LPGET_REPORT (Windows CE 5.0)

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This function retrieves a report from the device.

typedef DWORD (*LPGET_REPORT) (  HID_HANDLE hDevice,  HIDP_REPORT_TYPE type,  PCHAR pbBuffer,  DWORD cbBuffer,  PDWORD pcbTransferred,  DWORD dwTimeout);


  • hDevice
    [in] Handle to a HID device.
  • type
    [in] Type of HID report.
  • pbBuffer
    [in] Pointer to the HID report. The first byte is the report identifier.
  • cbBuffer
    [in] HID report length. If the length is greater than HID_MAX_REPORT_LENGTH, cbBuffer is set to HID_MAX_REPORT_LENGTH.
  • pcbTransferred
    [out] Pointer to the transferred data.
  • dwTimeout
    [in] Time in milliseconds (ms) before the operation times out.

Return Values

Returns the error values from IssueVendorTransfer. Additionally, a USB_TRANSFER handle indicates success and NULL indicates failure.


Do not use this function to regularly poll the device, use IssueVendorTransfer.


OS Versions: Windows CE .NET 4.2 and later.
Header: Hiddi.h.
Link Library: Conshid_lib.lib, Kbdhid_lib.lib, or Mouhid_lib.lib.

See Also


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