePaneMenu(
   BOOL bEnable,
   UINT uiCustomizeCmd,
   const CString& strCustomizeLabel,
   UINT uiViewToolbarsMenuEntryID,
   BOOL bContextMenuShowsToolbarsOnly=FALSE,
   BOOL bViewMenuShowsToolbarsOnly=FALSE 


  • [in] bEnable
    If TRUE, automatic handling of the pane menu is enabled; if FALSE, automatic handling is disabled.

  • [in] uiCustomizeCmd
    Command ID of the Customize menu item. This menu item is usually added to the end of the list of panes.

  • [in] strCustomizeLabel
    The text to be displayed for the Customize menu item (for localization).

  • [in] uiViewToolbarsMenuEntryID
    Specifies the ID of a toolbar menu item that opens the pane menu. Usually this is the Toolbars submenu of the View menu.

  • [in] bContextMenuShowsToolbarsOnly
    If TRUE, the pane menu displays only a list of toolbars. If FALSE, the menu displays a list of toolbars and docking bars.

  • [in] bViewMenuShowsToolbarsOnly
    If TRUE, the pane menu displays only a list of toolbars. If FALSE, the menu displays a list of toolbars and docking bars.


The pop-up pane menu displays the list of the application's panes and lets the user show or hide individual panes.


The following example shows how EnablePaneMenu is used in the VisualStudioDemo Sample: MFC Visual Studio Application.

// Enable pane context menu(list of bars + customize command):
    EnablePaneMenu( TRUE, ID_VIEW_CUSTOMIZE, _T("Customize..."), ID_VIEW_TOOLBARS, FALSE, TRUE);


Header: afxMDIFrameWndEx.h

See Also


CMDIFrameWndEx Class

Hierarchy Chart