
This function performs a generic composition of two monikers and supplies a pointer to the resulting composite moniker.

WINOLEAPI CreateGenericComposite(
  LPMONIKER pmkFirst,
  LPMONIKER pmkRest,
  LPMONIKER FAR* ppmkComposite 


  • pmkFirst
    [in] Pointer to the moniker to be composed to the left of the moniker that pmkRest points to. Can point to any kind of moniker, including a generic composite.
  • pmkRest
    [in] Pointer to the moniker to be composed to the right of the moniker that pmkFirst points to. Can point to any kind of moniker compatible with the type of the pmkRest moniker, including a generic composite.
  • ppmkComposite
    [out] Address of IMoniker* pointer variable that receives the interface pointer to the composite moniker object that is the result of composing pmkFirst and pmkRest. This object supports the OLE composite moniker implementation of IMoniker. When successful, the function has called IUnknown::AddRef on the moniker and the caller is responsible for calling IUnknown::Release. If either pmkFirst or pmkRest are NULL, the supplied pointer is the one that is non-NULL. If both pmkFirst and pmkRest are NULL, or if an error occurs, the returned pointer is NULL.

Return Values

This function supports the standard return value E_OUTOFMEMORY, as well as the following:

  • S_OK
    The two input monikers were successfully composed.
    The two monikers could not be composed due to an error in the syntax of a path (for example, if both pmkFirst and pmkRest are file monikers based on absolute paths).


CreateGenericComposite joins two monikers into one. The moniker classes being joined can be different, subject only to the rules of composition. Call this function only if you are writing a new moniker class by implementing the IMoniker interface, within an implementation of IMoniker::ComposeWith that includes generic composition capability.

Moniker providers should call IMoniker::ComposeWith to compose two monikers together. Implementations of ComposeWith should (as do OLE implementations) attempt, when reasonable for the class, to perform non-generic compositions first, in which two monikers of the same class are combined. If this is not possible, the implementation can call CreateGenericComposite to do a generic composition, which combines two monikers of different classes, within the rules of composition. You can define new types of non-generic compositions if you write a new moniker class.

During the process of composing the two monikers, CreateGenericComposite makes all possible simplifications. Consider the example where pmkFirst is the generic composite moniker, A + B + C, and pmkRest is the generic composite moniker, C -1 + B -1 + Z (where C -1 is the inverse of C). The function first composes C to C -1, which composes to nothing. Then it composes B and B -1 to nothing. Finally, it composes A to Z, and supplies a pointer to the generic composite moniker, A + Z.

To determine whether the platform supports this function, see Determining Supported COM APIs.


OS Versions: Windows CE 3.0 and later.
Header: Objbase.h.
Link Library: Ole32.lib.

Last updated on Wednesday, April 13, 2005

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