Power BI with google analytics
I am trying get the exact count of Google analytics report inside the Power bi , when I am doing that I am seeing my data is not matching with the GA report. I found the links in powerbi.com like adding the HIGH PRECIOSION in power query editor which is…
recovering space just eaten by my rollback
hi i'm sure i just consumed a lot of log space by rolling back the results of an in flight voluminous insert. my c: drive shows i'm down to bare bones. how can i recover that space before i move on? do i need to recover it, ie will sql blow it away…
SharePoint 2013: Workflows (2010 Workflow Template) not running properly and Tasks are not getting approved/reject
Dear All, I have created a workflow in SharePoint 2013 using 2010 workflow template. This workflow is running when any new item is uploaded in the document library. In the library upload properties form, there are 7 users fields, which are used in…
adobe saves report incorrectly
Hi after some work, my subreport which is just one rectangle enclosing various "sub" rectangles etc looks beautiful when saved to word. But ridiculous when saved to pdf. the first sub rectangle prints on pg 2 out of order after the 2nd…
403 error from app requesting report rendering
hi i'm geting particulars on the calling app but a peer of mine trying to render my report from his app got the following error. i reached out to him to determine if he entered the ssrs report directory correctly but if the community can offer insight…
metadata issue
hi , i'll post the rest of the question once i see this new forum doesnt bounce me out
How to convert binary data retrieved via HTTP into a parsable type
I am connecting to an HTTP source (SOAP API) via POST, and retrieving Binary data. How can I get this data into a parsable format that can be used to copy to a data warehouse? The goal is to use this data for PowerBI reports. Thank you
How to create a new dashboard at yammer or connect a different app to extract a report?
Hi, I need to create a dashboard at yammer to track some data. How can I do that? I´ve tried to install the tygraph app at power BI and connecet to yammer but didnt work. Do you know another way I can do that? I want to track the praises received/sent…
Self service portal for Azure MFA reset
Hi Team, We have a large number of people who are using Azure, we are enforcing users to use MFA for that we are getting lot of requests to for asking MFA reset because of they changed mobile or different reasons, so we are seeing daily 10 tickets on…
Can not login to Windows Defender ATP after azure AD PIM Enable
Hi, I have Azure Owner permission and O365- Exchange /Intune administrator permission. I was able to access Windows Defender ATP. My PIM role administrator add me to the security administrator role. Now i try to access…
Due to failed command az keyvault create , I cannot remove resource on Azure Key Vault or create a new one.
I am running a Lab for creating a key vault with az CLI on my free tier subscription. The first step was to create a resource group. az group create -n keyvault-aad-pod-identity-rg -l eastus During the second step, I typed wrong the --location…
how do I create multiple personalised e-mails from my domain
I have created one personalized e-mail address linked to Outlook via my Godaddy domain. How can I create additional custom e-mail addresses from this same domain? I need more addresses to support my business.
I am currently trying to see what misconfiguration can happen in setting up an application proxy in azure. So wanted know Is there any misconfiguration that can lead to unauthorized access to internal apps?
If an administrator set an application proxy and configure it such a way that only some users can access it. But what can go wrong in it which can lead to unauthorized access to internal apps?
Options to clean up primary drive on server
Hello, We have a 2012 R2 domain controller with very low hard drive space on the primary drive. I have checked to display hidden files and when checking the size of all the files and folders of the C drive, the total is less then what the critical state…
Some WMI calls to UWF return access denied error
Hello, I am currently working on a C++ application which uses the integrated write filter(UWF) of Windows 10 IoT. I am using Windows 10 IoT Enterprise LTSC 1809 Build 17763.107 Now I face the following problem: Some WMI calls return with a…
Bulk Modify Attributes
Hell Everyone i created an excel sheet to bulk update some attributes for example Display Name , UPN, Addres , Office Number , Mobile Number, country , city, title, company. But i cannot seem to get a powershell command to work. Would anyone have any…
IoT Edge module add HostConfig for NetworkMode=host
I am developing the IoT Edge module to run on Raspberry Pi Raspbian Linux. I have socketcan device mapped to vcan0 virtual network interface with no IP associated with it (like below) vcan0: flags=193<UP,RUNNING,NOARP> mtu 72 unspec…
Azure Internet speed slow windows
Hello Is my first Virtual machine with Azure I have 140Mb/s Speedtest and downloading 20MB/s googledrive files is possible make internet speed in my VM faster or that is normal ?
We have received a bad request. AADSTS165000: Invalid Request: The request do not match the user context.
We are using the Azure AD Code Flow (https://video2.skills-academy.com/en-us/azure/active-directory/develop/v2-oauth2-auth-code-flow) which we then use to obtain a refresh token to use with PowerBI and this works great for most of out customers however one…
Delete command for Oracle table has warning : Multiple-step OLE DB operation generated errors. Check each OLE DB status value, if available. No work was done.
I have created an ssis package that processes data on sql server and loads results to an oracle table. I am using an execute sql task to delete existing records in the oracle table before reloading the table. The execute sql command has oracle…