Microsoft.MachineLearningServices workspaces/services 2021-01-01

Bicep resource definition

The workspaces/services resource type can be deployed with operations that target:

For a list of changed properties in each API version, see change log.

Resource format

To create a Microsoft.MachineLearningServices/workspaces/services resource, add the following Bicep to your template.

resource symbolicname 'Microsoft.MachineLearningServices/workspaces/services@2021-01-01' = {
  name: 'string'
  location: 'string'
  parent: resourceSymbolicName
  description: 'string'
  environmentImageRequest: {
    assets: [
        id: 'string'
        mimeType: 'string'
        unpack: bool
        url: 'string'
    driverProgram: 'string'
    environment: {
      docker: {
        baseDockerfile: 'string'
        baseImage: 'string'
        baseImageRegistry: {
          address: 'string'
          password: 'string'
          username: 'string'
      environmentVariables: {
        {customized property}: 'string'
      inferencingStackVersion: 'string'
      name: 'string'
      python: {
        baseCondaEnvironment: 'string'
        condaDependencies: any()
        interpreterPath: 'string'
        userManagedDependencies: bool
      r: {
        bioConductorPackages: [
        cranPackages: [
            name: 'string'
            repository: 'string'
        customUrlPackages: [
        gitHubPackages: [
            authToken: 'string'
            repository: 'string'
        rscriptPath: 'string'
        rVersion: 'string'
        snapshotDate: 'string'
        userManaged: bool
      spark: {
        packages: [
            artifact: 'string'
            group: 'string'
            version: 'string'
        precachePackages: bool
        repositories: [
      version: 'string'
    environmentReference: {
      name: 'string'
      version: 'string'
    modelIds: [
    models: [
        createdTime: 'string'
        datasets: [
            id: 'string'
            name: 'string'
        derivedModelIds: [
        description: 'string'
        experimentName: 'string'
        framework: 'string'
        frameworkVersion: 'string'
        id: 'string'
        kvTags: {}
        mimeType: 'string'
        modifiedTime: 'string'
        name: 'string'
        parentModelId: 'string'
        properties: {
          {customized property}: 'string'
        resourceRequirements: {
          cpu: int
          cpuLimit: int
          fpga: int
          gpu: int
          memoryInGB: int
          memoryInGBLimit: int
        runId: 'string'
        sampleInputData: 'string'
        sampleOutputData: 'string'
        unpack: bool
        url: 'string'
        version: int
  keys: {
    primaryKey: 'string'
    secondaryKey: 'string'
  kvTags: {}
  properties: {
    {customized property}: 'string'
  computeType: 'string'
  // For remaining properties, see workspaces/services objects

workspaces/services objects

Set the computeType property to specify the type of object.

For ACI, use:

  computeType: 'ACI'
  appInsightsEnabled: bool
  authEnabled: bool
  cname: 'string'
  containerResourceRequirements: {
    cpu: int
    cpuLimit: int
    fpga: int
    gpu: int
    memoryInGB: int
    memoryInGBLimit: int
  dataCollection: {
    eventHubEnabled: bool
    storageEnabled: bool
  dnsNameLabel: 'string'
  encryptionProperties: {
    keyName: 'string'
    keyVersion: 'string'
    vaultBaseUrl: 'string'
  sslCertificate: 'string'
  sslEnabled: bool
  sslKey: 'string'
  vnetConfiguration: {
    subnetName: 'string'
    vnetName: 'string'

For AKS, use:

  computeType: 'AKS'
  aadAuthEnabled: bool
  appInsightsEnabled: bool
  authEnabled: bool
  autoScaler: {
    autoscaleEnabled: bool
    maxReplicas: int
    minReplicas: int
    refreshPeriodInSeconds: int
    targetUtilization: int
  computeName: 'string'
  containerResourceRequirements: {
    cpu: int
    cpuLimit: int
    fpga: int
    gpu: int
    memoryInGB: int
    memoryInGBLimit: int
  dataCollection: {
    eventHubEnabled: bool
    storageEnabled: bool
  isDefault: bool
  livenessProbeRequirements: {
    failureThreshold: int
    initialDelaySeconds: int
    periodSeconds: int
    successThreshold: int
    timeoutSeconds: int
  maxConcurrentRequestsPerContainer: int
  maxQueueWaitMs: int
  namespace: 'string'
  numReplicas: int
  scoringTimeoutMs: int
  trafficPercentile: int
  type: 'string'

Property values


Name Description Value
name The resource name

See how to set names and types for child resources in Bicep.
string (required)
location The name of the Azure location/region. string
parent In Bicep, you can specify the parent resource for a child resource. You only need to add this property when the child resource is declared outside of the parent resource.

For more information, see Child resource outside parent resource.
Symbolic name for resource of type: workspaces
description The description of the service. string
environmentImageRequest The Environment, models and assets needed for inferencing. CreateServiceRequestEnvironmentImageRequest
keys The authentication keys. CreateServiceRequestKeys
kvTags The service tag dictionary. Tags are mutable. object
properties The service properties dictionary. Properties are immutable. CreateServiceRequestProperties
computeType Set the object type ACI
AKS (required)


Name Description Value
computeType The compute environment type for the service. 'ACI' (required)
appInsightsEnabled Whether or not Application Insights is enabled. bool
authEnabled Whether or not authentication is enabled on the service. bool
cname The CName for the service. string
containerResourceRequirements The container resource requirements. ContainerResourceRequirements
dataCollection Details of the data collection options specified. ACIServiceCreateRequestDataCollection
dnsNameLabel The Dns label for the service. string
encryptionProperties The encryption properties. ACIServiceCreateRequestEncryptionProperties
sslCertificate The public SSL certificate in PEM format to use if SSL is enabled. string
sslEnabled Whether or not SSL is enabled. bool
sslKey The public SSL key in PEM format for the certificate. string
vnetConfiguration The virtual network configuration. ACIServiceCreateRequestVnetConfiguration


Name Description Value
cpu The minimum amount of CPU cores to be used by the container. More info:
cpuLimit The maximum amount of CPU cores allowed to be used by the container. More info:
fpga The number of FPGA PCIE devices exposed to the container. Must be multiple of 2. int
gpu The number of GPU cores in the container. int
memoryInGB The minimum amount of memory (in GB) to be used by the container. More info:
memoryInGBLimit The maximum amount of memory (in GB) allowed to be used by the container. More info:


Name Description Value
eventHubEnabled Option for enabling/disabling Event Hub. bool
storageEnabled Option for enabling/disabling storage. bool


Name Description Value
keyName Encryption Key name string (required)
keyVersion Encryption Key Version string (required)
vaultBaseUrl vault base Url string (required)


Name Description Value
subnetName The name of the virtual network subnet. string
vnetName The name of the virtual network. string


Name Description Value
computeType The compute environment type for the service. 'AKS' (required)
aadAuthEnabled Whether or not AAD authentication is enabled. bool
appInsightsEnabled Whether or not Application Insights is enabled. bool
authEnabled Whether or not authentication is enabled. bool
autoScaler The auto scaler properties. AKSServiceCreateRequestAutoScaler
computeName The name of the compute resource. string
containerResourceRequirements The container resource requirements. ContainerResourceRequirements
dataCollection Details of the data collection options specified. AKSServiceCreateRequestDataCollection
isDefault Is this the default variant. bool
livenessProbeRequirements The liveness probe requirements. AKSServiceCreateRequestLivenessProbeRequirements
maxConcurrentRequestsPerContainer The maximum number of concurrent requests per container. int
maxQueueWaitMs Maximum time a request will wait in the queue (in milliseconds). After this time, the service will return 503 (Service Unavailable) int
namespace Kubernetes namespace for the service. string
numReplicas The number of replicas on the cluster. int
scoringTimeoutMs The scoring timeout in milliseconds. int
trafficPercentile The amount of traffic variant receives. int
type The type of the variant. 'Control'


Name Description Value
autoscaleEnabled Option to enable/disable auto scaling. bool
maxReplicas The maximum number of replicas in the cluster. int
minReplicas The minimum number of replicas to scale down to. int
refreshPeriodInSeconds The amount of seconds to wait between auto scale updates. int
targetUtilization The target utilization percentage to use for determining whether to scale the cluster. int


Name Description Value
eventHubEnabled Option for enabling/disabling Event Hub. bool
storageEnabled Option for enabling/disabling storage. bool


Name Description Value
failureThreshold The number of failures to allow before returning an unhealthy status. int
initialDelaySeconds The delay before the first probe in seconds. int
periodSeconds The length of time between probes in seconds. int
successThreshold The number of successful probes before returning a healthy status. int
timeoutSeconds The probe timeout in seconds. int


Name Description Value
assets The list of assets. ImageAsset[]
driverProgram The name of the driver file. string
environment The details of the AZURE ML environment. EnvironmentImageRequestEnvironment
environmentReference The unique identifying details of the AZURE ML environment. EnvironmentImageRequestEnvironmentReference
modelIds The list of model Ids. string[]
models The list of models. Model[]


Name Description Value
id The Asset Id. string
mimeType The mime type. string
unpack Whether the Asset is unpacked. bool
url The Url of the Asset. string


Name Description Value
docker The definition of a Docker container. ModelEnvironmentDefinitionDocker
environmentVariables Definition of environment variables to be defined in the environment. ModelEnvironmentDefinitionEnvironmentVariables
inferencingStackVersion The inferencing stack version added to the image. To avoid adding an inferencing stack, do not set this value. Valid values: "latest". string
name The name of the environment. string
python Settings for a Python environment. ModelEnvironmentDefinitionPython
r Settings for a R environment. ModelEnvironmentDefinitionR
spark The configuration for a Spark environment. ModelEnvironmentDefinitionSpark
version The environment version. string


Name Description Value
baseDockerfile Base Dockerfile used for Docker-based runs. Mutually exclusive with BaseImage. string
baseImage Base image used for Docker-based runs. Mutually exclusive with BaseDockerfile. string
baseImageRegistry Image registry that contains the base image. ModelDockerSectionBaseImageRegistry


Name Description Value
address string
password string

Sensitive value. Pass in as a secure parameter.
username string

Sensitive value. Pass in as a secure parameter.


Name Description Value
{customized property} string


Name Description Value
baseCondaEnvironment string
condaDependencies A JObject containing Conda dependencies. For Bicep, you can use the any() function.
interpreterPath The python interpreter path to use if an environment build is not required. The path specified gets used to call the user script. string
userManagedDependencies True means that AzureML reuses an existing python environment; False means that AzureML will create a python environment based on the Conda dependencies specification. bool


Name Description Value
bioConductorPackages The packages from Bioconductor. string[]
cranPackages The CRAN packages to use. RCranPackage[]
customUrlPackages The packages from custom urls. string[]
gitHubPackages The packages directly from GitHub. RGitHubPackage[]
rscriptPath The Rscript path to use if an environment build is not required.
The path specified gets used to call the user script.
rVersion The version of R to be installed string
snapshotDate Date of MRAN snapshot to use in YYYY-MM-DD format, e.g. "2019-04-17" string
userManaged Indicates whether the environment is managed by user or by AzureML. bool


Name Description Value
name The package name. string
repository The repository name. string


Name Description Value
authToken Personal access token to install from a private repo string

Sensitive value. Pass in as a secure parameter.
repository Repository address in the format username/repo[/subdir][@ref,#pull]. string


Name Description Value
packages The Spark packages to use. SparkMavenPackage[]
precachePackages Whether to precache the packages. bool
repositories The list of spark repositories. string[]


Name Description Value
artifact string
group string
version string


Name Description Value
name Name of the environment. string
version Version of the environment. string


Name Description Value
createdTime The Model creation time (UTC). string
datasets The list of datasets associated with the model. DatasetReference[]
derivedModelIds Models derived from this model string[]
description The Model description text. string
experimentName The name of the experiment where this model was created. string
framework The Model framework. string
frameworkVersion The Model framework version. string
id The Model Id. string
kvTags The Model tag dictionary. Items are mutable. object
mimeType The MIME type of Model content. For more details about MIME type, please open string (required)
modifiedTime The Model last modified time (UTC). string
name The Model name. string (required)
parentModelId The Parent Model Id. string
properties The Model property dictionary. Properties are immutable. ModelProperties
resourceRequirements Resource requirements for the model ContainerResourceRequirements
runId The RunId that created this model. string
sampleInputData Sample Input Data for the Model. A reference to a dataset in the workspace in the format aml://dataset/{datasetId} string
sampleOutputData Sample Output Data for the Model. A reference to a dataset in the workspace in the format aml://dataset/{datasetId} string
unpack Indicates whether we need to unpack the Model during docker Image creation. bool
url The URL of the Model. Usually a SAS URL. string (required)
version The Model version assigned by Model Management Service. int


Name Description Value
id The id of the dataset reference. string
name The name of the dataset reference. string


Name Description Value
{customized property} string


Name Description Value
primaryKey The primary key. string
secondaryKey The secondary key. string


Name Description Value
{customized property} string

Quickstart templates

The following quickstart templates deploy this resource type.

Template Description
Create an Azure Machine Learning Service

Deploy to Azure
This template creates an Azure Machine Learning service.
Create an Azure Machine Learning Service (AKS)

Deploy to Azure
This template creates an Azure Machine Learning service.

ARM template resource definition

The workspaces/services resource type can be deployed with operations that target:

For a list of changed properties in each API version, see change log.

Resource format

To create a Microsoft.MachineLearningServices/workspaces/services resource, add the following JSON to your template.

  "type": "Microsoft.MachineLearningServices/workspaces/services",
  "apiVersion": "2021-01-01",
  "name": "string",
  "location": "string",
  "description": "string",
  "environmentImageRequest": {
    "assets": [
        "id": "string",
        "mimeType": "string",
        "unpack": "bool",
        "url": "string"
    "driverProgram": "string",
    "environment": {
      "docker": {
        "baseDockerfile": "string",
        "baseImage": "string",
        "baseImageRegistry": {
          "address": "string",
          "password": "string",
          "username": "string"
      "environmentVariables": {
        "{customized property}": "string"
      "inferencingStackVersion": "string",
      "name": "string",
      "python": {
        "baseCondaEnvironment": "string",
        "condaDependencies": {},
        "interpreterPath": "string",
        "userManagedDependencies": "bool"
      "r": {
        "bioConductorPackages": [ "string" ],
        "cranPackages": [
            "name": "string",
            "repository": "string"
        "customUrlPackages": [ "string" ],
        "gitHubPackages": [
            "authToken": "string",
            "repository": "string"
        "rscriptPath": "string",
        "rVersion": "string",
        "snapshotDate": "string",
        "userManaged": "bool"
      "spark": {
        "packages": [
            "artifact": "string",
            "group": "string",
            "version": "string"
        "precachePackages": "bool",
        "repositories": [ "string" ]
      "version": "string"
    "environmentReference": {
      "name": "string",
      "version": "string"
    "modelIds": [ "string" ],
    "models": [
        "createdTime": "string",
        "datasets": [
            "id": "string",
            "name": "string"
        "derivedModelIds": [ "string" ],
        "description": "string",
        "experimentName": "string",
        "framework": "string",
        "frameworkVersion": "string",
        "id": "string",
        "kvTags": {},
        "mimeType": "string",
        "modifiedTime": "string",
        "name": "string",
        "parentModelId": "string",
        "properties": {
          "{customized property}": "string"
        "resourceRequirements": {
          "cpu": "int",
          "cpuLimit": "int",
          "fpga": "int",
          "gpu": "int",
          "memoryInGB": "int",
          "memoryInGBLimit": "int"
        "runId": "string",
        "sampleInputData": "string",
        "sampleOutputData": "string",
        "unpack": "bool",
        "url": "string",
        "version": "int"
  "keys": {
    "primaryKey": "string",
    "secondaryKey": "string"
  "kvTags": {},
  "properties": {
    "{customized property}": "string"
  "computeType": "string"
  // For remaining properties, see workspaces/services objects

workspaces/services objects

Set the computeType property to specify the type of object.

For ACI, use:

  "computeType": "ACI",
  "appInsightsEnabled": "bool",
  "authEnabled": "bool",
  "cname": "string",
  "containerResourceRequirements": {
    "cpu": "int",
    "cpuLimit": "int",
    "fpga": "int",
    "gpu": "int",
    "memoryInGB": "int",
    "memoryInGBLimit": "int"
  "dataCollection": {
    "eventHubEnabled": "bool",
    "storageEnabled": "bool"
  "dnsNameLabel": "string",
  "encryptionProperties": {
    "keyName": "string",
    "keyVersion": "string",
    "vaultBaseUrl": "string"
  "sslCertificate": "string",
  "sslEnabled": "bool",
  "sslKey": "string",
  "vnetConfiguration": {
    "subnetName": "string",
    "vnetName": "string"

For AKS, use:

  "computeType": "AKS",
  "aadAuthEnabled": "bool",
  "appInsightsEnabled": "bool",
  "authEnabled": "bool",
  "autoScaler": {
    "autoscaleEnabled": "bool",
    "maxReplicas": "int",
    "minReplicas": "int",
    "refreshPeriodInSeconds": "int",
    "targetUtilization": "int"
  "computeName": "string",
  "containerResourceRequirements": {
    "cpu": "int",
    "cpuLimit": "int",
    "fpga": "int",
    "gpu": "int",
    "memoryInGB": "int",
    "memoryInGBLimit": "int"
  "dataCollection": {
    "eventHubEnabled": "bool",
    "storageEnabled": "bool"
  "isDefault": "bool",
  "livenessProbeRequirements": {
    "failureThreshold": "int",
    "initialDelaySeconds": "int",
    "periodSeconds": "int",
    "successThreshold": "int",
    "timeoutSeconds": "int"
  "maxConcurrentRequestsPerContainer": "int",
  "maxQueueWaitMs": "int",
  "namespace": "string",
  "numReplicas": "int",
  "scoringTimeoutMs": "int",
  "trafficPercentile": "int",
  "type": "string"

Property values


Name Description Value
type The resource type 'Microsoft.MachineLearningServices/workspaces/services'
apiVersion The resource api version '2021-01-01'
name The resource name

See how to set names and types for child resources in JSON ARM templates.
string (required)
location The name of the Azure location/region. string
description The description of the service. string
environmentImageRequest The Environment, models and assets needed for inferencing. CreateServiceRequestEnvironmentImageRequest
keys The authentication keys. CreateServiceRequestKeys
kvTags The service tag dictionary. Tags are mutable. object
properties The service properties dictionary. Properties are immutable. CreateServiceRequestProperties
computeType Set the object type ACI
AKS (required)


Name Description Value
computeType The compute environment type for the service. 'ACI' (required)
appInsightsEnabled Whether or not Application Insights is enabled. bool
authEnabled Whether or not authentication is enabled on the service. bool
cname The CName for the service. string
containerResourceRequirements The container resource requirements. ContainerResourceRequirements
dataCollection Details of the data collection options specified. ACIServiceCreateRequestDataCollection
dnsNameLabel The Dns label for the service. string
encryptionProperties The encryption properties. ACIServiceCreateRequestEncryptionProperties
sslCertificate The public SSL certificate in PEM format to use if SSL is enabled. string
sslEnabled Whether or not SSL is enabled. bool
sslKey The public SSL key in PEM format for the certificate. string
vnetConfiguration The virtual network configuration. ACIServiceCreateRequestVnetConfiguration


Name Description Value
cpu The minimum amount of CPU cores to be used by the container. More info:
cpuLimit The maximum amount of CPU cores allowed to be used by the container. More info:
fpga The number of FPGA PCIE devices exposed to the container. Must be multiple of 2. int
gpu The number of GPU cores in the container. int
memoryInGB The minimum amount of memory (in GB) to be used by the container. More info:
memoryInGBLimit The maximum amount of memory (in GB) allowed to be used by the container. More info:


Name Description Value
eventHubEnabled Option for enabling/disabling Event Hub. bool
storageEnabled Option for enabling/disabling storage. bool


Name Description Value
keyName Encryption Key name string (required)
keyVersion Encryption Key Version string (required)
vaultBaseUrl vault base Url string (required)


Name Description Value
subnetName The name of the virtual network subnet. string
vnetName The name of the virtual network. string


Name Description Value
computeType The compute environment type for the service. 'AKS' (required)
aadAuthEnabled Whether or not AAD authentication is enabled. bool
appInsightsEnabled Whether or not Application Insights is enabled. bool
authEnabled Whether or not authentication is enabled. bool
autoScaler The auto scaler properties. AKSServiceCreateRequestAutoScaler
computeName The name of the compute resource. string
containerResourceRequirements The container resource requirements. ContainerResourceRequirements
dataCollection Details of the data collection options specified. AKSServiceCreateRequestDataCollection
isDefault Is this the default variant. bool
livenessProbeRequirements The liveness probe requirements. AKSServiceCreateRequestLivenessProbeRequirements
maxConcurrentRequestsPerContainer The maximum number of concurrent requests per container. int
maxQueueWaitMs Maximum time a request will wait in the queue (in milliseconds). After this time, the service will return 503 (Service Unavailable) int
namespace Kubernetes namespace for the service. string
numReplicas The number of replicas on the cluster. int
scoringTimeoutMs The scoring timeout in milliseconds. int
trafficPercentile The amount of traffic variant receives. int
type The type of the variant. 'Control'


Name Description Value
autoscaleEnabled Option to enable/disable auto scaling. bool
maxReplicas The maximum number of replicas in the cluster. int
minReplicas The minimum number of replicas to scale down to. int
refreshPeriodInSeconds The amount of seconds to wait between auto scale updates. int
targetUtilization The target utilization percentage to use for determining whether to scale the cluster. int


Name Description Value
eventHubEnabled Option for enabling/disabling Event Hub. bool
storageEnabled Option for enabling/disabling storage. bool


Name Description Value
failureThreshold The number of failures to allow before returning an unhealthy status. int
initialDelaySeconds The delay before the first probe in seconds. int
periodSeconds The length of time between probes in seconds. int
successThreshold The number of successful probes before returning a healthy status. int
timeoutSeconds The probe timeout in seconds. int


Name Description Value
assets The list of assets. ImageAsset[]
driverProgram The name of the driver file. string
environment The details of the AZURE ML environment. EnvironmentImageRequestEnvironment
environmentReference The unique identifying details of the AZURE ML environment. EnvironmentImageRequestEnvironmentReference
modelIds The list of model Ids. string[]
models The list of models. Model[]


Name Description Value
id The Asset Id. string
mimeType The mime type. string
unpack Whether the Asset is unpacked. bool
url The Url of the Asset. string


Name Description Value
docker The definition of a Docker container. ModelEnvironmentDefinitionDocker
environmentVariables Definition of environment variables to be defined in the environment. ModelEnvironmentDefinitionEnvironmentVariables
inferencingStackVersion The inferencing stack version added to the image. To avoid adding an inferencing stack, do not set this value. Valid values: "latest". string
name The name of the environment. string
python Settings for a Python environment. ModelEnvironmentDefinitionPython
r Settings for a R environment. ModelEnvironmentDefinitionR
spark The configuration for a Spark environment. ModelEnvironmentDefinitionSpark
version The environment version. string


Name Description Value
baseDockerfile Base Dockerfile used for Docker-based runs. Mutually exclusive with BaseImage. string
baseImage Base image used for Docker-based runs. Mutually exclusive with BaseDockerfile. string
baseImageRegistry Image registry that contains the base image. ModelDockerSectionBaseImageRegistry


Name Description Value
address string
password string

Sensitive value. Pass in as a secure parameter.
username string

Sensitive value. Pass in as a secure parameter.


Name Description Value
{customized property} string


Name Description Value
baseCondaEnvironment string
condaDependencies A JObject containing Conda dependencies.
interpreterPath The python interpreter path to use if an environment build is not required. The path specified gets used to call the user script. string
userManagedDependencies True means that AzureML reuses an existing python environment; False means that AzureML will create a python environment based on the Conda dependencies specification. bool


Name Description Value
bioConductorPackages The packages from Bioconductor. string[]
cranPackages The CRAN packages to use. RCranPackage[]
customUrlPackages The packages from custom urls. string[]
gitHubPackages The packages directly from GitHub. RGitHubPackage[]
rscriptPath The Rscript path to use if an environment build is not required.
The path specified gets used to call the user script.
rVersion The version of R to be installed string
snapshotDate Date of MRAN snapshot to use in YYYY-MM-DD format, e.g. "2019-04-17" string
userManaged Indicates whether the environment is managed by user or by AzureML. bool


Name Description Value
name The package name. string
repository The repository name. string


Name Description Value
authToken Personal access token to install from a private repo string

Sensitive value. Pass in as a secure parameter.
repository Repository address in the format username/repo[/subdir][@ref,#pull]. string


Name Description Value
packages The Spark packages to use. SparkMavenPackage[]
precachePackages Whether to precache the packages. bool
repositories The list of spark repositories. string[]


Name Description Value
artifact string
group string
version string


Name Description Value
name Name of the environment. string
version Version of the environment. string


Name Description Value
createdTime The Model creation time (UTC). string
datasets The list of datasets associated with the model. DatasetReference[]
derivedModelIds Models derived from this model string[]
description The Model description text. string
experimentName The name of the experiment where this model was created. string
framework The Model framework. string
frameworkVersion The Model framework version. string
id The Model Id. string
kvTags The Model tag dictionary. Items are mutable. object
mimeType The MIME type of Model content. For more details about MIME type, please open string (required)
modifiedTime The Model last modified time (UTC). string
name The Model name. string (required)
parentModelId The Parent Model Id. string
properties The Model property dictionary. Properties are immutable. ModelProperties
resourceRequirements Resource requirements for the model ContainerResourceRequirements
runId The RunId that created this model. string
sampleInputData Sample Input Data for the Model. A reference to a dataset in the workspace in the format aml://dataset/{datasetId} string
sampleOutputData Sample Output Data for the Model. A reference to a dataset in the workspace in the format aml://dataset/{datasetId} string
unpack Indicates whether we need to unpack the Model during docker Image creation. bool
url The URL of the Model. Usually a SAS URL. string (required)
version The Model version assigned by Model Management Service. int


Name Description Value
id The id of the dataset reference. string
name The name of the dataset reference. string


Name Description Value
{customized property} string


Name Description Value
primaryKey The primary key. string
secondaryKey The secondary key. string


Name Description Value
{customized property} string

Quickstart templates

The following quickstart templates deploy this resource type.

Template Description
Create an Azure Machine Learning Service

Deploy to Azure
This template creates an Azure Machine Learning service.
Create an Azure Machine Learning Service (AKS)

Deploy to Azure
This template creates an Azure Machine Learning service.

Terraform (AzAPI provider) resource definition

The workspaces/services resource type can be deployed with operations that target:

  • Resource groups

For a list of changed properties in each API version, see change log.

Resource format

To create a Microsoft.MachineLearningServices/workspaces/services resource, add the following Terraform to your template.

resource "azapi_resource" "symbolicname" {
  type = "Microsoft.MachineLearningServices/workspaces/services@2021-01-01"
  name = "string"
  location = "string"
  parent_id = "string"
  // For remaining properties, see workspaces/services objects
  body = jsonencode({
    description = "string"
    environmentImageRequest = {
      assets = [
          id = "string"
          mimeType = "string"
          unpack = bool
          url = "string"
      driverProgram = "string"
      environment = {
        docker = {
          baseDockerfile = "string"
          baseImage = "string"
          baseImageRegistry = {
            address = "string"
            password = "string"
            username = "string"
        environmentVariables = {
          {customized property} = "string"
        inferencingStackVersion = "string"
        name = "string"
        python = {
          baseCondaEnvironment = "string"
          interpreterPath = "string"
          userManagedDependencies = bool
        r = {
          bioConductorPackages = [
          cranPackages = [
              name = "string"
              repository = "string"
          customUrlPackages = [
          gitHubPackages = [
              authToken = "string"
              repository = "string"
          rscriptPath = "string"
          rVersion = "string"
          snapshotDate = "string"
          userManaged = bool
        spark = {
          packages = [
              artifact = "string"
              group = "string"
              version = "string"
          precachePackages = bool
          repositories = [
        version = "string"
      environmentReference = {
        name = "string"
        version = "string"
      modelIds = [
      models = [
          createdTime = "string"
          datasets = [
              id = "string"
              name = "string"
          derivedModelIds = [
          description = "string"
          experimentName = "string"
          framework = "string"
          frameworkVersion = "string"
          id = "string"
          kvTags = {}
          mimeType = "string"
          modifiedTime = "string"
          name = "string"
          parentModelId = "string"
          properties = {
            {customized property} = "string"
          resourceRequirements = {
            cpu = int
            cpuLimit = int
            fpga = int
            gpu = int
            memoryInGB = int
            memoryInGBLimit = int
          runId = "string"
          sampleInputData = "string"
          sampleOutputData = "string"
          unpack = bool
          url = "string"
          version = int
    keys = {
      primaryKey = "string"
      secondaryKey = "string"
    kvTags = {}
    body = jsonencode({
    properties = {
      {customized property} = "string"
    computeType = "string"

workspaces/services objects

Set the computeType property to specify the type of object.

For ACI, use:

  computeType = "ACI"
  appInsightsEnabled = bool
  authEnabled = bool
  cname = "string"
  containerResourceRequirements = {
    cpu = int
    cpuLimit = int
    fpga = int
    gpu = int
    memoryInGB = int
    memoryInGBLimit = int
  dataCollection = {
    eventHubEnabled = bool
    storageEnabled = bool
  dnsNameLabel = "string"
  encryptionProperties = {
    keyName = "string"
    keyVersion = "string"
    vaultBaseUrl = "string"
  sslCertificate = "string"
  sslEnabled = bool
  sslKey = "string"
  vnetConfiguration = {
    subnetName = "string"
    vnetName = "string"

For AKS, use:

  computeType = "AKS"
  aadAuthEnabled = bool
  appInsightsEnabled = bool
  authEnabled = bool
  autoScaler = {
    autoscaleEnabled = bool
    maxReplicas = int
    minReplicas = int
    refreshPeriodInSeconds = int
    targetUtilization = int
  computeName = "string"
  containerResourceRequirements = {
    cpu = int
    cpuLimit = int
    fpga = int
    gpu = int
    memoryInGB = int
    memoryInGBLimit = int
  dataCollection = {
    eventHubEnabled = bool
    storageEnabled = bool
  isDefault = bool
  livenessProbeRequirements = {
    failureThreshold = int
    initialDelaySeconds = int
    periodSeconds = int
    successThreshold = int
    timeoutSeconds = int
  maxConcurrentRequestsPerContainer = int
  maxQueueWaitMs = int
  namespace = "string"
  numReplicas = int
  scoringTimeoutMs = int
  trafficPercentile = int
  type = "string"

Property values


Name Description Value
type The resource type "Microsoft.MachineLearningServices/workspaces/services@2021-01-01"
name The resource name string (required)
location The name of the Azure location/region. string
parent_id The ID of the resource that is the parent for this resource. ID for resource of type: workspaces
description The description of the service. string
environmentImageRequest The Environment, models and assets needed for inferencing. CreateServiceRequestEnvironmentImageRequest
keys The authentication keys. CreateServiceRequestKeys
kvTags The service tag dictionary. Tags are mutable. object
properties The service properties dictionary. Properties are immutable. CreateServiceRequestProperties
computeType Set the object type ACI
AKS (required)


Name Description Value
computeType The compute environment type for the service. "ACI" (required)
appInsightsEnabled Whether or not Application Insights is enabled. bool
authEnabled Whether or not authentication is enabled on the service. bool
cname The CName for the service. string
containerResourceRequirements The container resource requirements. ContainerResourceRequirements
dataCollection Details of the data collection options specified. ACIServiceCreateRequestDataCollection
dnsNameLabel The Dns label for the service. string
encryptionProperties The encryption properties. ACIServiceCreateRequestEncryptionProperties
sslCertificate The public SSL certificate in PEM format to use if SSL is enabled. string
sslEnabled Whether or not SSL is enabled. bool
sslKey The public SSL key in PEM format for the certificate. string
vnetConfiguration The virtual network configuration. ACIServiceCreateRequestVnetConfiguration


Name Description Value
cpu The minimum amount of CPU cores to be used by the container. More info:
cpuLimit The maximum amount of CPU cores allowed to be used by the container. More info:
fpga The number of FPGA PCIE devices exposed to the container. Must be multiple of 2. int
gpu The number of GPU cores in the container. int
memoryInGB The minimum amount of memory (in GB) to be used by the container. More info:
memoryInGBLimit The maximum amount of memory (in GB) allowed to be used by the container. More info:


Name Description Value
eventHubEnabled Option for enabling/disabling Event Hub. bool
storageEnabled Option for enabling/disabling storage. bool


Name Description Value
keyName Encryption Key name string (required)
keyVersion Encryption Key Version string (required)
vaultBaseUrl vault base Url string (required)


Name Description Value
subnetName The name of the virtual network subnet. string
vnetName The name of the virtual network. string


Name Description Value
computeType The compute environment type for the service. "AKS" (required)
aadAuthEnabled Whether or not AAD authentication is enabled. bool
appInsightsEnabled Whether or not Application Insights is enabled. bool
authEnabled Whether or not authentication is enabled. bool
autoScaler The auto scaler properties. AKSServiceCreateRequestAutoScaler
computeName The name of the compute resource. string
containerResourceRequirements The container resource requirements. ContainerResourceRequirements
dataCollection Details of the data collection options specified. AKSServiceCreateRequestDataCollection
isDefault Is this the default variant. bool
livenessProbeRequirements The liveness probe requirements. AKSServiceCreateRequestLivenessProbeRequirements
maxConcurrentRequestsPerContainer The maximum number of concurrent requests per container. int
maxQueueWaitMs Maximum time a request will wait in the queue (in milliseconds). After this time, the service will return 503 (Service Unavailable) int
namespace Kubernetes namespace for the service. string
numReplicas The number of replicas on the cluster. int
scoringTimeoutMs The scoring timeout in milliseconds. int
trafficPercentile The amount of traffic variant receives. int
type The type of the variant. "Control"


Name Description Value
autoscaleEnabled Option to enable/disable auto scaling. bool
maxReplicas The maximum number of replicas in the cluster. int
minReplicas The minimum number of replicas to scale down to. int
refreshPeriodInSeconds The amount of seconds to wait between auto scale updates. int
targetUtilization The target utilization percentage to use for determining whether to scale the cluster. int


Name Description Value
eventHubEnabled Option for enabling/disabling Event Hub. bool
storageEnabled Option for enabling/disabling storage. bool


Name Description Value
failureThreshold The number of failures to allow before returning an unhealthy status. int
initialDelaySeconds The delay before the first probe in seconds. int
periodSeconds The length of time between probes in seconds. int
successThreshold The number of successful probes before returning a healthy status. int
timeoutSeconds The probe timeout in seconds. int


Name Description Value
assets The list of assets. ImageAsset[]
driverProgram The name of the driver file. string
environment The details of the AZURE ML environment. EnvironmentImageRequestEnvironment
environmentReference The unique identifying details of the AZURE ML environment. EnvironmentImageRequestEnvironmentReference
modelIds The list of model Ids. string[]
models The list of models. Model[]


Name Description Value
id The Asset Id. string
mimeType The mime type. string
unpack Whether the Asset is unpacked. bool
url The Url of the Asset. string


Name Description Value
docker The definition of a Docker container. ModelEnvironmentDefinitionDocker
environmentVariables Definition of environment variables to be defined in the environment. ModelEnvironmentDefinitionEnvironmentVariables
inferencingStackVersion The inferencing stack version added to the image. To avoid adding an inferencing stack, do not set this value. Valid values: "latest". string
name The name of the environment. string
python Settings for a Python environment. ModelEnvironmentDefinitionPython
r Settings for a R environment. ModelEnvironmentDefinitionR
spark The configuration for a Spark environment. ModelEnvironmentDefinitionSpark
version The environment version. string


Name Description Value
baseDockerfile Base Dockerfile used for Docker-based runs. Mutually exclusive with BaseImage. string
baseImage Base image used for Docker-based runs. Mutually exclusive with BaseDockerfile. string
baseImageRegistry Image registry that contains the base image. ModelDockerSectionBaseImageRegistry


Name Description Value
address string
password string

Sensitive value. Pass in as a secure parameter.
username string

Sensitive value. Pass in as a secure parameter.


Name Description Value
{customized property} string


Name Description Value
baseCondaEnvironment string
condaDependencies A JObject containing Conda dependencies.
interpreterPath The python interpreter path to use if an environment build is not required. The path specified gets used to call the user script. string
userManagedDependencies True means that AzureML reuses an existing python environment; False means that AzureML will create a python environment based on the Conda dependencies specification. bool


Name Description Value
bioConductorPackages The packages from Bioconductor. string[]
cranPackages The CRAN packages to use. RCranPackage[]
customUrlPackages The packages from custom urls. string[]
gitHubPackages The packages directly from GitHub. RGitHubPackage[]
rscriptPath The Rscript path to use if an environment build is not required.
The path specified gets used to call the user script.
rVersion The version of R to be installed string
snapshotDate Date of MRAN snapshot to use in YYYY-MM-DD format, e.g. "2019-04-17" string
userManaged Indicates whether the environment is managed by user or by AzureML. bool


Name Description Value
name The package name. string
repository The repository name. string


Name Description Value
authToken Personal access token to install from a private repo string

Sensitive value. Pass in as a secure parameter.
repository Repository address in the format username/repo[/subdir][@ref,#pull]. string


Name Description Value
packages The Spark packages to use. SparkMavenPackage[]
precachePackages Whether to precache the packages. bool
repositories The list of spark repositories. string[]


Name Description Value
artifact string
group string
version string


Name Description Value
name Name of the environment. string
version Version of the environment. string


Name Description Value
createdTime The Model creation time (UTC). string
datasets The list of datasets associated with the model. DatasetReference[]
derivedModelIds Models derived from this model string[]
description The Model description text. string
experimentName The name of the experiment where this model was created. string
framework The Model framework. string
frameworkVersion The Model framework version. string
id The Model Id. string
kvTags The Model tag dictionary. Items are mutable. object
mimeType The MIME type of Model content. For more details about MIME type, please open string (required)
modifiedTime The Model last modified time (UTC). string
name The Model name. string (required)
parentModelId The Parent Model Id. string
properties The Model property dictionary. Properties are immutable. ModelProperties
resourceRequirements Resource requirements for the model ContainerResourceRequirements
runId The RunId that created this model. string
sampleInputData Sample Input Data for the Model. A reference to a dataset in the workspace in the format aml://dataset/{datasetId} string
sampleOutputData Sample Output Data for the Model. A reference to a dataset in the workspace in the format aml://dataset/{datasetId} string
unpack Indicates whether we need to unpack the Model during docker Image creation. bool
url The URL of the Model. Usually a SAS URL. string (required)
version The Model version assigned by Model Management Service. int


Name Description Value
id The id of the dataset reference. string
name The name of the dataset reference. string


Name Description Value
{customized property} string


Name Description Value
primaryKey The primary key. string
secondaryKey The secondary key. string


Name Description Value
{customized property} string