Microsoft.EventGrid namespaces/topics/eventSubscriptions 2023-12-15-preview

Bicep resource definition

The namespaces/topics/eventSubscriptions resource type can be deployed with operations that target:

For a list of changed properties in each API version, see change log.

Resource format

To create a Microsoft.EventGrid/namespaces/topics/eventSubscriptions resource, add the following Bicep to your template.

resource symbolicname 'Microsoft.EventGrid/namespaces/topics/eventSubscriptions@2023-12-15-preview' = {
  name: 'string'
  parent: resourceSymbolicName
  properties: {
    deliveryConfiguration: {
      deliveryMode: 'string'
      push: {
        deadLetterDestinationWithResourceIdentity: {
          deadLetterDestination: {
            endpointType: 'string'
            // For remaining properties, see DeadLetterDestination objects
          identity: {
            type: 'string'
            userAssignedIdentity: 'string'
        deliveryWithResourceIdentity: {
          destination: {
            endpointType: 'string'
            // For remaining properties, see EventSubscriptionDestination objects
          identity: {
            type: 'string'
            userAssignedIdentity: 'string'
        eventTimeToLive: 'string'
        maxDeliveryCount: int
      queue: {
        deadLetterDestinationWithResourceIdentity: {
          deadLetterDestination: {
            endpointType: 'string'
            // For remaining properties, see DeadLetterDestination objects
          identity: {
            type: 'string'
            userAssignedIdentity: 'string'
        eventTimeToLive: 'string'
        maxDeliveryCount: int
        receiveLockDurationInSeconds: int
    eventDeliverySchema: 'CloudEventSchemaV1_0'
    filtersConfiguration: {
      filters: [
          key: 'string'
          operatorType: 'string'
          // For remaining properties, see Filter objects
      includedEventTypes: [

DeadLetterDestination objects

Set the endpointType property to specify the type of object.

For StorageBlob, use:

  endpointType: 'StorageBlob'
  properties: {
    blobContainerName: 'string'
    resourceId: 'string'

EventSubscriptionDestination objects

Set the endpointType property to specify the type of object.

For AzureFunction, use:

  endpointType: 'AzureFunction'
  properties: {
    deliveryAttributeMappings: [
        name: 'string'
        type: 'string'
        // For remaining properties, see DeliveryAttributeMapping objects
    maxEventsPerBatch: int
    preferredBatchSizeInKilobytes: int
    resourceId: 'string'

For EventHub, use:

  endpointType: 'EventHub'
  properties: {
    deliveryAttributeMappings: [
        name: 'string'
        type: 'string'
        // For remaining properties, see DeliveryAttributeMapping objects
    resourceId: 'string'

For HybridConnection, use:

  endpointType: 'HybridConnection'
  properties: {
    deliveryAttributeMappings: [
        name: 'string'
        type: 'string'
        // For remaining properties, see DeliveryAttributeMapping objects
    resourceId: 'string'

For MonitorAlert, use:

  endpointType: 'MonitorAlert'
  properties: {
    actionGroups: [
    description: 'string'
    severity: 'string'

For NamespaceTopic, use:

  endpointType: 'NamespaceTopic'
  properties: {
    resourceId: 'string'

For PartnerDestination, use:

  endpointType: 'PartnerDestination'
  properties: {
    resourceId: 'string'

For ServiceBusQueue, use:

  endpointType: 'ServiceBusQueue'
  properties: {
    deliveryAttributeMappings: [
        name: 'string'
        type: 'string'
        // For remaining properties, see DeliveryAttributeMapping objects
    resourceId: 'string'

For ServiceBusTopic, use:

  endpointType: 'ServiceBusTopic'
  properties: {
    deliveryAttributeMappings: [
        name: 'string'
        type: 'string'
        // For remaining properties, see DeliveryAttributeMapping objects
    resourceId: 'string'

For StorageQueue, use:

  endpointType: 'StorageQueue'
  properties: {
    queueMessageTimeToLiveInSeconds: int
    queueName: 'string'
    resourceId: 'string'

For WebHook, use:

  endpointType: 'WebHook'
  properties: {
    azureActiveDirectoryApplicationIdOrUri: 'string'
    azureActiveDirectoryTenantId: 'string'
    deliveryAttributeMappings: [
        name: 'string'
        type: 'string'
        // For remaining properties, see DeliveryAttributeMapping objects
    endpointUrl: 'string'
    maxEventsPerBatch: int
    minimumTlsVersionAllowed: 'string'
    preferredBatchSizeInKilobytes: int

DeliveryAttributeMapping objects

Set the type property to specify the type of object.

For Dynamic, use:

  type: 'Dynamic'
  properties: {
    sourceField: 'string'

For Static, use:

  type: 'Static'
  properties: {
    isSecret: bool
    value: 'string'

Filter objects

Set the operatorType property to specify the type of object.

For BoolEquals, use:

  operatorType: 'BoolEquals'
  value: bool

For IsNotNull, use:

  operatorType: 'IsNotNull'

For IsNullOrUndefined, use:

  operatorType: 'IsNullOrUndefined'

For NumberGreaterThan, use:

  operatorType: 'NumberGreaterThan'
  value: int

For NumberGreaterThanOrEquals, use:

  operatorType: 'NumberGreaterThanOrEquals'
  value: int

For NumberIn, use:

  operatorType: 'NumberIn'
  values: [

For NumberInRange, use:

  operatorType: 'NumberInRange'
  values: [

For NumberLessThan, use:

  operatorType: 'NumberLessThan'
  value: int

For NumberLessThanOrEquals, use:

  operatorType: 'NumberLessThanOrEquals'
  value: int

For NumberNotIn, use:

  operatorType: 'NumberNotIn'
  values: [

For NumberNotInRange, use:

  operatorType: 'NumberNotInRange'
  values: [

For StringBeginsWith, use:

  operatorType: 'StringBeginsWith'
  values: [

For StringContains, use:

  operatorType: 'StringContains'
  values: [

For StringEndsWith, use:

  operatorType: 'StringEndsWith'
  values: [

For StringIn, use:

  operatorType: 'StringIn'
  values: [

For StringNotBeginsWith, use:

  operatorType: 'StringNotBeginsWith'
  values: [

For StringNotContains, use:

  operatorType: 'StringNotContains'
  values: [

For StringNotEndsWith, use:

  operatorType: 'StringNotEndsWith'
  values: [

For StringNotIn, use:

  operatorType: 'StringNotIn'
  values: [

Property values


Name Description Value
name The resource name

See how to set names and types for child resources in Bicep.
string (required)
parent In Bicep, you can specify the parent resource for a child resource. You only need to add this property when the child resource is declared outside of the parent resource.

For more information, see Child resource outside parent resource.
Symbolic name for resource of type: topics
properties Properties of the event subscription. SubscriptionProperties


Name Description Value
deliveryConfiguration Information about the delivery configuration of the event subscription. DeliveryConfiguration
eventDeliverySchema The event delivery schema for the event subscription. 'CloudEventSchemaV1_0'
filtersConfiguration Information about the filter for the event subscription. FiltersConfiguration


Name Description Value
deliveryMode Delivery mode of the event subscription. 'Push'
push This property should be populated when deliveryMode is push and represents information about the push subscription. PushInfo
queue This property should be populated when deliveryMode is queue and represents information about the queue subscription. QueueInfo


Name Description Value
deadLetterDestinationWithResourceIdentity The dead letter destination of the event subscription. Any event that cannot be delivered to its' destination is sent to the dead letter destination.
Uses the managed identity setup on the parent resource (namely, namespace) to acquire the authentication tokens being used during delivery / dead-lettering.
deliveryWithResourceIdentity Information about the destination where events have to be delivered for the event subscription.
Uses the managed identity setup on the parent resource (namely, topic or domain) to acquire the authentication tokens being used during delivery / dead-lettering.
eventTimeToLive Time span duration in ISO 8601 format that determines how long messages are available to the subscription from the time the message was published.
This duration value is expressed using the following format: 'P(n)Y(n)M(n)DT(n)H(n)M(n)S', where:
- (n) is replaced by the value of each time element that follows the (n).
- P is the duration (or Period) designator and is always placed at the beginning of the duration.
- Y is the year designator, and it follows the value for the number of years.
- M is the month designator, and it follows the value for the number of months.
- W is the week designator, and it follows the value for the number of weeks.
- D is the day designator, and it follows the value for the number of days.
- T is the time designator, and it precedes the time components.
- H is the hour designator, and it follows the value for the number of hours.
- M is the minute designator, and it follows the value for the number of minutes.
- S is the second designator, and it follows the value for the number of seconds.
This duration value cannot be set greater than the topic’s EventRetentionInDays. It is is an optional field where its minimum value is 1 minute, and its maximum is determined
by topic’s EventRetentionInDays value. The followings are examples of valid values:
- 'P0DT23H12M' or 'PT23H12M': for duration of 23 hours and 12 minutes.
- 'P1D' or 'P1DT0H0M0S': for duration of 1 day.
maxDeliveryCount The maximum delivery count of the events. int


Name Description Value
deadLetterDestination Information about the destination where events have to be delivered for the event subscription.
Uses the managed identity setup on the parent resource (namely, topic or domain) to acquire the authentication tokens being used during delivery / dead-lettering.
identity The identity to use when dead-lettering events. EventSubscriptionIdentity


Name Description Value
endpointType Set the object type StorageBlob (required)


Name Description Value
endpointType Type of the endpoint for the dead letter destination 'StorageBlob' (required)
properties The properties of the Storage Blob based deadletter destination StorageBlobDeadLetterDestinationProperties


Name Description Value
blobContainerName The name of the Storage blob container that is the destination of the deadletter events string
resourceId The Azure Resource ID of the storage account that is the destination of the deadletter events string


Name Description Value
type The type of managed identity used. The type 'SystemAssigned, UserAssigned' includes both an implicitly created identity and a set of user-assigned identities. The type 'None' will remove any identity. 'SystemAssigned'
userAssignedIdentity The user identity associated with the resource. string


Name Description Value
destination Information about the destination where events have to be delivered for the event subscription.
Uses Azure Event Grid's identity to acquire the authentication tokens being used during delivery / dead-lettering.
identity The identity to use when delivering events. EventSubscriptionIdentity


Name Description Value
endpointType Set the object type AzureFunction
WebHook (required)


Name Description Value
endpointType Type of the endpoint for the event subscription destination. 'AzureFunction' (required)
properties Azure Function Properties of the event subscription destination. AzureFunctionEventSubscriptionDestinationProperties


Name Description Value
deliveryAttributeMappings Delivery attribute details. DeliveryAttributeMapping[]
maxEventsPerBatch Maximum number of events per batch. int
preferredBatchSizeInKilobytes Preferred batch size in Kilobytes. int
resourceId The Azure Resource Id that represents the endpoint of the Azure Function destination of an event subscription. string


Name Description Value
name Name of the delivery attribute or header. string
type Set the object type Dynamic
Static (required)


Name Description Value
type Type of the delivery attribute or header name. 'Dynamic' (required)
properties Properties of dynamic delivery attribute mapping. DynamicDeliveryAttributeMappingProperties


Name Description Value
sourceField JSON path in the event which contains attribute value. string


Name Description Value
type Type of the delivery attribute or header name. 'Static' (required)
properties Properties of static delivery attribute mapping. StaticDeliveryAttributeMappingProperties


Name Description Value
isSecret Boolean flag to tell if the attribute contains sensitive information . bool
value Value of the delivery attribute. string


Name Description Value
endpointType Type of the endpoint for the event subscription destination. 'EventHub' (required)
properties Event Hub Properties of the event subscription destination. EventHubEventSubscriptionDestinationProperties


Name Description Value
deliveryAttributeMappings Delivery attribute details. DeliveryAttributeMapping[]
resourceId The Azure Resource Id that represents the endpoint of an Event Hub destination of an event subscription. string


Name Description Value
endpointType Type of the endpoint for the event subscription destination. 'HybridConnection' (required)
properties Hybrid connection Properties of the event subscription destination. HybridConnectionEventSubscriptionDestinationProperti...


Name Description Value
deliveryAttributeMappings Delivery attribute details. DeliveryAttributeMapping[]
resourceId The Azure Resource ID of an hybrid connection that is the destination of an event subscription. string


Name Description Value
endpointType Type of the endpoint for the event subscription destination. 'MonitorAlert' (required)
properties Monitor Alert properties of the event subscription destination. MonitorAlertEventSubscriptionDestinationProperties


Name Description Value
actionGroups The list of ARM Ids of Action Groups that will be triggered on every Alert fired through this event subscription.
Each resource ARM Id should follow this pattern: /subscriptions/{AzureSubscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{ResourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Insights/actionGroups/{ActionGroupName}.
description The description that will be attached to every Alert fired through this event subscription. string
severity The severity that will be attached to every Alert fired through this event subscription.
This field must be provided.


Name Description Value
endpointType Type of the endpoint for the event subscription destination. 'NamespaceTopic' (required)
properties Namespace Topic properties of the event subscription destination. NamespaceTopicEventSubscriptionDestinationProperties


Name Description Value
resourceId The Azure resource Id that represents the endpoint of the Event Grid Namespace Topic destination of an event subscription.
This field is required and the Namespace Topic resource listed must already exist.
The resource ARM Id should follow this pattern: /subscriptions/{AzureSubscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{ResourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.EventGrid/namespaces/{NamespaceName}/topics/{TopicName}.


Name Description Value
endpointType Type of the endpoint for the event subscription destination. 'PartnerDestination' (required)
properties Partner Destination Properties of the event subscription destination. PartnerEventSubscriptionDestinationProperties


Name Description Value
resourceId The Azure Resource Id that represents the endpoint of a Partner Destination of an event subscription. string


Name Description Value
endpointType Type of the endpoint for the event subscription destination. 'ServiceBusQueue' (required)
properties Service Bus Properties of the event subscription destination. ServiceBusQueueEventSubscriptionDestinationPropertie...


Name Description Value
deliveryAttributeMappings Delivery attribute details. DeliveryAttributeMapping[]
resourceId The Azure Resource Id that represents the endpoint of the Service Bus destination of an event subscription. string


Name Description Value
endpointType Type of the endpoint for the event subscription destination. 'ServiceBusTopic' (required)
properties Service Bus Topic Properties of the event subscription destination. ServiceBusTopicEventSubscriptionDestinationPropertie...


Name Description Value
deliveryAttributeMappings Delivery attribute details. DeliveryAttributeMapping[]
resourceId The Azure Resource Id that represents the endpoint of the Service Bus Topic destination of an event subscription. string


Name Description Value
endpointType Type of the endpoint for the event subscription destination. 'StorageQueue' (required)
properties Storage Queue Properties of the event subscription destination. StorageQueueEventSubscriptionDestinationProperties


Name Description Value
queueMessageTimeToLiveInSeconds Storage queue message time to live in seconds. This value cannot be zero or negative with the exception of using -1 to indicate that the Time To Live of the message is Infinite. int
queueName The name of the Storage queue under a storage account that is the destination of an event subscription. string
resourceId The Azure Resource ID of the storage account that contains the queue that is the destination of an event subscription. string


Name Description Value
endpointType Type of the endpoint for the event subscription destination. 'WebHook' (required)
properties WebHook Properties of the event subscription destination. WebHookEventSubscriptionDestinationProperties


Name Description Value
azureActiveDirectoryApplicationIdOrUri The Azure Active Directory Application ID or URI to get the access token that will be included as the bearer token in delivery requests. string
azureActiveDirectoryTenantId The Azure Active Directory Tenant ID to get the access token that will be included as the bearer token in delivery requests. string
deliveryAttributeMappings Delivery attribute details. DeliveryAttributeMapping[]
endpointUrl The URL that represents the endpoint of the destination of an event subscription. string

Sensitive value. Pass in as a secure parameter.
maxEventsPerBatch Maximum number of events per batch. int
minimumTlsVersionAllowed Minimum TLS version that should be supported by webhook endpoint '1.0'
preferredBatchSizeInKilobytes Preferred batch size in Kilobytes. int


Name Description Value
deadLetterDestinationWithResourceIdentity The dead letter destination of the event subscription. Any event that cannot be delivered to its' destination is sent to the dead letter destination.
Uses the managed identity setup on the parent resource (namely, topic) to acquire the authentication tokens being used during delivery / dead-lettering.
eventTimeToLive Time span duration in ISO 8601 format that determines how long messages are available to the subscription from the time the message was published.
This duration value is expressed using the following format: 'P(n)Y(n)M(n)DT(n)H(n)M(n)S', where:
- (n) is replaced by the value of each time element that follows the (n).
- P is the duration (or Period) designator and is always placed at the beginning of the duration.
- Y is the year designator, and it follows the value for the number of years.
- M is the month designator, and it follows the value for the number of months.
- W is the week designator, and it follows the value for the number of weeks.
- D is the day designator, and it follows the value for the number of days.
- T is the time designator, and it precedes the time components.
- H is the hour designator, and it follows the value for the number of hours.
- M is the minute designator, and it follows the value for the number of minutes.
- S is the second designator, and it follows the value for the number of seconds.
This duration value cannot be set greater than the topic’s EventRetentionInDays. It is is an optional field where its minimum value is 1 minute, and its maximum is determined
by topic’s EventRetentionInDays value. The followings are examples of valid values:
- 'P0DT23H12M' or 'PT23H12M': for duration of 23 hours and 12 minutes.
- 'P1D' or 'P1DT0H0M0S': for duration of 1 day.
maxDeliveryCount The maximum delivery count of the events. int
receiveLockDurationInSeconds Maximum period in seconds in which once the message is in received (by the client) state and waiting to be accepted, released or rejected.
If this time elapsed after a message has been received by the client and not transitioned into accepted (not processed), released or rejected,
the message is available for redelivery. This is an optional field, where default is 60 seconds, minimum is 60 seconds and maximum is 300 seconds.


Name Description Value
filters An array of filters that are used for filtering event subscriptions. Filter[]
includedEventTypes A list of applicable event types that need to be part of the event subscription. If it is desired to subscribe to all default event types, set the IncludedEventTypes to null. string[]


Name Description Value
key The field/property in the event based on which you want to filter. string
operatorType Set the object type BoolEquals
StringNotIn (required)


Name Description Value
operatorType The operator type used for filtering, e.g., NumberIn, StringContains, BoolEquals and others. 'BoolEquals' (required)
value The boolean filter value. bool


Name Description Value
operatorType The operator type used for filtering, e.g., NumberIn, StringContains, BoolEquals and others. 'IsNotNull' (required)


Name Description Value
operatorType The operator type used for filtering, e.g., NumberIn, StringContains, BoolEquals and others. 'IsNullOrUndefined' (required)


Name Description Value
operatorType The operator type used for filtering, e.g., NumberIn, StringContains, BoolEquals and others. 'NumberGreaterThan' (required)
value The filter value. int


Name Description Value
operatorType The operator type used for filtering, e.g., NumberIn, StringContains, BoolEquals and others. 'NumberGreaterThanOrEquals' (required)
value The filter value. int


Name Description Value
operatorType The operator type used for filtering, e.g., NumberIn, StringContains, BoolEquals and others. 'NumberIn' (required)
values The set of filter values. int[]


Name Description Value
operatorType The operator type used for filtering, e.g., NumberIn, StringContains, BoolEquals and others. 'NumberInRange' (required)
values The set of filter values. int[][]


Name Description Value
operatorType The operator type used for filtering, e.g., NumberIn, StringContains, BoolEquals and others. 'NumberLessThan' (required)
value The filter value. int


Name Description Value
operatorType The operator type used for filtering, e.g., NumberIn, StringContains, BoolEquals and others. 'NumberLessThanOrEquals' (required)
value The filter value. int


Name Description Value
operatorType The operator type used for filtering, e.g., NumberIn, StringContains, BoolEquals and others. 'NumberNotIn' (required)
values The set of filter values. int[]


Name Description Value
operatorType The operator type used for filtering, e.g., NumberIn, StringContains, BoolEquals and others. 'NumberNotInRange' (required)
values The set of filter values. int[][]


Name Description Value
operatorType The operator type used for filtering, e.g., NumberIn, StringContains, BoolEquals and others. 'StringBeginsWith' (required)
values The set of filter values. string[]


Name Description Value
operatorType The operator type used for filtering, e.g., NumberIn, StringContains, BoolEquals and others. 'StringContains' (required)
values The set of filter values. string[]


Name Description Value
operatorType The operator type used for filtering, e.g., NumberIn, StringContains, BoolEquals and others. 'StringEndsWith' (required)
values The set of filter values. string[]


Name Description Value
operatorType The operator type used for filtering, e.g., NumberIn, StringContains, BoolEquals and others. 'StringIn' (required)
values The set of filter values. string[]


Name Description Value
operatorType The operator type used for filtering, e.g., NumberIn, StringContains, BoolEquals and others. 'StringNotBeginsWith' (required)
values The set of filter values. string[]


Name Description Value
operatorType The operator type used for filtering, e.g., NumberIn, StringContains, BoolEquals and others. 'StringNotContains' (required)
values The set of filter values. string[]


Name Description Value
operatorType The operator type used for filtering, e.g., NumberIn, StringContains, BoolEquals and others. 'StringNotEndsWith' (required)
values The set of filter values. string[]


Name Description Value
operatorType The operator type used for filtering, e.g., NumberIn, StringContains, BoolEquals and others. 'StringNotIn' (required)
values The set of filter values. string[]

ARM template resource definition

The namespaces/topics/eventSubscriptions resource type can be deployed with operations that target:

For a list of changed properties in each API version, see change log.

Resource format

To create a Microsoft.EventGrid/namespaces/topics/eventSubscriptions resource, add the following JSON to your template.

  "type": "Microsoft.EventGrid/namespaces/topics/eventSubscriptions",
  "apiVersion": "2023-12-15-preview",
  "name": "string",
  "properties": {
    "deliveryConfiguration": {
      "deliveryMode": "string",
      "push": {
        "deadLetterDestinationWithResourceIdentity": {
          "deadLetterDestination": {
            "endpointType": "string"
            // For remaining properties, see DeadLetterDestination objects
          "identity": {
            "type": "string",
            "userAssignedIdentity": "string"
        "deliveryWithResourceIdentity": {
          "destination": {
            "endpointType": "string"
            // For remaining properties, see EventSubscriptionDestination objects
          "identity": {
            "type": "string",
            "userAssignedIdentity": "string"
        "eventTimeToLive": "string",
        "maxDeliveryCount": "int"
      "queue": {
        "deadLetterDestinationWithResourceIdentity": {
          "deadLetterDestination": {
            "endpointType": "string"
            // For remaining properties, see DeadLetterDestination objects
          "identity": {
            "type": "string",
            "userAssignedIdentity": "string"
        "eventTimeToLive": "string",
        "maxDeliveryCount": "int",
        "receiveLockDurationInSeconds": "int"
    "eventDeliverySchema": "CloudEventSchemaV1_0",
    "filtersConfiguration": {
      "filters": [
          "key": "string",
          "operatorType": "string"
          // For remaining properties, see Filter objects
      "includedEventTypes": [ "string" ]

DeadLetterDestination objects

Set the endpointType property to specify the type of object.

For StorageBlob, use:

  "endpointType": "StorageBlob",
  "properties": {
    "blobContainerName": "string",
    "resourceId": "string"

EventSubscriptionDestination objects

Set the endpointType property to specify the type of object.

For AzureFunction, use:

  "endpointType": "AzureFunction",
  "properties": {
    "deliveryAttributeMappings": [
        "name": "string",
        "type": "string"
        // For remaining properties, see DeliveryAttributeMapping objects
    "maxEventsPerBatch": "int",
    "preferredBatchSizeInKilobytes": "int",
    "resourceId": "string"

For EventHub, use:

  "endpointType": "EventHub",
  "properties": {
    "deliveryAttributeMappings": [
        "name": "string",
        "type": "string"
        // For remaining properties, see DeliveryAttributeMapping objects
    "resourceId": "string"

For HybridConnection, use:

  "endpointType": "HybridConnection",
  "properties": {
    "deliveryAttributeMappings": [
        "name": "string",
        "type": "string"
        // For remaining properties, see DeliveryAttributeMapping objects
    "resourceId": "string"

For MonitorAlert, use:

  "endpointType": "MonitorAlert",
  "properties": {
    "actionGroups": [ "string" ],
    "description": "string",
    "severity": "string"

For NamespaceTopic, use:

  "endpointType": "NamespaceTopic",
  "properties": {
    "resourceId": "string"

For PartnerDestination, use:

  "endpointType": "PartnerDestination",
  "properties": {
    "resourceId": "string"

For ServiceBusQueue, use:

  "endpointType": "ServiceBusQueue",
  "properties": {
    "deliveryAttributeMappings": [
        "name": "string",
        "type": "string"
        // For remaining properties, see DeliveryAttributeMapping objects
    "resourceId": "string"

For ServiceBusTopic, use:

  "endpointType": "ServiceBusTopic",
  "properties": {
    "deliveryAttributeMappings": [
        "name": "string",
        "type": "string"
        // For remaining properties, see DeliveryAttributeMapping objects
    "resourceId": "string"

For StorageQueue, use:

  "endpointType": "StorageQueue",
  "properties": {
    "queueMessageTimeToLiveInSeconds": "int",
    "queueName": "string",
    "resourceId": "string"

For WebHook, use:

  "endpointType": "WebHook",
  "properties": {
    "azureActiveDirectoryApplicationIdOrUri": "string",
    "azureActiveDirectoryTenantId": "string",
    "deliveryAttributeMappings": [
        "name": "string",
        "type": "string"
        // For remaining properties, see DeliveryAttributeMapping objects
    "endpointUrl": "string",
    "maxEventsPerBatch": "int",
    "minimumTlsVersionAllowed": "string",
    "preferredBatchSizeInKilobytes": "int"

DeliveryAttributeMapping objects

Set the type property to specify the type of object.

For Dynamic, use:

  "type": "Dynamic",
  "properties": {
    "sourceField": "string"

For Static, use:

  "type": "Static",
  "properties": {
    "isSecret": "bool",
    "value": "string"

Filter objects

Set the operatorType property to specify the type of object.

For BoolEquals, use:

  "operatorType": "BoolEquals",
  "value": "bool"

For IsNotNull, use:

  "operatorType": "IsNotNull"

For IsNullOrUndefined, use:

  "operatorType": "IsNullOrUndefined"

For NumberGreaterThan, use:

  "operatorType": "NumberGreaterThan",
  "value": "int"

For NumberGreaterThanOrEquals, use:

  "operatorType": "NumberGreaterThanOrEquals",
  "value": "int"

For NumberIn, use:

  "operatorType": "NumberIn",
  "values": [ "int" ]

For NumberInRange, use:

  "operatorType": "NumberInRange",
  "values": [ [ "int" ] ]

For NumberLessThan, use:

  "operatorType": "NumberLessThan",
  "value": "int"

For NumberLessThanOrEquals, use:

  "operatorType": "NumberLessThanOrEquals",
  "value": "int"

For NumberNotIn, use:

  "operatorType": "NumberNotIn",
  "values": [ "int" ]

For NumberNotInRange, use:

  "operatorType": "NumberNotInRange",
  "values": [ [ "int" ] ]

For StringBeginsWith, use:

  "operatorType": "StringBeginsWith",
  "values": [ "string" ]

For StringContains, use:

  "operatorType": "StringContains",
  "values": [ "string" ]

For StringEndsWith, use:

  "operatorType": "StringEndsWith",
  "values": [ "string" ]

For StringIn, use:

  "operatorType": "StringIn",
  "values": [ "string" ]

For StringNotBeginsWith, use:

  "operatorType": "StringNotBeginsWith",
  "values": [ "string" ]

For StringNotContains, use:

  "operatorType": "StringNotContains",
  "values": [ "string" ]

For StringNotEndsWith, use:

  "operatorType": "StringNotEndsWith",
  "values": [ "string" ]

For StringNotIn, use:

  "operatorType": "StringNotIn",
  "values": [ "string" ]

Property values


Name Description Value
type The resource type 'Microsoft.EventGrid/namespaces/topics/eventSubscriptions'
apiVersion The resource api version '2023-12-15-preview'
name The resource name

See how to set names and types for child resources in JSON ARM templates.
string (required)
properties Properties of the event subscription. SubscriptionProperties


Name Description Value
deliveryConfiguration Information about the delivery configuration of the event subscription. DeliveryConfiguration
eventDeliverySchema The event delivery schema for the event subscription. 'CloudEventSchemaV1_0'
filtersConfiguration Information about the filter for the event subscription. FiltersConfiguration


Name Description Value
deliveryMode Delivery mode of the event subscription. 'Push'
push This property should be populated when deliveryMode is push and represents information about the push subscription. PushInfo
queue This property should be populated when deliveryMode is queue and represents information about the queue subscription. QueueInfo


Name Description Value
deadLetterDestinationWithResourceIdentity The dead letter destination of the event subscription. Any event that cannot be delivered to its' destination is sent to the dead letter destination.
Uses the managed identity setup on the parent resource (namely, namespace) to acquire the authentication tokens being used during delivery / dead-lettering.
deliveryWithResourceIdentity Information about the destination where events have to be delivered for the event subscription.
Uses the managed identity setup on the parent resource (namely, topic or domain) to acquire the authentication tokens being used during delivery / dead-lettering.
eventTimeToLive Time span duration in ISO 8601 format that determines how long messages are available to the subscription from the time the message was published.
This duration value is expressed using the following format: 'P(n)Y(n)M(n)DT(n)H(n)M(n)S', where:
- (n) is replaced by the value of each time element that follows the (n).
- P is the duration (or Period) designator and is always placed at the beginning of the duration.
- Y is the year designator, and it follows the value for the number of years.
- M is the month designator, and it follows the value for the number of months.
- W is the week designator, and it follows the value for the number of weeks.
- D is the day designator, and it follows the value for the number of days.
- T is the time designator, and it precedes the time components.
- H is the hour designator, and it follows the value for the number of hours.
- M is the minute designator, and it follows the value for the number of minutes.
- S is the second designator, and it follows the value for the number of seconds.
This duration value cannot be set greater than the topic’s EventRetentionInDays. It is is an optional field where its minimum value is 1 minute, and its maximum is determined
by topic’s EventRetentionInDays value. The followings are examples of valid values:
- 'P0DT23H12M' or 'PT23H12M': for duration of 23 hours and 12 minutes.
- 'P1D' or 'P1DT0H0M0S': for duration of 1 day.
maxDeliveryCount The maximum delivery count of the events. int


Name Description Value
deadLetterDestination Information about the destination where events have to be delivered for the event subscription.
Uses the managed identity setup on the parent resource (namely, topic or domain) to acquire the authentication tokens being used during delivery / dead-lettering.
identity The identity to use when dead-lettering events. EventSubscriptionIdentity


Name Description Value
endpointType Set the object type StorageBlob (required)


Name Description Value
endpointType Type of the endpoint for the dead letter destination 'StorageBlob' (required)
properties The properties of the Storage Blob based deadletter destination StorageBlobDeadLetterDestinationProperties


Name Description Value
blobContainerName The name of the Storage blob container that is the destination of the deadletter events string
resourceId The Azure Resource ID of the storage account that is the destination of the deadletter events string


Name Description Value
type The type of managed identity used. The type 'SystemAssigned, UserAssigned' includes both an implicitly created identity and a set of user-assigned identities. The type 'None' will remove any identity. 'SystemAssigned'
userAssignedIdentity The user identity associated with the resource. string


Name Description Value
destination Information about the destination where events have to be delivered for the event subscription.
Uses Azure Event Grid's identity to acquire the authentication tokens being used during delivery / dead-lettering.
identity The identity to use when delivering events. EventSubscriptionIdentity


Name Description Value
endpointType Set the object type AzureFunction
WebHook (required)


Name Description Value
endpointType Type of the endpoint for the event subscription destination. 'AzureFunction' (required)
properties Azure Function Properties of the event subscription destination. AzureFunctionEventSubscriptionDestinationProperties


Name Description Value
deliveryAttributeMappings Delivery attribute details. DeliveryAttributeMapping[]
maxEventsPerBatch Maximum number of events per batch. int
preferredBatchSizeInKilobytes Preferred batch size in Kilobytes. int
resourceId The Azure Resource Id that represents the endpoint of the Azure Function destination of an event subscription. string


Name Description Value
name Name of the delivery attribute or header. string
type Set the object type Dynamic
Static (required)


Name Description Value
type Type of the delivery attribute or header name. 'Dynamic' (required)
properties Properties of dynamic delivery attribute mapping. DynamicDeliveryAttributeMappingProperties


Name Description Value
sourceField JSON path in the event which contains attribute value. string


Name Description Value
type Type of the delivery attribute or header name. 'Static' (required)
properties Properties of static delivery attribute mapping. StaticDeliveryAttributeMappingProperties


Name Description Value
isSecret Boolean flag to tell if the attribute contains sensitive information . bool
value Value of the delivery attribute. string


Name Description Value
endpointType Type of the endpoint for the event subscription destination. 'EventHub' (required)
properties Event Hub Properties of the event subscription destination. EventHubEventSubscriptionDestinationProperties


Name Description Value
deliveryAttributeMappings Delivery attribute details. DeliveryAttributeMapping[]
resourceId The Azure Resource Id that represents the endpoint of an Event Hub destination of an event subscription. string


Name Description Value
endpointType Type of the endpoint for the event subscription destination. 'HybridConnection' (required)
properties Hybrid connection Properties of the event subscription destination. HybridConnectionEventSubscriptionDestinationProperti...


Name Description Value
deliveryAttributeMappings Delivery attribute details. DeliveryAttributeMapping[]
resourceId The Azure Resource ID of an hybrid connection that is the destination of an event subscription. string


Name Description Value
endpointType Type of the endpoint for the event subscription destination. 'MonitorAlert' (required)
properties Monitor Alert properties of the event subscription destination. MonitorAlertEventSubscriptionDestinationProperties


Name Description Value
actionGroups The list of ARM Ids of Action Groups that will be triggered on every Alert fired through this event subscription.
Each resource ARM Id should follow this pattern: /subscriptions/{AzureSubscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{ResourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Insights/actionGroups/{ActionGroupName}.
description The description that will be attached to every Alert fired through this event subscription. string
severity The severity that will be attached to every Alert fired through this event subscription.
This field must be provided.


Name Description Value
endpointType Type of the endpoint for the event subscription destination. 'NamespaceTopic' (required)
properties Namespace Topic properties of the event subscription destination. NamespaceTopicEventSubscriptionDestinationProperties


Name Description Value
resourceId The Azure resource Id that represents the endpoint of the Event Grid Namespace Topic destination of an event subscription.
This field is required and the Namespace Topic resource listed must already exist.
The resource ARM Id should follow this pattern: /subscriptions/{AzureSubscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{ResourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.EventGrid/namespaces/{NamespaceName}/topics/{TopicName}.


Name Description Value
endpointType Type of the endpoint for the event subscription destination. 'PartnerDestination' (required)
properties Partner Destination Properties of the event subscription destination. PartnerEventSubscriptionDestinationProperties


Name Description Value
resourceId The Azure Resource Id that represents the endpoint of a Partner Destination of an event subscription. string


Name Description Value
endpointType Type of the endpoint for the event subscription destination. 'ServiceBusQueue' (required)
properties Service Bus Properties of the event subscription destination. ServiceBusQueueEventSubscriptionDestinationPropertie...


Name Description Value
deliveryAttributeMappings Delivery attribute details. DeliveryAttributeMapping[]
resourceId The Azure Resource Id that represents the endpoint of the Service Bus destination of an event subscription. string


Name Description Value
endpointType Type of the endpoint for the event subscription destination. 'ServiceBusTopic' (required)
properties Service Bus Topic Properties of the event subscription destination. ServiceBusTopicEventSubscriptionDestinationPropertie...


Name Description Value
deliveryAttributeMappings Delivery attribute details. DeliveryAttributeMapping[]
resourceId The Azure Resource Id that represents the endpoint of the Service Bus Topic destination of an event subscription. string


Name Description Value
endpointType Type of the endpoint for the event subscription destination. 'StorageQueue' (required)
properties Storage Queue Properties of the event subscription destination. StorageQueueEventSubscriptionDestinationProperties


Name Description Value
queueMessageTimeToLiveInSeconds Storage queue message time to live in seconds. This value cannot be zero or negative with the exception of using -1 to indicate that the Time To Live of the message is Infinite. int
queueName The name of the Storage queue under a storage account that is the destination of an event subscription. string
resourceId The Azure Resource ID of the storage account that contains the queue that is the destination of an event subscription. string


Name Description Value
endpointType Type of the endpoint for the event subscription destination. 'WebHook' (required)
properties WebHook Properties of the event subscription destination. WebHookEventSubscriptionDestinationProperties


Name Description Value
azureActiveDirectoryApplicationIdOrUri The Azure Active Directory Application ID or URI to get the access token that will be included as the bearer token in delivery requests. string
azureActiveDirectoryTenantId The Azure Active Directory Tenant ID to get the access token that will be included as the bearer token in delivery requests. string
deliveryAttributeMappings Delivery attribute details. DeliveryAttributeMapping[]
endpointUrl The URL that represents the endpoint of the destination of an event subscription. string

Sensitive value. Pass in as a secure parameter.
maxEventsPerBatch Maximum number of events per batch. int
minimumTlsVersionAllowed Minimum TLS version that should be supported by webhook endpoint '1.0'
preferredBatchSizeInKilobytes Preferred batch size in Kilobytes. int


Name Description Value
deadLetterDestinationWithResourceIdentity The dead letter destination of the event subscription. Any event that cannot be delivered to its' destination is sent to the dead letter destination.
Uses the managed identity setup on the parent resource (namely, topic) to acquire the authentication tokens being used during delivery / dead-lettering.
eventTimeToLive Time span duration in ISO 8601 format that determines how long messages are available to the subscription from the time the message was published.
This duration value is expressed using the following format: 'P(n)Y(n)M(n)DT(n)H(n)M(n)S', where:
- (n) is replaced by the value of each time element that follows the (n).
- P is the duration (or Period) designator and is always placed at the beginning of the duration.
- Y is the year designator, and it follows the value for the number of years.
- M is the month designator, and it follows the value for the number of months.
- W is the week designator, and it follows the value for the number of weeks.
- D is the day designator, and it follows the value for the number of days.
- T is the time designator, and it precedes the time components.
- H is the hour designator, and it follows the value for the number of hours.
- M is the minute designator, and it follows the value for the number of minutes.
- S is the second designator, and it follows the value for the number of seconds.
This duration value cannot be set greater than the topic’s EventRetentionInDays. It is is an optional field where its minimum value is 1 minute, and its maximum is determined
by topic’s EventRetentionInDays value. The followings are examples of valid values:
- 'P0DT23H12M' or 'PT23H12M': for duration of 23 hours and 12 minutes.
- 'P1D' or 'P1DT0H0M0S': for duration of 1 day.
maxDeliveryCount The maximum delivery count of the events. int
receiveLockDurationInSeconds Maximum period in seconds in which once the message is in received (by the client) state and waiting to be accepted, released or rejected.
If this time elapsed after a message has been received by the client and not transitioned into accepted (not processed), released or rejected,
the message is available for redelivery. This is an optional field, where default is 60 seconds, minimum is 60 seconds and maximum is 300 seconds.


Name Description Value
filters An array of filters that are used for filtering event subscriptions. Filter[]
includedEventTypes A list of applicable event types that need to be part of the event subscription. If it is desired to subscribe to all default event types, set the IncludedEventTypes to null. string[]


Name Description Value
key The field/property in the event based on which you want to filter. string
operatorType Set the object type BoolEquals
StringNotIn (required)


Name Description Value
operatorType The operator type used for filtering, e.g., NumberIn, StringContains, BoolEquals and others. 'BoolEquals' (required)
value The boolean filter value. bool


Name Description Value
operatorType The operator type used for filtering, e.g., NumberIn, StringContains, BoolEquals and others. 'IsNotNull' (required)


Name Description Value
operatorType The operator type used for filtering, e.g., NumberIn, StringContains, BoolEquals and others. 'IsNullOrUndefined' (required)


Name Description Value
operatorType The operator type used for filtering, e.g., NumberIn, StringContains, BoolEquals and others. 'NumberGreaterThan' (required)
value The filter value. int


Name Description Value
operatorType The operator type used for filtering, e.g., NumberIn, StringContains, BoolEquals and others. 'NumberGreaterThanOrEquals' (required)
value The filter value. int


Name Description Value
operatorType The operator type used for filtering, e.g., NumberIn, StringContains, BoolEquals and others. 'NumberIn' (required)
values The set of filter values. int[]


Name Description Value
operatorType The operator type used for filtering, e.g., NumberIn, StringContains, BoolEquals and others. 'NumberInRange' (required)
values The set of filter values. int[][]


Name Description Value
operatorType The operator type used for filtering, e.g., NumberIn, StringContains, BoolEquals and others. 'NumberLessThan' (required)
value The filter value. int


Name Description Value
operatorType The operator type used for filtering, e.g., NumberIn, StringContains, BoolEquals and others. 'NumberLessThanOrEquals' (required)
value The filter value. int


Name Description Value
operatorType The operator type used for filtering, e.g., NumberIn, StringContains, BoolEquals and others. 'NumberNotIn' (required)
values The set of filter values. int[]


Name Description Value
operatorType The operator type used for filtering, e.g., NumberIn, StringContains, BoolEquals and others. 'NumberNotInRange' (required)
values The set of filter values. int[][]


Name Description Value
operatorType The operator type used for filtering, e.g., NumberIn, StringContains, BoolEquals and others. 'StringBeginsWith' (required)
values The set of filter values. string[]


Name Description Value
operatorType The operator type used for filtering, e.g., NumberIn, StringContains, BoolEquals and others. 'StringContains' (required)
values The set of filter values. string[]


Name Description Value
operatorType The operator type used for filtering, e.g., NumberIn, StringContains, BoolEquals and others. 'StringEndsWith' (required)
values The set of filter values. string[]


Name Description Value
operatorType The operator type used for filtering, e.g., NumberIn, StringContains, BoolEquals and others. 'StringIn' (required)
values The set of filter values. string[]


Name Description Value
operatorType The operator type used for filtering, e.g., NumberIn, StringContains, BoolEquals and others. 'StringNotBeginsWith' (required)
values The set of filter values. string[]


Name Description Value
operatorType The operator type used for filtering, e.g., NumberIn, StringContains, BoolEquals and others. 'StringNotContains' (required)
values The set of filter values. string[]


Name Description Value
operatorType The operator type used for filtering, e.g., NumberIn, StringContains, BoolEquals and others. 'StringNotEndsWith' (required)
values The set of filter values. string[]


Name Description Value
operatorType The operator type used for filtering, e.g., NumberIn, StringContains, BoolEquals and others. 'StringNotIn' (required)
values The set of filter values. string[]

Terraform (AzAPI provider) resource definition

The namespaces/topics/eventSubscriptions resource type can be deployed with operations that target:

  • Resource groups

For a list of changed properties in each API version, see change log.

Resource format

To create a Microsoft.EventGrid/namespaces/topics/eventSubscriptions resource, add the following Terraform to your template.

resource "azapi_resource" "symbolicname" {
  type = "Microsoft.EventGrid/namespaces/topics/eventSubscriptions@2023-12-15-preview"
  name = "string"
  parent_id = "string"
  body = jsonencode({
    properties = {
      deliveryConfiguration = {
        deliveryMode = "string"
        push = {
          deadLetterDestinationWithResourceIdentity = {
            deadLetterDestination = {
              endpointType = "string"
              // For remaining properties, see DeadLetterDestination objects
            identity = {
              type = "string"
              userAssignedIdentity = "string"
          deliveryWithResourceIdentity = {
            destination = {
              endpointType = "string"
              // For remaining properties, see EventSubscriptionDestination objects
            identity = {
              type = "string"
              userAssignedIdentity = "string"
          eventTimeToLive = "string"
          maxDeliveryCount = int
        queue = {
          deadLetterDestinationWithResourceIdentity = {
            deadLetterDestination = {
              endpointType = "string"
              // For remaining properties, see DeadLetterDestination objects
            identity = {
              type = "string"
              userAssignedIdentity = "string"
          eventTimeToLive = "string"
          maxDeliveryCount = int
          receiveLockDurationInSeconds = int
      eventDeliverySchema = "CloudEventSchemaV1_0"
      filtersConfiguration = {
        filters = [
            key = "string"
            operatorType = "string"
            // For remaining properties, see Filter objects
        includedEventTypes = [

DeadLetterDestination objects

Set the endpointType property to specify the type of object.

For StorageBlob, use:

  endpointType = "StorageBlob"
  properties = {
    blobContainerName = "string"
    resourceId = "string"

EventSubscriptionDestination objects

Set the endpointType property to specify the type of object.

For AzureFunction, use:

  endpointType = "AzureFunction"
  properties = {
    deliveryAttributeMappings = [
        name = "string"
        type = "string"
        // For remaining properties, see DeliveryAttributeMapping objects
    maxEventsPerBatch = int
    preferredBatchSizeInKilobytes = int
    resourceId = "string"

For EventHub, use:

  endpointType = "EventHub"
  properties = {
    deliveryAttributeMappings = [
        name = "string"
        type = "string"
        // For remaining properties, see DeliveryAttributeMapping objects
    resourceId = "string"

For HybridConnection, use:

  endpointType = "HybridConnection"
  properties = {
    deliveryAttributeMappings = [
        name = "string"
        type = "string"
        // For remaining properties, see DeliveryAttributeMapping objects
    resourceId = "string"

For MonitorAlert, use:

  endpointType = "MonitorAlert"
  properties = {
    actionGroups = [
    description = "string"
    severity = "string"

For NamespaceTopic, use:

  endpointType = "NamespaceTopic"
  properties = {
    resourceId = "string"

For PartnerDestination, use:

  endpointType = "PartnerDestination"
  properties = {
    resourceId = "string"

For ServiceBusQueue, use:

  endpointType = "ServiceBusQueue"
  properties = {
    deliveryAttributeMappings = [
        name = "string"
        type = "string"
        // For remaining properties, see DeliveryAttributeMapping objects
    resourceId = "string"

For ServiceBusTopic, use:

  endpointType = "ServiceBusTopic"
  properties = {
    deliveryAttributeMappings = [
        name = "string"
        type = "string"
        // For remaining properties, see DeliveryAttributeMapping objects
    resourceId = "string"

For StorageQueue, use:

  endpointType = "StorageQueue"
  properties = {
    queueMessageTimeToLiveInSeconds = int
    queueName = "string"
    resourceId = "string"

For WebHook, use:

  endpointType = "WebHook"
  properties = {
    azureActiveDirectoryApplicationIdOrUri = "string"
    azureActiveDirectoryTenantId = "string"
    deliveryAttributeMappings = [
        name = "string"
        type = "string"
        // For remaining properties, see DeliveryAttributeMapping objects
    endpointUrl = "string"
    maxEventsPerBatch = int
    minimumTlsVersionAllowed = "string"
    preferredBatchSizeInKilobytes = int

DeliveryAttributeMapping objects

Set the type property to specify the type of object.

For Dynamic, use:

  type = "Dynamic"
  properties = {
    sourceField = "string"

For Static, use:

  type = "Static"
  properties = {
    isSecret = bool
    value = "string"

Filter objects

Set the operatorType property to specify the type of object.

For BoolEquals, use:

  operatorType = "BoolEquals"
  value = bool

For IsNotNull, use:

  operatorType = "IsNotNull"

For IsNullOrUndefined, use:

  operatorType = "IsNullOrUndefined"

For NumberGreaterThan, use:

  operatorType = "NumberGreaterThan"
  value = int

For NumberGreaterThanOrEquals, use:

  operatorType = "NumberGreaterThanOrEquals"
  value = int

For NumberIn, use:

  operatorType = "NumberIn"
  values = [

For NumberInRange, use:

  operatorType = "NumberInRange"
  values = [

For NumberLessThan, use:

  operatorType = "NumberLessThan"
  value = int

For NumberLessThanOrEquals, use:

  operatorType = "NumberLessThanOrEquals"
  value = int

For NumberNotIn, use:

  operatorType = "NumberNotIn"
  values = [

For NumberNotInRange, use:

  operatorType = "NumberNotInRange"
  values = [

For StringBeginsWith, use:

  operatorType = "StringBeginsWith"
  values = [

For StringContains, use:

  operatorType = "StringContains"
  values = [

For StringEndsWith, use:

  operatorType = "StringEndsWith"
  values = [

For StringIn, use:

  operatorType = "StringIn"
  values = [

For StringNotBeginsWith, use:

  operatorType = "StringNotBeginsWith"
  values = [

For StringNotContains, use:

  operatorType = "StringNotContains"
  values = [

For StringNotEndsWith, use:

  operatorType = "StringNotEndsWith"
  values = [

For StringNotIn, use:

  operatorType = "StringNotIn"
  values = [

Property values


Name Description Value
type The resource type "Microsoft.EventGrid/namespaces/topics/eventSubscriptions@2023-12-15-preview"
name The resource name string (required)
parent_id The ID of the resource that is the parent for this resource. ID for resource of type: topics
properties Properties of the event subscription. SubscriptionProperties


Name Description Value
deliveryConfiguration Information about the delivery configuration of the event subscription. DeliveryConfiguration
eventDeliverySchema The event delivery schema for the event subscription. "CloudEventSchemaV1_0"
filtersConfiguration Information about the filter for the event subscription. FiltersConfiguration


Name Description Value
deliveryMode Delivery mode of the event subscription. "Push"
push This property should be populated when deliveryMode is push and represents information about the push subscription. PushInfo
queue This property should be populated when deliveryMode is queue and represents information about the queue subscription. QueueInfo


Name Description Value
deadLetterDestinationWithResourceIdentity The dead letter destination of the event subscription. Any event that cannot be delivered to its' destination is sent to the dead letter destination.
Uses the managed identity setup on the parent resource (namely, namespace) to acquire the authentication tokens being used during delivery / dead-lettering.
deliveryWithResourceIdentity Information about the destination where events have to be delivered for the event subscription.
Uses the managed identity setup on the parent resource (namely, topic or domain) to acquire the authentication tokens being used during delivery / dead-lettering.
eventTimeToLive Time span duration in ISO 8601 format that determines how long messages are available to the subscription from the time the message was published.
This duration value is expressed using the following format: 'P(n)Y(n)M(n)DT(n)H(n)M(n)S', where:
- (n) is replaced by the value of each time element that follows the (n).
- P is the duration (or Period) designator and is always placed at the beginning of the duration.
- Y is the year designator, and it follows the value for the number of years.
- M is the month designator, and it follows the value for the number of months.
- W is the week designator, and it follows the value for the number of weeks.
- D is the day designator, and it follows the value for the number of days.
- T is the time designator, and it precedes the time components.
- H is the hour designator, and it follows the value for the number of hours.
- M is the minute designator, and it follows the value for the number of minutes.
- S is the second designator, and it follows the value for the number of seconds.
This duration value cannot be set greater than the topic’s EventRetentionInDays. It is is an optional field where its minimum value is 1 minute, and its maximum is determined
by topic’s EventRetentionInDays value. The followings are examples of valid values:
- 'P0DT23H12M' or 'PT23H12M': for duration of 23 hours and 12 minutes.
- 'P1D' or 'P1DT0H0M0S': for duration of 1 day.
maxDeliveryCount The maximum delivery count of the events. int


Name Description Value
deadLetterDestination Information about the destination where events have to be delivered for the event subscription.
Uses the managed identity setup on the parent resource (namely, topic or domain) to acquire the authentication tokens being used during delivery / dead-lettering.
identity The identity to use when dead-lettering events. EventSubscriptionIdentity


Name Description Value
endpointType Set the object type StorageBlob (required)


Name Description Value
endpointType Type of the endpoint for the dead letter destination "StorageBlob" (required)
properties The properties of the Storage Blob based deadletter destination StorageBlobDeadLetterDestinationProperties


Name Description Value
blobContainerName The name of the Storage blob container that is the destination of the deadletter events string
resourceId The Azure Resource ID of the storage account that is the destination of the deadletter events string


Name Description Value
type The type of managed identity used. The type 'SystemAssigned, UserAssigned' includes both an implicitly created identity and a set of user-assigned identities. The type 'None' will remove any identity. "SystemAssigned"
userAssignedIdentity The user identity associated with the resource. string


Name Description Value
destination Information about the destination where events have to be delivered for the event subscription.
Uses Azure Event Grid's identity to acquire the authentication tokens being used during delivery / dead-lettering.
identity The identity to use when delivering events. EventSubscriptionIdentity


Name Description Value
endpointType Set the object type AzureFunction
WebHook (required)


Name Description Value
endpointType Type of the endpoint for the event subscription destination. "AzureFunction" (required)
properties Azure Function Properties of the event subscription destination. AzureFunctionEventSubscriptionDestinationProperties


Name Description Value
deliveryAttributeMappings Delivery attribute details. DeliveryAttributeMapping[]
maxEventsPerBatch Maximum number of events per batch. int
preferredBatchSizeInKilobytes Preferred batch size in Kilobytes. int
resourceId The Azure Resource Id that represents the endpoint of the Azure Function destination of an event subscription. string


Name Description Value
name Name of the delivery attribute or header. string
type Set the object type Dynamic
Static (required)


Name Description Value
type Type of the delivery attribute or header name. "Dynamic" (required)
properties Properties of dynamic delivery attribute mapping. DynamicDeliveryAttributeMappingProperties


Name Description Value
sourceField JSON path in the event which contains attribute value. string


Name Description Value
type Type of the delivery attribute or header name. "Static" (required)
properties Properties of static delivery attribute mapping. StaticDeliveryAttributeMappingProperties


Name Description Value
isSecret Boolean flag to tell if the attribute contains sensitive information . bool
value Value of the delivery attribute. string


Name Description Value
endpointType Type of the endpoint for the event subscription destination. "EventHub" (required)
properties Event Hub Properties of the event subscription destination. EventHubEventSubscriptionDestinationProperties


Name Description Value
deliveryAttributeMappings Delivery attribute details. DeliveryAttributeMapping[]
resourceId The Azure Resource Id that represents the endpoint of an Event Hub destination of an event subscription. string


Name Description Value
endpointType Type of the endpoint for the event subscription destination. "HybridConnection" (required)
properties Hybrid connection Properties of the event subscription destination. HybridConnectionEventSubscriptionDestinationProperti...


Name Description Value
deliveryAttributeMappings Delivery attribute details. DeliveryAttributeMapping[]
resourceId The Azure Resource ID of an hybrid connection that is the destination of an event subscription. string


Name Description Value
endpointType Type of the endpoint for the event subscription destination. "MonitorAlert" (required)
properties Monitor Alert properties of the event subscription destination. MonitorAlertEventSubscriptionDestinationProperties


Name Description Value
actionGroups The list of ARM Ids of Action Groups that will be triggered on every Alert fired through this event subscription.
Each resource ARM Id should follow this pattern: /subscriptions/{AzureSubscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{ResourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Insights/actionGroups/{ActionGroupName}.
description The description that will be attached to every Alert fired through this event subscription. string
severity The severity that will be attached to every Alert fired through this event subscription.
This field must be provided.


Name Description Value
endpointType Type of the endpoint for the event subscription destination. "NamespaceTopic" (required)
properties Namespace Topic properties of the event subscription destination. NamespaceTopicEventSubscriptionDestinationProperties


Name Description Value
resourceId The Azure resource Id that represents the endpoint of the Event Grid Namespace Topic destination of an event subscription.
This field is required and the Namespace Topic resource listed must already exist.
The resource ARM Id should follow this pattern: /subscriptions/{AzureSubscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{ResourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.EventGrid/namespaces/{NamespaceName}/topics/{TopicName}.


Name Description Value
endpointType Type of the endpoint for the event subscription destination. "PartnerDestination" (required)
properties Partner Destination Properties of the event subscription destination. PartnerEventSubscriptionDestinationProperties


Name Description Value
resourceId The Azure Resource Id that represents the endpoint of a Partner Destination of an event subscription. string


Name Description Value
endpointType Type of the endpoint for the event subscription destination. "ServiceBusQueue" (required)
properties Service Bus Properties of the event subscription destination. ServiceBusQueueEventSubscriptionDestinationPropertie...


Name Description Value
deliveryAttributeMappings Delivery attribute details. DeliveryAttributeMapping[]
resourceId The Azure Resource Id that represents the endpoint of the Service Bus destination of an event subscription. string


Name Description Value
endpointType Type of the endpoint for the event subscription destination. "ServiceBusTopic" (required)
properties Service Bus Topic Properties of the event subscription destination. ServiceBusTopicEventSubscriptionDestinationPropertie...


Name Description Value
deliveryAttributeMappings Delivery attribute details. DeliveryAttributeMapping[]
resourceId The Azure Resource Id that represents the endpoint of the Service Bus Topic destination of an event subscription. string


Name Description Value
endpointType Type of the endpoint for the event subscription destination. "StorageQueue" (required)
properties Storage Queue Properties of the event subscription destination. StorageQueueEventSubscriptionDestinationProperties


Name Description Value
queueMessageTimeToLiveInSeconds Storage queue message time to live in seconds. This value cannot be zero or negative with the exception of using -1 to indicate that the Time To Live of the message is Infinite. int
queueName The name of the Storage queue under a storage account that is the destination of an event subscription. string
resourceId The Azure Resource ID of the storage account that contains the queue that is the destination of an event subscription. string


Name Description Value
endpointType Type of the endpoint for the event subscription destination. "WebHook" (required)
properties WebHook Properties of the event subscription destination. WebHookEventSubscriptionDestinationProperties


Name Description Value
azureActiveDirectoryApplicationIdOrUri The Azure Active Directory Application ID or URI to get the access token that will be included as the bearer token in delivery requests. string
azureActiveDirectoryTenantId The Azure Active Directory Tenant ID to get the access token that will be included as the bearer token in delivery requests. string
deliveryAttributeMappings Delivery attribute details. DeliveryAttributeMapping[]
endpointUrl The URL that represents the endpoint of the destination of an event subscription. string

Sensitive value. Pass in as a secure parameter.
maxEventsPerBatch Maximum number of events per batch. int
minimumTlsVersionAllowed Minimum TLS version that should be supported by webhook endpoint "1.0"
preferredBatchSizeInKilobytes Preferred batch size in Kilobytes. int


Name Description Value
deadLetterDestinationWithResourceIdentity The dead letter destination of the event subscription. Any event that cannot be delivered to its' destination is sent to the dead letter destination.
Uses the managed identity setup on the parent resource (namely, topic) to acquire the authentication tokens being used during delivery / dead-lettering.
eventTimeToLive Time span duration in ISO 8601 format that determines how long messages are available to the subscription from the time the message was published.
This duration value is expressed using the following format: 'P(n)Y(n)M(n)DT(n)H(n)M(n)S', where:
- (n) is replaced by the value of each time element that follows the (n).
- P is the duration (or Period) designator and is always placed at the beginning of the duration.
- Y is the year designator, and it follows the value for the number of years.
- M is the month designator, and it follows the value for the number of months.
- W is the week designator, and it follows the value for the number of weeks.
- D is the day designator, and it follows the value for the number of days.
- T is the time designator, and it precedes the time components.
- H is the hour designator, and it follows the value for the number of hours.
- M is the minute designator, and it follows the value for the number of minutes.
- S is the second designator, and it follows the value for the number of seconds.
This duration value cannot be set greater than the topic’s EventRetentionInDays. It is is an optional field where its minimum value is 1 minute, and its maximum is determined
by topic’s EventRetentionInDays value. The followings are examples of valid values:
- 'P0DT23H12M' or 'PT23H12M': for duration of 23 hours and 12 minutes.
- 'P1D' or 'P1DT0H0M0S': for duration of 1 day.
maxDeliveryCount The maximum delivery count of the events. int
receiveLockDurationInSeconds Maximum period in seconds in which once the message is in received (by the client) state and waiting to be accepted, released or rejected.
If this time elapsed after a message has been received by the client and not transitioned into accepted (not processed), released or rejected,
the message is available for redelivery. This is an optional field, where default is 60 seconds, minimum is 60 seconds and maximum is 300 seconds.


Name Description Value
filters An array of filters that are used for filtering event subscriptions. Filter[]
includedEventTypes A list of applicable event types that need to be part of the event subscription. If it is desired to subscribe to all default event types, set the IncludedEventTypes to null. string[]


Name Description Value
key The field/property in the event based on which you want to filter. string
operatorType Set the object type BoolEquals
StringNotIn (required)


Name Description Value
operatorType The operator type used for filtering, e.g., NumberIn, StringContains, BoolEquals and others. "BoolEquals" (required)
value The boolean filter value. bool


Name Description Value
operatorType The operator type used for filtering, e.g., NumberIn, StringContains, BoolEquals and others. "IsNotNull" (required)


Name Description Value
operatorType The operator type used for filtering, e.g., NumberIn, StringContains, BoolEquals and others. "IsNullOrUndefined" (required)


Name Description Value
operatorType The operator type used for filtering, e.g., NumberIn, StringContains, BoolEquals and others. "NumberGreaterThan" (required)
value The filter value. int


Name Description Value
operatorType The operator type used for filtering, e.g., NumberIn, StringContains, BoolEquals and others. "NumberGreaterThanOrEquals" (required)
value The filter value. int


Name Description Value
operatorType The operator type used for filtering, e.g., NumberIn, StringContains, BoolEquals and others. "NumberIn" (required)
values The set of filter values. int[]


Name Description Value
operatorType The operator type used for filtering, e.g., NumberIn, StringContains, BoolEquals and others. "NumberInRange" (required)
values The set of filter values. int[][]


Name Description Value
operatorType The operator type used for filtering, e.g., NumberIn, StringContains, BoolEquals and others. "NumberLessThan" (required)
value The filter value. int


Name Description Value
operatorType The operator type used for filtering, e.g., NumberIn, StringContains, BoolEquals and others. "NumberLessThanOrEquals" (required)
value The filter value. int


Name Description Value
operatorType The operator type used for filtering, e.g., NumberIn, StringContains, BoolEquals and others. "NumberNotIn" (required)
values The set of filter values. int[]


Name Description Value
operatorType The operator type used for filtering, e.g., NumberIn, StringContains, BoolEquals and others. "NumberNotInRange" (required)
values The set of filter values. int[][]


Name Description Value
operatorType The operator type used for filtering, e.g., NumberIn, StringContains, BoolEquals and others. "StringBeginsWith" (required)
values The set of filter values. string[]


Name Description Value
operatorType The operator type used for filtering, e.g., NumberIn, StringContains, BoolEquals and others. "StringContains" (required)
values The set of filter values. string[]


Name Description Value
operatorType The operator type used for filtering, e.g., NumberIn, StringContains, BoolEquals and others. "StringEndsWith" (required)
values The set of filter values. string[]


Name Description Value
operatorType The operator type used for filtering, e.g., NumberIn, StringContains, BoolEquals and others. "StringIn" (required)
values The set of filter values. string[]


Name Description Value
operatorType The operator type used for filtering, e.g., NumberIn, StringContains, BoolEquals and others. "StringNotBeginsWith" (required)
values The set of filter values. string[]


Name Description Value
operatorType The operator type used for filtering, e.g., NumberIn, StringContains, BoolEquals and others. "StringNotContains" (required)
values The set of filter values. string[]


Name Description Value
operatorType The operator type used for filtering, e.g., NumberIn, StringContains, BoolEquals and others. "StringNotEndsWith" (required)
values The set of filter values. string[]


Name Description Value
operatorType The operator type used for filtering, e.g., NumberIn, StringContains, BoolEquals and others. "StringNotIn" (required)
values The set of filter values. string[]