
在 Windows 2000 上,安裝公用程式通常會檢查登錄的目前大小和大小上限,以判斷其將新增的新資料是否有足夠的可用空間。 此範例示範如何使用 System 物件內的「% Registry Quota In Use」 效能計數器,以程式設計方式執行這項操作。

下列範例使用效能資料協助程式 (PDH) 來取得計數器值;它必須與 Pdh.lib 連結。 PDH 是一組高階 API,可用來取得效能資料。


不需要在 Windows Server 2003 或 Windows XP 上實作此登錄大小檢查,因為它們沒有登錄配額限制。


//  Determines the current and maximum registry size.

#include <windows.h>
#include <tchar.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <pdh.h>

PDH_STATUS GetRegistrySize( LPTSTR szMachineName, 
    LPDWORD lpdwCurrentSize, LPDWORD lpdwMaximumSize );

//  Entry point for the program. This function demonstrates how to
//  use the GetRegistrySize function implemented below.
//  It will use the first argument, if present, as the name of the
//  computer whose registry you wish to determine. If unspecified,
//  it will use the local computer.

int _tmain( int argc, TCHAR *argv[] ) 

    LPTSTR      szMachineName  = NULL;
    PDH_STATUS  pdhStatus      = 0;
    DWORD       dwCurrent      = 0;
    DWORD       dwMaximum      = 0;

    // Allow a computer name to be specified on the command line.
    if ( argc > 1 )
        szMachineName = argv[1];

    // Get the registry size.
    pdhStatus=GetRegistrySize(szMachineName, &dwCurrent, &dwMaximum);

    // Print the results.
    if ( pdhStatus == ERROR_SUCCESS ) 
        _tprintf( TEXT("Registry size: %ld bytes\n"), dwCurrent );
        _tprintf( TEXT("Max registry size: %ld bytes\n"), dwMaximum );

        // If the operation failed, print the PDH error message.
        LPTSTR szMessage = NULL;

            GetModuleHandle( TEXT("PDH.DLL") ), pdhStatus,
            szMessage, 0, NULL );

        _tprintf( TEXT("GetRegistrySize failed:  %s"), szMessage );

        LocalFree( szMessage );

    return 0;

//  Retrieves the current and maximum registry size. It gets this
//  information from the raw counter values for the "% Registry Quota 
//  In Use" performance counter within the System object.
//      szMachineName - Null-terminated string that specifies the
//          name of the computer whose registry you wish to query.
//          If this parameter is NULL, the local computer is used.
//      lpdwCurrentSize - Receives the current registry size.
//      lpdwMaximumSize - Receives the maximum registry size.
//      ERROR_SUCCESS if successful. Otherwise, the function
//      returns a PDH error code. These error codes can be
//      found in PDHMSG.H. A textual error message can be
//      retrieved from PDH.DLL using the FormatMessage function.

PDH_STATUS GetRegistrySize( LPTSTR szMachineName, 
    LPDWORD lpdwCurrentSize, LPDWORD lpdwMaximumSize ) 
    PDH_STATUS  pdhResult   = 0;
    TCHAR       szCounterPath[1024];
    DWORD       dwPathSize  = 1024;
    PDH_RAW_COUNTER pdhRawValues;
    HQUERY      hQuery      = NULL;
    HCOUNTER    hCounter    = NULL;
    DWORD       dwType      = 0;

    // Open PDH query
    pdhResult = PdhOpenQuery( NULL, 0, &hQuery );
    if ( pdhResult != ERROR_SUCCESS )
        return pdhResult;

        // Create counter path
        pe.szMachineName     = szMachineName;
        pe.szObjectName      = TEXT("System");
        pe.szInstanceName    = NULL;
        pe.szParentInstance  = NULL;
        pe.dwInstanceIndex   = 1;
        pe.szCounterName     = TEXT("% Registry Quota In Use");

        pdhResult = PdhMakeCounterPath( &pe, szCounterPath, 
            &dwPathSize, 0 );
        if ( pdhResult != ERROR_SUCCESS )

        // Add the counter to the query
        pdhResult=PdhAddCounter(hQuery, szCounterPath, 0, &hCounter);
        if ( pdhResult != ERROR_SUCCESS ) 

        // Run the query to collect the performance data
        pdhResult = PdhCollectQueryData( hQuery );
        if ( pdhResult != ERROR_SUCCESS ) 

        // Retrieve the raw counter data:
        //    The dividend (FirstValue) is the current registry size
        //    The divisor (SecondValue) is the maximum registry size
        ZeroMemory( &pdhRawValues, sizeof(pdhRawValues) );
        pdhResult = PdhGetRawCounterValue( hCounter, &dwType,
            &pdhRawValues );
        if ( pdhResult != ERROR_SUCCESS )

        // Store the sizes in variables.
        if ( lpdwCurrentSize )
            *lpdwCurrentSize = (DWORD) pdhRawValues.FirstValue;
        if ( lpdwMaximumSize )
            *lpdwMaximumSize = (DWORD) pdhRawValues.SecondValue;

        // Close the query
        PdhCloseQuery( hQuery );

    return 0;