

下列 C++ 程式代碼範例示範如何使用 ADSI 來移動網域中的物件。

#include <stdio.h>
#include <atlbase.h>
#include <activeds.h>
#include <ntldap.h>



    Moves an object in the directory.


    padsToMove - Contains an IADs interface pointer that represents the 
    object to move.
    padsDestination - Contains an IADs interface pointer that represents the 
    container to move the object to.


HRESULT MoveObject(IADs *padsToMove, IADs *padsDestination)
    HRESULT hr;
    // Get the ADsPath of the object to move.
    CComBSTR sbstrPathToMove;
    hr = padsToMove->get_ADsPath(&sbstrPathToMove); 
        return hr;
    // Get an IADsContainer instance from the destination.
    CComPtr<IADsContainer> spContainerDestination;
    hr = padsDestination->QueryInterface(IID_IADsContainer, (void**)&spContainerDestination);
        return hr;

    // Move the object.
    CComPtr<IDispatch> spDispNewObject;
    hr = spContainerDestination->MoveHere(sbstrPathToMove, NULL, &spDispNewObject);

    return hr;

下列 Visual Basic 程式代碼範例示範如何使用 ADSI 來移動定義域中的物件。

'   MoveObject
'   Moves an object in the directory.
'   Parameters:
'   DNToMove - Contains the distinguished name of the object to move.
'   DNDestination - Contains the distinguished name of the destination
'   container.
Public Sub MoveObject(DNToMove As String, DNDestination As String)
    Dim oContainer As IADsContainer
    ' Bind to the destination container.
    Set oContainer = GetObject("LDAP://" & DNDestination)
    oContainer.MoveHere "LDAP://" & DNToMove, vbNullString
End Sub