Glyph.Bounds Eigenschaft


Ruft die Grenzen des Glyph ab.

 virtual property System::Drawing::Rectangle Bounds { System::Drawing::Rectangle get(); };
public virtual System.Drawing.Rectangle Bounds { get; }
member this.Bounds : System.Drawing.Rectangle
Public Overridable ReadOnly Property Bounds As Rectangle


Ein Rectangle, das die Grenzen des Glyph darstellt.


Im folgenden Beispiel wird veranschaulicht, wie überschrieben Bounds wird, um eine Glyphe mit den spezifischen Dimensionen und der position zu erstellen. Dieses Codebeispiel ist Teil eines größeren Beispiels, das für die BehaviorService-Klasse bereitgestellt wird.

    virtual property Rectangle Bounds
        Rectangle get() override
            // Create a glyph that is 10x10 and sitting
            // in the middle of the control.  Glyph coordinates
            // are in adorner window coordinates, so we must map
            // using the behavior service.
            Point edge = behavior->ControlToAdornerWindow(control);
            Size size = control->Size;
            Point center = Point(edge.X + (size.Width / 2),
                edge.Y + (size.Height / 2));

            Rectangle bounds = Rectangle(center.X - 5,
                center.Y - 5, 10, 10);

            return bounds;
public override Rectangle Bounds
        // Create a glyph that is 10x10 and sitting
        // in the middle of the control.  Glyph coordinates
        // are in adorner window coordinates, so we must map
        // using the behavior service.
        Point edge = behaviorSvc.ControlToAdornerWindow(control);
        Size size = control.Size;
        Point center = new Point(edge.X + (size.Width / 2), 
            edge.Y + (size.Height / 2));

        Rectangle bounds = new Rectangle(
            center.X - 5,
            center.Y - 5,

        return bounds;
Public Overrides ReadOnly Property Bounds() As Rectangle
        ' Create a glyph that is 10x10 and sitting
        ' in the middle of the control.  Glyph coordinates
        ' are in adorner window coordinates, so we must map
        ' using the behavior service.
        Dim edge As Point = behaviorSvc.ControlToAdornerWindow(control)
        Dim size As Size = control.Size
        Dim center As New Point(edge.X + size.Width / 2, edge.Y + _
            size.Height / 2)

        Dim bounds1 As New Rectangle(center.X - 5, center.Y - 5, 10, 10)

        Return bounds1
    End Get
End Property

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