SCSI Miniport Driver's HwScsiAdapterControl Routine

In NT-based operating systems, miniport drivers should set this entry point to NULL in the HW_INITIALIZATION_DATA (SCSI) (see SCSI Miniport Driver Routines) if the miniport driver does not support Plug and Play. Otherwise, the miniport driver must have a HwScsiAdapterControlroutine to support PnP and power management operations for its HBA.

A miniport driver's HwScsiAdapterControl routine is first called by the port driver with ScsiQuerySupportedControlTypes after the HBA has been initialized but before the first I/O, to determine the other operations supported by the miniport driver. The miniport driver sets the operations it supports in a SUPPORTED_CONTROL_TYPE_LIST allocated by the port driver. After HwScsiAdapterControl returns from this initial call, the port driver calls the routine again only for the operations indicated by the miniport driver.

A miniport driver's HwScsiAdapterControl routine can support any or all of the following operations:

  • ScsiStopAdapter to shut down the HBA when it has been powered off, removed from the system, or otherwise reconfigured or disabled.

    At the time the SCSI port driver calls HwScsiAdapterControl to stop the HBA, it ensures that there are no uncompleted requests. The miniport driver should disable interrupts on the HBA, halt all processing including background processing not subject to interrupts, and put the HBA into an uninitialized state. The miniport driver should not release its resources; if necessary, the port driver will release resources on behalf of the miniport driver. This call to HwScsiAdapterControl is preceded by an SRB_FUNCTION_FLUSH request, so it is not necessary to flush the cache unless its data has changed since the flush request was completed.

    The miniport driver is not called again for this HBA until either the PnP manager requests that the HBA be restarted, or an HBA that was shut down for power management is powered up.

    Note that HwScsiAdapterControl, like any miniport driver routine, might be called to stop the HBA after the HBA has already been removed from the system.

  • ScsiSetBootConfig to restore any settings on an HBA that the BIOS might need to boot the system.

    A miniport driver should support ScsiSetBootConfig if it needs to call ScsiPortGetBusData or ScsiPortSetBusDataByOffset to restore such settings. The port driver calls a miniport driver's HwScsiAdapterControl with ScsiSetBootConfig after calling the routine to stop the HBA.

  • ScsiSetRunningConfig to restore any settings on an HBA that the miniport driver might need to control the HBA while the system is running.

    A miniport driver should support ScsiSetRunningConfig if it needs to call ScsiPortGetBusData or ScsiPortSetBusDataByOffset to restore such settings. The port driver calls a miniport driver's HwScsiAdapterControl with ScsiSetRunningConfig before calling the routine to restart the HBA.

  • ScsiRestartAdapter to restart an HBA that has been shut down for power management.

    At the time the port driver calls HwScsiAdapterControl to restart the HBA, all resources previously assigned to the miniport driver are still available and its device extension and any logical unit extensions are intact. When restarting its HBA, the miniport driver must not call routines that can only be called from HwScsiFindAdapter.

    If the miniport driver does not support ScsiRestartAdapter, the port driver calls the miniport driver's HwScsiFindAdapter and HwScsiInitialize routines to restart the HBA. However, such routines might do detection work that is unnecessary when restarting, so such a miniport driver will not power up its HBA as quickly as a miniport driver that supports ScsiRestartAdapter.

See HwScsiAdapterControl for more information.