Microsoft.KubernetesConfiguration fluxConfigurations 2021-11-01-preview

Bicep resource definition

The fluxConfigurations resource type is an extension resource, which means you can apply it to another resource.

Use the scope property on this resource to set the scope for this resource. See Set scope on extension resources in Bicep.

For a list of changed properties in each API version, see change log.

Resource format

To create a Microsoft.KubernetesConfiguration/fluxConfigurations resource, add the following Bicep to your template.

resource symbolicname 'Microsoft.KubernetesConfiguration/fluxConfigurations@2021-11-01-preview' = {
  name: 'string'
  scope: resourceSymbolicName
  properties: {
    configurationProtectedSettings: {}
    gitRepository: {
      httpsCAFile: 'string'
      httpsUser: 'string'
      localAuthRef: 'string'
      repositoryRef: {
        branch: 'string'
        commit: 'string'
        semver: 'string'
        tag: 'string'
      sshKnownHosts: 'string'
      syncIntervalInSeconds: int
      timeoutInSeconds: int
      url: 'string'
    kustomizations: {}
    namespace: 'string'
    scope: 'string'
    sourceKind: 'GitRepository'
    suspend: bool

Property values


Name Description Value
name The resource name string (required)
scope Use when creating an extension resource at a scope that is different than the deployment scope. Target resource

For Bicep, set this property to the symbolic name of the resource to apply the extension resource.
properties Properties to create a Flux Configuration resource FluxConfigurationProperties


Name Description Value
configurationProtectedSettings Key-value pairs of protected configuration settings for the configuration object
gitRepository Parameters to reconcile to the GitRepository source kind type. GitRepositoryDefinition
kustomizations Array of kustomizations used to reconcile the artifact pulled by the source type on the cluster. object
namespace The namespace to which this configuration is installed to. Maximum of 253 lower case alphanumeric characters, hyphen and period only. string
scope Scope at which the operator will be installed. 'cluster'
sourceKind Source Kind to pull the configuration data from. 'GitRepository'
suspend Whether this configuration should suspend its reconciliation of its kustomizations and sources. bool


Name Description Value
httpsCAFile Base64-encoded HTTPS certificate authority contents used to access git private git repositories over HTTPS string
httpsUser Base64-encoded HTTPS username used to access private git repositories over HTTPS string
localAuthRef Name of a local secret on the Kubernetes cluster to use as the authentication secret rather than the managed or user-provided configuration secrets. string
repositoryRef The source reference for the GitRepository object. RepositoryRefDefinition
sshKnownHosts Base64-encoded known_hosts value containing public SSH keys required to access private git repositories over SSH string
syncIntervalInSeconds The interval at which to re-reconcile the cluster git repository source with the remote. int
timeoutInSeconds The maximum time to attempt to reconcile the cluster git repository source with the remote. int
url The URL to sync for the flux configuration git repository. string


Name Description Value
branch The git repository branch name to checkout. string
commit The commit SHA to checkout. This value must be combined with the branch name to be valid. This takes precedence over semver. string
semver The semver range used to match against git repository tags. This takes precedence over tag. string
tag The git repository tag name to checkout. This takes precedence over branch. string

ARM template resource definition

The fluxConfigurations resource type is an extension resource, which means you can apply it to another resource.

Use the scope property on this resource to set the scope for this resource. See Set scope on extension resources in ARM templates.

For a list of changed properties in each API version, see change log.

Resource format

To create a Microsoft.KubernetesConfiguration/fluxConfigurations resource, add the following JSON to your template.

  "type": "Microsoft.KubernetesConfiguration/fluxConfigurations",
  "apiVersion": "2021-11-01-preview",
  "name": "string",
  "scope": "string",
  "properties": {
    "configurationProtectedSettings": {},
    "gitRepository": {
      "httpsCAFile": "string",
      "httpsUser": "string",
      "localAuthRef": "string",
      "repositoryRef": {
        "branch": "string",
        "commit": "string",
        "semver": "string",
        "tag": "string"
      "sshKnownHosts": "string",
      "syncIntervalInSeconds": "int",
      "timeoutInSeconds": "int",
      "url": "string"
    "kustomizations": {},
    "namespace": "string",
    "scope": "string",
    "sourceKind": "GitRepository",
    "suspend": "bool"

Property values


Name Description Value
type The resource type 'Microsoft.KubernetesConfiguration/fluxConfigurations'
apiVersion The resource api version '2021-11-01-preview'
name The resource name string (required)
scope Use when creating an extension resource at a scope that is different than the deployment scope. Target resource

For JSON, set the value to the full name of the resource to apply the extension resource to.
properties Properties to create a Flux Configuration resource FluxConfigurationProperties


Name Description Value
configurationProtectedSettings Key-value pairs of protected configuration settings for the configuration object
gitRepository Parameters to reconcile to the GitRepository source kind type. GitRepositoryDefinition
kustomizations Array of kustomizations used to reconcile the artifact pulled by the source type on the cluster. object
namespace The namespace to which this configuration is installed to. Maximum of 253 lower case alphanumeric characters, hyphen and period only. string
scope Scope at which the operator will be installed. 'cluster'
sourceKind Source Kind to pull the configuration data from. 'GitRepository'
suspend Whether this configuration should suspend its reconciliation of its kustomizations and sources. bool


Name Description Value
httpsCAFile Base64-encoded HTTPS certificate authority contents used to access git private git repositories over HTTPS string
httpsUser Base64-encoded HTTPS username used to access private git repositories over HTTPS string
localAuthRef Name of a local secret on the Kubernetes cluster to use as the authentication secret rather than the managed or user-provided configuration secrets. string
repositoryRef The source reference for the GitRepository object. RepositoryRefDefinition
sshKnownHosts Base64-encoded known_hosts value containing public SSH keys required to access private git repositories over SSH string
syncIntervalInSeconds The interval at which to re-reconcile the cluster git repository source with the remote. int
timeoutInSeconds The maximum time to attempt to reconcile the cluster git repository source with the remote. int
url The URL to sync for the flux configuration git repository. string


Name Description Value
branch The git repository branch name to checkout. string
commit The commit SHA to checkout. This value must be combined with the branch name to be valid. This takes precedence over semver. string
semver The semver range used to match against git repository tags. This takes precedence over tag. string
tag The git repository tag name to checkout. This takes precedence over branch. string

Terraform (AzAPI provider) resource definition

The fluxConfigurations resource type is an extension resource, which means you can apply it to another resource.

Use the parent_id property on this resource to set the scope for this resource.

For a list of changed properties in each API version, see change log.

Resource format

To create a Microsoft.KubernetesConfiguration/fluxConfigurations resource, add the following Terraform to your template.

resource "azapi_resource" "symbolicname" {
  type = "Microsoft.KubernetesConfiguration/fluxConfigurations@2021-11-01-preview"
  name = "string"
  parent_id = "string"
  body = jsonencode({
    properties = {
      configurationProtectedSettings = {}
      gitRepository = {
        httpsCAFile = "string"
        httpsUser = "string"
        localAuthRef = "string"
        repositoryRef = {
          branch = "string"
          commit = "string"
          semver = "string"
          tag = "string"
        sshKnownHosts = "string"
        syncIntervalInSeconds = int
        timeoutInSeconds = int
        url = "string"
      kustomizations = {}
      namespace = "string"
      scope = "string"
      sourceKind = "GitRepository"
      suspend = bool

Property values


Name Description Value
type The resource type "Microsoft.KubernetesConfiguration/fluxConfigurations@2021-11-01-preview"
name The resource name string (required)
parent_id The ID of the resource to apply this extension resource to. string (required)
properties Properties to create a Flux Configuration resource FluxConfigurationProperties


Name Description Value
configurationProtectedSettings Key-value pairs of protected configuration settings for the configuration object
gitRepository Parameters to reconcile to the GitRepository source kind type. GitRepositoryDefinition
kustomizations Array of kustomizations used to reconcile the artifact pulled by the source type on the cluster. object
namespace The namespace to which this configuration is installed to. Maximum of 253 lower case alphanumeric characters, hyphen and period only. string
scope Scope at which the operator will be installed. "cluster"
sourceKind Source Kind to pull the configuration data from. "GitRepository"
suspend Whether this configuration should suspend its reconciliation of its kustomizations and sources. bool


Name Description Value
httpsCAFile Base64-encoded HTTPS certificate authority contents used to access git private git repositories over HTTPS string
httpsUser Base64-encoded HTTPS username used to access private git repositories over HTTPS string
localAuthRef Name of a local secret on the Kubernetes cluster to use as the authentication secret rather than the managed or user-provided configuration secrets. string
repositoryRef The source reference for the GitRepository object. RepositoryRefDefinition
sshKnownHosts Base64-encoded known_hosts value containing public SSH keys required to access private git repositories over SSH string
syncIntervalInSeconds The interval at which to re-reconcile the cluster git repository source with the remote. int
timeoutInSeconds The maximum time to attempt to reconcile the cluster git repository source with the remote. int
url The URL to sync for the flux configuration git repository. string


Name Description Value
branch The git repository branch name to checkout. string
commit The commit SHA to checkout. This value must be combined with the branch name to be valid. This takes precedence over semver. string
semver The semver range used to match against git repository tags. This takes precedence over tag. string
tag The git repository tag name to checkout. This takes precedence over branch. string