SAPI Enumerations (Windows CE 5.0)

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The following table shows the Speech API (SAPI) enumerations with a description of the purpose of each.

Programming element Description
SPAUDIOOPTIONS This enumeration defines the options for an audio stream.
SPAUDIOSTATE This enumeration defines audio input and output states.
SPBOOKMARKOPTIONS This enumeration defines notifications for bookmark events.
SPCFGNOTIFY This enumeration defines event notifications related to the addition, deletion, invalidation, activation, and deactivation of rules in the loaded grammars.
SPCFGRULEATTRIBUTES This enumeration defines attributes for grammar rules.
SPCONTEXTSTATE This enumeration defines states for grammars associated with a speech recognition context.
SPDATAKEYLOCATION This enumeration defines top-level registry keys.
SPDISPLAYATTRIBUTES This enumeration defines display attributes.
SPEAKFLAGS This enumeration defines flags that control the speaking behavior for a voice.
SPENDSRSTREAMFLAGS This enumeration defines flags to signal the end of a speech recognition stream.
SPEVENTENUM This enumeration defines SAPI events.
SPEVENTLPARAMTYPE This enumeration represents pointers to types of parameters.
SPFILEMODE This enumeration defines file opening states.
SPGRAMMARSTATE This enumeration defines grammar states.
SPGRAMMARWORDTYPE This enumeration defines the types of the words that can be added to a grammar.
SPINTERFERENCE This enumeration defines possible causes of interference or poor recognition with the input stream.
SPLEXICONTYPE This enumeration defines the allowed lexicon types.
SPLOADOPTIONS This enumeration defines options for loading a grammar.
SPPARTOFSPEECH This enumeration defines the parts of speech categories used in SAPI 5.0.
SPPHRASERNG This enumeration defines alternate phrase elements.
SPPROPSRC This enumeration defines property sources.
SPRECOEVENTFLAGS This enumeration defines flags that indicate the state of the SR engine.
SPRECOSTATE This enumeration defines engine recognition states.
SPRESULTTYPE This enumeration defines result object types.
SPRULEINFOOPT This enumeration defines grammar rule options.
SPRULESTATE This enumeration defines grammar rule states.
SPRUNSTATE This enumeration defines voice running states.
SPSTREAMFORMAT This enumeration defines stream formats.
SPTRANSITIONTYPE This enumeration defines grammar rule transitions from a CFG state.
SPVACTIONS This enumeration defines actions to take for the text fragment with which the voice state is associated.
SPVALUETYPE This enumeration defines value types used in removing speech elements.
SPVESACTIONS This enumeration defines real-time actions.
SPVFEATURE This enumeration defines viseme features.
SPVISEMES This enumeration defines the SAPI 5.0 Viseme set.
SPVLIMITS This enumeration defines limits for rate and volume adjustments that TTS engines are required to support.
SPVPRIORITY This enumeration defines the priorities that voices can have.
SPVSKIPTYPE This enumeration defines the type of item to skip in ISpVoice::Skip.
SPWAVEFORMATTYPE This enumeration defines wave format types.
SPWORDINFOOPT This enumeration defines the options for a grammar word.
SPWORDPRONOUNCEABLE This enumeration defines options for word pronunciation.
SPWORDTYPE This enumeration defines the change states for a word-pronunciation combination in a lexicon

See Also

SAPI Reference | Speech API (SAPI) Version 5.0

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