
The framework calls this method when it draws the zoom buttons for a CMFCRibbonSlider Class object.

virtual void OnDrawRibbonSliderZoomButton(
   CDC* pDC,
   CMFCRibbonSlider* pSlider,
   CRect rect,
   BOOL bIsZoomOut,
   BOOL bIsHighlighted,
   BOOL bIsPressed,
   BOOL bIsDisabled


  • [in] pDC
    A pointer to a device context.

  • [in] pSlider
    A pointer to a CMFCRibbonSlider Class object. The framework draws this ribbon slider.

  • [in] rect
    A rectangle that specifies the boundaries of the zoom buttons on the ribbon slider.

  • [in] bIsZoomOut
    TRUE if the framework should draw the left button with a "-" for zoom out, or FALSE if the framework should draw the right button with a "+" for zoom in.

  • [in] bIsHighlighted
    A Boolean parameter that indicates whether the button is highlighted.

  • [in] bIsPressed
    A Boolean parameter that indicates whether the button is pressed.

  • [in] bIsDisabled
    A Boolean parameter that indicates whether the button is unavailable.


By default, the zoom buttons on the ribbon slider are a circle with either a + or - sign in the center. To customize the appearance of zoom buttons, override this method in a derived visual manager.


Header: afxvisualmanageroffice2003.h

See Also


CMFCVisualManagerOffice2003 Class

Hierarchy Chart