Invalid procedure call or argument error

Lopez, Ahiezer 236 Reputation points

When pressing a command button the code below is executed, and it results in an error as seen in the picture. In addition, I seem to be the only user with this issue. My coworkers don't mention having this issue. I never had this issue until about a month ago.

Cmd button Code: Private Sub cmdCheck_Click()

On Error GoTo Err_Close_Jobs

Dim i As Integer

' check in our list

If MySel(Me!Cat) Then

' already in list - remove

CheckItems.Remove CStr(Me!Cat)


' not in the list - add it

CheckItems.Add Me!Cat.Value, CStr(Me!Cat)

' Debug.Print CheckItems

End If



Exit Sub


MsgBox Err.Number & "/" & Err.Description

Resume Exit_Close_Jobs

End Sub


Public CheckItems As New Collection

Private Sub cmdCheck_Click()

On Error GoTo Err_Close_Jobs

Dim i As Integer

' check in our list

If MySel(Me!Cat) Then

' already in list - remove

CheckItems.Remove CStr(Me!Cat)


' not in the list - add it

CheckItems.Add Me!Cat.Value, CStr(Me!Cat)

' Debug.Print CheckItems

End If



Exit Sub


MsgBox Err.Number & "/" & Err.Description

Resume Exit_Close_Jobs

End Sub

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Accepted answer
  1. Albert Kallal 5,226 Reputation points

    Check items is a collection. If the item is not in the collection, then a error occurs. You need to change the break mode settings in VBA. Tools->options, general tab, and choose the option "Break on unhandled Errors"

    VBA collections don't have a built in function to test for existence in the collection, so error trapping is a workaround for this feature.

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