MSMQMessage.Body (Windows CE 5.0)

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This property specifies the contents of the message.

HRESULT get_Body( VARIANT* pvarBody);HRESULT put_Body( VARIANTvarBody);


Return Values

The following table describes the common return values.

Value Description
S_OK Success
E_INVALIDARG One or more arguments are invalid
E_NOTIMPL The function contains no implementation
E_OUTOFMEMORY Out of memory


Each Message Queuing message can have no more than 4 MB of data.

When sending messages using COM components, the sending application does not indicate the type of information (string, array of bytes, numeric types, currency, date, or COM object) that is stored in the message body. Message Queuing determines the body type from the true type of the Variant assigned to the MSMQMessage.Body property.

When peeking at or retrieving messages, the receiving application should determine what type of information is in the message body before processing the message body.

Message Queuing COM components ignore characters that follow the first null character in a string, including in the body of a message, without returning an error.

Equivalent Function property

When using functions, the body of the message can be set and retrieved using the PROPID_M_BODY property.


OS Versions: Windows CE .NET 4.0 and later.
Header: Mqoai.h.
Link Library: Mqoa.lib.

See Also


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