MSMQMessage.AuthLevel (Windows CE 5.0)

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This property specifies if the message needs authentication.

HRESULT get_AuthLevel( long* plAuthLevel);HRESULT put_AuthLevel( longlAuthLevel);


  • plAuthLevel or lAuthLevel
    Value that specifies if the message needs authentication. The following table shows the supported values.
    Value Description
    MQMSG_AUTH_LEVEL_NONE The default. The message is not signed. Message Queuing does not need to authenticate the message when it reaches the queue.

Return Values

The following table describes the common return values.

Value Description
S_OK Success
E_INVALIDARG One or more arguments are invalid
E_NOTIMPL The function contains no implementation
E_OUTOFMEMORY Out of memory


MSMQ ignores the AuthLevel property and it should not be set.


OS Versions: Windows CE .NET 4.0 and later.
Header: Mqoai.h.
Link Library: Mqoa.lib.

See Also

MSMQMessage | MSMQMessage.IsAuthenticated | MSMQQueueInfo.Authenticate | PROPID_M_AUTH_LEVEL

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