Microsoft.Compute cloudServices

Bicep resource definition

The cloudServices resource type can be deployed with operations that target:

For a list of changed properties in each API version, see change log.

Resource format

To create a Microsoft.Compute/cloudServices resource, add the following Bicep to your template.

resource symbolicname 'Microsoft.Compute/cloudServices@2022-09-04' = {
  name: 'string'
  location: 'string'
  tags: {
    tagName1: 'tagValue1'
    tagName2: 'tagValue2'
  properties: {
    allowModelOverride: bool
    configuration: 'string'
    configurationUrl: 'string'
    extensionProfile: {
      extensions: [
          name: 'string'
          properties: {
            autoUpgradeMinorVersion: bool
            forceUpdateTag: 'string'
            protectedSettings: any()
            protectedSettingsFromKeyVault: {
              secretUrl: 'string'
              sourceVault: {
                id: 'string'
            publisher: 'string'
            rolesAppliedTo: [
            settings: any()
            type: 'string'
            typeHandlerVersion: 'string'
    networkProfile: {
      loadBalancerConfigurations: [
          id: 'string'
          name: 'string'
          properties: {
            frontendIpConfigurations: [
                name: 'string'
                properties: {
                  privateIPAddress: 'string'
                  publicIPAddress: {
                    id: 'string'
                  subnet: {
                    id: 'string'
      slotType: 'string'
      swappableCloudService: {
        id: 'string'
    osProfile: {
      secrets: [
          sourceVault: {
            id: 'string'
          vaultCertificates: [
              certificateUrl: 'string'
    packageUrl: 'string'
    roleProfile: {
      roles: [
          name: 'string'
          sku: {
            capacity: int
            name: 'string'
            tier: 'string'
    startCloudService: bool
    upgradeMode: 'string'
  systemData: {}
  zones: [
    'string' or int

Property values


Name Description Value
name The resource name string (required)

Character limit: 1-15

Valid characters:
Can't use spaces, control characters, or these characters:
~ ! @ # $ % ^ & * ( ) = + _ [ ] { } \ | ; : . ' " , < > / ?

Can't start with underscore. Can't end with period or hyphen.
location Resource location. string (required)
tags Resource tags. Dictionary of tag names and values. See Tags in templates
properties Cloud service properties CloudServiceProperties
systemData The system meta data relating to this resource. SystemData
zones List of logical availability zone of the resource. List should contain only 1 zone where cloud service should be provisioned. This field is optional. Array of availability zones as string or int.


Name Description Value
allowModelOverride (Optional) Indicates whether the role sku properties (roleProfile.roles.sku) specified in the model/template should override the role instance count and vm size specified in the .cscfg and .csdef respectively.
The default value is false.
configuration Specifies the XML service configuration (.cscfg) for the cloud service. string
configurationUrl Specifies a URL that refers to the location of the service configuration in the Blob service. The service package URL can be Shared Access Signature (SAS) URI from any storage account.
This is a write-only property and is not returned in GET calls.
extensionProfile Describes a cloud service extension profile. CloudServiceExtensionProfile
networkProfile Network Profile for the cloud service. CloudServiceNetworkProfile
osProfile Describes the OS profile for the cloud service. CloudServiceOsProfile
packageUrl Specifies a URL that refers to the location of the service package in the Blob service. The service package URL can be Shared Access Signature (SAS) URI from any storage account.
This is a write-only property and is not returned in GET calls.
roleProfile Describes the role profile for the cloud service. CloudServiceRoleProfile
startCloudService (Optional) Indicates whether to start the cloud service immediately after it is created. The default value is true.
If false, the service model is still deployed, but the code is not run immediately. Instead, the service is PoweredOff until you call Start, at which time the service will be started. A deployed service still incurs charges, even if it is poweredoff.
upgradeMode Update mode for the cloud service. Role instances are allocated to update domains when the service is deployed. Updates can be initiated manually in each update domain or initiated automatically in all update domains.
Possible Values are




If not specified, the default value is Auto. If set to Manual, PUT UpdateDomain must be called to apply the update. If set to Auto, the update is automatically applied to each update domain in sequence.


Name Description Value
extensions List of extensions for the cloud service. Extension[]


Name Description Value
name The name of the extension. string
properties Extension Properties. CloudServiceExtensionProperties


Name Description Value
autoUpgradeMinorVersion Explicitly specify whether platform can automatically upgrade typeHandlerVersion to higher minor versions when they become available. bool
forceUpdateTag Tag to force apply the provided public and protected settings.
Changing the tag value allows for re-running the extension without changing any of the public or protected settings.
If forceUpdateTag is not changed, updates to public or protected settings would still be applied by the handler.
If neither forceUpdateTag nor any of public or protected settings change, extension would flow to the role instance with the same sequence-number, and
it is up to handler implementation whether to re-run it or not
protectedSettings Protected settings for the extension which are encrypted before sent to the role instance. For Bicep, you can use the any() function.
protectedSettingsFromKeyVault Protected settings for the extension, referenced using KeyVault which are encrypted before sent to the role instance. CloudServiceVaultAndSecretReference
publisher The name of the extension handler publisher. string
rolesAppliedTo Optional list of roles to apply this extension. If property is not specified or '*' is specified, extension is applied to all roles in the cloud service. string[]
settings Public settings for the extension. For JSON extensions, this is the JSON settings for the extension. For XML Extension (like RDP), this is the XML setting for the extension. For Bicep, you can use the any() function.
type Specifies the type of the extension. string
typeHandlerVersion Specifies the version of the extension. Specifies the version of the extension. If this element is not specified or an asterisk (*) is used as the value, the latest version of the extension is used. If the value is specified with a major version number and an asterisk as the minor version number (X.), the latest minor version of the specified major version is selected. If a major version number and a minor version number are specified (X.Y), the specific extension version is selected. If a version is specified, an auto-upgrade is performed on the role instance. string


Name Description Value
secretUrl Secret URL which contains the protected settings of the extension string
sourceVault The ARM Resource ID of the Key Vault SubResource


Name Description Value
id Resource Id string


Name Description Value
loadBalancerConfigurations List of Load balancer configurations. Cloud service can have up to two load balancer configurations, corresponding to a Public Load Balancer and an Internal Load Balancer. LoadBalancerConfiguration[]
slotType Slot type for the cloud service.
Possible values are



If not specified, the default value is Production.
swappableCloudService The id reference of the cloud service containing the target IP with which the subject cloud service can perform a swap. This property cannot be updated once it is set. The swappable cloud service referred by this id must be present otherwise an error will be thrown. SubResource


Name Description Value
id Resource Id string
name The name of the Load balancer string (required)
properties Properties of the load balancer configuration. LoadBalancerConfigurationProperties (required)


Name Description Value
frontendIpConfigurations Specifies the frontend IP to be used for the load balancer. Only IPv4 frontend IP address is supported. Each load balancer configuration must have exactly one frontend IP configuration. LoadBalancerFrontendIpConfiguration[] (required)


Name Description Value
name The name of the resource that is unique within the set of frontend IP configurations used by the load balancer. This name can be used to access the resource. string (required)
properties Properties of load balancer frontend ip configuration. LoadBalancerFrontendIpConfigurationProperties (required)


Name Description Value
privateIPAddress The virtual network private IP address of the IP configuration. string
publicIPAddress The reference to the public ip address resource. SubResource
subnet The reference to the virtual network subnet resource. SubResource


Name Description Value
secrets Specifies set of certificates that should be installed onto the role instances. CloudServiceVaultSecretGroup[]


Name Description Value
sourceVault The relative URL of the Key Vault containing all of the certificates in VaultCertificates. SubResource
vaultCertificates The list of key vault references in SourceVault which contain certificates. CloudServiceVaultCertificate[]


Name Description Value
certificateUrl This is the URL of a certificate that has been uploaded to Key Vault as a secret. string


Name Description Value
roles List of roles for the cloud service. CloudServiceRoleProfileProperties[]


Name Description Value
name Resource name. string
sku Describes the cloud service role sku. CloudServiceRoleSku


Name Description Value
capacity Specifies the number of role instances in the cloud service. int
name The sku name. NOTE: If the new SKU is not supported on the hardware the cloud service is currently on, you need to delete and recreate the cloud service or move back to the old sku. string
tier Specifies the tier of the cloud service. Possible Values are




This object doesn't contain any properties to set during deployment. All properties are ReadOnly.

ARM template resource definition

The cloudServices resource type can be deployed with operations that target:

For a list of changed properties in each API version, see change log.

Resource format

To create a Microsoft.Compute/cloudServices resource, add the following JSON to your template.

  "type": "Microsoft.Compute/cloudServices",
  "apiVersion": "2022-09-04",
  "name": "string",
  "location": "string",
  "tags": {
    "tagName1": "tagValue1",
    "tagName2": "tagValue2"
  "properties": {
    "allowModelOverride": "bool",
    "configuration": "string",
    "configurationUrl": "string",
    "extensionProfile": {
      "extensions": [
          "name": "string",
          "properties": {
            "autoUpgradeMinorVersion": "bool",
            "forceUpdateTag": "string",
            "protectedSettings": {},
            "protectedSettingsFromKeyVault": {
              "secretUrl": "string",
              "sourceVault": {
                "id": "string"
            "publisher": "string",
            "rolesAppliedTo": [ "string" ],
            "settings": {},
            "type": "string",
            "typeHandlerVersion": "string"
    "networkProfile": {
      "loadBalancerConfigurations": [
          "id": "string",
          "name": "string",
          "properties": {
            "frontendIpConfigurations": [
                "name": "string",
                "properties": {
                  "privateIPAddress": "string",
                  "publicIPAddress": {
                    "id": "string"
                  "subnet": {
                    "id": "string"
      "slotType": "string",
      "swappableCloudService": {
        "id": "string"
    "osProfile": {
      "secrets": [
          "sourceVault": {
            "id": "string"
          "vaultCertificates": [
              "certificateUrl": "string"
    "packageUrl": "string",
    "roleProfile": {
      "roles": [
          "name": "string",
          "sku": {
            "capacity": "int",
            "name": "string",
            "tier": "string"
    "startCloudService": "bool",
    "upgradeMode": "string"
  "systemData": {},
  "zones": [ "string" or int ]

Property values


Name Description Value
type The resource type 'Microsoft.Compute/cloudServices'
apiVersion The resource api version '2022-09-04'
name The resource name string (required)

Character limit: 1-15

Valid characters:
Can't use spaces, control characters, or these characters:
~ ! @ # $ % ^ & * ( ) = + _ [ ] { } \ | ; : . ' " , < > / ?

Can't start with underscore. Can't end with period or hyphen.
location Resource location. string (required)
tags Resource tags. Dictionary of tag names and values. See Tags in templates
properties Cloud service properties CloudServiceProperties
systemData The system meta data relating to this resource. SystemData
zones List of logical availability zone of the resource. List should contain only 1 zone where cloud service should be provisioned. This field is optional. Array of availability zones as string or int.


Name Description Value
allowModelOverride (Optional) Indicates whether the role sku properties (roleProfile.roles.sku) specified in the model/template should override the role instance count and vm size specified in the .cscfg and .csdef respectively.
The default value is false.
configuration Specifies the XML service configuration (.cscfg) for the cloud service. string
configurationUrl Specifies a URL that refers to the location of the service configuration in the Blob service. The service package URL can be Shared Access Signature (SAS) URI from any storage account.
This is a write-only property and is not returned in GET calls.
extensionProfile Describes a cloud service extension profile. CloudServiceExtensionProfile
networkProfile Network Profile for the cloud service. CloudServiceNetworkProfile
osProfile Describes the OS profile for the cloud service. CloudServiceOsProfile
packageUrl Specifies a URL that refers to the location of the service package in the Blob service. The service package URL can be Shared Access Signature (SAS) URI from any storage account.
This is a write-only property and is not returned in GET calls.
roleProfile Describes the role profile for the cloud service. CloudServiceRoleProfile
startCloudService (Optional) Indicates whether to start the cloud service immediately after it is created. The default value is true.
If false, the service model is still deployed, but the code is not run immediately. Instead, the service is PoweredOff until you call Start, at which time the service will be started. A deployed service still incurs charges, even if it is poweredoff.
upgradeMode Update mode for the cloud service. Role instances are allocated to update domains when the service is deployed. Updates can be initiated manually in each update domain or initiated automatically in all update domains.
Possible Values are




If not specified, the default value is Auto. If set to Manual, PUT UpdateDomain must be called to apply the update. If set to Auto, the update is automatically applied to each update domain in sequence.


Name Description Value
extensions List of extensions for the cloud service. Extension[]


Name Description Value
name The name of the extension. string
properties Extension Properties. CloudServiceExtensionProperties


Name Description Value
autoUpgradeMinorVersion Explicitly specify whether platform can automatically upgrade typeHandlerVersion to higher minor versions when they become available. bool
forceUpdateTag Tag to force apply the provided public and protected settings.
Changing the tag value allows for re-running the extension without changing any of the public or protected settings.
If forceUpdateTag is not changed, updates to public or protected settings would still be applied by the handler.
If neither forceUpdateTag nor any of public or protected settings change, extension would flow to the role instance with the same sequence-number, and
it is up to handler implementation whether to re-run it or not
protectedSettings Protected settings for the extension which are encrypted before sent to the role instance.
protectedSettingsFromKeyVault Protected settings for the extension, referenced using KeyVault which are encrypted before sent to the role instance. CloudServiceVaultAndSecretReference
publisher The name of the extension handler publisher. string
rolesAppliedTo Optional list of roles to apply this extension. If property is not specified or '*' is specified, extension is applied to all roles in the cloud service. string[]
settings Public settings for the extension. For JSON extensions, this is the JSON settings for the extension. For XML Extension (like RDP), this is the XML setting for the extension.
type Specifies the type of the extension. string
typeHandlerVersion Specifies the version of the extension. Specifies the version of the extension. If this element is not specified or an asterisk (*) is used as the value, the latest version of the extension is used. If the value is specified with a major version number and an asterisk as the minor version number (X.), the latest minor version of the specified major version is selected. If a major version number and a minor version number are specified (X.Y), the specific extension version is selected. If a version is specified, an auto-upgrade is performed on the role instance. string


Name Description Value
secretUrl Secret URL which contains the protected settings of the extension string
sourceVault The ARM Resource ID of the Key Vault SubResource


Name Description Value
id Resource Id string


Name Description Value
loadBalancerConfigurations List of Load balancer configurations. Cloud service can have up to two load balancer configurations, corresponding to a Public Load Balancer and an Internal Load Balancer. LoadBalancerConfiguration[]
slotType Slot type for the cloud service.
Possible values are



If not specified, the default value is Production.
swappableCloudService The id reference of the cloud service containing the target IP with which the subject cloud service can perform a swap. This property cannot be updated once it is set. The swappable cloud service referred by this id must be present otherwise an error will be thrown. SubResource


Name Description Value
id Resource Id string
name The name of the Load balancer string (required)
properties Properties of the load balancer configuration. LoadBalancerConfigurationProperties (required)


Name Description Value
frontendIpConfigurations Specifies the frontend IP to be used for the load balancer. Only IPv4 frontend IP address is supported. Each load balancer configuration must have exactly one frontend IP configuration. LoadBalancerFrontendIpConfiguration[] (required)


Name Description Value
name The name of the resource that is unique within the set of frontend IP configurations used by the load balancer. This name can be used to access the resource. string (required)
properties Properties of load balancer frontend ip configuration. LoadBalancerFrontendIpConfigurationProperties (required)


Name Description Value
privateIPAddress The virtual network private IP address of the IP configuration. string
publicIPAddress The reference to the public ip address resource. SubResource
subnet The reference to the virtual network subnet resource. SubResource


Name Description Value
secrets Specifies set of certificates that should be installed onto the role instances. CloudServiceVaultSecretGroup[]


Name Description Value
sourceVault The relative URL of the Key Vault containing all of the certificates in VaultCertificates. SubResource
vaultCertificates The list of key vault references in SourceVault which contain certificates. CloudServiceVaultCertificate[]


Name Description Value
certificateUrl This is the URL of a certificate that has been uploaded to Key Vault as a secret. string


Name Description Value
roles List of roles for the cloud service. CloudServiceRoleProfileProperties[]


Name Description Value
name Resource name. string
sku Describes the cloud service role sku. CloudServiceRoleSku


Name Description Value
capacity Specifies the number of role instances in the cloud service. int
name The sku name. NOTE: If the new SKU is not supported on the hardware the cloud service is currently on, you need to delete and recreate the cloud service or move back to the old sku. string
tier Specifies the tier of the cloud service. Possible Values are




This object doesn't contain any properties to set during deployment. All properties are ReadOnly.

Terraform (AzAPI provider) resource definition

The cloudServices resource type can be deployed with operations that target:

  • Resource groups

For a list of changed properties in each API version, see change log.

Resource format

To create a Microsoft.Compute/cloudServices resource, add the following Terraform to your template.

resource "azapi_resource" "symbolicname" {
  type = "Microsoft.Compute/cloudServices@2022-09-04"
  name = "string"
  location = "string"
  parent_id = "string"
  tags = {
    tagName1 = "tagValue1"
    tagName2 = "tagValue2"
  body = jsonencode({
    properties = {
      allowModelOverride = bool
      configuration = "string"
      configurationUrl = "string"
      extensionProfile = {
        extensions = [
            name = "string"
            properties = {
              autoUpgradeMinorVersion = bool
              forceUpdateTag = "string"
              protectedSettingsFromKeyVault = {
                secretUrl = "string"
                sourceVault = {
                  id = "string"
              publisher = "string"
              rolesAppliedTo = [
              type = "string"
              typeHandlerVersion = "string"
      networkProfile = {
        loadBalancerConfigurations = [
            id = "string"
            name = "string"
            properties = {
              frontendIpConfigurations = [
                  name = "string"
                  properties = {
                    privateIPAddress = "string"
                    publicIPAddress = {
                      id = "string"
                    subnet = {
                      id = "string"
        slotType = "string"
        swappableCloudService = {
          id = "string"
      osProfile = {
        secrets = [
            sourceVault = {
              id = "string"
            vaultCertificates = [
                certificateUrl = "string"
      packageUrl = "string"
      roleProfile = {
        roles = [
            name = "string"
            sku = {
              capacity = int
              name = "string"
              tier = "string"
      startCloudService = bool
      upgradeMode = "string"
    systemData = {}
    zones = [
      "string" or int

Property values


Name Description Value
type The resource type "Microsoft.Compute/cloudServices@2022-09-04"
name The resource name string (required)

Character limit: 1-15

Valid characters:
Can't use spaces, control characters, or these characters:
~ ! @ # $ % ^ & * ( ) = + _ [ ] { } \ | ; : . ' " , < > / ?

Can't start with underscore. Can't end with period or hyphen.
location Resource location. string (required)
parent_id To deploy to a resource group, use the ID of that resource group. string (required)
tags Resource tags. Dictionary of tag names and values.
properties Cloud service properties CloudServiceProperties
systemData The system meta data relating to this resource. SystemData
zones List of logical availability zone of the resource. List should contain only 1 zone where cloud service should be provisioned. This field is optional. Array of availability zones as string or int.


Name Description Value
allowModelOverride (Optional) Indicates whether the role sku properties (roleProfile.roles.sku) specified in the model/template should override the role instance count and vm size specified in the .cscfg and .csdef respectively.
The default value is false.
configuration Specifies the XML service configuration (.cscfg) for the cloud service. string
configurationUrl Specifies a URL that refers to the location of the service configuration in the Blob service. The service package URL can be Shared Access Signature (SAS) URI from any storage account.
This is a write-only property and is not returned in GET calls.
extensionProfile Describes a cloud service extension profile. CloudServiceExtensionProfile
networkProfile Network Profile for the cloud service. CloudServiceNetworkProfile
osProfile Describes the OS profile for the cloud service. CloudServiceOsProfile
packageUrl Specifies a URL that refers to the location of the service package in the Blob service. The service package URL can be Shared Access Signature (SAS) URI from any storage account.
This is a write-only property and is not returned in GET calls.
roleProfile Describes the role profile for the cloud service. CloudServiceRoleProfile
startCloudService (Optional) Indicates whether to start the cloud service immediately after it is created. The default value is true.
If false, the service model is still deployed, but the code is not run immediately. Instead, the service is PoweredOff until you call Start, at which time the service will be started. A deployed service still incurs charges, even if it is poweredoff.
upgradeMode Update mode for the cloud service. Role instances are allocated to update domains when the service is deployed. Updates can be initiated manually in each update domain or initiated automatically in all update domains.
Possible Values are




If not specified, the default value is Auto. If set to Manual, PUT UpdateDomain must be called to apply the update. If set to Auto, the update is automatically applied to each update domain in sequence.


Name Description Value
extensions List of extensions for the cloud service. Extension[]


Name Description Value
name The name of the extension. string
properties Extension Properties. CloudServiceExtensionProperties


Name Description Value
autoUpgradeMinorVersion Explicitly specify whether platform can automatically upgrade typeHandlerVersion to higher minor versions when they become available. bool
forceUpdateTag Tag to force apply the provided public and protected settings.
Changing the tag value allows for re-running the extension without changing any of the public or protected settings.
If forceUpdateTag is not changed, updates to public or protected settings would still be applied by the handler.
If neither forceUpdateTag nor any of public or protected settings change, extension would flow to the role instance with the same sequence-number, and
it is up to handler implementation whether to re-run it or not
protectedSettings Protected settings for the extension which are encrypted before sent to the role instance.
protectedSettingsFromKeyVault Protected settings for the extension, referenced using KeyVault which are encrypted before sent to the role instance. CloudServiceVaultAndSecretReference
publisher The name of the extension handler publisher. string
rolesAppliedTo Optional list of roles to apply this extension. If property is not specified or '*' is specified, extension is applied to all roles in the cloud service. string[]
settings Public settings for the extension. For JSON extensions, this is the JSON settings for the extension. For XML Extension (like RDP), this is the XML setting for the extension.
type Specifies the type of the extension. string
typeHandlerVersion Specifies the version of the extension. Specifies the version of the extension. If this element is not specified or an asterisk (*) is used as the value, the latest version of the extension is used. If the value is specified with a major version number and an asterisk as the minor version number (X.), the latest minor version of the specified major version is selected. If a major version number and a minor version number are specified (X.Y), the specific extension version is selected. If a version is specified, an auto-upgrade is performed on the role instance. string


Name Description Value
secretUrl Secret URL which contains the protected settings of the extension string
sourceVault The ARM Resource ID of the Key Vault SubResource


Name Description Value
id Resource Id string


Name Description Value
loadBalancerConfigurations List of Load balancer configurations. Cloud service can have up to two load balancer configurations, corresponding to a Public Load Balancer and an Internal Load Balancer. LoadBalancerConfiguration[]
slotType Slot type for the cloud service.
Possible values are



If not specified, the default value is Production.
swappableCloudService The id reference of the cloud service containing the target IP with which the subject cloud service can perform a swap. This property cannot be updated once it is set. The swappable cloud service referred by this id must be present otherwise an error will be thrown. SubResource


Name Description Value
id Resource Id string
name The name of the Load balancer string (required)
properties Properties of the load balancer configuration. LoadBalancerConfigurationProperties (required)


Name Description Value
frontendIpConfigurations Specifies the frontend IP to be used for the load balancer. Only IPv4 frontend IP address is supported. Each load balancer configuration must have exactly one frontend IP configuration. LoadBalancerFrontendIpConfiguration[] (required)


Name Description Value
name The name of the resource that is unique within the set of frontend IP configurations used by the load balancer. This name can be used to access the resource. string (required)
properties Properties of load balancer frontend ip configuration. LoadBalancerFrontendIpConfigurationProperties (required)


Name Description Value
privateIPAddress The virtual network private IP address of the IP configuration. string
publicIPAddress The reference to the public ip address resource. SubResource
subnet The reference to the virtual network subnet resource. SubResource


Name Description Value
secrets Specifies set of certificates that should be installed onto the role instances. CloudServiceVaultSecretGroup[]


Name Description Value
sourceVault The relative URL of the Key Vault containing all of the certificates in VaultCertificates. SubResource
vaultCertificates The list of key vault references in SourceVault which contain certificates. CloudServiceVaultCertificate[]


Name Description Value
certificateUrl This is the URL of a certificate that has been uploaded to Key Vault as a secret. string


Name Description Value
roles List of roles for the cloud service. CloudServiceRoleProfileProperties[]


Name Description Value
name Resource name. string
sku Describes the cloud service role sku. CloudServiceRoleSku


Name Description Value
capacity Specifies the number of role instances in the cloud service. int
name The sku name. NOTE: If the new SKU is not supported on the hardware the cloud service is currently on, you need to delete and recreate the cloud service or move back to the old sku. string
tier Specifies the tier of the cloud service. Possible Values are




This object doesn't contain any properties to set during deployment. All properties are ReadOnly.