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This structure contains parameters used to establish the association between an application and TAPI; for example, the application's selected event notification mechanism. The phoneInitializeEx function uses this structure.

typedef struct phoneinitializeexparams_tag {DWORD dwTotalSize;DWORD dwNeededSize;DWORD dwUsedSize;DWORD dwOptions;union {HANDLE hEvent;HANDLE hCompletionPort;} Handles;DWORD dwCompletionKey;} PHONEINITIALIZEEXPARAMS, FAR* LPPHONEINITIALIZEEXPARAMS;


  • dwTotalSize
    Total size, in bytes, allocated to this data structure.
  • dwNeededSize
    Size, in bytes, for this data structure that is needed to hold all the returned information.
  • dwUsedSize
    Size, in bytes, of the portion of this data structure that contains useful information.
  • dwOptions
    One of the PHONEINITIALIZEEXOPTION. Specifies the event notification mechanism the application desires to use.
  • hEvent
    If dwOptions specifies PHONEINITIALIZEEXOPTION_USEEVENT, TAPI returns the event handle in this member.
  • hCompletionPort
    This member is ignored in Windows CE.
  • dwCompletionKey
    This member is ignored in Windows CE.


See phoneInitializeEx for further information on these options.


OS Versions: Windows CE 3.0 and later.
Header: Tapi.h.

See Also


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