Configure MQTT broker authorization


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Authorization policies determine what actions the clients can perform on the broker, such as connecting, publishing, or subscribing to topics. Configure MQTT broker to use one or multiple authorization policies with the BrokerAuthorization resource.

You can set to one BrokerAuthorization for each listener. Each BrokerAuthorization resource contains a list of rules that specify the principals and resources for the authorization policies.


To have the BrokerAuthorization configuration apply to a listener, at least one BrokerAuthentication must also be linked to that listener.

Configure BrokerAuthorization for listeners

The specification of a BrokerAuthorization resource has the following fields:

Field Name Required Description
authorizationPolicies Yes This field defines the settings for the authorization policies, such as enableCache and rules.
enableCache No Whether to enable caching for the authorization policies. If set to true, the broker caches the authorization results for each client and topic combination to improve performance and reduce latency. If set to false, the broker evaluates the authorization policies for each client and topic request, to ensure consistency and accuracy. This field is optional and defaults to false.
rules No A list of rules that specify the principals and resources for the authorization policies. Each rule has these subfields: principals and brokerResources.
principals Yes This subfield defines the identities that represent the clients, such as usernames, clientids, and attributes.
usernames No A list of usernames that match the clients. The usernames are case-sensitive and must match the usernames provided by the clients during authentication.
clientids No A list of client IDs that match the clients. The client IDs are case-sensitive and must match the client IDs provided by the clients during connection.
attributes No A list of key-value pairs that match the attributes of the clients. The attributes are case-sensitive and must match the attributes provided by the clients during authentication.
brokerResources Yes This subfield defines the objects that represent the actions or topics, such as method and topics.
method Yes The type of action that the clients can perform on the broker. This subfield is required and can be one of these values: Connect: This value indicates that the clients can connect to the broker. Publish: This value indicates that the clients can publish messages to topics on the broker. Subscribe: This value indicates that the clients can subscribe to topics on the broker.
topics No A list of topics or topic patterns that match the topics that the clients can publish or subscribe to. This subfield is required if the method is Subscribe or Publish.

The following example shows how to create a BrokerAuthorization resource that defines the authorization policies for a listener named my-listener.

kind: BrokerAuthorization
  name: "my-authz-policies"
  namespace: azure-iot-operations
    enableCache: true
      - principals:
            - temperature-sensor
            - humidity-sensor
            - city: "seattle"
              organization: "contoso"
          - method: Connect
          - method: Publish
              - "/telemetry/{principal.username}"
              - "/telemetry/{principal.attributes.organization}"
          - method: Subscribe
              - "/commands/{principal.attributes.organization}"

This broker authorization allows clients with usernames temperature-sensor or humidity-sensor, or clients with attributes organization with value contoso and city with value seattle, to:

  • Connect to the broker.
  • Publish messages to telemetry topics scoped with their usernames and organization. For example:
    • temperature-sensor can publish to /telemetry/temperature-sensor and /telemetry/contoso.
    • humidity-sensor can publish to /telemetry/humidity-sensor and /telemetry/contoso.
    • some-other-username can publish to /telemetry/contoso.
  • Subscribe to commands topics scoped with their organization. For example:
    • temperature-sensor can subscribe to /commands/contoso.
    • some-other-username can subscribe to /commands/contoso.

To create this BrokerAuthorization resource, apply the YAML manifest to your Kubernetes cluster.

Authorize clients that use X.509 authentication

Clients that use X.509 certificates for authentication can be authorized to access resources based on X.509 properties present on their certificate or their issuing certificates up the chain.

Using attributes

To create rules based on properties from a client's certificate, its root CA, or intermediate CA, define the X.509 attributes in the BrokerAuthorization resource. For more information, see Certificate attributes.

With client certificate subject common name as username

To create authorization policies based on the client certificate subject common name (CN) only, create rules based on the CN.

For example, if a client has a certificate with subject CN = smart-lock, its username is smart-lock. From there, create authorization policies as normal.

Authorize clients that use Kubernetes Service Account Tokens

Authorization attributes for SATs are set as part of the Service Account annotations. For example, to add an authorization attribute named group with value authz-sat, run the command:

kubectl annotate serviceaccount mqtt-client aio-mq-broker-auth/group=authz-sat

Attribute annotations must begin with aio-mq-broker-auth/ to distinguish them from other annotations.

As the application has an authorization attribute called authz-sat, there's no need to provide a clientId or username. The corresponding BrokerAuthorization resource uses this attribute as a principal, for example:

kind: BrokerAuthorization
  name: "my-authz-policies"
  namespace: azure-iot-operations
    enableCache: false
      - principals:
            - group: "authz-sat"
          - method: Connect
          - method: Publish
              - "odd-numbered-orders"
          - method: Subscribe
              - "orders"                                       

To learn more with an example, see Set up Authorization Policy with Dapr Client.

Distributed state store

MQTT broker provides a distributed state store (DSS) that clients can use to store state. The DSS can also be configured to be highly available.

To set up authorization for clients that use the DSS, provide the following permissions:

  • Permission to publish to the system key value store $services/statestore/_any_/command/invoke/request topic
  • Permission to subscribe to the response-topic (set during initial publish as a parameter) <response_topic>/#

For more information about DSS authorization, see state store keys.

Update authorization

Broker authorization resources can be updated at runtime without restart. All clients connected at the time of the update of policy are disconnected. Changing the policy type is also supported.

kubectl edit brokerauthorization my-authz-policies

Disable authorization

To disable authorization, set authorizationEnabled: false in the BrokerListener resource. When the policy is set to allow all clients, all authenticated clients can access all operations.

kind: BrokerListener
  name: "my-listener"
  namespace: azure-iot-operations
  brokerRef: "my-broker"
  authenticationEnabled: false
  authorizationEnabled: false
  port: 1883

Unauthorized publish in MQTT 3.1.1

With MQTT 3.1.1, when a publish is denied, the client receives the PUBACK with no error because the protocol version doesn't support returning error code. MQTTv5 return PUBACK with reason code 135 (Not authorized) when publish is denied.