使用 COM+ 管理員 istration 目錄的簡介範例

以程式設計方式使用 COM+ 管理員 istration 目錄時,您通常會執行下列一般步驟(此處未依照嚴格順序提供):

  • 在本機計算機上開啟 COM+ 目錄的工作階段。 您可以選擇性地連線到遠端電腦上的 COM+ 目錄。
  • 執行像是啟動或停止服務的動作—與特定 COM+ 應用程式無關的動作。
  • 執行動作,例如安裝或匯出 COM+ 應用程式,或將元件安裝至應用程式—讀取或寫入檔案的相關動作。
  • 將新專案新增至集合,例如將新專案新增至 「Applications」 集合,以建立新的 COM+ 應用程式。
  • 設定或取得集合中項目的屬性。
  • 儲存或捨棄目錄的擱置變更。
  • 處理可能發生的任何錯誤。

若要顯示當您使用 COM 管理員 物件時這些步驟的外觀,以下提供 Microsoft Visual Basic 範例。 它簡要說明上述的一些典型步驟,例如尋找集合、列舉集合以擷取專案,以及設定該專案的屬性。


  1. 建立新的 COM+ 應用程式 「MyHomeZoo」。
  2. 將某些元件 Cat 和 Dog 安裝到應用程式中。 這兩個元件都包含在必須已經存在的單一 DLL 中:MyZoo.dll。
  3. 藉由定義兩個角色來設定應用程式的角色型安全性:ZooKeeper 和 AllergicToCats。
  4. 將 ZooKeeper 角色存取權指派給整個應用程式。
  5. 僅將 AllergicToCats 角色存取權指派給 Dog 元件。
  6. 開啟安全性屬性,以便對應用程式強制執行角色檢查。
  7. 將 MyHomeZoo 應用程式匯出至檔案,使其可以安裝在其他電腦上。

若要從 Visual Basic 使用此範例,請新增 COM+ 管理員 類型連結庫的參考。

Function SetupMyZoo() As Boolean  ' Return False if any errors occur.

    '  Initialize error handling for this function.
    SetupMyZoo = False 
    On Error GoTo My_Error_Handler

    '  Open a session with the catalog.
    '  Instantiate a COMAdminCatalog object. 
    Dim objCatalog As COMAdminCatalog
    Set objCatalog = CreateObject("COMAdmin.COMAdminCatalog")

    '  Create a new COM+ application.
    '  First get the "Applications" collection from the catalog.
    Dim objApplicationsColl As COMAdminCatalogCollection
    Set objApplicationsColl = objCatalog.GetCollection("Applications")

    '  Add a new item to this collection. 
    Dim objZooApp As COMAdminCatalogObject
    Set objZooApp = objApplicationsColl.Add

    '  The "Applications" collection determines the available properties.
    '  Set the "Name" property of the new application item. 
    objZooApp.Value("Name") = "MyHomeZoo"

    '  Set the "Description" property of the new application item. 
    objZooApp.Value("Description") = "My pets at home"

    '  Save changes made to the "Applications" collection. 

    '  Install components into the application.
    '  Use the InstallComponent method on COMAdminCatalog. 
    '  In this case, the last two parameters are passed as empty strings.
    objCatalog.InstallComponent "MyHomeZoo","MyZoo.DLL","","" 

    '  Define the roles ZooKeeper and AllergicToCats 
    '  by adding them to the "Roles" collection related to MyHomeZoo. 
    '  First get the "Roles" collection related to MyHomeZoo.
    '  Use the GetCollection method on COMAdminCatalogCollection,
    '  passing in the name of the desired collection, "Roles", 
    '  and the Key property value of objZooApp.   
    '  The Key property uniquely identifies the object, serving
    '  here to distinguish the "Roles" collection related 
    '  to MyHomeZoo from that of any other application. 
    Dim objRolesColl As COMAdminCatalogCollection
    Set objRolesColl = objApplicationsColl.GetCollection("Roles", objZooApp.Key)

    '  Add new items to this "Roles" collection. 
    Dim objZooKeeperRole As COMAdminCatalogObject
    Dim objAllergicToCatsRole As COMAdminCatalogObject
    Set objZooKeeperRole = objRolesColl.Add
    Set objAllergicToCatsRole = objRolesColl.Add

    '  Set the "Name" for the new items.
    objZooKeeperRole.Value("Name") = "ZooKeeper" 
    objAllergicToCatsRole.Value("Name") = "AllergicToCats" 

    '  Save changes made to any items in this "Roles" collection. 

    '  Assign the AllergicToCats role to the Dog component to 
    '  restrict its scope of access. (The ZooKeeper role, if assigned
    '  only at the application level, can access the whole application.)
    '  First get the "Components" collection related to MyHomeZoo.
    '  Use the GetCollection method on COMAdminCatalogCollection,
    '  passing in the name of the desired collection, "Components", and
    '  the Key property value of objZooApp. 
    Dim objZooComponentsColl As COMAdminCatalogCollection
    Set objZooComponentsColl = objApplicationsColl.GetCollection("Components", objZooApp.Key) 

    '  Find the Dog component item in this "Components" collection.
    '  First Populate the collection to read in data for all its items. 

    '  Enumerate through the "Components" collection 
    '  until the Dog component item is located. 
    Dim objDog As COMAdminCatalogObject 
    For Each objDog in objZooComponentsColl
        If objDog.Name = "Dog" Then 
            Exit For
        End If
    '  Set the role checking property at the component level for Dog.
        objDog.Value("ComponentAccessChecksEnabled") = True 

    '  Save these changes.
    '  Get the "RolesForComponent" collection related to the 
    '  Dog component, using the Key property of objDog. 
    Dim objRolesForDogColl As COMAdminCatalogCollection 
    Set objRolesForDogColl = objZooComponentsColl.GetCollection("RolesForComponent", objDog.Key) 

    '  Add a new item to this "RolesForComponent" collection. 
    Dim objCatSneezerRole As COMAdminCatalogObject
    Set objCatSneezerRole = objRolesForDogColl.Add

    '  Set the "Name" of the new item to be "AllergicToCats". 
    objCatSneezerRole.Value("Name") = "AllergicToCats" 

    '  Save changes made to this "RolesForComponent" collection. 

    '  Now set properties to enforce role-based security. 
    '  First set role-based security at the application level.
    objZooApp.Value("ApplicationAccessChecksEnabled") = True 
    objZooApp.Value("AccessChecksLevel") = COMAdminAccessChecksApplicationComponentLevel 

    '  Save these changes.

    '  Finally, export the new configured MyHomeZoo application to an 
    '  MSI file, used to install the application on other machines.
    '  Use the ExportApplication method on COMAdminCatalogObject.
    objCatalog.ExportApplication "MyHomeZoo", "c:\Program Files\COM applications\MyHomeZoo.MSI", 4

    '  Exit the function gracefully.
    SetupMyZoo = True

    If Not SetupMyZoo Then
        MsgBox "Error # " & Err.Number & " (Hex: " & Hex(Err.Number) & ")" & vbNewLine & Err.Description
    End If
    objCatSneezerRole = Nothing
    objRolesForDogColl = Nothing
    objDog = Nothing
    objZooComponentsColl = Nothing
    objAllergicToCatsRole = Nothing
    objZooKeeperRole = Nothing
    objRolesColl = Nothing
    objZooApp = Nothing
    objApplicationsColl = Nothing
    objCatalog = Nothing
Exit Function

交易內的 COM+ 管理員 istration 作業

處理 COM+ 管理員 錯誤

COM 概觀 管理員 物件

擷取 COM+ 目錄上的集合

設定屬性並儲存 COM+ 目錄的變更