
Represents a connection to a multidimensional data source.

Der AdomdConnection-Typ macht die folgenden Member verfügbar.


  Name Beschreibung
Öffentliche Methode AdomdConnection() () () () Initializes a new instance of the AdomdConnection class with default values.
Öffentliche Methode AdomdConnection(String) Initializes a new instance of the AdomdConnection class by using the specified connection string.
Öffentliche Methode AdomdConnection(AdomdConnection) Initializes a new instance of the AdomdConnection class by using values from a specified AdomdConnection class. The session identifier and command state are not the same.

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  Name Beschreibung
Öffentliche Methode BeginTransaction() () () () Begins a new transaction.
Öffentliche Methode BeginTransaction(IsolationLevel) Begins a new transaction with the specified IsolationLevel enumeration value.
Öffentliche Methode ChangeDatabase Changes the current database of the open AdomdConnection.
Öffentliche Methode Clone Creates and returns an instance of an AdomdConnection based on the current AdomdConnection. Session ID and state are not cloned.
Öffentliche Methode Close() () () () Closes the connection to the database and ends the session.
Öffentliche Methode Close(Boolean) Closes the connection to the database, indicating whether to end the session.
Öffentliche Methode CreateCommand Creates and returns an AdomdCommand that is associated with the AdomdConnection.
Öffentliche Methode CreateObjRef (Geerbt von MarshalByRefObject.)
Öffentliche Methode Dispose (Geerbt von Component.)
Geschützte Methode Dispose (Geerbt von Component.)
Öffentliche Methode Equals (Geerbt von Object.)
Geschützte Methode Finalize (Geerbt von Component.)
Öffentliche Methode GetHashCode (Geerbt von Object.)
Öffentliche Methode GetLifetimeService (Geerbt von MarshalByRefObject.)
Öffentliche Methode GetSchemaDataSet(Guid, array<Object> [] () [] []) Returns schema information from a data source by using a Guid object to specify which schema information to return and by applying any specified restrictions to the information.
Öffentliche Methode GetSchemaDataSet(String, AdomdRestrictionCollection) Returns schema information from a data source by using a schema name to identify which schema to retrieve and by applying any specified restrictions to the information.
Öffentliche Methode GetSchemaDataSet(Guid, array<Object> [] () [] [], Boolean) Returns schema information from a data source by using a Guid object to identify the information, applying any specified restrictions on the information, and optionally throwing an exception when inline errors occur.
Öffentliche Methode GetSchemaDataSet(String, AdomdRestrictionCollection, Boolean) Returns schema information from a data source by using a schema name to identify the information, applying any specified restrictions to the information, and optionally throwing an exception when inline errors occur.
Öffentliche Methode GetSchemaDataSet(String, String, AdomdRestrictionCollection) Returns schema information from a data source by using a schema name and namespace to identify the information, and by applying any specified restrictions to the information.
Öffentliche Methode GetSchemaDataSet(String, String, AdomdRestrictionCollection, Boolean) Returns schema information from a data source by using a schema name and namespace to identify the information, applying any specified restrictions to the information, and, optionally throwing an exception when inline errors occur.
Geschützte Methode GetService (Geerbt von Component.)
Öffentliche Methode GetType (Geerbt von Object.)
Öffentliche Methode InitializeLifetimeService (Geerbt von MarshalByRefObject.)
Geschützte Methode MemberwiseClone (Geerbt von Object.)
Geschützte Methode MemberwiseClone (Geerbt von MarshalByRefObject.)
Öffentliche Methode Open() () () () Opens a connection with an analytical data source by using the settings specified in the ConnectionString property of the AdomdConnection.
Öffentliche Methode Open(String)
Öffentliche Methode RefreshMetadata Forces the connection to repopulate all metadata from the server.
Öffentliche Methode ToString (Geerbt von Component.)

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  Name Beschreibung
Geschützte Eigenschaft CanRaiseEvents (Geerbt von Component.)
Öffentliche Eigenschaft ClientVersion Gets the version of the ADOMD.NET client that implements the AdomdConnection.
Öffentliche Eigenschaft ConnectionString Gets or sets the string that the AdomdConnection uses to open an analytical data source.
Öffentliche Eigenschaft ConnectionTimeout Gets the time to wait for a connection to be established before the AdomdConnection stops trying to connect and generates an error.
Öffentliche Eigenschaft Container (Geerbt von Component.)
Öffentliche Eigenschaft Cubes Gets an instance of a CubeCollection that represents the collection of cubes contained by an analytical data source.
Öffentliche Eigenschaft Database Gets the name of the database to be used after the AdomdConnection is open.
Geschützte Eigenschaft DesignMode (Geerbt von Component.)
Geschützte Eigenschaft Events (Geerbt von Component.)
Öffentliche Eigenschaft MiningModels Gets an instance of a MiningModelCollection that represents the collection of mining models that an analytical data source contains.
Öffentliche Eigenschaft MiningServices Gets an instance of a MiningServiceCollection that represents the collection of mining services that an analytical data source contains.
Öffentliche Eigenschaft MiningStructures Gets an instance of a MiningStructureCollection that represents the collection of mining structures that an analytical data source contains.
Öffentliche Eigenschaft ProviderVersion Gets the version of the XML for Analysis provider that the AdomdConnection uses.
Öffentliche Eigenschaft ServerVersion Gets the version of the server used that the AdomdConnection uses.
Öffentliche Eigenschaft SessionID Gets or sets the string identifier of the session that the AdomdConnection opened with the server.
Öffentliche Eigenschaft ShowHiddenObjects Gets or sets a value that indicates whether hidden objects are returned.
Öffentliche Eigenschaft Site (Geerbt von Component.)
Öffentliche Eigenschaft State Gets the current state of the AdomdConnection.

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  Name Beschreibung
Öffentliches Ereignis Disposed (Geerbt von Component.)

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