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This structure contains information about the connection status of an enabled line.

typedef struct tagRasCntlServerConnection {  RASDEVINFO rasDevInfo;  HRASCONN hrasconn;  DWORD dwServerIpAddress;  DWORD dwClientIpAddress;  RASCONNSTATE RasConnState;  TCHAR tszUserName[DNLEN + 1 + UNLEN + 1];} RASCNTL_SERVERCONNECTION, *PRASCNTL_SERVERCONNECTION;


  • rasDevInfo
    Filled in by the szDeviceType and szDeviceName members of a RASDEVINFO structure of the enabled line.
  • hrasconn
    Handle that can be passed in to the RasGetLinkStatistics function. Set to NULL if the line is not enabled.
  • dwServerIpAddress
    Specifies the IP address for the IP interface of the server line.
  • dwClientIpAddress
    Specifies the IP Address that is assigned to the client that connects to this line.
  • RasConnState
    Specifies a RASCONNSTATE enumerator value that indicates the current state of the RasDial connection process.
  • tszUserName
    Name of the user who is logged in to the port.


OS Versions: Windows CE 5.0 and later.
Header: Ras.h.

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