Determining the Value of an Environment Variable (Windows CE 5.0)

You can determine the value of an environment variable that exists in your OS design, even if it is not explicitly set through the Environment tab of the Platform Settings dialog box.

To determine the value of an environment variable

  1. From the Build OS menu, choose Open Release Directory.

    A command-line prompt build window appears.

  2. At the command prompt, enter the following command, where <variable name> is the environment variable you want to determine the value of:

    set <variable name>

    The value for the environment variable is displayed.

If you enter this command, using only the first few characters in a variable name, Platform Builder displays the values for all environment variables using that prefix.

For more information about set, at the command prompt, enter help set.

See Also

Environment Variables | Sysgen Variables | How to Analyze CETK Test Results to Debug a Driver

Last updated on Thursday, February 02, 2006

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