
The framework calls this method when it draws a CMFCTasksPaneTask Class object.

virtual void OnDrawTask(
   CDC* pDC,
   CMFCTasksPaneTask* pTask,
   CImageList* pIcons,
   BOOL bIsHighlighted = FALSE,
   BOOL bIsSelected = FALSE


  • [in] pDC
    A pointer to a device context.

  • [in] pTask
    A pointer to a CMFCTasksPaneTask Class object. The framework draws this task.

  • [in] pIcons
    A pointer to the image list associated with the task pane. Each task contains an index for an image in this list.

  • [in] bIsHighlighted
    A Boolean parameter that specifies whether the displayed task is highlighted.

  • [in] bIsSelected
    A Boolean parameter that specifies whether the displayed task is selected.


The framework displays tasks on the task bar as both an icon and text. The pIcons parameter contains the icon for the task indicated by pTask. Override this method in a derived class to customize the appearance of tasks on the task bar.


Header: afxvisualmanageroffice2003.h

See Also


CMFCVisualManagerOffice2003 Class

Hierarchy Chart