Adding a Temporary New Button Menu Item (Windows CE 5.0)

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When running on a run-time image that supports the AYGShell API extensions, applications can add their own temporary entries to the upper portion of the New button menu. This allows an application to present the user with a greater variety of items to create rather than just a single default type. When the user switches applications, the temporary entries in the New button menu are replaced with the temporary entries of the application that has the focus.

A registry setting defines each of your application's temporary New button menu entries. Each registry setting contains the display text for the item and a GUID for the item's COM object. For more information, see Shell Registry Settings.

When your application is the foreground application, it receives WM_NOTIFY messages with NMN_GETAPPREGKEY notifications when the user chooses the New button menu. Your application must fill the szReg member of the NMNEWMENU structure with a null-terminated string of the following form:

HKLM\<Application Name>\NewMenu

The shell uses this string to search the registry, enumerates all the GUIDs, and displays text strings related to menu entries for your application.

When the user chooses a menu item, the shell sends a WM_COMMAND message to the host application with the menu identifier of the selected item.

See Also

Pocket PC-style New Button

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