Graphics::MeasureCharacterRanges 方法 (gdiplusgraphics.h)



Status MeasureCharacterRanges(
  [in]      const WCHAR        *string,
  [in]      INT                length,
  [in]      const Font         *font,
  [in, ref] const RectF &      layoutRect,
  [in]      const StringFormat *stringFormat,
  [in]      INT                regionCount,
  [out]     Region             *regions


[in] string

類型: const WCHAR*


重要 對於阿拉伯文等雙向語言,字串長度不能超過 2046 個字元。

[in] length

類型: INT

指定 字串 陣列中字元數的整數。 如果 字串 參數指向 Null終止的字串,這個參數可以設定為 –1。

[in] font


Font物件的指標,指定要套用至字串之字型) 系列名稱、大小和樣式 (字型特性。

[in, ref] layoutRect

類型: const Rectf


[in] stringFormat

類型:const StringFormat*


[in] regionCount

類型: INT

整數,指定預期要接收到 區域 陣列的區域數目。 這個數位應該等於 StringFormat 物件中目前字元範圍的數目。

[out] regions

類型: 區域*

接收區域之 Region 物件的陣列指標,每個物件都會系結一系列文字。


類型: 狀態

如果方法成功,它會傳回 Ok,這是 Status 列舉的元素。

如果方法失敗,它會傳回 Status 列舉的其中一個其他元素。


字元範圍是文字字串內的字元位置範圍。 由字元範圍所指定的字元群組所佔用的顯示器區域是周框區域。 字元範圍是由 SetMeasurableCharacterRanges所設定。 目前設定的範圍數目可藉由呼叫 GetMeasurableCharacterRangeCount來決定。 此數位也是 MeasureCharacterRanges 方法預期取得的區域數目。


下列範例會定義字串內的三個字元位置範圍,並在 StringFormat 物件中設定這些範圍。 接下來, MeasureCharacterRanges 方法可用來取得範圍所指定字元所佔用的顯示三個區域。 這適用于三個不同的版面配置矩形,以顯示區域如何根據字串的配置而變更。 此外,在此第三次重複時,字串格式旗標會變更,以便測量的區域會包含尾端空格。

VOID MeasureCharRanges(HDC hdc)
   Graphics graphics(hdc);

   // Brushes and pens used for drawing and painting
   SolidBrush blueBrush(Color(255, 0, 0, 255));
   SolidBrush redBrush(Color(100, 255, 0, 0));
   Pen        blackPen(Color(255, 0, 0, 0));

   // Layout rectangles used for drawing strings
   RectF   layoutRect_A(20.0f, 20.0f, 130.0f, 130.0f);
   RectF   layoutRect_B(160.0f, 20.0f, 165.0f, 130.0f);
   RectF   layoutRect_C(335.0f, 20.0f, 165.0f, 130.0f);

   // Three different ranges of character positions within the string
   CharacterRange charRanges[3] = { CharacterRange(3, 5),
                                    CharacterRange(15, 2),
                                    CharacterRange(30, 15), };

   // Font and string format to apply to string when drawing
   Font         myFont(L"Times New Roman", 16.0f);
   StringFormat strFormat;

    // Other variables
   Region* pCharRangeRegions; // pointer to CharacterRange regions
   short   i;                 // loop counter
   INT     count;             // number of character ranges set
   WCHAR   string[] = L"The quick, brown fox easily jumps over the lazy dog.";

   // Set three ranges of character positions.
   strFormat.SetMeasurableCharacterRanges(3, charRanges);

   // Get the number of ranges that have been set, and allocate memory to 
   // store the regions that correspond to the ranges.
   count = strFormat.GetMeasurableCharacterRangeCount();
   pCharRangeRegions = new Region[count];

   // Get the regions that correspond to the ranges within the string when
   // layout rectangle A is used. Then draw the string, and show the regions.
   graphics.MeasureCharacterRanges(string, -1,
      &myFont, layoutRect_A, &strFormat, count, pCharRangeRegions);
   graphics.DrawString(string, -1,
      &myFont, layoutRect_A, &strFormat, &blueBrush);
   graphics.DrawRectangle(&blackPen, layoutRect_A);
   for ( i = 0; i < count; i++)
      graphics.FillRegion(&redBrush, pCharRangeRegions + i);

   // Get the regions that correspond to the ranges within the string when
   // layout rectangle B is used. Then draw the string, and show the regions.
   graphics.MeasureCharacterRanges(string, -1,
      &myFont, layoutRect_B, &strFormat, count, pCharRangeRegions);
   graphics.DrawString(string, -1,
      &myFont, layoutRect_B, &strFormat, &blueBrush);
   graphics.DrawRectangle(&blackPen, layoutRect_B);
   for ( i = 0; i < count; i++)
      graphics.FillRegion(&redBrush, pCharRangeRegions + i);

   // Get the regions that correspond to the ranges within the string when
   // layout rectangle C is used. Set trailing spaces to be included in the
   // regions. Then draw the string, and show the regions.
   graphics.MeasureCharacterRanges(string, -1,
      &myFont, layoutRect_C, &strFormat, count, pCharRangeRegions);
   graphics.DrawString(string, -1,
      &myFont, layoutRect_C, &strFormat, &blueBrush);
   graphics.DrawRectangle(&blackPen, layoutRect_C);
   for ( i = 0; i < count; i++)
      graphics.FillRegion(&redBrush, pCharRangeRegions + i);
   // Delete memory for the range regions.
   delete [] pCharRangeRegions;


最低支援的用戶端 Windows XP、Windows 2000 Professional [僅限傳統型應用程式]
最低支援的伺服器 Windows 2000 Server [僅限傳統型應用程式]
目標平台 Windows
標頭 gdiplusgraphics.h (包含 Gdiplus.h)
程式庫 Gdiplus.lib
Dll Gdiplus.dll




