使用 MOF 擷取事件資料

若要取用事件特定資料,取用者必須知道事件資料的格式。 如果提供者使用 MOF 發佈事件資料的格式,您可以使用 MOF 類別來剖析事件資料。 所有核心事件都會使用 MOF 來發佈事件資料的格式。 如需發佈事件的資訊,請參閱 發佈事件架構

剖析事件資料需要使用 Windows 管理基礎結構 (WMI) API。 提供者發佈 MOF 類別的 ETW 命名空間是 root\wmi。 ETW 命名空間包含三種類型的 MOF 類別:提供者 MOF 類別、事件 MOF 類別,以及事件種類 MOF 類別。 事件 MOF 類別會以邏輯方式將一或多個事件種類 MOF 類別分組。 事件種類 MOF 類別會定義實際的事件資料。

事件 MOF 類別包含Guid類別限定詞,其值必須符合EVENT_TRACE結構的Header.Guid成員中的值。 若要確保您擁有正確的類別版本,請同時比較EventVersion類別限定詞與EVENT_TRACE結構的Header.Class.Version成員。

找到正確的事件類別之後,請列舉其子事件種類類別,以尋找包含事件資料格式的類別。 正確的事件種類類別包含EventType類別限定詞,其值符合EVENT_TRACE結構的Header.Class.Type成員中的值。

然後,您可以使用 WMI API 來列舉 MOF 類別的屬性。 使用每個屬性的限定詞和資料類型來判斷事件資料中要讀取的資料元素大小,以及如何格式化它。 如需 ETW 支援的 MOF 限定詞清單,請參閱 事件追蹤 MOF 限定詞

因為 ETW 不會強制事件資料值之間的對齊,所以直接從緩衝區輸入或指派值可能會導致對齊錯誤;您不應該從 MOF 類別建立結構,並嘗試使用它來取用事件資料。 例如,如果您有後面接著 ULONGLONG 的字元,則 ULONGLONG 不會對齊 8 位元組界限,因此指派會導致對齊例外狀況。 (在 64 位電腦上,這會更頻繁發生。) 基於這個理由,您應該使用 CopyMemory 將資料從緩衝區複製到區域變數。 此外,如果稍後修改事件,如果您嘗試使用 結構,則取用者可能無法運作。

從 Windows Vista 開始,建議您使用追蹤資料協助程式 (TDH) 函式來取用使用 MOF 類別發佈的事件。 如需詳細資訊,請參閱 使用 TDH 擷取事件資料

下列範例示範如何使用 MOF 類別所定義的事件。

//Turns the DEFINE_GUID for EventTraceGuid into a const.
#define INITGUID

#include <windows.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <comutil.h>
#include <wbemidl.h>
#include <wmistr.h>
#include <evntrace.h>
#include <in6addr.h>

#pragma comment(lib, "comsupp.lib")  // For _bstr_t class
#pragma comment(lib, "ws2_32.lib")  // For ntohs function


// Macro for determining the length of a SID.
#define SeLengthSid( Sid ) \
  (8 + (4 * ((SID*)Sid)->SubAuthorityCount))

typedef struct _propertyList
  BSTR Name;     // Property name
  LONG CimType;  // Property data type
  IWbemQualifierSet* pQualifiers;

// Used to determine the data size of property values that contain the
// Pointer or SizeT qualifier. The value will be 4 or 8.
USHORT g_PointerSize = 0;

// Used to calculate CPU usage
ULONG g_TimerResolution = 0;

// Used to determine if the session is a private session or kernel session.
// You need to know this when accessing some members of the EVENT_TRACE.Header
// member (for example, KernelTime or UserTime).
BOOL g_bUserMode = FALSE;

// Used to terminate event processing early
BOOL g_TerminateProcessing = TRUE;

// Points to WMI namespace that contains the ETW MOF classes.
IWbemServices* g_pServices = NULL;

void WINAPI ProcessEvent(PEVENT_TRACE pEvent);
HRESULT ConnectToETWNamespace(BSTR bstrNamespace);
IWbemClassObject* GetEventCategoryClass(BSTR bstrClassGuid, ULONG Version);
IWbemClassObject* GetEventClass(IWbemClassObject* pEventTraceClass, ULONG EventType);
BOOL GetPropertyList(IWbemClassObject* pClass, PROPERTY_LIST** ppProperties, DWORD* pPropertyCount, LONG** ppPropertyIndex);
void FreePropertyList(PROPERTY_LIST* pProperties, DWORD Count, LONG* pIndex);
void PrintPropertyName(PROPERTY_LIST* pProperty);
PBYTE PrintEventPropertyValue(PROPERTY_LIST* pProperty, PBYTE pEventData, USHORT RemainingBytes);

  const IN6_ADDR *Addr,

void wmain(void)
    TRACE_LOGFILE_HEADER* pHeader = &trace.LogfileHeader;
    TRACEHANDLE hTrace = 0;  
    HRESULT hr = S_OK;

    // Identify the log file from which you want to consume events
    // and the callbacks used to process the events and buffers.

    ZeroMemory(&trace, sizeof(EVENT_TRACE_LOGFILE));
    trace.LogFileName = (LPWSTR) LOGFILE_PATH;
    trace.BufferCallback = (PEVENT_TRACE_BUFFER_CALLBACK) (ProcessBuffer);
    trace.EventCallback = (PEVENT_CALLBACK) (ProcessEvent);

    hTrace = OpenTrace(&trace);
        wprintf(L"OpenTrace failed with %lu\n", GetLastError());
        goto cleanup;

    g_PointerSize = (USHORT)pHeader->PointerSize;
    g_bUserMode = pHeader->LogFileMode & EVENT_TRACE_PRIVATE_LOGGER_MODE;

    if (pHeader->TimerResolution > 0)
        g_TimerResolution = pHeader->TimerResolution / 10000;

    wprintf(L"Number of events lost:  %lu\n", pHeader->EventsLost);

    // Use pHeader to access all fields prior to LoggerName.
    // Adjust pHeader based on the pointer size to access
    // all fields after LogFileName. This is required only if
    // you are consuming events on an architecture that is 
    // different from architecture used to write the events.

    if (pHeader->PointerSize != sizeof(PVOID))
        pHeader = (PTRACE_LOGFILE_HEADER)((PUCHAR)pHeader +
            2 * (pHeader->PointerSize - sizeof(PVOID)));

    wprintf(L"Number of buffers lost: %lu\n\n", pHeader->BuffersLost);

    hr = ConnectToETWNamespace(_bstr_t(L"root\\wmi"));
    if (FAILED(hr))
        wprintf(L"ConnectToETWNamespace failed with 0x%x\n", hr);
        goto cleanup;

    status = ProcessTrace(&hTrace, 1, 0, 0);
    if (status != ERROR_SUCCESS && status != ERROR_CANCELLED)
        wprintf(L"ProcessTrace failed with %lu\n", status);
        goto cleanup;


        status = CloseTrace(hTrace);

    if (g_pServices)
        g_pServices = NULL;


    WCHAR ClassGuid[50];
    IWbemClassObject* pEventCategoryClass = NULL;
    IWbemClassObject* pEventClass = NULL;
    PBYTE pEventData = NULL;  
    PBYTE pEndOfEventData = NULL;
    PROPERTY_LIST* pProperties = NULL;
    DWORD PropertyCount = 0;
    LONG* pPropertyIndex = NULL;
    ULONGLONG TimeStamp = 0;
    ULONGLONG Nanoseconds = 0;
    SYSTEMTIME stLocal;
    FILETIME ft;

    // Skips the event if it is the event trace header. Log files contain this event
    // but real-time sessions do not. The event contains the same information as 
    // the EVENT_TRACE_LOGFILE.LogfileHeader member that you can access when you open 
    // the trace. 

    if (IsEqualGUID(pEvent->Header.Guid, EventTraceGuid) &&
        pEvent->Header.Class.Type == EVENT_TRACE_TYPE_INFO)
        ; // Skip this event.
        // Process the event. The pEvent->MofData member is a pointer to 
        // the event specific data, if it exists.

        // If you encounter an error while processing an event, you could
        // set g_TerminateProcessing to TRUE to terminate event processing
        // (will occur the next time ProcessBuffer is called). 

        // Get the class GUID from the header and convert it into a string.

        StringFromGUID2(pEvent->Header.Guid, ClassGuid, sizeof(ClassGuid));
        wprintf(L"%s\n", ClassGuid);
        wprintf(L"EventVersion(%d)\n", pEvent->Header.Class.Version);
        wprintf(L"EventType(%d)\n", pEvent->Header.Class.Type);

        // Print the time stamp for when the event occurred.

        ft.dwHighDateTime = pEvent->Header.TimeStamp.HighPart;
        ft.dwLowDateTime = pEvent->Header.TimeStamp.LowPart;

        FileTimeToSystemTime(&ft, &st);
        SystemTimeToTzSpecificLocalTime(NULL, &st, &stLocal);

        TimeStamp = pEvent->Header.TimeStamp.QuadPart;
        Nanoseconds = (TimeStamp % 10000000) * 100;

        wprintf(L"%02d/%02d/%02d %02d:%02d:%02d.%I64u\n", 
            stLocal.wMonth, stLocal.wDay, stLocal.wYear, stLocal.wHour, stLocal.wMinute, stLocal.wSecond, Nanoseconds);

        // If the event contains event-specific data find the MOF class that
        // contains the format of the event data.

        if (pEvent->MofLength > 0)
            pEventCategoryClass = GetEventCategoryClass(_bstr_t(ClassGuid), pEvent->Header.Class.Version);
            if (pEventCategoryClass)
                // Get the event class that contains the format of the event data.

                pEventClass = GetEventClass(pEventCategoryClass, pEvent->Header.Class.Type);

                pEventCategoryClass = NULL;

                if (pEventClass)
                    // Enumerate the properties and retrieve the event data.

                    if (TRUE == GetPropertyList(pEventClass, &pProperties, &PropertyCount, &pPropertyIndex))
                        // Print the property name and value.

                        // Get a pointer to the beginning and end of the event data.
                        // These pointers are used to calculate the number of bytes of event
                        // data left to read. This is only useful if the last data 
                        // element is a string that contains the StringTermination("NotCounted") qualifier.

                        pEventData = (PBYTE)(pEvent->MofData);
                        pEndOfEventData = ((PBYTE)(pEvent->MofData) + pEvent->MofLength);

                        for (LONG i = 0; (DWORD)i < PropertyCount; i++)

                            pEventData = PrintEventPropertyValue(pProperties+pPropertyIndex[i], 
                                                                 (USHORT)(pEndOfEventData - pEventData));

                            if (NULL == pEventData)
                                //Error reading the data. Handle as appropriate for your application.

                        FreePropertyList(pProperties, PropertyCount, pPropertyIndex);

                    pEventClass = NULL;
                    wprintf(L"Unable to find the MOF class for the event.\n");
                wprintf(L"Unable to find MOF class for %s and version %d.\n", ClassGuid, pEvent->Header.Class.Version);


    return g_TerminateProcessing;

HRESULT ConnectToETWNamespace(BSTR bstrNamespace)
    HRESULT hr = S_OK;
    IWbemLocator* pLocator = NULL;
    hr = CoInitialize(0);

    hr = CoCreateInstance(__uuidof(WbemLocator),
        (LPVOID*) &pLocator);

    if (FAILED(hr))
        wprintf(L"CoCreateInstance failed with 0x%x\n", hr);
        goto cleanup;

    hr = pLocator->ConnectServer(bstrNamespace,
        NULL, NULL, NULL,
        0L, NULL, NULL,

    if (FAILED(hr))
        wprintf(L"pLocator->ConnectServer failed with 0x%x\n", hr);
        goto cleanup;

    hr = CoSetProxyBlanket(g_pServices,
        NULL, EOAC_NONE);

    if (FAILED(hr))
        wprintf(L"CoSetProxyBlanket failed with 0x%x\n", hr);
        g_pServices = NULL;


    if (pLocator)

    return hr;

IWbemClassObject* GetEventCategoryClass(BSTR bstrClassGuid, int Version)
    HRESULT hr = S_OK;
    HRESULT hrQualifier = S_OK;
    IEnumWbemClassObject* pClasses = NULL;
    IWbemClassObject* pClass = NULL;
    IWbemQualifierSet* pQualifiers = NULL;
    ULONG cnt = 0;
    VARIANT varGuid;
    VARIANT varVersion;

    // All ETW MOF classes derive from the EventTrace class, so you need to 
    // enumerate all the EventTrace descendants to find the correct event category class. 

    hr = g_pServices->CreateClassEnum(_bstr_t(L"EventTrace"), 
        NULL, &pClasses);

    if (FAILED(hr))
        wprintf(L"g_pServices->CreateClassEnum failed with 0x%x\n", hr);
        goto cleanup;

    while (S_OK == hr)
        hr = pClasses->Next(WBEM_INFINITE, 1, &pClass, &cnt);

        if (FAILED(hr))
            wprintf(L"pClasses->Next failed with 0x%x\n", hr);
            goto cleanup;

        // Get all the qualifiers for the class and search for the Guid qualifier. 

        hrQualifier = pClass->GetQualifierSet(&pQualifiers);

        if (pQualifiers)
            hrQualifier = pQualifiers->Get(L"Guid", 0, &varGuid, NULL);

            if (SUCCEEDED(hrQualifier))
                // Compare this class' GUID to the one from the event.

                if (_wcsicmp(varGuid.bstrVal, bstrClassGuid) == 0)
                    // If the GUIDs are equal, check for the correct version.
                    // The version is correct if the class does not contain the EventVersion
                    // qualifier or the class version matches the version from the event.

                    hrQualifier = pQualifiers->Get(L"EventVersion", 0, &varVersion, NULL);

                    if (SUCCEEDED(hrQualifier))
                        if (Version == varVersion.intVal)
                            break; //found class

                    else if (WBEM_E_NOT_FOUND == hrQualifier) 
                        break; //found class


            pQualifiers = NULL;

        pClass = NULL;


    if (pClasses)
        pClasses = NULL;

    if (pQualifiers)
        pQualifiers = NULL;


    return pClass;

IWbemClassObject* GetEventClass(IWbemClassObject* pEventCategoryClass, int EventType)
    HRESULT hr = S_OK;
    HRESULT hrQualifier = S_OK;
    IEnumWbemClassObject* pClasses = NULL;
    IWbemClassObject* pClass = NULL;
    IWbemQualifierSet* pQualifiers = NULL;
    ULONG cnt = 0;
    VARIANT varClassName;
    VARIANT varEventType;
    BOOL FoundEventClass = FALSE;

    // Get the name of the event category class so you can enumerate its children classes.

    hr = pEventCategoryClass->Get(L"__RELPATH", 0, &varClassName, NULL, NULL);

    if (FAILED(hr))
        wprintf(L"pEventCategoryClass->Get failed with 0x%x\n", hr);
        goto cleanup;

    hr = g_pServices->CreateClassEnum(varClassName.bstrVal, 
        NULL, &pClasses);

    if (FAILED(hr))
        wprintf(L"g_pServices->CreateClassEnum failed with 0x%x\n", hr);
        goto cleanup;

    // Loop through the enumerated classes and find the event class that 
    // matches the event. The class is a match if the event type from the 
    // event matches the value from the EventType class qualifier. 

    while (S_OK == hr)
        hr = pClasses->Next(WBEM_INFINITE, 1, &pClass, &cnt);
        if (FAILED(hr))
            wprintf(L"pClasses->Next failed with 0x%x\n", hr);
            goto cleanup;

        // Get all the qualifiers for the class and search for the EventType qualifier. 

        hrQualifier = pClass->GetQualifierSet(&pQualifiers);

        if (FAILED(hrQualifier))
            wprintf(L"pClass->GetQualifierSet failed with 0x%x\n", hrQualifier);
            pClass = NULL;
            goto cleanup;

        hrQualifier = pQualifiers->Get(L"EventType", 0, &varEventType, NULL);

        if (FAILED(hrQualifier))
            wprintf(L"pQualifiers->Get(eventtype) failed with 0x%x\n", hrQualifier);
            pClass = NULL;
            goto cleanup;

        // If multiple events provide the same data, the EventType qualifier
        // will contain an array of types. Loop through the array and find a match.

        if (varEventType.vt & VT_ARRAY)
            HRESULT hrSafe = S_OK;
            int ClassEventType;
            SAFEARRAY* pEventTypes = varEventType.parray;

            for (LONG i=0; (ULONG)i < pEventTypes->rgsabound->cElements; i++)
                hrSafe = SafeArrayGetElement(pEventTypes, &i, &ClassEventType);

                if (ClassEventType == EventType)
                    FoundEventClass = TRUE;
                    break;  //for loop
            if (varEventType.intVal == EventType)
                FoundEventClass = TRUE;


        if (TRUE == FoundEventClass)
            break;  //while loop

        pClass = NULL;


    if (pClasses)
        pClasses = NULL;

    if (pQualifiers)
        pQualifiers = NULL;


    return pClass;

// This function retrieves the list of properties, data type, and qualifiers for
// each property in the class. If you know the name of the property you want to 
// retrieve, you can call the IWbemClassObject::Get method to retrieve the data
// type and IWbemClassObject::GetPropertyQualifierSet to retrieve its qualifiers.

BOOL GetPropertyList(IWbemClassObject* pClass, PROPERTY_LIST** ppProperties, DWORD* pPropertyCount, LONG** ppPropertyIndex)
    HRESULT hr = S_OK;
    SAFEARRAY* pNames = NULL;
    LONG j = 0;
    VARIANT var;

    // Retrieve the property names.

    hr = pClass->GetNames(NULL, WBEM_FLAG_NONSYSTEM_ONLY, NULL, &pNames);
    if (pNames)
        *pPropertyCount = pNames->rgsabound->cElements;

        // Allocate a block of memory to hold an array of PROPERTY_LIST structures.

        *ppProperties = (PROPERTY_LIST*) malloc(sizeof(PROPERTY_LIST) * (*pPropertyCount));
        if (NULL == *ppProperties)
            hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY;
            goto cleanup;

        // WMI may not return the properties in the order as defined in the MOF. Allocate
        // an array of indexes that map into the property list array, so you can retrieve
        // the event data in the correct order.

        *ppPropertyIndex = (LONG*) malloc(sizeof(LONG) * (*pPropertyCount));
        if (NULL == *ppPropertyIndex)
            hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY;
            goto cleanup;

        for (LONG i = 0; (ULONG)i < *pPropertyCount; i++)
            //Save the name of the property.

            hr = SafeArrayGetElement(pNames, &i, &((*ppProperties+i)->Name));
            if (FAILED(hr))
                goto cleanup;

            //Save the qualifiers. Used latter to help determine how to read the event data.

            hr = pClass->GetPropertyQualifierSet((*ppProperties+i)->Name, &((*ppProperties+i)->pQualifiers));
            if (FAILED(hr))
                goto cleanup;

            // Use the WmiDataId qualifier to determine the correct property order.
            // Index[0] points to the property list element that contains WmiDataId("1"),
            // Index[1] points to the property list element that contains WmiDataId("2"),
            // and so on. 

            hr = (*ppProperties+i)->pQualifiers->Get(L"WmiDataId", 0, &var, NULL);
            if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
                j = var.intVal - 1;
                *(*ppPropertyIndex+j) = i;
            else if (WBEM_E_NOT_FOUND == hr)
                continue; // Ignore property without WmiDataId
                goto cleanup;

            // Save the data type of the property.

            hr = pClass->Get((*ppProperties+i)->Name, 0, NULL, &((*ppProperties+i)->CimType), NULL);    
            if (FAILED(hr))
                goto cleanup;


    if (pNames)

    if (FAILED(hr))
        if (*ppProperties)
            FreePropertyList(*ppProperties, *pPropertyCount, *ppPropertyIndex);

        return FALSE;

    return TRUE;

void FreePropertyList(PROPERTY_LIST* pProperties, DWORD Count, LONG* pIndex)
        for (DWORD i=0; i < Count; i++)

            if ((pProperties+i)->pQualifiers)
                (pProperties+i)->pQualifiers = NULL;


    if (pIndex)

void PrintPropertyName(PROPERTY_LIST* pProperty)
    HRESULT hr;
    VARIANT varDisplayName;

    // Retrieve the Description qualifier for the property. The description qualifier
    // should contain a printable display name for the property. If the qualifier is
    // not found, print the property name.

    hr = pProperty->pQualifiers->Get(L"Description", 0, &varDisplayName, NULL);
    wprintf(L"%s: ", (SUCCEEDED(hr)) ? varDisplayName.bstrVal : pProperty->Name);

PBYTE PrintEventPropertyValue(PROPERTY_LIST* pProperty, PBYTE pEventData, USHORT RemainingBytes)
    HRESULT hr;
    VARIANT varQualifier;
    ULONG ArraySize = 1;
    BOOL PrintAsChar = FALSE;
    BOOL PrintAsHex = FALSE;
    BOOL PrintAsIPAddress = FALSE; 
    BOOL PrintAsPort = FALSE; 
    BOOL IsWideString = FALSE;
    BOOL IsNullTerminated = FALSE;
    USHORT StringLength = 0;

    // If the property contains the Pointer or PointerType qualifier,
    // you do not need to know the data type of the property. You just
    // retrieve either four bytes or eight bytes depending on the 
    // pointer's size.

    if (SUCCEEDED(hr = pProperty->pQualifiers->Get(L"Pointer", 0, NULL, NULL)) ||
        SUCCEEDED(hr = pProperty->pQualifiers->Get(L"PointerType", 0, NULL, NULL)))
        if (g_PointerSize == 4) 
            ULONG temp = 0;

            CopyMemory(&temp, pEventData, sizeof(ULONG));
            wprintf(L"0x%x\n", temp);
            ULONGLONG temp = 0;

            CopyMemory(&temp, pEventData, sizeof(ULONGLONG));
            wprintf(L"0x%x\n", temp);

        pEventData += g_PointerSize;

        return pEventData;
        // If the property is an array, retrieve its size. The ArraySize variable
        // is initialized to 1 to force the loops below to print the value
        // of the property.

        if (pProperty->CimType & CIM_FLAG_ARRAY)
            hr = pProperty->pQualifiers->Get(L"MAX", 0, &varQualifier, NULL);
            if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
                ArraySize = varQualifier.intVal;
                wprintf(L"Failed to retrieve the MAX qualifier. Terminating.\n");
                return NULL;

        // The CimType is the data type of the property.

        switch(pProperty->CimType & (~CIM_FLAG_ARRAY))
            case CIM_SINT32:
                LONG temp = 0;

                for (ULONG i=0; i < ArraySize; i++)
                    CopyMemory(&temp, pEventData, sizeof(LONG));
                    wprintf(L"%d\n", temp);
                    pEventData += sizeof(LONG);

                return pEventData;

            case CIM_UINT32:
                ULONG temp = 0;

                hr = pProperty->pQualifiers->Get(L"Extension", 0, &varQualifier, NULL);
                if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
                    // Some kernel events pack an IP address into a UINT32.
                    // Check for an Extension qualifier whose value is IPAddr.
                    // This is here to support legacy event classes; the IPAddr extension 
                    // should only be used on properties whose CIM type is object.

                    if (_wcsicmp(L"IPAddr", varQualifier.bstrVal) == 0)
                        PrintAsIPAddress = TRUE;

                    hr = pProperty->pQualifiers->Get(L"Format", 0, NULL, NULL);
                    if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
                        PrintAsHex = TRUE;

                for (ULONG i = 0; i < ArraySize; i++)
                    CopyMemory(&temp, pEventData, sizeof(ULONG));

                    if (PrintAsIPAddress)
                        wprintf(L"%03d.%03d.%03d.%03d\n", (temp >>  0) & 0xff,
                                                          (temp >>  8) & 0xff,
                                                          (temp >>  16) & 0xff,
                                                          (temp >>  24) & 0xff);
                    else if (PrintAsHex)
                        wprintf(L"0x%x\n", temp);
                        wprintf(L"%lu\n", temp);

                    pEventData += sizeof(ULONG);

                return pEventData;

            case CIM_SINT64:
                LONGLONG temp = 0;

                for (ULONG i=0; i < ArraySize; i++)
                    CopyMemory(&temp, pEventData, sizeof(LONGLONG));
                    wprintf(L"%I64d\n", temp);
                    pEventData += sizeof(LONGLONG);

                return pEventData;

            case CIM_UINT64:
                ULONGLONG temp = 0;

                for (ULONG i=0; i < ArraySize; i++)
                    CopyMemory(&temp, pEventData, sizeof(ULONGLONG));
                    wprintf(L"%I64u\n", temp);
                    pEventData += sizeof(ULONGLONG);

                return pEventData;

            case CIM_STRING:
                USHORT temp = 0;

                // The format qualifier is included only if the string is a wide string.

                hr = pProperty->pQualifiers->Get(L"Format", 0, NULL, NULL);
                if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
                    IsWideString = TRUE;

                hr = pProperty->pQualifiers->Get(L"StringTermination", 0, &varQualifier, NULL);
                if (FAILED(hr) || (_wcsicmp(varQualifier.bstrVal, L"NullTerminated") == 0))
                    IsNullTerminated = TRUE;
                else if (_wcsicmp(varQualifier.bstrVal, L"Counted") == 0)
                    // First two bytes of the string contain its length.

                    CopyMemory(&StringLength, pEventData, sizeof(USHORT));
                    pEventData += sizeof(USHORT);
                else if (_wcsicmp(varQualifier.bstrVal, L"ReverseCounted") == 0)
                    // First two bytes of the string contain its length.
                    // Count is in big-endian; convert to little-endian.

                    CopyMemory(&temp, pEventData, sizeof(USHORT));
                    StringLength = MAKEWORD(HIBYTE(temp), LOBYTE(temp));
                    pEventData += sizeof(USHORT);
                else if (_wcsicmp(varQualifier.bstrVal, L"NotCounted") == 0)
                    // The string is not null-terminated and does not contain
                    // its own length, so its length is the remaining bytes of
                    // the event data. 

                    StringLength = RemainingBytes;


                for (ULONG i = 0; i < ArraySize; i++)
                    if (IsWideString)
                        if (IsNullTerminated)
                            StringLength = (USHORT)wcslen((WCHAR*)pEventData) + 1;
                            wprintf(L"%s\n", (WCHAR*)pEventData);
                            LONG StringSize = (StringLength) * sizeof(WCHAR); 
                            WCHAR* pwsz = (WCHAR*)malloc(StringSize+2); // +2 for NULL

                            if (pwsz)
                                CopyMemory(pwsz, (WCHAR*)pEventData, StringSize); 
                                *(pwsz+StringSize) = '\0';
                                wprintf(L"%s\n", pwsz);
                                // Handle allocation error.

                        StringLength *= sizeof(WCHAR);
                    else  // It is an ANSI string
                        if (IsNullTerminated)
                            StringLength = (USHORT)strlen((char*)pEventData) + 1;
                            printf("%s\n", (char*)pEventData);
                            char* psz = (char*)malloc(StringLength+1);  // +1 for NULL

                            if (psz)
                                CopyMemory(psz, (char*)pEventData, StringLength);
                                *(psz+StringLength) = '\0';
                                printf("%s\n", psz);
                                // Handle allocation error.

                    pEventData += StringLength;
                    StringLength = 0;

                return pEventData;

            case CIM_BOOLEAN:
                BOOL temp = FALSE;

                for (ULONG i=0; i < ArraySize; i++)
                    CopyMemory(&temp, pEventData, sizeof(BOOL));
                    wprintf(L"%s\n", (temp) ? L"TRUE" : L"FALSE");
                    pEventData += sizeof(BOOL);

                return pEventData;

            case CIM_SINT8:
            case CIM_UINT8:
                hr = pProperty->pQualifiers->Get(L"Extension", 0, &varQualifier, NULL);
                if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
                    // This is here to support legacy event classes; the Guid extension 
                    // should only be used on properties whose CIM type is object.

                    if (_wcsicmp(L"Guid", varQualifier.bstrVal) == 0)
                        WCHAR szGuid[50];
                        GUID Guid;

                        CopyMemory(&Guid, (GUID*)pEventData, sizeof(GUID));
                        StringFromGUID2(Guid, szGuid, sizeof(szGuid)-1);
                        wprintf(L"%s\n", szGuid);

                    pEventData += sizeof(GUID);
                    hr = pProperty->pQualifiers->Get(L"Format", 0, NULL, NULL);
                    if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
                        PrintAsChar = TRUE;  // ANSI character

                    for (ULONG i = 0; i < ArraySize; i++)
                        if (PrintAsChar)
                            wprintf(L"%c", *((char*)pEventData)); 
                            wprintf(L"%hd", *((BYTE*)pEventData));

                        pEventData += sizeof(UINT8);


                return pEventData;

            case CIM_CHAR16:
                WCHAR temp;

                for (ULONG i = 0; i < ArraySize; i++)
                    CopyMemory(&temp, pEventData, sizeof(WCHAR));
                    wprintf(L"%c", temp);
                    pEventData += sizeof(WCHAR);


                return pEventData;

            case CIM_SINT16:
                SHORT temp = 0;

                for (ULONG i = 0; i < ArraySize; i++)
                    CopyMemory(&temp, pEventData, sizeof(SHORT));
                    wprintf(L"%hd\n", temp);
                    pEventData += sizeof(SHORT);

                return pEventData;

            case CIM_UINT16:
                USHORT temp = 0;

                // If the data is a port number, call the ntohs Windows Socket 2 function
                // to convert the data from TCP/IP network byte order to host byte order.
                // This is here to support legacy event classes; the Port extension 
                // should only be used on properties whose CIM type is object.

                hr = pProperty->pQualifiers->Get(L"Extension", 0, &varQualifier, NULL);
                if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
                    if (_wcsicmp(L"Port", varQualifier.bstrVal) == 0)
                        PrintAsPort = TRUE;


                for (ULONG i = 0; i < ArraySize; i++)
                    CopyMemory(&temp, pEventData, sizeof(USHORT));

                    if (PrintAsPort)
                        wprintf(L"%hu\n", ntohs(temp));
                        wprintf(L"%hu\n", temp);

                    pEventData += sizeof(USHORT);

                return pEventData;

            case CIM_OBJECT:
                // An object data type has to include the Extension qualifier.

                hr = pProperty->pQualifiers->Get(L"Extension", 0, &varQualifier, NULL);
                if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
                    if (_wcsicmp(L"SizeT", varQualifier.bstrVal) == 0)

                        // You do not need to know the data type of the property, you just 
                        // retrieve either 4 bytes or 8 bytes depending on the pointer's size.

                        for (ULONG i = 0; i < ArraySize; i++)
                            if (g_PointerSize == 4) 
                                ULONG temp = 0;

                                CopyMemory(&temp, pEventData, sizeof(ULONG));
                                wprintf(L"0x%x\n", temp);
                                ULONGLONG temp = 0;

                                CopyMemory(&temp, pEventData, sizeof(ULONGLONG));
                                wprintf(L"0x%x\n", temp);

                            pEventData += g_PointerSize;

                        return pEventData;
                    if (_wcsicmp(L"Port", varQualifier.bstrVal) == 0)
                        USHORT temp = 0;


                        for (ULONG i = 0; i < ArraySize; i++)
                            CopyMemory(&temp, pEventData, sizeof(USHORT));
                            wprintf(L"%hu\n", ntohs(temp));
                            pEventData += sizeof(USHORT);

                        return pEventData;
                    else if (_wcsicmp(L"IPAddr", varQualifier.bstrVal) == 0 ||
                             _wcsicmp(L"IPAddrV4", varQualifier.bstrVal) == 0)
                        ULONG temp = 0;


                        for (ULONG i = 0; i < ArraySize; i++)
                            CopyMemory(&temp, pEventData, sizeof(ULONG));

                            wprintf(L"%d.%d.%d.%d\n", (temp >>  0) & 0xff,
                                                      (temp >>  8) & 0xff,
                                                      (temp >>  16) & 0xff,
                                                      (temp >>  24) & 0xff);

                            pEventData += sizeof(ULONG);

                        return pEventData;
                    else if (_wcsicmp(L"IPAddrV6", varQualifier.bstrVal) == 0)
                        WCHAR IPv6AddressAsString[46];
                        IN6_ADDR IPv6Address;
                        PIPV6ADDRTOSTRING fnRtlIpv6AddressToString;


                        fnRtlIpv6AddressToString = (PIPV6ADDRTOSTRING)GetProcAddress(
                            GetModuleHandle(L"ntdll"), "RtlIpv6AddressToStringW");

                        if (NULL == fnRtlIpv6AddressToString)
                            wprintf(L"GetProcAddress failed with %lu.\n", GetLastError());
                            return NULL;

                        for (ULONG i = 0; i < ArraySize; i++)
                            CopyMemory(&IPv6Address, pEventData, sizeof(IN6_ADDR));

                            fnRtlIpv6AddressToString(&IPv6Address, IPv6AddressAsString);

                            wprintf(L"%s\n", IPv6AddressAsString);

                            pEventData += sizeof(IN6_ADDR);

                        return pEventData;
                    else if (_wcsicmp(L"Guid", varQualifier.bstrVal) == 0)
                        WCHAR szGuid[50];
                        GUID Guid;


                        for (ULONG i = 0; i < ArraySize; i++)
                            CopyMemory(&Guid, (GUID*)pEventData, sizeof(GUID));
                            StringFromGUID2(Guid, szGuid, sizeof(szGuid)-1);
                            wprintf(L"%s\n", szGuid);
                            pEventData += sizeof(GUID);

                        return pEventData;
                    else if (_wcsicmp(L"Sid", varQualifier.bstrVal) == 0)
                        // Get the user's security identifier and print the 
                        // user's name and domain.

                        SID* psid;
                        DWORD cchUserSize = 0;
                        DWORD cchDomainSize = 0;
                        WCHAR* pUser = NULL;
                        WCHAR* pDomain = NULL;
                        SID_NAME_USE eNameUse;
                        DWORD status = 0;
                        ULONG temp = 0;
                        USHORT CopyLength = 0;
                        BYTE buffer[SECURITY_MAX_SID_SIZE];


                        for (ULONG i = 0; i < ArraySize; i++)
                            CopyMemory(&temp, pEventData, sizeof(ULONG));

                            if (temp > 0)
                                // A property with the Sid extension is actually a 
                                // TOKEN_USER structure followed by the SID. The size
                                // of the TOKEN_USER structure differs depending on 
                                // whether the events were generated on a 32-bit or 
                                // 64-bit architecture. Also the structure is aligned
                                // on an 8-byte boundary, so its size is 8 bytes on a
                                // 32-bit computer and 16 bytes on a 64-bit computer.
                                // Doubling the pointer size handles both cases.

                                USHORT BytesToSid = g_PointerSize * 2;

                                pEventData += BytesToSid;

                                if (RemainingBytes - BytesToSid > SECURITY_MAX_SID_SIZE)
                                    CopyLength = SECURITY_MAX_SID_SIZE;
                                    CopyLength = RemainingBytes - BytesToSid;

                                CopyMemory(&buffer, pEventData, CopyLength);
                                psid = (SID*)&buffer;

                                LookupAccountSid(NULL, psid, pUser, &cchUserSize, pDomain, &cchDomainSize, &eNameUse);

                                status = GetLastError();
                                if (ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER == status)
                                    pUser = (WCHAR*)malloc(cchUserSize * sizeof(WCHAR));
                                    pDomain = (WCHAR*)malloc(cchDomainSize * sizeof(WCHAR));

                                    if (pUser && pDomain)
                                        if (LookupAccountSid(NULL, psid, pUser, &cchUserSize, pDomain, &cchDomainSize, &eNameUse))
                                            wprintf(L"%s\\%s\n", pDomain, pUser);
                                            wprintf(L"Second LookupAccountSid failed with, %d\n", GetLastError());
                                        wprintf(L"Allocation error.\n");

                                    if (pUser)
                                        pUser = NULL;

                                    if (pDomain)
                                        pDomain = NULL;

                                    cchUserSize = 0;
                                    cchDomainSize = 0;
                                else if (ERROR_NONE_MAPPED == status)
                                    wprintf(L"Unable to locate account for the specified SID\n");
                                    wprintf(L"First LookupAccountSid failed with, %d\n", status);

                                pEventData += SeLengthSid(psid);
                            else  // There is no SID
                                pEventData += sizeof(ULONG);

                        return pEventData;
                        wprintf(L"Extension, %s, not supported.\n", varQualifier.bstrVal);
                        return NULL;
                    wprintf(L"Object data type is missing Extension qualifier.\n");
                    return NULL;

                wprintf(L"Unknown CIM type\n");
                return NULL;

        } // switch