
若要列舉作業中的檔案,請呼叫 IBackgroundCopyJob::EnumFiles 方法。 方法會 傳回您用來列舉檔案的 IEnumBackgroundCopyFiles 介面指標。

請注意,列舉清單是您呼叫 EnumFiles 方法時作業中檔案的快照集。 不過,這些檔案對象的屬性值會反映檔案的目前值。

下列範例示範如何列舉作業中的檔案,並擷取其屬性。 此範例假設 IBackgroundCopyJob 介面指標有效。

HRESULT hr = 0;
IBackgroundCopyJob* pJob;
IEnumBackgroundCopyFiles* pFiles = NULL;
IBackgroundCopyFile* pFile = NULL;
IBackgroundCopyFile3* pFile3 = NULL;
WCHAR* pLocalFileName = NULL;
ULONG cFileCount = 0;
ULONG idx = 0;

hr = pJob->EnumFiles(&pFiles);
if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
  //Get the count of files in the job. 

  //Enumerate the files in the job.
  for (idx=0; idx<cFileCount; idx++)
    hr = pFiles->Next(1, &pFile, NULL);
    if (S_OK == hr)
      // Query for the latest file interface.
      hr = pFile->QueryInterface(__uuidof(IBackgroundCopyFile3), (void**)&pFile3);
      if (FAILED(hr))
        wprintf(L"pFile->QueryInterface failed with 0x%x.\n", hr);
        goto cleanup;

      // You can use the interface to retrieve the local and remote file
      // names, get the ranges to download if only part of the file content
      // is requested, determine the progress of the transfer, change the remote file
      // name, get the name of the temporary file that BITS uses to download
      // the file, determine if the file is downloaded from a peer, and set
      // the validation state of the file so it can be shared with peers.

      //Get the local name of the file.
      hr = pFile3->GetLocalName(&pLocalFileName);
      if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
        //Do something with the file information.

      pFile3 = NULL;
      //Handle error

  pFiles = NULL;