IVoIPCallerInfoDB::SpeedDialEnumerator (Windows CE 5.0)

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This method retrieves the speed dial enumerator for the caller information database. The enumerator retrieves the caller information records and skips records with invalid speed dial indices.

HRESULT get_SpeedDialEnumerator( IVoIPCallerInfoDBEnum** ppiEnum);


  • ppiEnum
    [out] Pointer to an IVoIPCallerInfoDBEnum interface for the newly created enumeration object. If the method succeeds, an object is created. The caller must free this object by using Release when the object is no longer being used.

Return Values

The following table shows the possible return value.

Value Description
VOIP_E_NOTINITIALIZED The database is not initialized.IVoIPCallerInfoDB::Init must be called before this method can complete successfully.


OS Versions: Windows CE .NET 4.2 and later.
Header: Voipstore.idl.
Link Library: Voipguid.lib.

See Also

VoIP Application Interface Layer Architecture | VoIP Application Interface Layer Reference | IVoIPCallerInfoDB::Init | IVoIPCallerInfoDBEnum

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