MEMCM client not getting full policy.

Barleyologist 116 Reputation points

Until recently my clients have been healthy, in the last few weeks we have discovered some, not all, clients that only get partial policy. If the client had 10 app deployed against them they might only receive 5 of those. An identical machine sitting next to it in the same collection will get all 10. Machine policy action will not cause the client to get the remaining policy. I can leave it online for days and nothing changes. The only thing that will cause the deployments to show up is to delete the deployment and re deploy, run machine policy, and the deployment will show up in minutes.

The environment is http mode. I have read every log that I could think of and nothing stands out, although I am no expert in the logs. Our domain admin recently spun up new domain controllers and retired the old ones (OS update) weeks ago but do not see how this would cause the problem we see but thought I would note. I have inquired with our security officer if there are port changes but they replied no changes but our security officer is typical and is not very forthcoming. Our Enterprise CA was recently rebuild but since we are HTTP and not HTTPS I do not see how this will effect anything, just thought I would note it. We are running a CMG but this seems to only effect the on prim clients. I have read a bunch of previously posts of similar problems and have not found anything that might be causing our problems.

I appreciate any and all assistance.

Microsoft Configuration Manager Application
Microsoft Configuration Manager Application
Microsoft Configuration Manager: An integrated solution for for managing large groups of personal computers and servers.Application: A computer program designed to carry out a specific task other than one relating to the operation of the computer itself, typically to be used by end users.
480 questions
Microsoft Configuration Manager
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Accepted answer
  1. Barleyologist 116 Reputation points

    @Simon Ren-MSFT I believe I ended up finding the problem, waiting to hear back from more healthy clients to be completely sure but so far so good. I ended up determining that one applications content seemed to be corrupted in some fashion. I did not get any indication that there was any problems however while trying to manually download the content would just do nothing unlike the other deployed applications. After resolving issue the clients begin to downloaded the remaining packages. If correct the Prod Dev Team could potentially improve this process as it seems it would go down the list of apps and when it reach the troubled application it would halt. This is why some application would install and others would not. I imagine the list is likely in first deployed to most recent and why different clients got different applications. If the process was allowed to download all applications independently this situation would have been completely different leaving all machines just not displaying a single application and troubleshooting would have been much simpler. Anyways thanks for the eyes and assistance, this one was a challenge.

7 additional answers

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  1. Simon Ren-MSFT 33,226 Reputation points Microsoft Vendor


    Thanks for posting in Microsoft MECM Q&A forum.

    1.Please help check the LocationServices.log to see if the cliets could locate the correct MPs and communicate with them without any errrors.

    2.Please make sure the clients and MPs are running ok.

    Thanks for your time.

    Best regards,

    If the response is helpful, please click "Accept Answer" and upvote it.
    Note: Please follow the steps in our documentation to enable e-mail notifications if you want to receive the related email notification for this thread.

    0 comments No comments

  2. Barleyologist 116 Reputation points

    LocationServices.log from a newly imaged machine having the above problem. I do not see anything concerning;

    WSUSLocationRequest : <WSUSLocationRequest SchemaVersion="1.00" BGRVersion="1"><Content ID="{863CAEC2-10B8-48A4-B6A1-344BA14E0C82}" Version="1045"/><AssignedSite SiteCode="XYZ"/><ClientLocationInfo OnInternet="0"><ADSite Name="Domain Name"/><Forest Name=""/><Domain Name=""/><IPAddresses><IPAddress SubnetAddress="" Address=""/></IPAddresses><BoundaryGroups BoundaryGroupListRetrieveTime="2021-02-19T01:14:27.830"><BoundaryGroup GroupID="16777217" GroupGUID="" GroupFlag="1"/></BoundaryGroups></ClientLocationInfo></WSUSLocationRequest>
        LocationServices    2/19/2021 4:34:13 PM    3120 (0x0C30)
    Created and Sent Location Request '{FEBE9FA6-4FC0-44EB-903A-5DB1C7B1A3B6}' for package {863CAEC2-10B8-48A4-B6A1-344BA14E0C82}   LocationServices    2/19/2021 4:34:13 PM    3120 (0x0C30)
    ConfigMgr is no longer managing WindowsDO GPO.  Set to default values. Mode = LAN. GroupID = empty  LocationServices    2/19/2021 4:34:13 PM    11496 (0x2CE8)
    Calling back with the following WSUS locations  LocationServices    2/19/2021 4:34:13 PM    11496 (0x2CE8)
    WSUS Path='', Server='', Version='1045', LocalityEx='BOUNDARYGROUP', SUPFallbackIn='0'    LocationServices    2/19/2021 4:34:13 PM    11496 (0x2CE8)
    Calling back with locations for WSUS request {FEBE9FA6-4FC0-44EB-903A-5DB1C7B1A3B6} LocationServices    2/19/2021 4:34:14 PM    11496 (0x2CE8)
    The MP name retrieved is '' with version '8968' and capabilities '<Capabilities SchemaVersion="1.0"><Property Name="SSLState" Value="0"/></Capabilities>'  LocationServices    2/19/2021 4:34:53 PM    4380 (0x111C)
    MP '' is compatible  LocationServices    2/19/2021 4:34:53 PM    4380 (0x111C)
    Persisted AAD on-boarding info. LocationServices    2/19/2021 4:34:53 PM    4380 (0x111C)
    Refreshed security settings over AD LocationServices    2/19/2021 4:34:53 PM    4380 (0x111C)
    Attempting to retrieve lookup MP(s) from AD LocationServices    2/19/2021 4:34:53 PM    4380 (0x111C)
    Lookup Management Points from AD:   LocationServices    2/19/2021 4:34:53 PM    4380 (0x111C)
    Name: '' HTTPS: 'N' ForestTrust: 'N'     LocationServices    2/19/2021 4:34:53 PM    4380 (0x111C)
    Retrieved lookup MP(s) from AD  LocationServices    2/19/2021 4:34:53 PM    4380 (0x111C)
    Raising event:
    instance of CCM_CcmHttp_Status
        ClientID = "GUID:5F92C002-8ECC-4B3D-928E-80E32276483C";
        DateTime = "20210220003453.512000+000";
        HostName = "";
        HRESULT = "0x00000000";
        ProcessID = 6968;
        StatusCode = 0;
        ThreadID = 4380;
        LocationServices    2/19/2021 4:34:53 PM    4380 (0x111C)
    No security settings update detected.   LocationServices    2/19/2021 4:34:53 PM    4380 (0x111C)
    Refreshed Site Signing Certificate over AD  LocationServices    2/19/2021 4:34:53 PM    4380 (0x111C)
    Attempting to retrieve lookup MP(s) from AD LocationServices    2/19/2021 4:34:53 PM    4380 (0x111C)
    Lookup Management Points from AD:   LocationServices    2/19/2021 4:34:53 PM    4380 (0x111C)
    Name: '' HTTPS: 'N' ForestTrust: 'N'     LocationServices    2/19/2021 4:34:53 PM    4380 (0x111C)
    Retrieved lookup MP(s) from AD  LocationServices    2/19/2021 4:34:53 PM    4380 (0x111C)
    Attempting to retrieve default management points from lookup MP(s) via HTTPS    LocationServices    2/19/2021 4:34:53 PM    4380 (0x111C)
    Default Management Points from AD:  LocationServices    2/19/2021 4:34:53 PM    4380 (0x111C)
    Name: '' HTTPS: 'N' ForestTrust: 'N'     LocationServices    2/19/2021 4:34:53 PM    4380 (0x111C)
    Persisting the default management points in WMI LocationServices    2/19/2021 4:34:53 PM    4380 (0x111C)
    Current AD site of machine is Domain Name   LocationServices    2/19/2021 4:34:53 PM    4380 (0x111C)
    ConfigMgr is no longer managing WindowsDO GPO.  Set to default values. Mode = LAN. GroupID = empty  LocationServices    2/19/2021 4:34:53 PM    4380 (0x111C)
    LSUpdateInternetManagementPoints    LocationServices    2/19/2021 4:34:53 PM    4380 (0x111C)
    Current AD site of machine is Domain Name   LocationServices    2/19/2021 4:34:53 PM    4380 (0x111C)
    ConfigMgr is no longer managing WindowsDO GPO.  Set to default values. Mode = LAN. GroupID = empty  LocationServices    2/19/2021 4:34:53 PM    4380 (0x111C)
    Internet Management Points from assigned MP:    LocationServices    2/19/2021 4:34:53 PM    4380 (0x111C)
    Name: 'CMG.CLOUDAPP.NET/CCM_Proxy_MutualAuth/72057594037928077' HTTPS: 'Y' ForestTrust: 'N', Locality: '0', MPBGRFallbackType: 'None', MPFallbackTime: '0'  LocationServices    2/19/2021 4:34:53 PM    4380 (0x111C)
    LSUpdateInternetManagementPoints: Successfully refreshed internet MPs from MP  LocationServices    2/19/2021 4:34:53 PM    4380 (0x111C)
    Default Management Points from MP:  LocationServices    2/19/2021 4:34:53 PM    4380 (0x111C)
    Name: '' HTTPS: 'N' ForestTrust: 'Y', Locality: '3', MPBGRFallbackType: 'None', MPFallbackTime: '0'  LocationServices    2/19/2021 4:34:53 PM    4380 (0x111C)
    Persisted Default Management Point Locations locally    LocationServices    2/19/2021 4:34:53 PM    4380 (0x111C)
    Current AD site of machine is Domain Name   LocationServices    2/19/2021 4:34:53 PM    4380 (0x111C)
    ConfigMgr is no longer managing WindowsDO GPO.  Set to default values. Mode = LAN. GroupID = empty  LocationServices    2/19/2021 4:34:53 PM    4380 (0x111C)
    Attempting to retrieve local MPs from the assigned MP   LocationServices    2/19/2021 4:34:53 PM    4380 (0x111C)
    Current AD site of machine is Domain Name   LocationServices    2/19/2021 4:34:53 PM    4380 (0x111C)
    ConfigMgr is no longer managing WindowsDO GPO.  Set to default values. Mode = LAN. GroupID = empty  LocationServices    2/19/2021 4:34:53 PM    4380 (0x111C)
    Current AD site of machine is Domain Name   LocationServices    2/19/2021 4:34:53 PM    4380 (0x111C)
    Current AD site of machine is Domain Name   LocationServices    2/19/2021 4:34:53 PM    4380 (0x111C)
    Retrieved management point encryption info from AD. LocationServices    2/19/2021 4:34:53 PM    8268 (0x204C)
    Raising event:
    instance of CCM_CcmHttp_Status
        ClientID = "GUID:5F92C002-8ECC-4B3D-928E-80E32276483C";
        DateTime = "20210220003453.982000+000";
        HostName = "";
        HRESULT = "0x00000000";
        ProcessID = 6968;
        StatusCode = 0;
        ThreadID = 8268;
        LocationServices    2/19/2021 4:34:53 PM    8268 (0x204C)
    Updating portal information.    LocationServices    2/19/2021 4:35:04 PM    11392 (0x2C80)
    Received reply of type PortalCertificateReply   LocationServices    2/19/2021 4:35:04 PM    11756 (0x2DEC)
    The reply from location manager contains 1 certificates LocationServices    2/19/2021 4:35:04 PM    11756 (0x2DEC)
    Updating portal certificates    LocationServices    2/19/2021 4:35:04 PM    11756 (0x2DEC)
    Successfully created context from the raw certificate.  LocationServices    2/19/2021 4:35:04 PM    11756 (0x2DEC)
    Current AD site of machine is Domain Name   LocationServices    2/19/2021 4:35:49 PM    14592 (0x3900)
    Attempting to retrieve lookup MP(s) from AD LocationServices    2/19/2021 4:35:49 PM    14592 (0x3900)
    The MP name retrieved is '' with version '8968' and capabilities '<Capabilities SchemaVersion="1.0"><Property Name="SSLState" Value="0"/></Capabilities>'  LocationServices    2/19/2021 4:35:49 PM    14592 (0x3900)
    MP '' is compatible  LocationServices    2/19/2021 4:35:49 PM    14592 (0x3900)
    Lookup Management Points from AD:   LocationServices    2/19/2021 4:35:49 PM    14592 (0x3900)
    Name: '' HTTPS: 'N' ForestTrust: 'N'     LocationServices    2/19/2021 4:35:49 PM    14592 (0x3900)
    Retrieved lookup MP(s) from AD  LocationServices    2/19/2021 4:35:49 PM    14592 (0x3900)
    Attempting to retrieve default management points from lookup MP(s) via HTTPS    LocationServices    2/19/2021 4:35:49 PM    14592 (0x3900)
    Default Management Points from AD:  LocationServices    2/19/2021 4:35:49 PM    14592 (0x3900)
    Name: '' HTTPS: 'N' ForestTrust: 'N'     LocationServices    2/19/2021 4:35:49 PM    14592 (0x3900)
    Persisting the default management points in WMI LocationServices    2/19/2021 4:35:49 PM    14592 (0x3900)
    Current AD site of machine is Domain Name   LocationServices    2/19/2021 4:35:49 PM    14592 (0x3900)
    ConfigMgr is no longer managing WindowsDO GPO.  Set to default values. Mode = LAN. GroupID = empty  LocationServices    2/19/2021 4:35:49 PM    14592 (0x3900)
    LSUpdateInternetManagementPoints    LocationServices    2/19/2021 4:35:49 PM    14592 (0x3900)
    Current AD site of machine is Domain Name   LocationServices    2/19/2021 4:35:49 PM    14592 (0x3900)
    ConfigMgr is no longer managing WindowsDO GPO.  Set to default values. Mode = LAN. GroupID = empty  LocationServices    2/19/2021 4:35:49 PM    14592 (0x3900)
    Internet Management Points from assigned MP:    LocationServices    2/19/2021 4:35:49 PM    14592 (0x3900)
    Name: 'CMG.CLOUDAPP.NET/CCM_Proxy_MutualAuth/72057594037928077' HTTPS: 'Y' ForestTrust: 'N', Locality: '0', MPBGRFallbackType: 'None', MPFallbackTime: '0'  LocationServices    2/19/2021 4:35:49 PM    14592 (0x3900)
    LSUpdateInternetManagementPoints: Successfully refreshed internet MPs from MP  LocationServices    2/19/2021 4:35:49 PM    14592 (0x3900)
    Default Management Points from MP:  LocationServices    2/19/2021 4:35:49 PM    14592 (0x3900)
    Name: '' HTTPS: 'N' ForestTrust: 'Y', Locality: '3', MPBGRFallbackType: 'None', MPFallbackTime: '0'  LocationServices    2/19/2021 4:35:49 PM    14592 (0x3900)
    Persisted Default Management Point Locations locally    LocationServices    2/19/2021 4:35:49 PM    14592 (0x3900)
    Current AD site of machine is Domain Name   LocationServices    2/19/2021 4:35:49 PM    14592 (0x3900)
    ConfigMgr is no longer managing WindowsDO GPO.  Set to default values. Mode = LAN. GroupID = empty  LocationServices    2/19/2021 4:35:49 PM    14592 (0x3900)
    Attempting to retrieve local MPs from the assigned MP   LocationServices    2/19/2021 4:35:49 PM    14592 (0x3900)
    Current AD site of machine is Domain Name   LocationServices    2/19/2021 4:35:49 PM    14592 (0x3900)
    ConfigMgr is no longer managing WindowsDO GPO.  Set to default values. Mode = LAN. GroupID = empty  LocationServices    2/19/2021 4:35:49 PM    14592 (0x3900)
    Current AD site of machine is Domain Name   LocationServices    2/19/2021 4:35:49 PM    14592 (0x3900)
    WSUSLocationRequest : <WSUSLocationRequest SchemaVersion="1.00" BGRVersion="1"><Content ID="{863CAEC2-10B8-48A4-B6A1-344BA14E0C82}" Version="1045"/><AssignedSite SiteCode="XYZ"/><ClientLocationInfo OnInternet="0"><ADSite Name="Domain Name"/><Forest Name=""/><Domain Name=""/><IPAddresses><IPAddress SubnetAddress="" Address=""/></IPAddresses><BoundaryGroups BoundaryGroupListRetrieveTime="2021-02-20T00:35:49.183"><BoundaryGroup GroupID="16777217" GroupGUID="" GroupFlag="1"/></BoundaryGroups></ClientLocationInfo></WSUSLocationRequest>
        LocationServices    2/19/2021 4:35:49 PM    14592 (0x3900)
    Current AD site of machine is Domain Name   LocationServices    2/19/2021 4:35:49 PM    14592 (0x3900)
    MPLIST requests are throttled for 00:04:04  LocationServices    2/19/2021 4:35:49 PM    8268 (0x204C)
    Current AD site of machine is Domain Name   LocationServices    2/19/2021 4:35:49 PM    14592 (0x3900)
    ConfigMgr is no longer managing WindowsDO GPO.  Set to default values. Mode = LAN. GroupID = empty  LocationServices    2/19/2021 4:35:49 PM    4020 (0x0FB4)
    Calling back with the following WSUS locations  LocationServices    2/19/2021 4:35:49 PM    4020 (0x0FB4)
    WSUS Path='', Server='', Version='1045', LocalityEx='BOUNDARYGROUP', SUPFallbackIn='0'    LocationServices    2/19/2021 4:35:49 PM    4020 (0x0FB4)
    Calling back with locations for WSUS request {FEBE9FA6-4FC0-44EB-903A-5DB1C7B1A3B6} LocationServices    2/19/2021 4:35:49 PM    4020 (0x0FB4)
    Updating portal information.    LocationServices    2/19/2021 4:35:49 PM    8268 (0x204C)
    Received reply of type PortalCertificateReply   LocationServices    2/19/2021 4:35:49 PM    8268 (0x204C)
    The reply from location manager contains 1 certificates LocationServices    2/19/2021 4:35:49 PM    8268 (0x204C)
    Updating portal certificates    LocationServices    2/19/2021 4:35:49 PM    8268 (0x204C)
    Successfully created context from the raw certificate.  LocationServices    2/19/2021 4:35:49 PM    8268 (0x204C)
    0 comments No comments

  3. Barleyologist 116 Reputation points

    2.Please make sure the clients and MPs are running ok.

    • Site Status shows everything is running "green".
    • We only have a single MP in the environment. There were two running but when we started having this problem I removed one of them from the environment as we do not have enough clients to exceed the need for a second MP (2,800 clients). As such the client connected to the correct MP.
    0 comments No comments

  4. Barleyologist 116 Reputation points

    1.Please help check the LocationServices.log to see if the cliets could locate the correct MPs and communicate with them without any errrors.

    @Simon Ren-MSFT
    This is the locationServices.log from a recently OSDed machine. Everything looks good to me, welcome a second set of eyes.

    WSUSLocationRequest : <WSUSLocationRequest SchemaVersion="1.00" BGRVersion="1"><Content ID="{863CAEC2-10B8-48A4-B6A1-344BA14E0C82}" Version="1045"/><AssignedSite SiteCode="XYZ"/><ClientLocationInfo OnInternet="0"><ADSite Name="Domain Name"/><Forest Name=""/><Domain Name=""/><IPAddresses><IPAddress SubnetAddress="" Address=""/></IPAddresses><BoundaryGroups BoundaryGroupListRetrieveTime="2021-02-19T01:14:27.830"><BoundaryGroup GroupID="16777217" GroupGUID="" GroupFlag="1"/></BoundaryGroups></ClientLocationInfo></WSUSLocationRequest>  
        LocationServices    2/19/2021 4:34:13 PM    3120 (0x0C30)  
    Created and Sent Location Request '{FEBE9FA6-4FC0-44EB-903A-5DB1C7B1A3B6}' for package {863CAEC2-10B8-48A4-B6A1-344BA14E0C82}   LocationServices    2/19/2021 4:34:13 PM    3120 (0x0C30)  
    ConfigMgr is no longer managing WindowsDO GPO.  Set to default values. Mode = LAN. GroupID = empty  LocationServices    2/19/2021 4:34:13 PM    11496 (0x2CE8)  
    Calling back with the following WSUS locations  LocationServices    2/19/2021 4:34:13 PM    11496 (0x2CE8)  
    WSUS Path='', Server='', Version='1045', LocalityEx='BOUNDARYGROUP', SUPFallbackIn='0'    LocationServices    2/19/2021 4:34:13 PM    11496 (0x2CE8)  
    Calling back with locations for WSUS request {FEBE9FA6-4FC0-44EB-903A-5DB1C7B1A3B6} LocationServices    2/19/2021 4:34:14 PM    11496 (0x2CE8)  
    The MP name retrieved is '' with version '8968' and capabilities '<Capabilities SchemaVersion="1.0"><Property Name="SSLState" Value="0"/></Capabilities>'  LocationServices    2/19/2021 4:34:53 PM    4380 (0x111C)  
    MP '' is compatible  LocationServices    2/19/2021 4:34:53 PM    4380 (0x111C)  
    Persisted AAD on-boarding info. LocationServices    2/19/2021 4:34:53 PM    4380 (0x111C)  
    Refreshed security settings over AD LocationServices    2/19/2021 4:34:53 PM    4380 (0x111C)  
    Attempting to retrieve lookup MP(s) from AD LocationServices    2/19/2021 4:34:53 PM    4380 (0x111C)  
    Lookup Management Points from AD:   LocationServices    2/19/2021 4:34:53 PM    4380 (0x111C)  
    Name: '' HTTPS: 'N' ForestTrust: 'N'     LocationServices    2/19/2021 4:34:53 PM    4380 (0x111C)  
    Retrieved lookup MP(s) from AD  LocationServices    2/19/2021 4:34:53 PM    4380 (0x111C)  
    Raising event:  
    instance of CCM_CcmHttp_Status  
        ClientID = "GUID:5F92C002-8ECC-4B3D-928E-80E32276483C";  
        DateTime = "20210220003453.512000+000";  
        HostName = "";  
        HRESULT = "0x00000000";  
        ProcessID = 6968;  
        StatusCode = 0;  
        ThreadID = 4380;  
        LocationServices    2/19/2021 4:34:53 PM    4380 (0x111C)  
    No security settings update detected.   LocationServices    2/19/2021 4:34:53 PM    4380 (0x111C)  
    Refreshed Site Signing Certificate over AD  LocationServices    2/19/2021 4:34:53 PM    4380 (0x111C)  
    Attempting to retrieve lookup MP(s) from AD LocationServices    2/19/2021 4:34:53 PM    4380 (0x111C)  
    Lookup Management Points from AD:   LocationServices    2/19/2021 4:34:53 PM    4380 (0x111C)  
    Name: '' HTTPS: 'N' ForestTrust: 'N'     LocationServices    2/19/2021 4:34:53 PM    4380 (0x111C)  
    Retrieved lookup MP(s) from AD  LocationServices    2/19/2021 4:34:53 PM    4380 (0x111C)  
    Attempting to retrieve default management points from lookup MP(s) via HTTPS    LocationServices    2/19/2021 4:34:53 PM    4380 (0x111C)  
    Default Management Points from AD:  LocationServices    2/19/2021 4:34:53 PM    4380 (0x111C)  
    Name: '' HTTPS: 'N' ForestTrust: 'N'     LocationServices    2/19/2021 4:34:53 PM    4380 (0x111C)  
    Persisting the default management points in WMI LocationServices    2/19/2021 4:34:53 PM    4380 (0x111C)  
    Current AD site of machine is Domain Name   LocationServices    2/19/2021 4:34:53 PM    4380 (0x111C)  
    ConfigMgr is no longer managing WindowsDO GPO.  Set to default values. Mode = LAN. GroupID = empty  LocationServices    2/19/2021 4:34:53 PM    4380 (0x111C)  
    LSUpdateInternetManagementPoints    LocationServices    2/19/2021 4:34:53 PM    4380 (0x111C)  
    Current AD site of machine is Domain Name   LocationServices    2/19/2021 4:34:53 PM    4380 (0x111C)  
    ConfigMgr is no longer managing WindowsDO GPO.  Set to default values. Mode = LAN. GroupID = empty  LocationServices    2/19/2021 4:34:53 PM    4380 (0x111C)  
    Internet Management Points from assigned MP:    LocationServices    2/19/2021 4:34:53 PM    4380 (0x111C)  
    Name: 'CMG.CLOUDAPP.NET/CCM_Proxy_MutualAuth/72057594037928077' HTTPS: 'Y' ForestTrust: 'N', Locality: '0', MPBGRFallbackType: 'None', MPFallbackTime: '0'  LocationServices    2/19/2021 4:34:53 PM    4380 (0x111C)  
    LSUpdateInternetManagementPoints: Successfully refreshed internet MPs from MP  LocationServices    2/19/2021 4:34:53 PM    4380 (0x111C)  
    Default Management Points from MP:  LocationServices    2/19/2021 4:34:53 PM    4380 (0x111C)  
    Name: '' HTTPS: 'N' ForestTrust: 'Y', Locality: '3', MPBGRFallbackType: 'None', MPFallbackTime: '0'  LocationServices    2/19/2021 4:34:53 PM    4380 (0x111C)  
    Persisted Default Management Point Locations locally    LocationServices    2/19/2021 4:34:53 PM    4380 (0x111C)  
    Current AD site of machine is Domain Name   LocationServices    2/19/2021 4:34:53 PM    4380 (0x111C)  
    ConfigMgr is no longer managing WindowsDO GPO.  Set to default values. Mode = LAN. GroupID = empty  LocationServices    2/19/2021 4:34:53 PM    4380 (0x111C)  
    Attempting to retrieve local MPs from the assigned MP   LocationServices    2/19/2021 4:34:53 PM    4380 (0x111C)  
    Current AD site of machine is Domain Name   LocationServices    2/19/2021 4:34:53 PM    4380 (0x111C)  
    ConfigMgr is no longer managing WindowsDO GPO.  Set to default values. Mode = LAN. GroupID = empty  LocationServices    2/19/2021 4:34:53 PM    4380 (0x111C)  
    Current AD site of machine is Domain Name   LocationServices    2/19/2021 4:34:53 PM    4380 (0x111C)  
    Current AD site of machine is Domain Name   LocationServices    2/19/2021 4:34:53 PM    4380 (0x111C)  
    Retrieved management point encryption info from AD. LocationServices    2/19/2021 4:34:53 PM    8268 (0x204C)  
    Raising event:  
    instance of CCM_CcmHttp_Status  
        ClientID = "GUID:5F92C002-8ECC-4B3D-928E-80E32276483C";  
        DateTime = "20210220003453.982000+000";  
        HostName = "";  
        HRESULT = "0x00000000";  
        ProcessID = 6968;  
        StatusCode = 0;  
        ThreadID = 8268;  
        LocationServices    2/19/2021 4:34:53 PM    8268 (0x204C)  
    Updating portal information.    LocationServices    2/19/2021 4:35:04 PM    11392 (0x2C80)  
    Received reply of type PortalCertificateReply   LocationServices    2/19/2021 4:35:04 PM    11756 (0x2DEC)  
    The reply from location manager contains 1 certificates LocationServices    2/19/2021 4:35:04 PM    11756 (0x2DEC)  
    Updating portal certificates    LocationServices    2/19/2021 4:35:04 PM    11756 (0x2DEC)  
    Successfully created context from the raw certificate.  LocationServices    2/19/2021 4:35:04 PM    11756 (0x2DEC)  
    Current AD site of machine is Domain Name   LocationServices    2/19/2021 4:35:49 PM    14592 (0x3900)  
    Attempting to retrieve lookup MP(s) from AD LocationServices    2/19/2021 4:35:49 PM    14592 (0x3900)  
    The MP name retrieved is '' with version '8968' and capabilities '<Capabilities SchemaVersion="1.0"><Property Name="SSLState" Value="0"/></Capabilities>'  LocationServices    2/19/2021 4:35:49 PM    14592 (0x3900)  
    MP '' is compatible  LocationServices    2/19/2021 4:35:49 PM    14592 (0x3900)  
    Lookup Management Points from AD:   LocationServices    2/19/2021 4:35:49 PM    14592 (0x3900)  
    Name: '' HTTPS: 'N' ForestTrust: 'N'     LocationServices    2/19/2021 4:35:49 PM    14592 (0x3900)  
    Retrieved lookup MP(s) from AD  LocationServices    2/19/2021 4:35:49 PM    14592 (0x3900)  
    Attempting to retrieve default management points from lookup MP(s) via HTTPS    LocationServices    2/19/2021 4:35:49 PM    14592 (0x3900)  
    Default Management Points from AD:  LocationServices    2/19/2021 4:35:49 PM    14592 (0x3900)  
    Name: '' HTTPS: 'N' ForestTrust: 'N'     LocationServices    2/19/2021 4:35:49 PM    14592 (0x3900)  
    Persisting the default management points in WMI LocationServices    2/19/2021 4:35:49 PM    14592 (0x3900)  
    Current AD site of machine is Domain Name   LocationServices    2/19/2021 4:35:49 PM    14592 (0x3900)  
    ConfigMgr is no longer managing WindowsDO GPO.  Set to default values. Mode = LAN. GroupID = empty  LocationServices    2/19/2021 4:35:49 PM    14592 (0x3900)  
    LSUpdateInternetManagementPoints    LocationServices    2/19/2021 4:35:49 PM    14592 (0x3900)  
    Current AD site of machine is Domain Name   LocationServices    2/19/2021 4:35:49 PM    14592 (0x3900)  
    ConfigMgr is no longer managing WindowsDO GPO.  Set to default values. Mode = LAN. GroupID = empty  LocationServices    2/19/2021 4:35:49 PM    14592 (0x3900)  
    Internet Management Points from assigned MP:    LocationServices    2/19/2021 4:35:49 PM    14592 (0x3900)  
    Name: 'CMG.CLOUDAPP.NET/CCM_Proxy_MutualAuth/72057594037928077' HTTPS: 'Y' ForestTrust: 'N', Locality: '0', MPBGRFallbackType: 'None', MPFallbackTime: '0'  LocationServices    2/19/2021 4:35:49 PM    14592 (0x3900)  
    LSUpdateInternetManagementPoints: Successfully refreshed internet MPs from MP  LocationServices    2/19/2021 4:35:49 PM    14592 (0x3900)  
    Default Management Points from MP:  LocationServices    2/19/2021 4:35:49 PM    14592 (0x3900)  
    Name: '' HTTPS: 'N' ForestTrust: 'Y', Locality: '3', MPBGRFallbackType: 'None', MPFallbackTime: '0'  LocationServices    2/19/2021 4:35:49 PM    14592 (0x3900)  
    Persisted Default Management Point Locations locally    LocationServices    2/19/2021 4:35:49 PM    14592 (0x3900)  
    Current AD site of machine is Domain Name   LocationServices    2/19/2021 4:35:49 PM    14592 (0x3900)  
    ConfigMgr is no longer managing WindowsDO GPO.  Set to default values. Mode = LAN. GroupID = empty  LocationServices    2/19/2021 4:35:49 PM    14592 (0x3900)  
    Attempting to retrieve local MPs from the assigned MP   LocationServices    2/19/2021 4:35:49 PM    14592 (0x3900)  
    Current AD site of machine is Domain Name   LocationServices    2/19/2021 4:35:49 PM    14592 (0x3900)  
    ConfigMgr is no longer managing WindowsDO GPO.  Set to default values. Mode = LAN. GroupID = empty  LocationServices    2/19/2021 4:35:49 PM    14592 (0x3900)  
    Current AD site of machine is Domain Name   LocationServices    2/19/2021 4:35:49 PM    14592 (0x3900)  
    WSUSLocationRequest : <WSUSLocationRequest SchemaVersion="1.00" BGRVersion="1"><Content ID="{863CAEC2-10B8-48A4-B6A1-344BA14E0C82}" Version="1045"/><AssignedSite SiteCode="XYZ"/><ClientLocationInfo OnInternet="0"><ADSite Name="Domain Name"/><Forest Name=""/><Domain Name=""/><IPAddresses><IPAddress SubnetAddress="" Address=""/></IPAddresses><BoundaryGroups BoundaryGroupListRetrieveTime="2021-02-20T00:35:49.183"><BoundaryGroup GroupID="16777217" GroupGUID="" GroupFlag="1"/></BoundaryGroups></ClientLocationInfo></WSUSLocationRequest>  
        LocationServices    2/19/2021 4:35:49 PM    14592 (0x3900)  
    Current AD site of machine is Domain Name   LocationServices    2/19/2021 4:35:49 PM    14592 (0x3900)  
    MPLIST requests are throttled for 00:04:04  LocationServices    2/19/2021 4:35:49 PM    8268 (0x204C)  
    Current AD site of machine is Domain Name   LocationServices    2/19/2021 4:35:49 PM    14592 (0x3900)  
    ConfigMgr is no longer managing WindowsDO GPO.  Set to default values. Mode = LAN. GroupID = empty  LocationServices    2/19/2021 4:35:49 PM    4020 (0x0FB4)  
    Calling back with the following WSUS locations  LocationServices    2/19/2021 4:35:49 PM    4020 (0x0FB4)  
    WSUS Path='', Server='', Version='1045', LocalityEx='BOUNDARYGROUP', SUPFallbackIn='0'    LocationServices    2/19/2021 4:35:49 PM    4020 (0x0FB4)  
    Calling back with locations for WSUS request {FEBE9FA6-4FC0-44EB-903A-5DB1C7B1A3B6} LocationServices    2/19/2021 4:35:49 PM    4020 (0x0FB4)  
    Updating portal information.    LocationServices    2/19/2021 4:35:49 PM    8268 (0x204C)  
    Received reply of type PortalCertificateReply   LocationServices    2/19/2021 4:35:49 PM    8268 (0x204C)  
    The reply from location manager contains 1 certificates LocationServices    2/19/2021 4:35:49 PM    8268 (0x204C)  
    Updating portal certificates    LocationServices    2/19/2021 4:35:49 PM    8268 (0x204C)  
    Successfully created context from the raw certificate.  LocationServices    2/19/2021 4:35:49 PM    8268 (0x204C)
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