
Opens a connection with an analytical data source by using the settings specified in the ConnectionString property of the AdomdConnection.

Namespace:  Microsoft.AnalysisServices.AdomdClient
Assembly:  Microsoft.AnalysisServices.AdomdClient (in Microsoft.AnalysisServices.AdomdClient.dll)


Public Sub Open
Dim instance As AdomdConnection

public void Open()
virtual void Open() sealed
abstract Open : unit -> unit 
override Open : unit -> unit 
public final function Open()


IDbConnection. . :: . .Open() () () ()


The Open method establishes a connection to an analytical data source. If the SessionID property is set to a valid active session ID, the Open method uses the specified session. Otherwise, the Open method requests a new session before connecting.

If the Catalog connection string setting in the ConnectionString property specifies a local cube (.cub) file, a local connection is opened using the local cube file.