Microsoft.MachineLearningServices workspaces/jobs 2023-02-01-preview

Bicep resource definition

The workspaces/jobs resource type can be deployed with operations that target:

For a list of changed properties in each API version, see change log.

Resource format

To create a Microsoft.MachineLearningServices/workspaces/jobs resource, add the following Bicep to your template.

resource symbolicname 'Microsoft.MachineLearningServices/workspaces/jobs@2023-02-01-preview' = {
  name: 'string'
  parent: resourceSymbolicName
  properties: {
    componentId: 'string'
    computeId: 'string'
    description: 'string'
    displayName: 'string'
    experimentName: 'string'
    identity: {
      identityType: 'string'
      // For remaining properties, see IdentityConfiguration objects
    isArchived: bool
    notificationSetting: {
      emailOn: [
      emails: [
    properties: {
      {customized property}: 'string'
    services: {
      {customized property}: {
        endpoint: 'string'
        jobServiceType: 'string'
        nodes: {
          nodesValueType: 'string'
          // For remaining properties, see Nodes objects
        port: int
        properties: {
          {customized property}: 'string'
    tags: {}
    jobType: 'string'
    // For remaining properties, see JobBaseProperties objects

JobBaseProperties objects

Set the jobType property to specify the type of object.

For AutoML, use:

  jobType: 'AutoML'
  environmentId: 'string'
  environmentVariables: {
    {customized property}: 'string'
  outputs: {
    {customized property}: {
      description: 'string'
      jobOutputType: 'string'
      // For remaining properties, see JobOutput objects
  queueSettings: {
    jobTier: 'string'
    priority: int
  resources: {
    dockerArgs: 'string'
    instanceCount: int
    instanceType: 'string'
    locations: [
    properties: {
      {customized property}: any()
    shmSize: 'string'
  taskDetails: {
    logVerbosity: 'string'
    targetColumnName: 'string'
    trainingData: {
      description: 'string'
      jobInputType: 'string'
      mode: 'string'
      uri: 'string'
    taskType: 'string'
    // For remaining properties, see AutoMLVertical objects

For Command, use:

  jobType: 'Command'
  autologgerSettings: {
    mlflowAutologger: 'string'
  codeId: 'string'
  command: 'string'
  distribution: {
    distributionType: 'string'
    // For remaining properties, see DistributionConfiguration objects
  environmentId: 'string'
  environmentVariables: {
    {customized property}: 'string'
  inputs: {
    {customized property}: {
      description: 'string'
      jobInputType: 'string'
      // For remaining properties, see JobInput objects
  limits: {
    jobLimitsType: 'string'
    timeout: 'string'
  outputs: {
    {customized property}: {
      description: 'string'
      jobOutputType: 'string'
      // For remaining properties, see JobOutput objects
  queueSettings: {
    jobTier: 'string'
    priority: int
  resources: {
    dockerArgs: 'string'
    instanceCount: int
    instanceType: 'string'
    locations: [
    properties: {
      {customized property}: any()
    shmSize: 'string'

For Labeling, use:

  jobType: 'Labeling'
  dataConfiguration: {
    dataId: 'string'
    incrementalDataRefresh: 'string'
  jobInstructions: {
    uri: 'string'
  labelCategories: {
    {customized property}: {
      classes: {
        {customized property}: {
          displayName: 'string'
          subclasses: {
            {customized property}: {}
      displayName: 'string'
      multiSelect: 'string'
  labelingJobMediaProperties: {
    mediaType: 'string'
    // For remaining properties, see LabelingJobMediaProperties objects
  mlAssistConfiguration: {
    mlAssist: 'string'
    // For remaining properties, see MLAssistConfiguration objects

For Pipeline, use:

  jobType: 'Pipeline'
  inputs: {
    {customized property}: {
      description: 'string'
      jobInputType: 'string'
      // For remaining properties, see JobInput objects
  jobs: {
    {customized property}: any()
  outputs: {
    {customized property}: {
      description: 'string'
      jobOutputType: 'string'
      // For remaining properties, see JobOutput objects
  settings: any()
  sourceJobId: 'string'

For Spark, use:

  jobType: 'Spark'
  archives: [
  args: 'string'
  codeId: 'string'
  conf: {
    {customized property}: 'string'
  entry: {
    sparkJobEntryType: 'string'
    // For remaining properties, see SparkJobEntry objects
  environmentId: 'string'
  files: [
  inputs: {
    {customized property}: {
      description: 'string'
      jobInputType: 'string'
      // For remaining properties, see JobInput objects
  jars: [
  outputs: {
    {customized property}: {
      description: 'string'
      jobOutputType: 'string'
      // For remaining properties, see JobOutput objects
  pyFiles: [
  queueSettings: {
    jobTier: 'string'
    priority: int
  resources: {
    instanceType: 'string'
    runtimeVersion: 'string'

For Sweep, use:

  jobType: 'Sweep'
  earlyTermination: {
    delayEvaluation: int
    evaluationInterval: int
    policyType: 'string'
    // For remaining properties, see EarlyTerminationPolicy objects
  inputs: {
    {customized property}: {
      description: 'string'
      jobInputType: 'string'
      // For remaining properties, see JobInput objects
  limits: {
    jobLimitsType: 'string'
    maxConcurrentTrials: int
    maxTotalTrials: int
    timeout: 'string'
    trialTimeout: 'string'
  objective: {
    goal: 'string'
    primaryMetric: 'string'
  outputs: {
    {customized property}: {
      description: 'string'
      jobOutputType: 'string'
      // For remaining properties, see JobOutput objects
  queueSettings: {
    jobTier: 'string'
    priority: int
  samplingAlgorithm: {
    samplingAlgorithmType: 'string'
    // For remaining properties, see SamplingAlgorithm objects
  searchSpace: any()
  trial: {
    codeId: 'string'
    command: 'string'
    distribution: {
      distributionType: 'string'
      // For remaining properties, see DistributionConfiguration objects
    environmentId: 'string'
    environmentVariables: {
      {customized property}: 'string'
    resources: {
      dockerArgs: 'string'
      instanceCount: int
      instanceType: 'string'
      locations: [
      properties: {
        {customized property}: any()
      shmSize: 'string'

IdentityConfiguration objects

Set the identityType property to specify the type of object.

For AMLToken, use:

  identityType: 'AMLToken'

For Managed, use:

  identityType: 'Managed'
  clientId: 'string'
  objectId: 'string'
  resourceId: 'string'

For UserIdentity, use:

  identityType: 'UserIdentity'

Nodes objects

Set the nodesValueType property to specify the type of object.

For All, use:

  nodesValueType: 'All'

JobOutput objects

Set the jobOutputType property to specify the type of object.

For custom_model, use:

  jobOutputType: 'custom_model'
  assetName: 'string'
  assetVersion: 'string'
  mode: 'string'
  uri: 'string'

For mlflow_model, use:

  jobOutputType: 'mlflow_model'
  assetName: 'string'
  assetVersion: 'string'
  mode: 'string'
  uri: 'string'

For mltable, use:

  jobOutputType: 'mltable'
  assetName: 'string'
  assetVersion: 'string'
  mode: 'string'
  uri: 'string'

For triton_model, use:

  jobOutputType: 'triton_model'
  assetName: 'string'
  assetVersion: 'string'
  mode: 'string'
  uri: 'string'

For uri_file, use:

  jobOutputType: 'uri_file'
  assetName: 'string'
  assetVersion: 'string'
  mode: 'string'
  uri: 'string'

For uri_folder, use:

  jobOutputType: 'uri_folder'
  assetName: 'string'
  assetVersion: 'string'
  mode: 'string'
  uri: 'string'

AutoMLVertical objects

Set the taskType property to specify the type of object.

For Classification, use:

  taskType: 'Classification'
  cvSplitColumnNames: [
  featurizationSettings: {
    blockedTransformers: [
    columnNameAndTypes: {
      {customized property}: 'string'
    datasetLanguage: 'string'
    enableDnnFeaturization: bool
    mode: 'string'
    transformerParams: {
      {customized property}: [
          fields: [
          parameters: any()
  fixedParameters: {
    booster: 'string'
    boostingType: 'string'
    growPolicy: 'string'
    learningRate: int
    maxBin: int
    maxDepth: int
    maxLeaves: int
    minDataInLeaf: int
    minSplitGain: int
    modelName: 'string'
    nEstimators: int
    numLeaves: int
    preprocessorName: 'string'
    regAlpha: int
    regLambda: int
    subsample: int
    subsampleFreq: int
    treeMethod: 'string'
    withMean: bool
    withStd: bool
  limitSettings: {
    enableEarlyTermination: bool
    exitScore: int
    maxConcurrentTrials: int
    maxCoresPerTrial: int
    maxNodes: int
    maxTrials: int
    sweepConcurrentTrials: int
    sweepTrials: int
    timeout: 'string'
    trialTimeout: 'string'
  nCrossValidations: {
    mode: 'string'
    // For remaining properties, see NCrossValidations objects
  positiveLabel: 'string'
  primaryMetric: 'string'
  searchSpace: [
      booster: 'string'
      boostingType: 'string'
      growPolicy: 'string'
      learningRate: 'string'
      maxBin: 'string'
      maxDepth: 'string'
      maxLeaves: 'string'
      minDataInLeaf: 'string'
      minSplitGain: 'string'
      modelName: 'string'
      nEstimators: 'string'
      numLeaves: 'string'
      preprocessorName: 'string'
      regAlpha: 'string'
      regLambda: 'string'
      subsample: 'string'
      subsampleFreq: 'string'
      treeMethod: 'string'
      withMean: 'string'
      withStd: 'string'
  sweepSettings: {
    earlyTermination: {
      delayEvaluation: int
      evaluationInterval: int
      policyType: 'string'
      // For remaining properties, see EarlyTerminationPolicy objects
    samplingAlgorithm: 'string'
  testData: {
    description: 'string'
    jobInputType: 'string'
    mode: 'string'
    uri: 'string'
  testDataSize: int
  trainingSettings: {
    allowedTrainingAlgorithms: [
    blockedTrainingAlgorithms: [
    enableDnnTraining: bool
    enableModelExplainability: bool
    enableOnnxCompatibleModels: bool
    enableStackEnsemble: bool
    enableVoteEnsemble: bool
    ensembleModelDownloadTimeout: 'string'
    stackEnsembleSettings: {
      stackMetaLearnerKWargs: any()
      stackMetaLearnerTrainPercentage: int
      stackMetaLearnerType: 'string'
    trainingMode: 'string'
  validationData: {
    description: 'string'
    jobInputType: 'string'
    mode: 'string'
    uri: 'string'
  validationDataSize: int
  weightColumnName: 'string'

For Forecasting, use:

  taskType: 'Forecasting'
  cvSplitColumnNames: [
  featurizationSettings: {
    blockedTransformers: [
    columnNameAndTypes: {
      {customized property}: 'string'
    datasetLanguage: 'string'
    enableDnnFeaturization: bool
    mode: 'string'
    transformerParams: {
      {customized property}: [
          fields: [
          parameters: any()
  fixedParameters: {
    booster: 'string'
    boostingType: 'string'
    growPolicy: 'string'
    learningRate: int
    maxBin: int
    maxDepth: int
    maxLeaves: int
    minDataInLeaf: int
    minSplitGain: int
    modelName: 'string'
    nEstimators: int
    numLeaves: int
    preprocessorName: 'string'
    regAlpha: int
    regLambda: int
    subsample: int
    subsampleFreq: int
    treeMethod: 'string'
    withMean: bool
    withStd: bool
  forecastingSettings: {
    countryOrRegionForHolidays: 'string'
    cvStepSize: int
    featureLags: 'string'
    forecastHorizon: {
      mode: 'string'
      // For remaining properties, see ForecastHorizon objects
    frequency: 'string'
    seasonality: {
      mode: 'string'
      // For remaining properties, see Seasonality objects
    shortSeriesHandlingConfig: 'string'
    targetAggregateFunction: 'string'
    targetLags: {
      mode: 'string'
      // For remaining properties, see TargetLags objects
    targetRollingWindowSize: {
      mode: 'string'
      // For remaining properties, see TargetRollingWindowSize objects
    timeColumnName: 'string'
    timeSeriesIdColumnNames: [
    useStl: 'string'
  limitSettings: {
    enableEarlyTermination: bool
    exitScore: int
    maxConcurrentTrials: int
    maxCoresPerTrial: int
    maxNodes: int
    maxTrials: int
    sweepConcurrentTrials: int
    sweepTrials: int
    timeout: 'string'
    trialTimeout: 'string'
  nCrossValidations: {
    mode: 'string'
    // For remaining properties, see NCrossValidations objects
  primaryMetric: 'string'
  searchSpace: [
      booster: 'string'
      boostingType: 'string'
      growPolicy: 'string'
      learningRate: 'string'
      maxBin: 'string'
      maxDepth: 'string'
      maxLeaves: 'string'
      minDataInLeaf: 'string'
      minSplitGain: 'string'
      modelName: 'string'
      nEstimators: 'string'
      numLeaves: 'string'
      preprocessorName: 'string'
      regAlpha: 'string'
      regLambda: 'string'
      subsample: 'string'
      subsampleFreq: 'string'
      treeMethod: 'string'
      withMean: 'string'
      withStd: 'string'
  sweepSettings: {
    earlyTermination: {
      delayEvaluation: int
      evaluationInterval: int
      policyType: 'string'
      // For remaining properties, see EarlyTerminationPolicy objects
    samplingAlgorithm: 'string'
  testData: {
    description: 'string'
    jobInputType: 'string'
    mode: 'string'
    uri: 'string'
  testDataSize: int
  trainingSettings: {
    allowedTrainingAlgorithms: [
    blockedTrainingAlgorithms: [
    enableDnnTraining: bool
    enableModelExplainability: bool
    enableOnnxCompatibleModels: bool
    enableStackEnsemble: bool
    enableVoteEnsemble: bool
    ensembleModelDownloadTimeout: 'string'
    stackEnsembleSettings: {
      stackMetaLearnerKWargs: any()
      stackMetaLearnerTrainPercentage: int
      stackMetaLearnerType: 'string'
    trainingMode: 'string'
  validationData: {
    description: 'string'
    jobInputType: 'string'
    mode: 'string'
    uri: 'string'
  validationDataSize: int
  weightColumnName: 'string'

For ImageClassification, use:

  taskType: 'ImageClassification'
  limitSettings: {
    maxConcurrentTrials: int
    maxTrials: int
    timeout: 'string'
  modelSettings: {
    advancedSettings: 'string'
    amsGradient: bool
    augmentations: 'string'
    beta1: int
    beta2: int
    checkpointFrequency: int
    checkpointModel: {
      description: 'string'
      jobInputType: 'string'
      mode: 'string'
      uri: 'string'
    checkpointRunId: 'string'
    distributed: bool
    earlyStopping: bool
    earlyStoppingDelay: int
    earlyStoppingPatience: int
    enableOnnxNormalization: bool
    evaluationFrequency: int
    gradientAccumulationStep: int
    layersToFreeze: int
    learningRate: int
    learningRateScheduler: 'string'
    modelName: 'string'
    momentum: int
    nesterov: bool
    numberOfEpochs: int
    numberOfWorkers: int
    optimizer: 'string'
    randomSeed: int
    stepLRGamma: int
    stepLRStepSize: int
    trainingBatchSize: int
    trainingCropSize: int
    validationBatchSize: int
    validationCropSize: int
    validationResizeSize: int
    warmupCosineLRCycles: int
    warmupCosineLRWarmupEpochs: int
    weightDecay: int
    weightedLoss: int
  primaryMetric: 'string'
  searchSpace: [
      amsGradient: 'string'
      augmentations: 'string'
      beta1: 'string'
      beta2: 'string'
      distributed: 'string'
      earlyStopping: 'string'
      earlyStoppingDelay: 'string'
      earlyStoppingPatience: 'string'
      enableOnnxNormalization: 'string'
      evaluationFrequency: 'string'
      gradientAccumulationStep: 'string'
      layersToFreeze: 'string'
      learningRate: 'string'
      learningRateScheduler: 'string'
      modelName: 'string'
      momentum: 'string'
      nesterov: 'string'
      numberOfEpochs: 'string'
      numberOfWorkers: 'string'
      optimizer: 'string'
      randomSeed: 'string'
      stepLRGamma: 'string'
      stepLRStepSize: 'string'
      trainingBatchSize: 'string'
      trainingCropSize: 'string'
      validationBatchSize: 'string'
      validationCropSize: 'string'
      validationResizeSize: 'string'
      warmupCosineLRCycles: 'string'
      warmupCosineLRWarmupEpochs: 'string'
      weightDecay: 'string'
      weightedLoss: 'string'
  sweepSettings: {
    earlyTermination: {
      delayEvaluation: int
      evaluationInterval: int
      policyType: 'string'
      // For remaining properties, see EarlyTerminationPolicy objects
    samplingAlgorithm: 'string'
  validationData: {
    description: 'string'
    jobInputType: 'string'
    mode: 'string'
    uri: 'string'
  validationDataSize: int

For ImageClassificationMultilabel, use:

  taskType: 'ImageClassificationMultilabel'
  limitSettings: {
    maxConcurrentTrials: int
    maxTrials: int
    timeout: 'string'
  modelSettings: {
    advancedSettings: 'string'
    amsGradient: bool
    augmentations: 'string'
    beta1: int
    beta2: int
    checkpointFrequency: int
    checkpointModel: {
      description: 'string'
      jobInputType: 'string'
      mode: 'string'
      uri: 'string'
    checkpointRunId: 'string'
    distributed: bool
    earlyStopping: bool
    earlyStoppingDelay: int
    earlyStoppingPatience: int
    enableOnnxNormalization: bool
    evaluationFrequency: int
    gradientAccumulationStep: int
    layersToFreeze: int
    learningRate: int
    learningRateScheduler: 'string'
    modelName: 'string'
    momentum: int
    nesterov: bool
    numberOfEpochs: int
    numberOfWorkers: int
    optimizer: 'string'
    randomSeed: int
    stepLRGamma: int
    stepLRStepSize: int
    trainingBatchSize: int
    trainingCropSize: int
    validationBatchSize: int
    validationCropSize: int
    validationResizeSize: int
    warmupCosineLRCycles: int
    warmupCosineLRWarmupEpochs: int
    weightDecay: int
    weightedLoss: int
  primaryMetric: 'string'
  searchSpace: [
      amsGradient: 'string'
      augmentations: 'string'
      beta1: 'string'
      beta2: 'string'
      distributed: 'string'
      earlyStopping: 'string'
      earlyStoppingDelay: 'string'
      earlyStoppingPatience: 'string'
      enableOnnxNormalization: 'string'
      evaluationFrequency: 'string'
      gradientAccumulationStep: 'string'
      layersToFreeze: 'string'
      learningRate: 'string'
      learningRateScheduler: 'string'
      modelName: 'string'
      momentum: 'string'
      nesterov: 'string'
      numberOfEpochs: 'string'
      numberOfWorkers: 'string'
      optimizer: 'string'
      randomSeed: 'string'
      stepLRGamma: 'string'
      stepLRStepSize: 'string'
      trainingBatchSize: 'string'
      trainingCropSize: 'string'
      validationBatchSize: 'string'
      validationCropSize: 'string'
      validationResizeSize: 'string'
      warmupCosineLRCycles: 'string'
      warmupCosineLRWarmupEpochs: 'string'
      weightDecay: 'string'
      weightedLoss: 'string'
  sweepSettings: {
    earlyTermination: {
      delayEvaluation: int
      evaluationInterval: int
      policyType: 'string'
      // For remaining properties, see EarlyTerminationPolicy objects
    samplingAlgorithm: 'string'
  validationData: {
    description: 'string'
    jobInputType: 'string'
    mode: 'string'
    uri: 'string'
  validationDataSize: int

For ImageInstanceSegmentation, use:

  taskType: 'ImageInstanceSegmentation'
  limitSettings: {
    maxConcurrentTrials: int
    maxTrials: int
    timeout: 'string'
  modelSettings: {
    advancedSettings: 'string'
    amsGradient: bool
    augmentations: 'string'
    beta1: int
    beta2: int
    boxDetectionsPerImage: int
    boxScoreThreshold: int
    checkpointFrequency: int
    checkpointModel: {
      description: 'string'
      jobInputType: 'string'
      mode: 'string'
      uri: 'string'
    checkpointRunId: 'string'
    distributed: bool
    earlyStopping: bool
    earlyStoppingDelay: int
    earlyStoppingPatience: int
    enableOnnxNormalization: bool
    evaluationFrequency: int
    gradientAccumulationStep: int
    imageSize: int
    layersToFreeze: int
    learningRate: int
    learningRateScheduler: 'string'
    maxSize: int
    minSize: int
    modelName: 'string'
    modelSize: 'string'
    momentum: int
    multiScale: bool
    nesterov: bool
    nmsIouThreshold: int
    numberOfEpochs: int
    numberOfWorkers: int
    optimizer: 'string'
    randomSeed: int
    stepLRGamma: int
    stepLRStepSize: int
    tileGridSize: 'string'
    tileOverlapRatio: int
    tilePredictionsNmsThreshold: int
    trainingBatchSize: int
    validationBatchSize: int
    validationIouThreshold: int
    validationMetricType: 'string'
    warmupCosineLRCycles: int
    warmupCosineLRWarmupEpochs: int
    weightDecay: int
  primaryMetric: 'MeanAveragePrecision'
  searchSpace: [
      amsGradient: 'string'
      augmentations: 'string'
      beta1: 'string'
      beta2: 'string'
      boxDetectionsPerImage: 'string'
      boxScoreThreshold: 'string'
      distributed: 'string'
      earlyStopping: 'string'
      earlyStoppingDelay: 'string'
      earlyStoppingPatience: 'string'
      enableOnnxNormalization: 'string'
      evaluationFrequency: 'string'
      gradientAccumulationStep: 'string'
      imageSize: 'string'
      layersToFreeze: 'string'
      learningRate: 'string'
      learningRateScheduler: 'string'
      maxSize: 'string'
      minSize: 'string'
      modelName: 'string'
      modelSize: 'string'
      momentum: 'string'
      multiScale: 'string'
      nesterov: 'string'
      nmsIouThreshold: 'string'
      numberOfEpochs: 'string'
      numberOfWorkers: 'string'
      optimizer: 'string'
      randomSeed: 'string'
      stepLRGamma: 'string'
      stepLRStepSize: 'string'
      tileGridSize: 'string'
      tileOverlapRatio: 'string'
      tilePredictionsNmsThreshold: 'string'
      trainingBatchSize: 'string'
      validationBatchSize: 'string'
      validationIouThreshold: 'string'
      validationMetricType: 'string'
      warmupCosineLRCycles: 'string'
      warmupCosineLRWarmupEpochs: 'string'
      weightDecay: 'string'
  sweepSettings: {
    earlyTermination: {
      delayEvaluation: int
      evaluationInterval: int
      policyType: 'string'
      // For remaining properties, see EarlyTerminationPolicy objects
    samplingAlgorithm: 'string'
  validationData: {
    description: 'string'
    jobInputType: 'string'
    mode: 'string'
    uri: 'string'
  validationDataSize: int

For ImageObjectDetection, use:

  taskType: 'ImageObjectDetection'
  limitSettings: {
    maxConcurrentTrials: int
    maxTrials: int
    timeout: 'string'
  modelSettings: {
    advancedSettings: 'string'
    amsGradient: bool
    augmentations: 'string'
    beta1: int
    beta2: int
    boxDetectionsPerImage: int
    boxScoreThreshold: int
    checkpointFrequency: int
    checkpointModel: {
      description: 'string'
      jobInputType: 'string'
      mode: 'string'
      uri: 'string'
    checkpointRunId: 'string'
    distributed: bool
    earlyStopping: bool
    earlyStoppingDelay: int
    earlyStoppingPatience: int
    enableOnnxNormalization: bool
    evaluationFrequency: int
    gradientAccumulationStep: int
    imageSize: int
    layersToFreeze: int
    learningRate: int
    learningRateScheduler: 'string'
    maxSize: int
    minSize: int
    modelName: 'string'
    modelSize: 'string'
    momentum: int
    multiScale: bool
    nesterov: bool
    nmsIouThreshold: int
    numberOfEpochs: int
    numberOfWorkers: int
    optimizer: 'string'
    randomSeed: int
    stepLRGamma: int
    stepLRStepSize: int
    tileGridSize: 'string'
    tileOverlapRatio: int
    tilePredictionsNmsThreshold: int
    trainingBatchSize: int
    validationBatchSize: int
    validationIouThreshold: int
    validationMetricType: 'string'
    warmupCosineLRCycles: int
    warmupCosineLRWarmupEpochs: int
    weightDecay: int
  primaryMetric: 'MeanAveragePrecision'
  searchSpace: [
      amsGradient: 'string'
      augmentations: 'string'
      beta1: 'string'
      beta2: 'string'
      boxDetectionsPerImage: 'string'
      boxScoreThreshold: 'string'
      distributed: 'string'
      earlyStopping: 'string'
      earlyStoppingDelay: 'string'
      earlyStoppingPatience: 'string'
      enableOnnxNormalization: 'string'
      evaluationFrequency: 'string'
      gradientAccumulationStep: 'string'
      imageSize: 'string'
      layersToFreeze: 'string'
      learningRate: 'string'
      learningRateScheduler: 'string'
      maxSize: 'string'
      minSize: 'string'
      modelName: 'string'
      modelSize: 'string'
      momentum: 'string'
      multiScale: 'string'
      nesterov: 'string'
      nmsIouThreshold: 'string'
      numberOfEpochs: 'string'
      numberOfWorkers: 'string'
      optimizer: 'string'
      randomSeed: 'string'
      stepLRGamma: 'string'
      stepLRStepSize: 'string'
      tileGridSize: 'string'
      tileOverlapRatio: 'string'
      tilePredictionsNmsThreshold: 'string'
      trainingBatchSize: 'string'
      validationBatchSize: 'string'
      validationIouThreshold: 'string'
      validationMetricType: 'string'
      warmupCosineLRCycles: 'string'
      warmupCosineLRWarmupEpochs: 'string'
      weightDecay: 'string'
  sweepSettings: {
    earlyTermination: {
      delayEvaluation: int
      evaluationInterval: int
      policyType: 'string'
      // For remaining properties, see EarlyTerminationPolicy objects
    samplingAlgorithm: 'string'
  validationData: {
    description: 'string'
    jobInputType: 'string'
    mode: 'string'
    uri: 'string'
  validationDataSize: int

For Regression, use:

  taskType: 'Regression'
  cvSplitColumnNames: [
  featurizationSettings: {
    blockedTransformers: [
    columnNameAndTypes: {
      {customized property}: 'string'
    datasetLanguage: 'string'
    enableDnnFeaturization: bool
    mode: 'string'
    transformerParams: {
      {customized property}: [
          fields: [
          parameters: any()
  fixedParameters: {
    booster: 'string'
    boostingType: 'string'
    growPolicy: 'string'
    learningRate: int
    maxBin: int
    maxDepth: int
    maxLeaves: int
    minDataInLeaf: int
    minSplitGain: int
    modelName: 'string'
    nEstimators: int
    numLeaves: int
    preprocessorName: 'string'
    regAlpha: int
    regLambda: int
    subsample: int
    subsampleFreq: int
    treeMethod: 'string'
    withMean: bool
    withStd: bool
  limitSettings: {
    enableEarlyTermination: bool
    exitScore: int
    maxConcurrentTrials: int
    maxCoresPerTrial: int
    maxNodes: int
    maxTrials: int
    sweepConcurrentTrials: int
    sweepTrials: int
    timeout: 'string'
    trialTimeout: 'string'
  nCrossValidations: {
    mode: 'string'
    // For remaining properties, see NCrossValidations objects
  primaryMetric: 'string'
  searchSpace: [
      booster: 'string'
      boostingType: 'string'
      growPolicy: 'string'
      learningRate: 'string'
      maxBin: 'string'
      maxDepth: 'string'
      maxLeaves: 'string'
      minDataInLeaf: 'string'
      minSplitGain: 'string'
      modelName: 'string'
      nEstimators: 'string'
      numLeaves: 'string'
      preprocessorName: 'string'
      regAlpha: 'string'
      regLambda: 'string'
      subsample: 'string'
      subsampleFreq: 'string'
      treeMethod: 'string'
      withMean: 'string'
      withStd: 'string'
  sweepSettings: {
    earlyTermination: {
      delayEvaluation: int
      evaluationInterval: int
      policyType: 'string'
      // For remaining properties, see EarlyTerminationPolicy objects
    samplingAlgorithm: 'string'
  testData: {
    description: 'string'
    jobInputType: 'string'
    mode: 'string'
    uri: 'string'
  testDataSize: int
  trainingSettings: {
    allowedTrainingAlgorithms: [
    blockedTrainingAlgorithms: [
    enableDnnTraining: bool
    enableModelExplainability: bool
    enableOnnxCompatibleModels: bool
    enableStackEnsemble: bool
    enableVoteEnsemble: bool
    ensembleModelDownloadTimeout: 'string'
    stackEnsembleSettings: {
      stackMetaLearnerKWargs: any()
      stackMetaLearnerTrainPercentage: int
      stackMetaLearnerType: 'string'
    trainingMode: 'string'
  validationData: {
    description: 'string'
    jobInputType: 'string'
    mode: 'string'
    uri: 'string'
  validationDataSize: int
  weightColumnName: 'string'

For TextClassification, use:

  taskType: 'TextClassification'
  featurizationSettings: {
    datasetLanguage: 'string'
  fixedParameters: {
    gradientAccumulationSteps: int
    learningRate: int
    learningRateScheduler: 'string'
    modelName: 'string'
    numberOfEpochs: int
    trainingBatchSize: int
    validationBatchSize: int
    warmupRatio: int
    weightDecay: int
  limitSettings: {
    maxConcurrentTrials: int
    maxNodes: int
    maxTrials: int
    timeout: 'string'
    trialTimeout: 'string'
  primaryMetric: 'string'
  searchSpace: [
      gradientAccumulationSteps: 'string'
      learningRate: 'string'
      learningRateScheduler: 'string'
      modelName: 'string'
      numberOfEpochs: 'string'
      trainingBatchSize: 'string'
      validationBatchSize: 'string'
      warmupRatio: 'string'
      weightDecay: 'string'
  sweepSettings: {
    earlyTermination: {
      delayEvaluation: int
      evaluationInterval: int
      policyType: 'string'
      // For remaining properties, see EarlyTerminationPolicy objects
    samplingAlgorithm: 'string'
  validationData: {
    description: 'string'
    jobInputType: 'string'
    mode: 'string'
    uri: 'string'

For TextClassificationMultilabel, use:

  taskType: 'TextClassificationMultilabel'
  featurizationSettings: {
    datasetLanguage: 'string'
  fixedParameters: {
    gradientAccumulationSteps: int
    learningRate: int
    learningRateScheduler: 'string'
    modelName: 'string'
    numberOfEpochs: int
    trainingBatchSize: int
    validationBatchSize: int
    warmupRatio: int
    weightDecay: int
  limitSettings: {
    maxConcurrentTrials: int
    maxNodes: int
    maxTrials: int
    timeout: 'string'
    trialTimeout: 'string'
  searchSpace: [
      gradientAccumulationSteps: 'string'
      learningRate: 'string'
      learningRateScheduler: 'string'
      modelName: 'string'
      numberOfEpochs: 'string'
      trainingBatchSize: 'string'
      validationBatchSize: 'string'
      warmupRatio: 'string'
      weightDecay: 'string'
  sweepSettings: {
    earlyTermination: {
      delayEvaluation: int
      evaluationInterval: int
      policyType: 'string'
      // For remaining properties, see EarlyTerminationPolicy objects
    samplingAlgorithm: 'string'
  validationData: {
    description: 'string'
    jobInputType: 'string'
    mode: 'string'
    uri: 'string'

For TextNER, use:

  taskType: 'TextNER'
  featurizationSettings: {
    datasetLanguage: 'string'
  fixedParameters: {
    gradientAccumulationSteps: int
    learningRate: int
    learningRateScheduler: 'string'
    modelName: 'string'
    numberOfEpochs: int
    trainingBatchSize: int
    validationBatchSize: int
    warmupRatio: int
    weightDecay: int
  limitSettings: {
    maxConcurrentTrials: int
    maxNodes: int
    maxTrials: int
    timeout: 'string'
    trialTimeout: 'string'
  searchSpace: [
      gradientAccumulationSteps: 'string'
      learningRate: 'string'
      learningRateScheduler: 'string'
      modelName: 'string'
      numberOfEpochs: 'string'
      trainingBatchSize: 'string'
      validationBatchSize: 'string'
      warmupRatio: 'string'
      weightDecay: 'string'
  sweepSettings: {
    earlyTermination: {
      delayEvaluation: int
      evaluationInterval: int
      policyType: 'string'
      // For remaining properties, see EarlyTerminationPolicy objects
    samplingAlgorithm: 'string'
  validationData: {
    description: 'string'
    jobInputType: 'string'
    mode: 'string'
    uri: 'string'

NCrossValidations objects

Set the mode property to specify the type of object.

For Auto, use:

  mode: 'Auto'

For Custom, use:

  mode: 'Custom'
  value: int

EarlyTerminationPolicy objects

Set the policyType property to specify the type of object.

For Bandit, use:

  policyType: 'Bandit'
  slackAmount: int
  slackFactor: int

For MedianStopping, use:

  policyType: 'MedianStopping'

For TruncationSelection, use:

  policyType: 'TruncationSelection'
  truncationPercentage: int

ForecastHorizon objects

Set the mode property to specify the type of object.

For Auto, use:

  mode: 'Auto'

For Custom, use:

  mode: 'Custom'
  value: int

Seasonality objects

Set the mode property to specify the type of object.

For Auto, use:

  mode: 'Auto'

For Custom, use:

  mode: 'Custom'
  value: int

TargetLags objects

Set the mode property to specify the type of object.

For Auto, use:

  mode: 'Auto'

For Custom, use:

  mode: 'Custom'
  values: [

TargetRollingWindowSize objects

Set the mode property to specify the type of object.

For Auto, use:

  mode: 'Auto'

For Custom, use:

  mode: 'Custom'
  value: int

DistributionConfiguration objects

Set the distributionType property to specify the type of object.

For Mpi, use:

  distributionType: 'Mpi'
  processCountPerInstance: int

For PyTorch, use:

  distributionType: 'PyTorch'
  processCountPerInstance: int

For TensorFlow, use:

  distributionType: 'TensorFlow'
  parameterServerCount: int
  workerCount: int

JobInput objects

Set the jobInputType property to specify the type of object.

For custom_model, use:

  jobInputType: 'custom_model'
  mode: 'string'
  uri: 'string'

For literal, use:

  jobInputType: 'literal'
  value: 'string'

For mlflow_model, use:

  jobInputType: 'mlflow_model'
  mode: 'string'
  uri: 'string'

For mltable, use:

  jobInputType: 'mltable'
  mode: 'string'
  uri: 'string'

For triton_model, use:

  jobInputType: 'triton_model'
  mode: 'string'
  uri: 'string'

For uri_file, use:

  jobInputType: 'uri_file'
  mode: 'string'
  uri: 'string'

For uri_folder, use:

  jobInputType: 'uri_folder'
  mode: 'string'
  uri: 'string'

LabelingJobMediaProperties objects

Set the mediaType property to specify the type of object.

For Image, use:

  mediaType: 'Image'
  annotationType: 'string'

For Text, use:

  mediaType: 'Text'
  annotationType: 'string'

MLAssistConfiguration objects

Set the mlAssist property to specify the type of object.

For Disabled, use:

  mlAssist: 'Disabled'

For Enabled, use:

  mlAssist: 'Enabled'
  inferencingComputeBinding: 'string'
  trainingComputeBinding: 'string'

SparkJobEntry objects

Set the sparkJobEntryType property to specify the type of object.

For SparkJobPythonEntry, use:

  sparkJobEntryType: 'SparkJobPythonEntry'
  file: 'string'

For SparkJobScalaEntry, use:

  sparkJobEntryType: 'SparkJobScalaEntry'
  className: 'string'

SamplingAlgorithm objects

Set the samplingAlgorithmType property to specify the type of object.

For Bayesian, use:

  samplingAlgorithmType: 'Bayesian'

For Grid, use:

  samplingAlgorithmType: 'Grid'

For Random, use:

  samplingAlgorithmType: 'Random'
  logbase: 'string'
  rule: 'string'
  seed: int

Property values


Name Description Value
name The resource name

See how to set names and types for child resources in Bicep.
string (required)
parent In Bicep, you can specify the parent resource for a child resource. You only need to add this property when the child resource is declared outside of the parent resource.

For more information, see Child resource outside parent resource.
Symbolic name for resource of type: workspaces
properties [Required] Additional attributes of the entity. JobBaseProperties (required)


Name Description Value
componentId ARM resource ID of the component resource. string
computeId ARM resource ID of the compute resource. string
description The asset description text. string
displayName Display name of job. string
experimentName The name of the experiment the job belongs to. If not set, the job is placed in the "Default" experiment. string
identity Identity configuration. If set, this should be one of AmlToken, ManagedIdentity, UserIdentity or null.
Defaults to AmlToken if null.
isArchived Is the asset archived? bool
notificationSetting Notification setting for the job NotificationSetting
properties The asset property dictionary. ResourceBaseProperties
services List of JobEndpoints.
For local jobs, a job endpoint will have an endpoint value of FileStreamObject.
tags Tag dictionary. Tags can be added, removed, and updated. object
jobType Set the object type AutoML
Sweep (required)


Name Description Value
identityType Set the object type AMLToken
UserIdentity (required)


Name Description Value
identityType [Required] Specifies the type of identity framework. 'AMLToken' (required)


Name Description Value
identityType [Required] Specifies the type of identity framework. 'Managed' (required)
clientId Specifies a user-assigned identity by client ID. For system-assigned, do not set this field. string

Min length = 36
Max length = 36
Pattern = ^[0-9a-fA-F]{8}-([0-9a-fA-F]{4}-){3}[0-9a-fA-F]{12}$
objectId Specifies a user-assigned identity by object ID. For system-assigned, do not set this field. string

Min length = 36
Max length = 36
Pattern = ^[0-9a-fA-F]{8}-([0-9a-fA-F]{4}-){3}[0-9a-fA-F]{12}$
resourceId Specifies a user-assigned identity by ARM resource ID. For system-assigned, do not set this field. string


Name Description Value
identityType [Required] Specifies the type of identity framework. 'UserIdentity' (required)


Name Description Value
emailOn Send email notification to user on specified notification type String array containing any of:
emails This is the email recipient list which has a limitation of 499 characters in total concat with comma separator string[]


Name Description Value
{customized property} string


Name Description Value
{customized property} JobService


Name Description Value
endpoint Url for endpoint. string
jobServiceType Endpoint type. string
nodes Nodes that user would like to start the service on.
If Nodes is not set or set to null, the service will only be started on leader node.
port Port for endpoint set by user. int
properties Additional properties to set on the endpoint. JobServiceProperties


Name Description Value
nodesValueType Set the object type All (required)


Name Description Value
nodesValueType [Required] Type of the Nodes value 'All' (required)


Name Description Value
{customized property} string


Name Description Value
jobType [Required] Specifies the type of job. 'AutoML' (required)
environmentId The ARM resource ID of the Environment specification for the job.
This is optional value to provide, if not provided, AutoML will default this to Production AutoML curated environment version when running the job.
environmentVariables Environment variables included in the job. AutoMLJobEnvironmentVariables
outputs Mapping of output data bindings used in the job. AutoMLJobOutputs
queueSettings Queue settings for the job QueueSettings
resources Compute Resource configuration for the job. JobResourceConfiguration
taskDetails [Required] This represents scenario which can be one of Tables/NLP/Image AutoMLVertical (required)


Name Description Value
{customized property} string


Name Description Value
{customized property} JobOutput


Name Description Value
description Description for the output. string
jobOutputType Set the object type custom_model
uri_folder (required)


Name Description Value
jobOutputType [Required] Specifies the type of job. 'custom_model' (required)
assetName Output Asset Name. string
assetVersion Output Asset Version. string
mode Output Asset Delivery Mode. 'Direct'
uri Output Asset URI. string


Name Description Value
jobOutputType [Required] Specifies the type of job. 'mlflow_model' (required)
assetName Output Asset Name. string
assetVersion Output Asset Version. string
mode Output Asset Delivery Mode. 'Direct'
uri Output Asset URI. string


Name Description Value
jobOutputType [Required] Specifies the type of job. 'mltable' (required)
assetName Output Asset Name. string
assetVersion Output Asset Version. string
mode Output Asset Delivery Mode. 'Direct'
uri Output Asset URI. string


Name Description Value
jobOutputType [Required] Specifies the type of job. 'triton_model' (required)
assetName Output Asset Name. string
assetVersion Output Asset Version. string
mode Output Asset Delivery Mode. 'Direct'
uri Output Asset URI. string


Name Description Value
jobOutputType [Required] Specifies the type of job. 'uri_file' (required)
assetName Output Asset Name. string
assetVersion Output Asset Version. string
mode Output Asset Delivery Mode. 'Direct'
uri Output Asset URI. string


Name Description Value
jobOutputType [Required] Specifies the type of job. 'uri_folder' (required)
assetName Output Asset Name. string
assetVersion Output Asset Version. string
mode Output Asset Delivery Mode. 'Direct'
uri Output Asset URI. string


Name Description Value
jobTier Enum to determine the job tier. 'Basic'
priority Controls the priority of the job on a compute. int


Name Description Value
dockerArgs Extra arguments to pass to the Docker run command. This would override any parameters that have already been set by the system, or in this section. This parameter is only supported for Azure ML compute types. string
instanceCount Optional number of instances or nodes used by the compute target. int
instanceType Optional type of VM used as supported by the compute target. string
locations Locations where the job can run. string[]
properties Additional properties bag. ResourceConfigurationProperties
shmSize Size of the docker container's shared memory block. This should be in the format of (number)(unit) where number as to be greater than 0 and the unit can be one of b(bytes), k(kilobytes), m(megabytes), or g(gigabytes). string

Pattern = \d+[bBkKmMgG]


Name Description Value
{customized property} For Bicep, you can use the any() function.


Name Description Value
logVerbosity Log verbosity for the job. 'Critical'
targetColumnName Target column name: This is prediction values column.
Also known as label column name in context of classification tasks.
trainingData [Required] Training data input. MLTableJobInput (required)
taskType Set the object type Classification
TextNER (required)


Name Description Value
description Description for the input. string
jobInputType [Required] Specifies the type of job. 'custom_model'
'uri_folder' (required)
mode Input Asset Delivery Mode. 'Direct'
uri [Required] Input Asset URI. string (required)

Pattern = [a-zA-Z0-9_]


Name Description Value
taskType [Required] Task type for AutoMLJob. 'Classification' (required)
cvSplitColumnNames Columns to use for CVSplit data. string[]
featurizationSettings Featurization inputs needed for AutoML job. TableVerticalFeaturizationSettings
fixedParameters Model/training parameters that will remain constant throughout training. TableFixedParameters
limitSettings Execution constraints for AutoMLJob. TableVerticalLimitSettings
nCrossValidations Number of cross validation folds to be applied on training dataset
when validation dataset is not provided.
positiveLabel Positive label for binary metrics calculation. string
primaryMetric Primary metric for the task. 'AUCWeighted'
searchSpace Search space for sampling different combinations of models and their hyperparameters. TableParameterSubspace[]
sweepSettings Settings for model sweeping and hyperparameter tuning. TableSweepSettings
testData Test data input. MLTableJobInput
testDataSize The fraction of test dataset that needs to be set aside for validation purpose.
Values between (0.0 , 1.0)
Applied when validation dataset is not provided.
trainingSettings Inputs for training phase for an AutoML Job. ClassificationTrainingSettings
validationData Validation data inputs. MLTableJobInput
validationDataSize The fraction of training dataset that needs to be set aside for validation purpose.
Values between (0.0 , 1.0)
Applied when validation dataset is not provided.
weightColumnName The name of the sample weight column. Automated ML supports a weighted column as an input, causing rows in the data to be weighted up or down. string


Name Description Value
blockedTransformers These transformers shall not be used in featurization. String array containing any of:
columnNameAndTypes Dictionary of column name and its type (int, float, string, datetime etc). TableVerticalFeaturizationSettingsColumnNameAndTypes
datasetLanguage Dataset language, useful for the text data. string
enableDnnFeaturization Determines whether to use Dnn based featurizers for data featurization. bool
mode Featurization mode - User can keep the default 'Auto' mode and AutoML will take care of necessary transformation of the data in featurization phase.
If 'Off' is selected then no featurization is done.
If 'Custom' is selected then user can specify additional inputs to customize how featurization is done.
transformerParams User can specify additional transformers to be used along with the columns to which it would be applied and parameters for the transformer constructor. TableVerticalFeaturizationSettingsTransformerParams


Name Description Value
{customized property} string


Name Description Value
{customized property} ColumnTransformer[]


Name Description Value
fields Fields to apply transformer logic on. string[]
parameters Different properties to be passed to transformer.
Input expected is dictionary of key,value pairs in JSON format.
For Bicep, you can use the any() function.


Name Description Value
booster Specify the boosting type, e.g gbdt for XGBoost. string
boostingType Specify the boosting type, e.g gbdt for LightGBM. string
growPolicy Specify the grow policy, which controls the way new nodes are added to the tree. string
learningRate The learning rate for the training procedure. int
maxBin Specify the Maximum number of discrete bins to bucket continuous features . int
maxDepth Specify the max depth to limit the tree depth explicitly. int
maxLeaves Specify the max leaves to limit the tree leaves explicitly. int
minDataInLeaf The minimum number of data per leaf. int
minSplitGain Minimum loss reduction required to make a further partition on a leaf node of the tree. int
modelName The name of the model to train. string
nEstimators Specify the number of trees (or rounds) in an model. int
numLeaves Specify the number of leaves. int
preprocessorName The name of the preprocessor to use. string
regAlpha L1 regularization term on weights. int
regLambda L2 regularization term on weights. int
subsample Subsample ratio of the training instance. int
subsampleFreq Frequency of subsample. int
treeMethod Specify the tree method. string
withMean If true, center before scaling the data with StandardScalar. bool
withStd If true, scaling the data with Unit Variance with StandardScalar. bool


Name Description Value
enableEarlyTermination Enable early termination, determines whether or not if AutoMLJob will terminate early if there is no score improvement in last 20 iterations. bool
exitScore Exit score for the AutoML job. int
maxConcurrentTrials Maximum Concurrent iterations. int
maxCoresPerTrial Max cores per iteration. int
maxNodes Maximum nodes to use for the experiment. int
maxTrials Number of iterations. int
sweepConcurrentTrials Number of concurrent sweeping runs that user wants to trigger. int
sweepTrials Number of sweeping runs that user wants to trigger. int
timeout AutoML job timeout. string
trialTimeout Iteration timeout. string


Name Description Value
mode Set the object type Auto
Custom (required)


Name Description Value
mode [Required] Mode for determining N-Cross validations. 'Auto' (required)


Name Description Value
mode [Required] Mode for determining N-Cross validations. 'Custom' (required)
value [Required] N-Cross validations value. int (required)


Name Description Value
booster Specify the boosting type, e.g gbdt for XGBoost. string
boostingType Specify the boosting type, e.g gbdt for LightGBM. string
growPolicy Specify the grow policy, which controls the way new nodes are added to the tree. string
learningRate The learning rate for the training procedure. string
maxBin Specify the Maximum number of discrete bins to bucket continuous features . string
maxDepth Specify the max depth to limit the tree depth explicitly. string
maxLeaves Specify the max leaves to limit the tree leaves explicitly. string
minDataInLeaf The minimum number of data per leaf. string
minSplitGain Minimum loss reduction required to make a further partition on a leaf node of the tree. string
modelName The name of the model to train. string
nEstimators Specify the number of trees (or rounds) in an model. string
numLeaves Specify the number of leaves. string
preprocessorName The name of the preprocessor to use. string
regAlpha L1 regularization term on weights. string
regLambda L2 regularization term on weights. string
subsample Subsample ratio of the training instance. string
subsampleFreq Frequency of subsample string
treeMethod Specify the tree method. string
withMean If true, center before scaling the data with StandardScalar. string
withStd If true, scaling the data with Unit Variance with StandardScalar. string


Name Description Value
earlyTermination Type of early termination policy for the sweeping job. EarlyTerminationPolicy
samplingAlgorithm [Required] Type of sampling algorithm. 'Bayesian'
'Random' (required)


Name Description Value
delayEvaluation Number of intervals by which to delay the first evaluation. int
evaluationInterval Interval (number of runs) between policy evaluations. int
policyType Set the object type Bandit
TruncationSelection (required)


Name Description Value
policyType [Required] Name of policy configuration 'Bandit' (required)
slackAmount Absolute distance allowed from the best performing run. int
slackFactor Ratio of the allowed distance from the best performing run. int


Name Description Value
policyType [Required] Name of policy configuration 'MedianStopping' (required)


Name Description Value
policyType [Required] Name of policy configuration 'TruncationSelection' (required)
truncationPercentage The percentage of runs to cancel at each evaluation interval. int


Name Description Value
allowedTrainingAlgorithms Allowed models for classification task. String array containing any of:
blockedTrainingAlgorithms Blocked models for classification task. String array containing any of:
enableDnnTraining Enable recommendation of DNN models. bool
enableModelExplainability Flag to turn on explainability on best model. bool
enableOnnxCompatibleModels Flag for enabling onnx compatible models. bool
enableStackEnsemble Enable stack ensemble run. bool
enableVoteEnsemble Enable voting ensemble run. bool
ensembleModelDownloadTimeout During VotingEnsemble and StackEnsemble model generation, multiple fitted models from the previous child runs are downloaded.
Configure this parameter with a higher value than 300 secs, if more time is needed.
stackEnsembleSettings Stack ensemble settings for stack ensemble run. StackEnsembleSettings
trainingMode TrainingMode mode - Setting to 'auto' is same as setting it to 'non-distributed' for now, however in the future may result in mixed mode or heuristics based mode selection. Default is 'auto'.
If 'Distributed' then only distributed featurization is used and distributed algorithms are chosen.
If 'NonDistributed' then only non distributed algorithms are chosen.


Name Description Value
stackMetaLearnerKWargs Optional parameters to pass to the initializer of the meta-learner. For Bicep, you can use the any() function.
stackMetaLearnerTrainPercentage Specifies the proportion of the training set (when choosing train and validation type of training) to be reserved for training the meta-learner. Default value is 0.2. int
stackMetaLearnerType The meta-learner is a model trained on the output of the individual heterogeneous models. 'ElasticNet'


Name Description Value
taskType [Required] Task type for AutoMLJob. 'Forecasting' (required)
cvSplitColumnNames Columns to use for CVSplit data. string[]
featurizationSettings Featurization inputs needed for AutoML job. TableVerticalFeaturizationSettings
fixedParameters Model/training parameters that will remain constant throughout training. TableFixedParameters
forecastingSettings Forecasting task specific inputs. ForecastingSettings
limitSettings Execution constraints for AutoMLJob. TableVerticalLimitSettings
nCrossValidations Number of cross validation folds to be applied on training dataset
when validation dataset is not provided.
primaryMetric Primary metric for forecasting task. 'NormalizedMeanAbsoluteError'
searchSpace Search space for sampling different combinations of models and their hyperparameters. TableParameterSubspace[]
sweepSettings Settings for model sweeping and hyperparameter tuning. TableSweepSettings
testData Test data input. MLTableJobInput
testDataSize The fraction of test dataset that needs to be set aside for validation purpose.
Values between (0.0 , 1.0)
Applied when validation dataset is not provided.
trainingSettings Inputs for training phase for an AutoML Job. ForecastingTrainingSettings
validationData Validation data inputs. MLTableJobInput
validationDataSize The fraction of training dataset that needs to be set aside for validation purpose.
Values between (0.0 , 1.0)
Applied when validation dataset is not provided.
weightColumnName The name of the sample weight column. Automated ML supports a weighted column as an input, causing rows in the data to be weighted up or down. string


Name Description Value
countryOrRegionForHolidays Country or region for holidays for forecasting tasks.
These should be ISO 3166 two-letter country/region codes, for example 'US' or 'GB'.
cvStepSize Number of periods between the origin time of one CV fold and the next fold. For
example, if CVStepSize = 3 for daily data, the origin time for each fold will be
three days apart.
featureLags Flag for generating lags for the numeric features with 'auto' or null. 'Auto'
forecastHorizon The desired maximum forecast horizon in units of time-series frequency. ForecastHorizon
frequency When forecasting, this parameter represents the period with which the forecast is desired, for example daily, weekly, yearly, etc. The forecast frequency is dataset frequency by default. string
seasonality Set time series seasonality as an integer multiple of the series frequency.
If seasonality is set to 'auto', it will be inferred.
shortSeriesHandlingConfig The parameter defining how if AutoML should handle short time series. 'Auto'
targetAggregateFunction The function to be used to aggregate the time series target column to conform to a user specified frequency.
If the TargetAggregateFunction is set i.e. not 'None', but the freq parameter is not set, the error is raised. The possible target aggregation functions are: "sum", "max", "min" and "mean".
targetLags The number of past periods to lag from the target column. TargetLags
targetRollingWindowSize The number of past periods used to create a rolling window average of the target column. TargetRollingWindowSize
timeColumnName The name of the time column. This parameter is required when forecasting to specify the datetime column in the input data used for building the time series and inferring its frequency. string
timeSeriesIdColumnNames The names of columns used to group a timeseries. It can be used to create multiple series.
If grain is not defined, the data set is assumed to be one time-series. This parameter is used with task type forecasting.
useStl Configure STL Decomposition of the time-series target column. 'None'


Name Description Value
mode Set the object type Auto
Custom (required)


Name Description Value
mode [Required] Set forecast horizon value selection mode. 'Auto' (required)


Name Description Value
mode [Required] Set forecast horizon value selection mode. 'Custom' (required)
value [Required] Forecast horizon value. int (required)


Name Description Value
mode Set the object type Auto
Custom (required)


Name Description Value
mode [Required] Seasonality mode. 'Auto' (required)


Name Description Value
mode [Required] Seasonality mode. 'Custom' (required)
value [Required] Seasonality value. int (required)


Name Description Value
mode Set the object type Auto
Custom (required)


Name Description Value
mode [Required] Set target lags mode - Auto/Custom 'Auto' (required)


Name Description Value
mode [Required] Set target lags mode - Auto/Custom 'Custom' (required)
values [Required] Set target lags values. int[] (required)


Name Description Value
mode Set the object type Auto
Custom (required)


Name Description Value
mode [Required] TargetRollingWindowSiz detection mode. 'Auto' (required)


Name Description Value
mode [Required] TargetRollingWindowSiz detection mode. 'Custom' (required)
value [Required] TargetRollingWindowSize value. int (required)


Name Description Value
allowedTrainingAlgorithms Allowed models for forecasting task. String array containing any of:
blockedTrainingAlgorithms Blocked models for forecasting task. String array containing any of:
enableDnnTraining Enable recommendation of DNN models. bool
enableModelExplainability Flag to turn on explainability on best model. bool
enableOnnxCompatibleModels Flag for enabling onnx compatible models. bool
enableStackEnsemble Enable stack ensemble run. bool
enableVoteEnsemble Enable voting ensemble run. bool
ensembleModelDownloadTimeout During VotingEnsemble and StackEnsemble model generation, multiple fitted models from the previous child runs are downloaded.
Configure this parameter with a higher value than 300 secs, if more time is needed.
stackEnsembleSettings Stack ensemble settings for stack ensemble run. StackEnsembleSettings
trainingMode TrainingMode mode - Setting to 'auto' is same as setting it to 'non-distributed' for now, however in the future may result in mixed mode or heuristics based mode selection. Default is 'auto'.
If 'Distributed' then only distributed featurization is used and distributed algorithms are chosen.
If 'NonDistributed' then only non distributed algorithms are chosen.


Name Description Value
taskType [Required] Task type for AutoMLJob. 'ImageClassification' (required)
limitSettings [Required] Limit settings for the AutoML job. ImageLimitSettings (required)
modelSettings Settings used for training the model. ImageModelSettingsClassification
primaryMetric Primary metric to optimize for this task. 'AUCWeighted'
searchSpace Search space for sampling different combinations of models and their hyperparameters. ImageModelDistributionSettingsClassification[]
sweepSettings Model sweeping and hyperparameter sweeping related settings. ImageSweepSettings
validationData Validation data inputs. MLTableJobInput
validationDataSize The fraction of training dataset that needs to be set aside for validation purpose.
Values between (0.0 , 1.0)
Applied when validation dataset is not provided.


Name Description Value
maxConcurrentTrials Maximum number of concurrent AutoML iterations. int
maxTrials Maximum number of AutoML iterations. int
timeout AutoML job timeout. string


Name Description Value
advancedSettings Settings for advanced scenarios. string
amsGradient Enable AMSGrad when optimizer is 'adam' or 'adamw'. bool
augmentations Settings for using Augmentations. string
beta1 Value of 'beta1' when optimizer is 'adam' or 'adamw'. Must be a float in the range [0, 1]. int
beta2 Value of 'beta2' when optimizer is 'adam' or 'adamw'. Must be a float in the range [0, 1]. int
checkpointFrequency Frequency to store model checkpoints. Must be a positive integer. int
checkpointModel The pretrained checkpoint model for incremental training. MLFlowModelJobInput
checkpointRunId The id of a previous run that has a pretrained checkpoint for incremental training. string
distributed Whether to use distributed training. bool
earlyStopping Enable early stopping logic during training. bool
earlyStoppingDelay Minimum number of epochs or validation evaluations to wait before primary metric improvement
is tracked for early stopping. Must be a positive integer.
earlyStoppingPatience Minimum number of epochs or validation evaluations with no primary metric improvement before
the run is stopped. Must be a positive integer.
enableOnnxNormalization Enable normalization when exporting ONNX model. bool
evaluationFrequency Frequency to evaluate validation dataset to get metric scores. Must be a positive integer. int
gradientAccumulationStep Gradient accumulation means running a configured number of "GradAccumulationStep" steps without
updating the model weights while accumulating the gradients of those steps, and then using
the accumulated gradients to compute the weight updates. Must be a positive integer.
layersToFreeze Number of layers to freeze for the model. Must be a positive integer.
For instance, passing 2 as value for 'seresnext' means
freezing layer0 and layer1. For a full list of models supported and details on layer freeze, please
see: /azure/machine-learning/how-to-auto-train-image-models.
learningRate Initial learning rate. Must be a float in the range [0, 1]. int
learningRateScheduler Type of learning rate scheduler. Must be 'warmup_cosine' or 'step'. 'None'
modelName Name of the model to use for training.
For more information on the available models please visit the official documentation:
momentum Value of momentum when optimizer is 'sgd'. Must be a float in the range [0, 1]. int
nesterov Enable nesterov when optimizer is 'sgd'. bool
numberOfEpochs Number of training epochs. Must be a positive integer. int
numberOfWorkers Number of data loader workers. Must be a non-negative integer. int
optimizer Type of optimizer. 'Adam'
randomSeed Random seed to be used when using deterministic training. int
stepLRGamma Value of gamma when learning rate scheduler is 'step'. Must be a float in the range [0, 1]. int
stepLRStepSize Value of step size when learning rate scheduler is 'step'. Must be a positive integer. int
trainingBatchSize Training batch size. Must be a positive integer. int
trainingCropSize Image crop size that is input to the neural network for the training dataset. Must be a positive integer. int
validationBatchSize Validation batch size. Must be a positive integer. int
validationCropSize Image crop size that is input to the neural network for the validation dataset. Must be a positive integer. int
validationResizeSize Image size to which to resize before cropping for validation dataset. Must be a positive integer. int
warmupCosineLRCycles Value of cosine cycle when learning rate scheduler is 'warmup_cosine'. Must be a float in the range [0, 1]. int
warmupCosineLRWarmupEpochs Value of warmup epochs when learning rate scheduler is 'warmup_cosine'. Must be a positive integer. int
weightDecay Value of weight decay when optimizer is 'sgd', 'adam', or 'adamw'. Must be a float in the range[0, 1]. int
weightedLoss Weighted loss. The accepted values are 0 for no weighted loss.
1 for weighted loss with sqrt.(class_weights). 2 for weighted loss with class_weights. Must be 0 or 1 or 2.


Name Description Value
description Description for the input. string
jobInputType [Required] Specifies the type of job. 'custom_model'
'uri_folder' (required)
mode Input Asset Delivery Mode. 'Direct'
uri [Required] Input Asset URI. string (required)

Pattern = [a-zA-Z0-9_]


Name Description Value
amsGradient Enable AMSGrad when optimizer is 'adam' or 'adamw'. string
augmentations Settings for using Augmentations. string
beta1 Value of 'beta1' when optimizer is 'adam' or 'adamw'. Must be a float in the range [0, 1]. string
beta2 Value of 'beta2' when optimizer is 'adam' or 'adamw'. Must be a float in the range [0, 1]. string
distributed Whether to use distributer training. string
earlyStopping Enable early stopping logic during training. string
earlyStoppingDelay Minimum number of epochs or validation evaluations to wait before primary metric improvement
is tracked for early stopping. Must be a positive integer.
earlyStoppingPatience Minimum number of epochs or validation evaluations with no primary metric improvement before
the run is stopped. Must be a positive integer.
enableOnnxNormalization Enable normalization when exporting ONNX model. string
evaluationFrequency Frequency to evaluate validation dataset to get metric scores. Must be a positive integer. string
gradientAccumulationStep Gradient accumulation means running a configured number of "GradAccumulationStep" steps without
updating the model weights while accumulating the gradients of those steps, and then using
the accumulated gradients to compute the weight updates. Must be a positive integer.
layersToFreeze Number of layers to freeze for the model. Must be a positive integer.
For instance, passing 2 as value for 'seresnext' means
freezing layer0 and layer1. For a full list of models supported and details on layer freeze, please
see: /azure/machine-learning/how-to-auto-train-image-models.
learningRate Initial learning rate. Must be a float in the range [0, 1]. string
learningRateScheduler Type of learning rate scheduler. Must be 'warmup_cosine' or 'step'. string
modelName Name of the model to use for training.
For more information on the available models please visit the official documentation:
momentum Value of momentum when optimizer is 'sgd'. Must be a float in the range [0, 1]. string
nesterov Enable nesterov when optimizer is 'sgd'. string
numberOfEpochs Number of training epochs. Must be a positive integer. string
numberOfWorkers Number of data loader workers. Must be a non-negative integer. string
optimizer Type of optimizer. Must be either 'sgd', 'adam', or 'adamw'. string
randomSeed Random seed to be used when using deterministic training. string
stepLRGamma Value of gamma when learning rate scheduler is 'step'. Must be a float in the range [0, 1]. string
stepLRStepSize Value of step size when learning rate scheduler is 'step'. Must be a positive integer. string
trainingBatchSize Training batch size. Must be a positive integer. string
trainingCropSize Image crop size that is input to the neural network for the training dataset. Must be a positive integer. string
validationBatchSize Validation batch size. Must be a positive integer. string
validationCropSize Image crop size that is input to the neural network for the validation dataset. Must be a positive integer. string
validationResizeSize Image size to which to resize before cropping for validation dataset. Must be a positive integer. string
warmupCosineLRCycles Value of cosine cycle when learning rate scheduler is 'warmup_cosine'. Must be a float in the range [0, 1]. string
warmupCosineLRWarmupEpochs Value of warmup epochs when learning rate scheduler is 'warmup_cosine'. Must be a positive integer. string
weightDecay Value of weight decay when optimizer is 'sgd', 'adam', or 'adamw'. Must be a float in the range[0, 1]. string
weightedLoss Weighted loss. The accepted values are 0 for no weighted loss.
1 for weighted loss with sqrt.(class_weights). 2 for weighted loss with class_weights. Must be 0 or 1 or 2.


Name Description Value
earlyTermination Type of early termination policy. EarlyTerminationPolicy
samplingAlgorithm [Required] Type of the hyperparameter sampling algorithms. 'Bayesian'
'Random' (required)


Name Description Value
taskType [Required] Task type for AutoMLJob. 'ImageClassificationMultilabel' (required)
limitSettings [Required] Limit settings for the AutoML job. ImageLimitSettings (required)
modelSettings Settings used for training the model. ImageModelSettingsClassification
primaryMetric Primary metric to optimize for this task. 'AUCWeighted'
searchSpace Search space for sampling different combinations of models and their hyperparameters. ImageModelDistributionSettingsClassification[]
sweepSettings Model sweeping and hyperparameter sweeping related settings. ImageSweepSettings
validationData Validation data inputs. MLTableJobInput
validationDataSize The fraction of training dataset that needs to be set aside for validation purpose.
Values between (0.0 , 1.0)
Applied when validation dataset is not provided.


Name Description Value
taskType [Required] Task type for AutoMLJob. 'ImageInstanceSegmentation' (required)
limitSettings [Required] Limit settings for the AutoML job. ImageLimitSettings (required)
modelSettings Settings used for training the model. ImageModelSettingsObjectDetection
primaryMetric Primary metric to optimize for this task. 'MeanAveragePrecision'
searchSpace Search space for sampling different combinations of models and their hyperparameters. ImageModelDistributionSettingsObjectDetection[]
sweepSettings Model sweeping and hyperparameter sweeping related settings. ImageSweepSettings
validationData Validation data inputs. MLTableJobInput
validationDataSize The fraction of training dataset that needs to be set aside for validation purpose.
Values between (0.0 , 1.0)
Applied when validation dataset is not provided.


Name Description Value
advancedSettings Settings for advanced scenarios. string
amsGradient Enable AMSGrad when optimizer is 'adam' or 'adamw'. bool
augmentations Settings for using Augmentations. string
beta1 Value of 'beta1' when optimizer is 'adam' or 'adamw'. Must be a float in the range [0, 1]. int
beta2 Value of 'beta2' when optimizer is 'adam' or 'adamw'. Must be a float in the range [0, 1]. int
boxDetectionsPerImage Maximum number of detections per image, for all classes. Must be a positive integer.
Note: This settings is not supported for the 'yolov5' algorithm.
boxScoreThreshold During inference, only return proposals with a classification score greater than
BoxScoreThreshold. Must be a float in the range[0, 1].
checkpointFrequency Frequency to store model checkpoints. Must be a positive integer. int
checkpointModel The pretrained checkpoint model for incremental training. MLFlowModelJobInput
checkpointRunId The id of a previous run that has a pretrained checkpoint for incremental training. string
distributed Whether to use distributed training. bool
earlyStopping Enable early stopping logic during training. bool
earlyStoppingDelay Minimum number of epochs or validation evaluations to wait before primary metric improvement
is tracked for early stopping. Must be a positive integer.
earlyStoppingPatience Minimum number of epochs or validation evaluations with no primary metric improvement before
the run is stopped. Must be a positive integer.
enableOnnxNormalization Enable normalization when exporting ONNX model. bool
evaluationFrequency Frequency to evaluate validation dataset to get metric scores. Must be a positive integer. int
gradientAccumulationStep Gradient accumulation means running a configured number of "GradAccumulationStep" steps without
updating the model weights while accumulating the gradients of those steps, and then using
the accumulated gradients to compute the weight updates. Must be a positive integer.
imageSize Image size for train and validation. Must be a positive integer.
Note: The training run may get into CUDA OOM if the size is too big.
Note: This settings is only supported for the 'yolov5' algorithm.
layersToFreeze Number of layers to freeze for the model. Must be a positive integer.
For instance, passing 2 as value for 'seresnext' means
freezing layer0 and layer1. For a full list of models supported and details on layer freeze, please
see: /azure/machine-learning/how-to-auto-train-image-models.
learningRate Initial learning rate. Must be a float in the range [0, 1]. int
learningRateScheduler Type of learning rate scheduler. Must be 'warmup_cosine' or 'step'. 'None'
maxSize Maximum size of the image to be rescaled before feeding it to the backbone.
Must be a positive integer. Note: training run may get into CUDA OOM if the size is too big.
Note: This settings is not supported for the 'yolov5' algorithm.
minSize Minimum size of the image to be rescaled before feeding it to the backbone.
Must be a positive integer. Note: training run may get into CUDA OOM if the size is too big.
Note: This settings is not supported for the 'yolov5' algorithm.
modelName Name of the model to use for training.
For more information on the available models please visit the official documentation:
modelSize Model size. Must be 'small', 'medium', 'large', or 'xlarge'.
Note: training run may get into CUDA OOM if the model size is too big.
Note: This settings is only supported for the 'yolov5' algorithm.
momentum Value of momentum when optimizer is 'sgd'. Must be a float in the range [0, 1]. int
multiScale Enable multi-scale image by varying image size by +/- 50%.
Note: training run may get into CUDA OOM if no sufficient GPU memory.
Note: This settings is only supported for the 'yolov5' algorithm.
nesterov Enable nesterov when optimizer is 'sgd'. bool
nmsIouThreshold IOU threshold used during inference in NMS post processing. Must be a float in the range [0, 1]. int
numberOfEpochs Number of training epochs. Must be a positive integer. int
numberOfWorkers Number of data loader workers. Must be a non-negative integer. int
optimizer Type of optimizer. 'Adam'
randomSeed Random seed to be used when using deterministic training. int
stepLRGamma Value of gamma when learning rate scheduler is 'step'. Must be a float in the range [0, 1]. int
stepLRStepSize Value of step size when learning rate scheduler is 'step'. Must be a positive integer. int
tileGridSize The grid size to use for tiling each image. Note: TileGridSize must not be
None to enable small object detection logic. A string containing two integers in mxn format.
Note: This settings is not supported for the 'yolov5' algorithm.
tileOverlapRatio Overlap ratio between adjacent tiles in each dimension. Must be float in the range [0, 1).
Note: This settings is not supported for the 'yolov5' algorithm.
tilePredictionsNmsThreshold The IOU threshold to use to perform NMS while merging predictions from tiles and image.
Used in validation/ inference. Must be float in the range [0, 1].
Note: This settings is not supported for the 'yolov5' algorithm.
trainingBatchSize Training batch size. Must be a positive integer. int
validationBatchSize Validation batch size. Must be a positive integer. int
validationIouThreshold IOU threshold to use when computing validation metric. Must be float in the range [0, 1]. int
validationMetricType Metric computation method to use for validation metrics. 'Coco'
warmupCosineLRCycles Value of cosine cycle when learning rate scheduler is 'warmup_cosine'. Must be a float in the range [0, 1]. int
warmupCosineLRWarmupEpochs Value of warmup epochs when learning rate scheduler is 'warmup_cosine'. Must be a positive integer. int
weightDecay Value of weight decay when optimizer is 'sgd', 'adam', or 'adamw'. Must be a float in the range[0, 1]. int


Name Description Value
amsGradient Enable AMSGrad when optimizer is 'adam' or 'adamw'. string
augmentations Settings for using Augmentations. string
beta1 Value of 'beta1' when optimizer is 'adam' or 'adamw'. Must be a float in the range [0, 1]. string
beta2 Value of 'beta2' when optimizer is 'adam' or 'adamw'. Must be a float in the range [0, 1]. string
boxDetectionsPerImage Maximum number of detections per image, for all classes. Must be a positive integer.
Note: This settings is not supported for the 'yolov5' algorithm.
boxScoreThreshold During inference, only return proposals with a classification score greater than
BoxScoreThreshold. Must be a float in the range[0, 1].
distributed Whether to use distributer training. string
earlyStopping Enable early stopping logic during training. string
earlyStoppingDelay Minimum number of epochs or validation evaluations to wait before primary metric improvement
is tracked for early stopping. Must be a positive integer.
earlyStoppingPatience Minimum number of epochs or validation evaluations with no primary metric improvement before
the run is stopped. Must be a positive integer.
enableOnnxNormalization Enable normalization when exporting ONNX model. string
evaluationFrequency Frequency to evaluate validation dataset to get metric scores. Must be a positive integer. string
gradientAccumulationStep Gradient accumulation means running a configured number of "GradAccumulationStep" steps without
updating the model weights while accumulating the gradients of those steps, and then using
the accumulated gradients to compute the weight updates. Must be a positive integer.
imageSize Image size for train and validation. Must be a positive integer.
Note: The training run may get into CUDA OOM if the size is too big.
Note: This settings is only supported for the 'yolov5' algorithm.
layersToFreeze Number of layers to freeze for the model. Must be a positive integer.
For instance, passing 2 as value for 'seresnext' means
freezing layer0 and layer1. For a full list of models supported and details on layer freeze, please
see: /azure/machine-learning/how-to-auto-train-image-models.
learningRate Initial learning rate. Must be a float in the range [0, 1]. string
learningRateScheduler Type of learning rate scheduler. Must be 'warmup_cosine' or 'step'. string
maxSize Maximum size of the image to be rescaled before feeding it to the backbone.
Must be a positive integer. Note: training run may get into CUDA OOM if the size is too big.
Note: This settings is not supported for the 'yolov5' algorithm.
minSize Minimum size of the image to be rescaled before feeding it to the backbone.
Must be a positive integer. Note: training run may get into CUDA OOM if the size is too big.
Note: This settings is not supported for the 'yolov5' algorithm.
modelName Name of the model to use for training.
For more information on the available models please visit the official documentation:
modelSize Model size. Must be 'small', 'medium', 'large', or 'xlarge'.
Note: training run may get into CUDA OOM if the model size is too big.
Note: This settings is only supported for the 'yolov5' algorithm.
momentum Value of momentum when optimizer is 'sgd'. Must be a float in the range [0, 1]. string
multiScale Enable multi-scale image by varying image size by +/- 50%.
Note: training run may get into CUDA OOM if no sufficient GPU memory.
Note: This settings is only supported for the 'yolov5' algorithm.
nesterov Enable nesterov when optimizer is 'sgd'. string
nmsIouThreshold IOU threshold used during inference in NMS post processing. Must be float in the range [0, 1]. string
numberOfEpochs Number of training epochs. Must be a positive integer. string
numberOfWorkers Number of data loader workers. Must be a non-negative integer. string
optimizer Type of optimizer. Must be either 'sgd', 'adam', or 'adamw'. string
randomSeed Random seed to be used when using deterministic training. string
stepLRGamma Value of gamma when learning rate scheduler is 'step'. Must be a float in the range [0, 1]. string
stepLRStepSize Value of step size when learning rate scheduler is 'step'. Must be a positive integer. string
tileGridSize The grid size to use for tiling each image. Note: TileGridSize must not be
None to enable small object detection logic. A string containing two integers in mxn format.
Note: This settings is not supported for the 'yolov5' algorithm.
tileOverlapRatio Overlap ratio between adjacent tiles in each dimension. Must be float in the range [0, 1).
Note: This settings is not supported for the 'yolov5' algorithm.
tilePredictionsNmsThreshold The IOU threshold to use to perform NMS while merging predictions from tiles and image.
Used in validation/ inference. Must be float in the range [0, 1].
Note: This settings is not supported for the 'yolov5' algorithm.
NMS: Non-maximum suppression
trainingBatchSize Training batch size. Must be a positive integer. string
validationBatchSize Validation batch size. Must be a positive integer. string
validationIouThreshold IOU threshold to use when computing validation metric. Must be float in the range [0, 1]. string
validationMetricType Metric computation method to use for validation metrics. Must be 'none', 'coco', 'voc', or 'coco_voc'. string
warmupCosineLRCycles Value of cosine cycle when learning rate scheduler is 'warmup_cosine'. Must be a float in the range [0, 1]. string
warmupCosineLRWarmupEpochs Value of warmup epochs when learning rate scheduler is 'warmup_cosine'. Must be a positive integer. string
weightDecay Value of weight decay when optimizer is 'sgd', 'adam', or 'adamw'. Must be a float in the range[0, 1]. string


Name Description Value
taskType [Required] Task type for AutoMLJob. 'ImageObjectDetection' (required)
limitSettings [Required] Limit settings for the AutoML job. ImageLimitSettings (required)
modelSettings Settings used for training the model. ImageModelSettingsObjectDetection
primaryMetric Primary metric to optimize for this task. 'MeanAveragePrecision'
searchSpace Search space for sampling different combinations of models and their hyperparameters. ImageModelDistributionSettingsObjectDetection[]
sweepSettings Model sweeping and hyperparameter sweeping related settings. ImageSweepSettings
validationData Validation data inputs. MLTableJobInput
validationDataSize The fraction of training dataset that needs to be set aside for validation purpose.
Values between (0.0 , 1.0)
Applied when validation dataset is not provided.


Name Description Value
taskType [Required] Task type for AutoMLJob. 'Regression' (required)
cvSplitColumnNames Columns to use for CVSplit data. string[]
featurizationSettings Featurization inputs needed for AutoML job. TableVerticalFeaturizationSettings
fixedParameters Model/training parameters that will remain constant throughout training. TableFixedParameters
limitSettings Execution constraints for AutoMLJob. TableVerticalLimitSettings
nCrossValidations Number of cross validation folds to be applied on training dataset
when validation dataset is not provided.
primaryMetric Primary metric for regression task. 'NormalizedMeanAbsoluteError'
searchSpace Search space for sampling different combinations of models and their hyperparameters. TableParameterSubspace[]
sweepSettings Settings for model sweeping and hyperparameter tuning. TableSweepSettings
testData Test data input. MLTableJobInput
testDataSize The fraction of test dataset that needs to be set aside for validation purpose.
Values between (0.0 , 1.0)
Applied when validation dataset is not provided.
trainingSettings Inputs for training phase for an AutoML Job. RegressionTrainingSettings
validationData Validation data inputs. MLTableJobInput
validationDataSize The fraction of training dataset that needs to be set aside for validation purpose.
Values between (0.0 , 1.0)
Applied when validation dataset is not provided.
weightColumnName The name of the sample weight column. Automated ML supports a weighted column as an input, causing rows in the data to be weighted up or down. string


Name Description Value
allowedTrainingAlgorithms Allowed models for regression task. String array containing any of:
blockedTrainingAlgorithms Blocked models for regression task. String array containing any of:
enableDnnTraining Enable recommendation of DNN models. bool
enableModelExplainability Flag to turn on explainability on best model. bool
enableOnnxCompatibleModels Flag for enabling onnx compatible models. bool
enableStackEnsemble Enable stack ensemble run. bool
enableVoteEnsemble Enable voting ensemble run. bool
ensembleModelDownloadTimeout During VotingEnsemble and StackEnsemble model generation, multiple fitted models from the previous child runs are downloaded.
Configure this parameter with a higher value than 300 secs, if more time is needed.
stackEnsembleSettings Stack ensemble settings for stack ensemble run. StackEnsembleSettings
trainingMode TrainingMode mode - Setting to 'auto' is same as setting it to 'non-distributed' for now, however in the future may result in mixed mode or heuristics based mode selection. Default is 'auto'.
If 'Distributed' then only distributed featurization is used and distributed algorithms are chosen.
If 'NonDistributed' then only non distributed algorithms are chosen.


Name Description Value
taskType [Required] Task type for AutoMLJob. 'TextClassification' (required)
featurizationSettings Featurization inputs needed for AutoML job. NlpVerticalFeaturizationSettings
fixedParameters Model/training parameters that will remain constant throughout training. NlpFixedParameters
limitSettings Execution constraints for AutoMLJob. NlpVerticalLimitSettings
primaryMetric Primary metric for Text-Classification task. 'AUCWeighted'
searchSpace Search space for sampling different combinations of models and their hyperparameters. NlpParameterSubspace[]
sweepSettings Settings for model sweeping and hyperparameter tuning. NlpSweepSettings
validationData Validation data inputs. MLTableJobInput


Name Description Value
datasetLanguage Dataset language, useful for the text data. string


Name Description Value
gradientAccumulationSteps Number of steps to accumulate gradients over before running a backward pass. int
learningRate The learning rate for the training procedure. int
learningRateScheduler The type of learning rate schedule to use during the training procedure. 'Constant'
modelName The name of the model to train. string
numberOfEpochs Number of training epochs. int
trainingBatchSize The batch size for the training procedure. int
validationBatchSize The batch size to be used during evaluation. int
warmupRatio The warmup ratio, used alongside LrSchedulerType. int
weightDecay The weight decay for the training procedure. int


Name Description Value
maxConcurrentTrials Maximum Concurrent AutoML iterations. int
maxNodes Maximum nodes to use for the experiment. int
maxTrials Number of AutoML iterations. int
timeout AutoML job timeout. string
trialTimeout Timeout for individual HD trials. string


Name Description Value
gradientAccumulationSteps Number of steps to accumulate gradients over before running a backward pass. string
learningRate The learning rate for the training procedure. string
learningRateScheduler The type of learning rate schedule to use during the training procedure. string
modelName The name of the model to train. string
numberOfEpochs Number of training epochs. string
trainingBatchSize The batch size for the training procedure. string
validationBatchSize The batch size to be used during evaluation. string
warmupRatio The warmup ratio, used alongside LrSchedulerType. string
weightDecay The weight decay for the training procedure. string


Name Description Value
earlyTermination Type of early termination policy for the sweeping job. EarlyTerminationPolicy
samplingAlgorithm [Required] Type of sampling algorithm. 'Bayesian'
'Random' (required)


Name Description Value
taskType [Required] Task type for AutoMLJob. 'TextClassificationMultilabel' (required)
featurizationSettings Featurization inputs needed for AutoML job. NlpVerticalFeaturizationSettings
fixedParameters Model/training parameters that will remain constant throughout training. NlpFixedParameters
limitSettings Execution constraints for AutoMLJob. NlpVerticalLimitSettings
searchSpace Search space for sampling different combinations of models and their hyperparameters. NlpParameterSubspace[]
sweepSettings Settings for model sweeping and hyperparameter tuning. NlpSweepSettings
validationData Validation data inputs. MLTableJobInput


Name Description Value
taskType [Required] Task type for AutoMLJob. 'TextNER' (required)
featurizationSettings Featurization inputs needed for AutoML job. NlpVerticalFeaturizationSettings
fixedParameters Model/training parameters that will remain constant throughout training. NlpFixedParameters
limitSettings Execution constraints for AutoMLJob. NlpVerticalLimitSettings
searchSpace Search space for sampling different combinations of models and their hyperparameters. NlpParameterSubspace[]
sweepSettings Settings for model sweeping and hyperparameter tuning. NlpSweepSettings
validationData Validation data inputs. MLTableJobInput


Name Description Value
jobType [Required] Specifies the type of job. 'Command' (required)
autologgerSettings Distribution configuration of the job. If set, this should be one of Mpi, Tensorflow, PyTorch, or null. AutologgerSettings
codeId ARM resource ID of the code asset. string
command [Required] The command to execute on startup of the job. eg. "python" string (required)

Min length = 1
Pattern = [a-zA-Z0-9_]
distribution Distribution configuration of the job. If set, this should be one of Mpi, Tensorflow, PyTorch, or null. DistributionConfiguration
environmentId [Required] The ARM resource ID of the Environment specification for the job. string (required)

Pattern = [a-zA-Z0-9_]
environmentVariables Environment variables included in the job. CommandJobEnvironmentVariables
inputs Mapping of input data bindings used in the job. CommandJobInputs
limits Command Job limit. CommandJobLimits
outputs Mapping of output data bindings used in the job. CommandJobOutputs
queueSettings Queue settings for the job QueueSettings
resources Compute Resource configuration for the job. JobResourceConfiguration


Name Description Value
mlflowAutologger [Required] Indicates whether mlflow autologger is enabled. 'Disabled'
'Enabled' (required)


Name Description Value
distributionType Set the object type Mpi
TensorFlow (required)


Name Description Value
distributionType [Required] Specifies the type of distribution framework. 'Mpi' (required)
processCountPerInstance Number of processes per MPI node. int


Name Description Value
distributionType [Required] Specifies the type of distribution framework. 'PyTorch' (required)
processCountPerInstance Number of processes per node. int


Name Description Value
distributionType [Required] Specifies the type of distribution framework. 'TensorFlow' (required)
parameterServerCount Number of parameter server tasks. int
workerCount Number of workers. If not specified, will default to the instance count. int


Name Description Value
{customized property} string


Name Description Value
{customized property} JobInput


Name Description Value
description Description for the input. string
jobInputType Set the object type custom_model
uri_folder (required)


Name Description Value
jobInputType [Required] Specifies the type of job. 'custom_model' (required)
mode Input Asset Delivery Mode. 'Direct'
uri [Required] Input Asset URI. string (required)

Pattern = [a-zA-Z0-9_]


Name Description Value
jobInputType [Required] Specifies the type of job. 'literal' (required)
value [Required] Literal value for the input. string (required)

Pattern = [a-zA-Z0-9_]


Name Description Value
jobInputType [Required] Specifies the type of job. 'triton_model' (required)
mode Input Asset Delivery Mode. 'Direct'
uri [Required] Input Asset URI. string (required)

Pattern = [a-zA-Z0-9_]


Name Description Value
jobInputType [Required] Specifies the type of job. 'uri_file' (required)
mode Input Asset Delivery Mode. 'Direct'
uri [Required] Input Asset URI. string (required)

Pattern = [a-zA-Z0-9_]


Name Description Value
jobInputType [Required] Specifies the type of job. 'uri_folder' (required)
mode Input Asset Delivery Mode. 'Direct'
uri [Required] Input Asset URI. string (required)

Pattern = [a-zA-Z0-9_]


Name Description Value
jobLimitsType [Required] JobLimit type. 'Command'
'Sweep' (required)
timeout The max run duration in ISO 8601 format, after which the job will be cancelled. Only supports duration with precision as low as Seconds. string


Name Description Value
{customized property} JobOutput


Name Description Value
componentId ARM resource ID of the component resource. string
computeId ARM resource ID of the compute resource. string
dataConfiguration Configuration of data used in the job. LabelingDataConfiguration
description The asset description text. string
displayName Display name of job. string
experimentName The name of the experiment the job belongs to. If not set, the job is placed in the "Default" experiment. string
identity Identity configuration. If set, this should be one of AmlToken, ManagedIdentity, UserIdentity or null.
Defaults to AmlToken if null.
isArchived Is the asset archived? bool
jobInstructions Labeling instructions of the job. LabelingJobInstructions
jobType [Required] Specifies the type of job. 'AutoML'
'Sweep' (required)
labelCategories Label categories of the job. LabelingJobLabelCategories
labelingJobMediaProperties Media type specific properties in the job. LabelingJobMediaProperties
mlAssistConfiguration Configuration of MLAssist feature in the job. MLAssistConfiguration
notificationSetting Notification setting for the job NotificationSetting
properties The asset property dictionary. ResourceBaseProperties
services List of JobEndpoints.
For local jobs, a job endpoint will have an endpoint value of FileStreamObject.
tags Tag dictionary. Tags can be added, removed, and updated. object


Name Description Value
dataId Resource Id of the data asset to perform labeling. string
incrementalDataRefresh Indicates whether to enable incremental data refresh. 'Disabled'


Name Description Value
uri The link to a page with detailed labeling instructions for labelers. string


Name Description Value
{customized property} LabelCategory


Name Description Value
classes Dictionary of label classes in this category. LabelCategoryClasses
displayName Display name of the label category. string
multiSelect Indicates whether it is allowed to select multiple classes in this category. 'Disabled'


Name Description Value
{customized property} LabelClass


Name Description Value
displayName Display name of the label class. string
subclasses Dictionary of subclasses of the label class. LabelClassSubclasses


Name Description Value
{customized property} LabelClass


Name Description Value
mediaType Set the object type Image
Text (required)


Name Description Value
mediaType [Required] Media type of the job. 'Image' (required)
annotationType Annotation type of image labeling job. 'BoundingBox'


Name Description Value
mediaType [Required] Media type of the job. 'Text' (required)
annotationType Annotation type of text labeling job. 'Classification'


Name Description Value
mlAssist Set the object type Disabled
Enabled (required)


Name Description Value
mlAssist [Required] Indicates whether MLAssist feature is enabled. 'Disabled' (required)


Name Description Value
mlAssist [Required] Indicates whether MLAssist feature is enabled. 'Enabled' (required)
inferencingComputeBinding [Required] AML compute binding used in inferencing. string (required)

Pattern = [a-zA-Z0-9_]
trainingComputeBinding [Required] AML compute binding used in training. string (required)

Pattern = [a-zA-Z0-9_]


Name Description Value
jobType [Required] Specifies the type of job. 'Pipeline' (required)
inputs Inputs for the pipeline job. PipelineJobInputs
jobs Jobs construct the Pipeline Job. PipelineJobJobs
outputs Outputs for the pipeline job PipelineJobOutputs
settings Pipeline settings, for things like ContinueRunOnStepFailure etc. For Bicep, you can use the any() function.
sourceJobId ARM resource ID of source job. string


Name Description Value
{customized property} JobInput


Name Description Value
{customized property} For Bicep, you can use the any() function.


Name Description Value
{customized property} JobOutput


Name Description Value
jobType [Required] Specifies the type of job. 'Spark' (required)
archives Archive files used in the job. string[]
args Arguments for the job. string
codeId [Required] ARM resource ID of the code asset. string (required)

Pattern = [a-zA-Z0-9_]
conf Spark configured properties. SparkJobConf
entry [Required] The entry to execute on startup of the job. SparkJobEntry (required)
environmentId The ARM resource ID of the Environment specification for the job. string
files Files used in the job. string[]
inputs Mapping of input data bindings used in the job. SparkJobInputs
jars Jar files used in the job. string[]
outputs Mapping of output data bindings used in the job. SparkJobOutputs
pyFiles Python files used in the job. string[]
queueSettings Queue settings for the job QueueSettings
resources Compute Resource configuration for the job. SparkResourceConfiguration


Name Description Value
{customized property} string


Name Description Value
sparkJobEntryType Set the object type SparkJobPythonEntry
SparkJobScalaEntry (required)


Name Description Value
sparkJobEntryType [Required] Type of the job's entry point. 'SparkJobPythonEntry' (required)
file [Required] Relative python file path for job entry point. string (required)

Min length = 1
Pattern = [a-zA-Z0-9_]


Name Description Value
sparkJobEntryType [Required] Type of the job's entry point. 'SparkJobScalaEntry' (required)
className [Required] Scala class name used as entry point. string (required)

Min length = 1
Pattern = [a-zA-Z0-9_]


Name Description Value
{customized property} JobInput


Name Description Value
{customized property} JobOutput


Name Description Value
instanceType Optional type of VM used as supported by the compute target. string
runtimeVersion Version of spark runtime used for the job. string


Name Description Value
jobType [Required] Specifies the type of job. 'Sweep' (required)
earlyTermination Early termination policies enable canceling poor-performing runs before they complete EarlyTerminationPolicy
inputs Mapping of input data bindings used in the job. SweepJobInputs
limits Sweep Job limit. SweepJobLimits
objective [Required] Optimization objective. Objective (required)
outputs Mapping of output data bindings used in the job. SweepJobOutputs
queueSettings Queue settings for the job QueueSettings
samplingAlgorithm [Required] The hyperparameter sampling algorithm SamplingAlgorithm (required)
searchSpace [Required] A dictionary containing each parameter and its distribution. The dictionary key is the name of the parameter For Bicep, you can use the any() function.(required)
trial [Required] Trial component definition. TrialComponent (required)


Name Description Value
{customized property} JobInput


Name Description Value
jobLimitsType [Required] JobLimit type. 'Command'
'Sweep' (required)
maxConcurrentTrials Sweep Job max concurrent trials. int
maxTotalTrials Sweep Job max total trials. int
timeout The max run duration in ISO 8601 format, after which the job will be cancelled. Only supports duration with precision as low as Seconds. string
trialTimeout Sweep Job Trial timeout value. string


Name Description Value
goal [Required] Defines supported metric goals for hyperparameter tuning 'Maximize'
'Minimize' (required)
primaryMetric [Required] Name of the metric to optimize. string (required)

Pattern = [a-zA-Z0-9_]


Name Description Value
{customized property} JobOutput


Name Description Value
samplingAlgorithmType Set the object type Bayesian
Random (required)


Name Description Value
samplingAlgorithmType [Required] The algorithm used for generating hyperparameter values, along with configuration properties 'Bayesian' (required)


Name Description Value
samplingAlgorithmType [Required] The algorithm used for generating hyperparameter values, along with configuration properties 'Grid' (required)


Name Description Value
samplingAlgorithmType [Required] The algorithm used for generating hyperparameter values, along with configuration properties 'Random' (required)
logbase An optional positive number or e in string format to be used as base for log based random sampling string
rule The specific type of random algorithm 'Random'
seed An optional integer to use as the seed for random number generation int


Name Description Value
codeId ARM resource ID of the code asset. string
command [Required] The command to execute on startup of the job. eg. "python" string (required)

Min length = 1
Pattern = [a-zA-Z0-9_]
distribution Distribution configuration of the job. If set, this should be one of Mpi, Tensorflow, PyTorch, or null. DistributionConfiguration
environmentId [Required] The ARM resource ID of the Environment specification for the job. string (required)

Pattern = [a-zA-Z0-9_]
environmentVariables Environment variables included in the job. TrialComponentEnvironmentVariables
resources Compute Resource configuration for the job. JobResourceConfiguration


Name Description Value
{customized property} string

Quickstart templates

The following quickstart templates deploy this resource type.

Template Description
Create an Azure Machine Learning AutoML classification job

Deploy to Azure
This template creates an Azure Machine Learning AutoML classification job to find out the best model for predicting if a client will subscribe to a fixed term deposit with a financial institution.
Create an Azure Machine Learning Command job

Deploy to Azure
This template creates an Azure Machine Learning Command job with a basic hello_world script
Create an Azure Machine Learning Sweep job

Deploy to Azure
This template creates an Azure Machine Learning Sweep job for hyperparameter tuning.

ARM template resource definition

The workspaces/jobs resource type can be deployed with operations that target:

For a list of changed properties in each API version, see change log.

Resource format

To create a Microsoft.MachineLearningServices/workspaces/jobs resource, add the following JSON to your template.

  "type": "Microsoft.MachineLearningServices/workspaces/jobs",
  "apiVersion": "2023-02-01-preview",
  "name": "string",
  "properties": {
    "componentId": "string",
    "computeId": "string",
    "description": "string",
    "displayName": "string",
    "experimentName": "string",
    "identity": {
      "identityType": "string"
      // For remaining properties, see IdentityConfiguration objects
    "isArchived": "bool",
    "notificationSetting": {
      "emailOn": [ "string" ],
      "emails": [ "string" ]
    "properties": {
      "{customized property}": "string"
    "services": {
      "{customized property}": {
        "endpoint": "string",
        "jobServiceType": "string",
        "nodes": {
          "nodesValueType": "string"
          // For remaining properties, see Nodes objects
        "port": "int",
        "properties": {
          "{customized property}": "string"
    "tags": {},
    "jobType": "string"
    // For remaining properties, see JobBaseProperties objects

JobBaseProperties objects

Set the jobType property to specify the type of object.

For AutoML, use:

  "jobType": "AutoML",
  "environmentId": "string",
  "environmentVariables": {
    "{customized property}": "string"
  "outputs": {
    "{customized property}": {
      "description": "string",
      "jobOutputType": "string"
      // For remaining properties, see JobOutput objects
  "queueSettings": {
    "jobTier": "string",
    "priority": "int"
  "resources": {
    "dockerArgs": "string",
    "instanceCount": "int",
    "instanceType": "string",
    "locations": [ "string" ],
    "properties": {
      "{customized property}": {}
    "shmSize": "string"
  "taskDetails": {
    "logVerbosity": "string",
    "targetColumnName": "string",
    "trainingData": {
      "description": "string",
      "jobInputType": "string",
      "mode": "string",
      "uri": "string"
    "taskType": "string"
    // For remaining properties, see AutoMLVertical objects

For Command, use:

  "jobType": "Command",
  "autologgerSettings": {
    "mlflowAutologger": "string"
  "codeId": "string",
  "command": "string",
  "distribution": {
    "distributionType": "string"
    // For remaining properties, see DistributionConfiguration objects
  "environmentId": "string",
  "environmentVariables": {
    "{customized property}": "string"
  "inputs": {
    "{customized property}": {
      "description": "string",
      "jobInputType": "string"
      // For remaining properties, see JobInput objects
  "limits": {
    "jobLimitsType": "string",
    "timeout": "string"
  "outputs": {
    "{customized property}": {
      "description": "string",
      "jobOutputType": "string"
      // For remaining properties, see JobOutput objects
  "queueSettings": {
    "jobTier": "string",
    "priority": "int"
  "resources": {
    "dockerArgs": "string",
    "instanceCount": "int",
    "instanceType": "string",
    "locations": [ "string" ],
    "properties": {
      "{customized property}": {}
    "shmSize": "string"

For Labeling, use:

  "jobType": "Labeling",
  "dataConfiguration": {
    "dataId": "string",
    "incrementalDataRefresh": "string"
  "jobInstructions": {
    "uri": "string"
  "labelCategories": {
    "{customized property}": {
      "classes": {
        "{customized property}": {
          "displayName": "string",
          "subclasses": {
            "{customized property}": {}
      "displayName": "string",
      "multiSelect": "string"
  "labelingJobMediaProperties": {
    "mediaType": "string"
    // For remaining properties, see LabelingJobMediaProperties objects
  "mlAssistConfiguration": {
    "mlAssist": "string"
    // For remaining properties, see MLAssistConfiguration objects

For Pipeline, use:

  "jobType": "Pipeline",
  "inputs": {
    "{customized property}": {
      "description": "string",
      "jobInputType": "string"
      // For remaining properties, see JobInput objects
  "jobs": {
    "{customized property}": {}
  "outputs": {
    "{customized property}": {
      "description": "string",
      "jobOutputType": "string"
      // For remaining properties, see JobOutput objects
  "settings": {},
  "sourceJobId": "string"

For Spark, use:

  "jobType": "Spark",
  "archives": [ "string" ],
  "args": "string",
  "codeId": "string",
  "conf": {
    "{customized property}": "string"
  "entry": {
    "sparkJobEntryType": "string"
    // For remaining properties, see SparkJobEntry objects
  "environmentId": "string",
  "files": [ "string" ],
  "inputs": {
    "{customized property}": {
      "description": "string",
      "jobInputType": "string"
      // For remaining properties, see JobInput objects
  "jars": [ "string" ],
  "outputs": {
    "{customized property}": {
      "description": "string",
      "jobOutputType": "string"
      // For remaining properties, see JobOutput objects
  "pyFiles": [ "string" ],
  "queueSettings": {
    "jobTier": "string",
    "priority": "int"
  "resources": {
    "instanceType": "string",
    "runtimeVersion": "string"

For Sweep, use:

  "jobType": "Sweep",
  "earlyTermination": {
    "delayEvaluation": "int",
    "evaluationInterval": "int",
    "policyType": "string"
    // For remaining properties, see EarlyTerminationPolicy objects
  "inputs": {
    "{customized property}": {
      "description": "string",
      "jobInputType": "string"
      // For remaining properties, see JobInput objects
  "limits": {
    "jobLimitsType": "string",
    "maxConcurrentTrials": "int",
    "maxTotalTrials": "int",
    "timeout": "string",
    "trialTimeout": "string"
  "objective": {
    "goal": "string",
    "primaryMetric": "string"
  "outputs": {
    "{customized property}": {
      "description": "string",
      "jobOutputType": "string"
      // For remaining properties, see JobOutput objects
  "queueSettings": {
    "jobTier": "string",
    "priority": "int"
  "samplingAlgorithm": {
    "samplingAlgorithmType": "string"
    // For remaining properties, see SamplingAlgorithm objects
  "searchSpace": {},
  "trial": {
    "codeId": "string",
    "command": "string",
    "distribution": {
      "distributionType": "string"
      // For remaining properties, see DistributionConfiguration objects
    "environmentId": "string",
    "environmentVariables": {
      "{customized property}": "string"
    "resources": {
      "dockerArgs": "string",
      "instanceCount": "int",
      "instanceType": "string",
      "locations": [ "string" ],
      "properties": {
        "{customized property}": {}
      "shmSize": "string"

IdentityConfiguration objects

Set the identityType property to specify the type of object.

For AMLToken, use:

  "identityType": "AMLToken"

For Managed, use:

  "identityType": "Managed",
  "clientId": "string",
  "objectId": "string",
  "resourceId": "string"

For UserIdentity, use:

  "identityType": "UserIdentity"

Nodes objects

Set the nodesValueType property to specify the type of object.

For All, use:

  "nodesValueType": "All"

JobOutput objects

Set the jobOutputType property to specify the type of object.

For custom_model, use:

  "jobOutputType": "custom_model",
  "assetName": "string",
  "assetVersion": "string",
  "mode": "string",
  "uri": "string"

For mlflow_model, use:

  "jobOutputType": "mlflow_model",
  "assetName": "string",
  "assetVersion": "string",
  "mode": "string",
  "uri": "string"

For mltable, use:

  "jobOutputType": "mltable",
  "assetName": "string",
  "assetVersion": "string",
  "mode": "string",
  "uri": "string"

For triton_model, use:

  "jobOutputType": "triton_model",
  "assetName": "string",
  "assetVersion": "string",
  "mode": "string",
  "uri": "string"

For uri_file, use:

  "jobOutputType": "uri_file",
  "assetName": "string",
  "assetVersion": "string",
  "mode": "string",
  "uri": "string"

For uri_folder, use:

  "jobOutputType": "uri_folder",
  "assetName": "string",
  "assetVersion": "string",
  "mode": "string",
  "uri": "string"

AutoMLVertical objects

Set the taskType property to specify the type of object.

For Classification, use:

  "taskType": "Classification",
  "cvSplitColumnNames": [ "string" ],
  "featurizationSettings": {
    "blockedTransformers": [ "string" ],
    "columnNameAndTypes": {
      "{customized property}": "string"
    "datasetLanguage": "string",
    "enableDnnFeaturization": "bool",
    "mode": "string",
    "transformerParams": {
      "{customized property}": [
          "fields": [ "string" ],
          "parameters": {}
  "fixedParameters": {
    "booster": "string",
    "boostingType": "string",
    "growPolicy": "string",
    "learningRate": "int",
    "maxBin": "int",
    "maxDepth": "int",
    "maxLeaves": "int",
    "minDataInLeaf": "int",
    "minSplitGain": "int",
    "modelName": "string",
    "nEstimators": "int",
    "numLeaves": "int",
    "preprocessorName": "string",
    "regAlpha": "int",
    "regLambda": "int",
    "subsample": "int",
    "subsampleFreq": "int",
    "treeMethod": "string",
    "withMean": "bool",
    "withStd": "bool"
  "limitSettings": {
    "enableEarlyTermination": "bool",
    "exitScore": "int",
    "maxConcurrentTrials": "int",
    "maxCoresPerTrial": "int",
    "maxNodes": "int",
    "maxTrials": "int",
    "sweepConcurrentTrials": "int",
    "sweepTrials": "int",
    "timeout": "string",
    "trialTimeout": "string"
  "nCrossValidations": {
    "mode": "string"
    // For remaining properties, see NCrossValidations objects
  "positiveLabel": "string",
  "primaryMetric": "string",
  "searchSpace": [
      "booster": "string",
      "boostingType": "string",
      "growPolicy": "string",
      "learningRate": "string",
      "maxBin": "string",
      "maxDepth": "string",
      "maxLeaves": "string",
      "minDataInLeaf": "string",
      "minSplitGain": "string",
      "modelName": "string",
      "nEstimators": "string",
      "numLeaves": "string",
      "preprocessorName": "string",
      "regAlpha": "string",
      "regLambda": "string",
      "subsample": "string",
      "subsampleFreq": "string",
      "treeMethod": "string",
      "withMean": "string",
      "withStd": "string"
  "sweepSettings": {
    "earlyTermination": {
      "delayEvaluation": "int",
      "evaluationInterval": "int",
      "policyType": "string"
      // For remaining properties, see EarlyTerminationPolicy objects
    "samplingAlgorithm": "string"
  "testData": {
    "description": "string",
    "jobInputType": "string",
    "mode": "string",
    "uri": "string"
  "testDataSize": "int",
  "trainingSettings": {
    "allowedTrainingAlgorithms": [ "string" ],
    "blockedTrainingAlgorithms": [ "string" ],
    "enableDnnTraining": "bool",
    "enableModelExplainability": "bool",
    "enableOnnxCompatibleModels": "bool",
    "enableStackEnsemble": "bool",
    "enableVoteEnsemble": "bool",
    "ensembleModelDownloadTimeout": "string",
    "stackEnsembleSettings": {
      "stackMetaLearnerKWargs": {},
      "stackMetaLearnerTrainPercentage": "int",
      "stackMetaLearnerType": "string"
    "trainingMode": "string"
  "validationData": {
    "description": "string",
    "jobInputType": "string",
    "mode": "string",
    "uri": "string"
  "validationDataSize": "int",
  "weightColumnName": "string"

For Forecasting, use:

  "taskType": "Forecasting",
  "cvSplitColumnNames": [ "string" ],
  "featurizationSettings": {
    "blockedTransformers": [ "string" ],
    "columnNameAndTypes": {
      "{customized property}": "string"
    "datasetLanguage": "string",
    "enableDnnFeaturization": "bool",
    "mode": "string",
    "transformerParams": {
      "{customized property}": [
          "fields": [ "string" ],
          "parameters": {}
  "fixedParameters": {
    "booster": "string",
    "boostingType": "string",
    "growPolicy": "string",
    "learningRate": "int",
    "maxBin": "int",
    "maxDepth": "int",
    "maxLeaves": "int",
    "minDataInLeaf": "int",
    "minSplitGain": "int",
    "modelName": "string",
    "nEstimators": "int",
    "numLeaves": "int",
    "preprocessorName": "string",
    "regAlpha": "int",
    "regLambda": "int",
    "subsample": "int",
    "subsampleFreq": "int",
    "treeMethod": "string",
    "withMean": "bool",
    "withStd": "bool"
  "forecastingSettings": {
    "countryOrRegionForHolidays": "string",
    "cvStepSize": "int",
    "featureLags": "string",
    "forecastHorizon": {
      "mode": "string"
      // For remaining properties, see ForecastHorizon objects
    "frequency": "string",
    "seasonality": {
      "mode": "string"
      // For remaining properties, see Seasonality objects
    "shortSeriesHandlingConfig": "string",
    "targetAggregateFunction": "string",
    "targetLags": {
      "mode": "string"
      // For remaining properties, see TargetLags objects
    "targetRollingWindowSize": {
      "mode": "string"
      // For remaining properties, see TargetRollingWindowSize objects
    "timeColumnName": "string",
    "timeSeriesIdColumnNames": [ "string" ],
    "useStl": "string"
  "limitSettings": {
    "enableEarlyTermination": "bool",
    "exitScore": "int",
    "maxConcurrentTrials": "int",
    "maxCoresPerTrial": "int",
    "maxNodes": "int",
    "maxTrials": "int",
    "sweepConcurrentTrials": "int",
    "sweepTrials": "int",
    "timeout": "string",
    "trialTimeout": "string"
  "nCrossValidations": {
    "mode": "string"
    // For remaining properties, see NCrossValidations objects
  "primaryMetric": "string",
  "searchSpace": [
      "booster": "string",
      "boostingType": "string",
      "growPolicy": "string",
      "learningRate": "string",
      "maxBin": "string",
      "maxDepth": "string",
      "maxLeaves": "string",
      "minDataInLeaf": "string",
      "minSplitGain": "string",
      "modelName": "string",
      "nEstimators": "string",
      "numLeaves": "string",
      "preprocessorName": "string",
      "regAlpha": "string",
      "regLambda": "string",
      "subsample": "string",
      "subsampleFreq": "string",
      "treeMethod": "string",
      "withMean": "string",
      "withStd": "string"
  "sweepSettings": {
    "earlyTermination": {
      "delayEvaluation": "int",
      "evaluationInterval": "int",
      "policyType": "string"
      // For remaining properties, see EarlyTerminationPolicy objects
    "samplingAlgorithm": "string"
  "testData": {
    "description": "string",
    "jobInputType": "string",
    "mode": "string",
    "uri": "string"
  "testDataSize": "int",
  "trainingSettings": {
    "allowedTrainingAlgorithms": [ "string" ],
    "blockedTrainingAlgorithms": [ "string" ],
    "enableDnnTraining": "bool",
    "enableModelExplainability": "bool",
    "enableOnnxCompatibleModels": "bool",
    "enableStackEnsemble": "bool",
    "enableVoteEnsemble": "bool",
    "ensembleModelDownloadTimeout": "string",
    "stackEnsembleSettings": {
      "stackMetaLearnerKWargs": {},
      "stackMetaLearnerTrainPercentage": "int",
      "stackMetaLearnerType": "string"
    "trainingMode": "string"
  "validationData": {
    "description": "string",
    "jobInputType": "string",
    "mode": "string",
    "uri": "string"
  "validationDataSize": "int",
  "weightColumnName": "string"

For ImageClassification, use:

  "taskType": "ImageClassification",
  "limitSettings": {
    "maxConcurrentTrials": "int",
    "maxTrials": "int",
    "timeout": "string"
  "modelSettings": {
    "advancedSettings": "string",
    "amsGradient": "bool",
    "augmentations": "string",
    "beta1": "int",
    "beta2": "int",
    "checkpointFrequency": "int",
    "checkpointModel": {
      "description": "string",
      "jobInputType": "string",
      "mode": "string",
      "uri": "string"
    "checkpointRunId": "string",
    "distributed": "bool",
    "earlyStopping": "bool",
    "earlyStoppingDelay": "int",
    "earlyStoppingPatience": "int",
    "enableOnnxNormalization": "bool",
    "evaluationFrequency": "int",
    "gradientAccumulationStep": "int",
    "layersToFreeze": "int",
    "learningRate": "int",
    "learningRateScheduler": "string",
    "modelName": "string",
    "momentum": "int",
    "nesterov": "bool",
    "numberOfEpochs": "int",
    "numberOfWorkers": "int",
    "optimizer": "string",
    "randomSeed": "int",
    "stepLRGamma": "int",
    "stepLRStepSize": "int",
    "trainingBatchSize": "int",
    "trainingCropSize": "int",
    "validationBatchSize": "int",
    "validationCropSize": "int",
    "validationResizeSize": "int",
    "warmupCosineLRCycles": "int",
    "warmupCosineLRWarmupEpochs": "int",
    "weightDecay": "int",
    "weightedLoss": "int"
  "primaryMetric": "string",
  "searchSpace": [
      "amsGradient": "string",
      "augmentations": "string",
      "beta1": "string",
      "beta2": "string",
      "distributed": "string",
      "earlyStopping": "string",
      "earlyStoppingDelay": "string",
      "earlyStoppingPatience": "string",
      "enableOnnxNormalization": "string",
      "evaluationFrequency": "string",
      "gradientAccumulationStep": "string",
      "layersToFreeze": "string",
      "learningRate": "string",
      "learningRateScheduler": "string",
      "modelName": "string",
      "momentum": "string",
      "nesterov": "string",
      "numberOfEpochs": "string",
      "numberOfWorkers": "string",
      "optimizer": "string",
      "randomSeed": "string",
      "stepLRGamma": "string",
      "stepLRStepSize": "string",
      "trainingBatchSize": "string",
      "trainingCropSize": "string",
      "validationBatchSize": "string",
      "validationCropSize": "string",
      "validationResizeSize": "string",
      "warmupCosineLRCycles": "string",
      "warmupCosineLRWarmupEpochs": "string",
      "weightDecay": "string",
      "weightedLoss": "string"
  "sweepSettings": {
    "earlyTermination": {
      "delayEvaluation": "int",
      "evaluationInterval": "int",
      "policyType": "string"
      // For remaining properties, see EarlyTerminationPolicy objects
    "samplingAlgorithm": "string"
  "validationData": {
    "description": "string",
    "jobInputType": "string",
    "mode": "string",
    "uri": "string"
  "validationDataSize": "int"

For ImageClassificationMultilabel, use:

  "taskType": "ImageClassificationMultilabel",
  "limitSettings": {
    "maxConcurrentTrials": "int",
    "maxTrials": "int",
    "timeout": "string"
  "modelSettings": {
    "advancedSettings": "string",
    "amsGradient": "bool",
    "augmentations": "string",
    "beta1": "int",
    "beta2": "int",
    "checkpointFrequency": "int",
    "checkpointModel": {
      "description": "string",
      "jobInputType": "string",
      "mode": "string",
      "uri": "string"
    "checkpointRunId": "string",
    "distributed": "bool",
    "earlyStopping": "bool",
    "earlyStoppingDelay": "int",
    "earlyStoppingPatience": "int",
    "enableOnnxNormalization": "bool",
    "evaluationFrequency": "int",
    "gradientAccumulationStep": "int",
    "layersToFreeze": "int",
    "learningRate": "int",
    "learningRateScheduler": "string",
    "modelName": "string",
    "momentum": "int",
    "nesterov": "bool",
    "numberOfEpochs": "int",
    "numberOfWorkers": "int",
    "optimizer": "string",
    "randomSeed": "int",
    "stepLRGamma": "int",
    "stepLRStepSize": "int",
    "trainingBatchSize": "int",
    "trainingCropSize": "int",
    "validationBatchSize": "int",
    "validationCropSize": "int",
    "validationResizeSize": "int",
    "warmupCosineLRCycles": "int",
    "warmupCosineLRWarmupEpochs": "int",
    "weightDecay": "int",
    "weightedLoss": "int"
  "primaryMetric": "string",
  "searchSpace": [
      "amsGradient": "string",
      "augmentations": "string",
      "beta1": "string",
      "beta2": "string",
      "distributed": "string",
      "earlyStopping": "string",
      "earlyStoppingDelay": "string",
      "earlyStoppingPatience": "string",
      "enableOnnxNormalization": "string",
      "evaluationFrequency": "string",
      "gradientAccumulationStep": "string",
      "layersToFreeze": "string",
      "learningRate": "string",
      "learningRateScheduler": "string",
      "modelName": "string",
      "momentum": "string",
      "nesterov": "string",
      "numberOfEpochs": "string",
      "numberOfWorkers": "string",
      "optimizer": "string",
      "randomSeed": "string",
      "stepLRGamma": "string",
      "stepLRStepSize": "string",
      "trainingBatchSize": "string",
      "trainingCropSize": "string",
      "validationBatchSize": "string",
      "validationCropSize": "string",
      "validationResizeSize": "string",
      "warmupCosineLRCycles": "string",
      "warmupCosineLRWarmupEpochs": "string",
      "weightDecay": "string",
      "weightedLoss": "string"
  "sweepSettings": {
    "earlyTermination": {
      "delayEvaluation": "int",
      "evaluationInterval": "int",
      "policyType": "string"
      // For remaining properties, see EarlyTerminationPolicy objects
    "samplingAlgorithm": "string"
  "validationData": {
    "description": "string",
    "jobInputType": "string",
    "mode": "string",
    "uri": "string"
  "validationDataSize": "int"

For ImageInstanceSegmentation, use:

  "taskType": "ImageInstanceSegmentation",
  "limitSettings": {
    "maxConcurrentTrials": "int",
    "maxTrials": "int",
    "timeout": "string"
  "modelSettings": {
    "advancedSettings": "string",
    "amsGradient": "bool",
    "augmentations": "string",
    "beta1": "int",
    "beta2": "int",
    "boxDetectionsPerImage": "int",
    "boxScoreThreshold": "int",
    "checkpointFrequency": "int",
    "checkpointModel": {
      "description": "string",
      "jobInputType": "string",
      "mode": "string",
      "uri": "string"
    "checkpointRunId": "string",
    "distributed": "bool",
    "earlyStopping": "bool",
    "earlyStoppingDelay": "int",
    "earlyStoppingPatience": "int",
    "enableOnnxNormalization": "bool",
    "evaluationFrequency": "int",
    "gradientAccumulationStep": "int",
    "imageSize": "int",
    "layersToFreeze": "int",
    "learningRate": "int",
    "learningRateScheduler": "string",
    "maxSize": "int",
    "minSize": "int",
    "modelName": "string",
    "modelSize": "string",
    "momentum": "int",
    "multiScale": "bool",
    "nesterov": "bool",
    "nmsIouThreshold": "int",
    "numberOfEpochs": "int",
    "numberOfWorkers": "int",
    "optimizer": "string",
    "randomSeed": "int",
    "stepLRGamma": "int",
    "stepLRStepSize": "int",
    "tileGridSize": "string",
    "tileOverlapRatio": "int",
    "tilePredictionsNmsThreshold": "int",
    "trainingBatchSize": "int",
    "validationBatchSize": "int",
    "validationIouThreshold": "int",
    "validationMetricType": "string",
    "warmupCosineLRCycles": "int",
    "warmupCosineLRWarmupEpochs": "int",
    "weightDecay": "int"
  "primaryMetric": "MeanAveragePrecision",
  "searchSpace": [
      "amsGradient": "string",
      "augmentations": "string",
      "beta1": "string",
      "beta2": "string",
      "boxDetectionsPerImage": "string",
      "boxScoreThreshold": "string",
      "distributed": "string",
      "earlyStopping": "string",
      "earlyStoppingDelay": "string",
      "earlyStoppingPatience": "string",
      "enableOnnxNormalization": "string",
      "evaluationFrequency": "string",
      "gradientAccumulationStep": "string",
      "imageSize": "string",
      "layersToFreeze": "string",
      "learningRate": "string",
      "learningRateScheduler": "string",
      "maxSize": "string",
      "minSize": "string",
      "modelName": "string",
      "modelSize": "string",
      "momentum": "string",
      "multiScale": "string",
      "nesterov": "string",
      "nmsIouThreshold": "string",
      "numberOfEpochs": "string",
      "numberOfWorkers": "string",
      "optimizer": "string",
      "randomSeed": "string",
      "stepLRGamma": "string",
      "stepLRStepSize": "string",
      "tileGridSize": "string",
      "tileOverlapRatio": "string",
      "tilePredictionsNmsThreshold": "string",
      "trainingBatchSize": "string",
      "validationBatchSize": "string",
      "validationIouThreshold": "string",
      "validationMetricType": "string",
      "warmupCosineLRCycles": "string",
      "warmupCosineLRWarmupEpochs": "string",
      "weightDecay": "string"
  "sweepSettings": {
    "earlyTermination": {
      "delayEvaluation": "int",
      "evaluationInterval": "int",
      "policyType": "string"
      // For remaining properties, see EarlyTerminationPolicy objects
    "samplingAlgorithm": "string"
  "validationData": {
    "description": "string",
    "jobInputType": "string",
    "mode": "string",
    "uri": "string"
  "validationDataSize": "int"

For ImageObjectDetection, use:

  "taskType": "ImageObjectDetection",
  "limitSettings": {
    "maxConcurrentTrials": "int",
    "maxTrials": "int",
    "timeout": "string"
  "modelSettings": {
    "advancedSettings": "string",
    "amsGradient": "bool",
    "augmentations": "string",
    "beta1": "int",
    "beta2": "int",
    "boxDetectionsPerImage": "int",
    "boxScoreThreshold": "int",
    "checkpointFrequency": "int",
    "checkpointModel": {
      "description": "string",
      "jobInputType": "string",
      "mode": "string",
      "uri": "string"
    "checkpointRunId": "string",
    "distributed": "bool",
    "earlyStopping": "bool",
    "earlyStoppingDelay": "int",
    "earlyStoppingPatience": "int",
    "enableOnnxNormalization": "bool",
    "evaluationFrequency": "int",
    "gradientAccumulationStep": "int",
    "imageSize": "int",
    "layersToFreeze": "int",
    "learningRate": "int",
    "learningRateScheduler": "string",
    "maxSize": "int",
    "minSize": "int",
    "modelName": "string",
    "modelSize": "string",
    "momentum": "int",
    "multiScale": "bool",
    "nesterov": "bool",
    "nmsIouThreshold": "int",
    "numberOfEpochs": "int",
    "numberOfWorkers": "int",
    "optimizer": "string",
    "randomSeed": "int",
    "stepLRGamma": "int",
    "stepLRStepSize": "int",
    "tileGridSize": "string",
    "tileOverlapRatio": "int",
    "tilePredictionsNmsThreshold": "int",
    "trainingBatchSize": "int",
    "validationBatchSize": "int",
    "validationIouThreshold": "int",
    "validationMetricType": "string",
    "warmupCosineLRCycles": "int",
    "warmupCosineLRWarmupEpochs": "int",
    "weightDecay": "int"
  "primaryMetric": "MeanAveragePrecision",
  "searchSpace": [
      "amsGradient": "string",
      "augmentations": "string",
      "beta1": "string",
      "beta2": "string",
      "boxDetectionsPerImage": "string",
      "boxScoreThreshold": "string",
      "distributed": "string",
      "earlyStopping": "string",
      "earlyStoppingDelay": "string",
      "earlyStoppingPatience": "string",
      "enableOnnxNormalization": "string",
      "evaluationFrequency": "string",
      "gradientAccumulationStep": "string",
      "imageSize": "string",
      "layersToFreeze": "string",
      "learningRate": "string",
      "learningRateScheduler": "string",
      "maxSize": "string",
      "minSize": "string",
      "modelName": "string",
      "modelSize": "string",
      "momentum": "string",
      "multiScale": "string",
      "nesterov": "string",
      "nmsIouThreshold": "string",
      "numberOfEpochs": "string",
      "numberOfWorkers": "string",
      "optimizer": "string",
      "randomSeed": "string",
      "stepLRGamma": "string",
      "stepLRStepSize": "string",
      "tileGridSize": "string",
      "tileOverlapRatio": "string",
      "tilePredictionsNmsThreshold": "string",
      "trainingBatchSize": "string",
      "validationBatchSize": "string",
      "validationIouThreshold": "string",
      "validationMetricType": "string",
      "warmupCosineLRCycles": "string",
      "warmupCosineLRWarmupEpochs": "string",
      "weightDecay": "string"
  "sweepSettings": {
    "earlyTermination": {
      "delayEvaluation": "int",
      "evaluationInterval": "int",
      "policyType": "string"
      // For remaining properties, see EarlyTerminationPolicy objects
    "samplingAlgorithm": "string"
  "validationData": {
    "description": "string",
    "jobInputType": "string",
    "mode": "string",
    "uri": "string"
  "validationDataSize": "int"

For Regression, use:

  "taskType": "Regression",
  "cvSplitColumnNames": [ "string" ],
  "featurizationSettings": {
    "blockedTransformers": [ "string" ],
    "columnNameAndTypes": {
      "{customized property}": "string"
    "datasetLanguage": "string",
    "enableDnnFeaturization": "bool",
    "mode": "string",
    "transformerParams": {
      "{customized property}": [
          "fields": [ "string" ],
          "parameters": {}
  "fixedParameters": {
    "booster": "string",
    "boostingType": "string",
    "growPolicy": "string",
    "learningRate": "int",
    "maxBin": "int",
    "maxDepth": "int",
    "maxLeaves": "int",
    "minDataInLeaf": "int",
    "minSplitGain": "int",
    "modelName": "string",
    "nEstimators": "int",
    "numLeaves": "int",
    "preprocessorName": "string",
    "regAlpha": "int",
    "regLambda": "int",
    "subsample": "int",
    "subsampleFreq": "int",
    "treeMethod": "string",
    "withMean": "bool",
    "withStd": "bool"
  "limitSettings": {
    "enableEarlyTermination": "bool",
    "exitScore": "int",
    "maxConcurrentTrials": "int",
    "maxCoresPerTrial": "int",
    "maxNodes": "int",
    "maxTrials": "int",
    "sweepConcurrentTrials": "int",
    "sweepTrials": "int",
    "timeout": "string",
    "trialTimeout": "string"
  "nCrossValidations": {
    "mode": "string"
    // For remaining properties, see NCrossValidations objects
  "primaryMetric": "string",
  "searchSpace": [
      "booster": "string",
      "boostingType": "string",
      "growPolicy": "string",
      "learningRate": "string",
      "maxBin": "string",
      "maxDepth": "string",
      "maxLeaves": "string",
      "minDataInLeaf": "string",
      "minSplitGain": "string",
      "modelName": "string",
      "nEstimators": "string",
      "numLeaves": "string",
      "preprocessorName": "string",
      "regAlpha": "string",
      "regLambda": "string",
      "subsample": "string",
      "subsampleFreq": "string",
      "treeMethod": "string",
      "withMean": "string",
      "withStd": "string"
  "sweepSettings": {
    "earlyTermination": {
      "delayEvaluation": "int",
      "evaluationInterval": "int",
      "policyType": "string"
      // For remaining properties, see EarlyTerminationPolicy objects
    "samplingAlgorithm": "string"
  "testData": {
    "description": "string",
    "jobInputType": "string",
    "mode": "string",
    "uri": "string"
  "testDataSize": "int",
  "trainingSettings": {
    "allowedTrainingAlgorithms": [ "string" ],
    "blockedTrainingAlgorithms": [ "string" ],
    "enableDnnTraining": "bool",
    "enableModelExplainability": "bool",
    "enableOnnxCompatibleModels": "bool",
    "enableStackEnsemble": "bool",
    "enableVoteEnsemble": "bool",
    "ensembleModelDownloadTimeout": "string",
    "stackEnsembleSettings": {
      "stackMetaLearnerKWargs": {},
      "stackMetaLearnerTrainPercentage": "int",
      "stackMetaLearnerType": "string"
    "trainingMode": "string"
  "validationData": {
    "description": "string",
    "jobInputType": "string",
    "mode": "string",
    "uri": "string"
  "validationDataSize": "int",
  "weightColumnName": "string"

For TextClassification, use:

  "taskType": "TextClassification",
  "featurizationSettings": {
    "datasetLanguage": "string"
  "fixedParameters": {
    "gradientAccumulationSteps": "int",
    "learningRate": "int",
    "learningRateScheduler": "string",
    "modelName": "string",
    "numberOfEpochs": "int",
    "trainingBatchSize": "int",
    "validationBatchSize": "int",
    "warmupRatio": "int",
    "weightDecay": "int"
  "limitSettings": {
    "maxConcurrentTrials": "int",
    "maxNodes": "int",
    "maxTrials": "int",
    "timeout": "string",
    "trialTimeout": "string"
  "primaryMetric": "string",
  "searchSpace": [
      "gradientAccumulationSteps": "string",
      "learningRate": "string",
      "learningRateScheduler": "string",
      "modelName": "string",
      "numberOfEpochs": "string",
      "trainingBatchSize": "string",
      "validationBatchSize": "string",
      "warmupRatio": "string",
      "weightDecay": "string"
  "sweepSettings": {
    "earlyTermination": {
      "delayEvaluation": "int",
      "evaluationInterval": "int",
      "policyType": "string"
      // For remaining properties, see EarlyTerminationPolicy objects
    "samplingAlgorithm": "string"
  "validationData": {
    "description": "string",
    "jobInputType": "string",
    "mode": "string",
    "uri": "string"

For TextClassificationMultilabel, use:

  "taskType": "TextClassificationMultilabel",
  "featurizationSettings": {
    "datasetLanguage": "string"
  "fixedParameters": {
    "gradientAccumulationSteps": "int",
    "learningRate": "int",
    "learningRateScheduler": "string",
    "modelName": "string",
    "numberOfEpochs": "int",
    "trainingBatchSize": "int",
    "validationBatchSize": "int",
    "warmupRatio": "int",
    "weightDecay": "int"
  "limitSettings": {
    "maxConcurrentTrials": "int",
    "maxNodes": "int",
    "maxTrials": "int",
    "timeout": "string",
    "trialTimeout": "string"
  "searchSpace": [
      "gradientAccumulationSteps": "string",
      "learningRate": "string",
      "learningRateScheduler": "string",
      "modelName": "string",
      "numberOfEpochs": "string",
      "trainingBatchSize": "string",
      "validationBatchSize": "string",
      "warmupRatio": "string",
      "weightDecay": "string"
  "sweepSettings": {
    "earlyTermination": {
      "delayEvaluation": "int",
      "evaluationInterval": "int",
      "policyType": "string"
      // For remaining properties, see EarlyTerminationPolicy objects
    "samplingAlgorithm": "string"
  "validationData": {
    "description": "string",
    "jobInputType": "string",
    "mode": "string",
    "uri": "string"

For TextNER, use:

  "taskType": "TextNER",
  "featurizationSettings": {
    "datasetLanguage": "string"
  "fixedParameters": {
    "gradientAccumulationSteps": "int",
    "learningRate": "int",
    "learningRateScheduler": "string",
    "modelName": "string",
    "numberOfEpochs": "int",
    "trainingBatchSize": "int",
    "validationBatchSize": "int",
    "warmupRatio": "int",
    "weightDecay": "int"
  "limitSettings": {
    "maxConcurrentTrials": "int",
    "maxNodes": "int",
    "maxTrials": "int",
    "timeout": "string",
    "trialTimeout": "string"
  "searchSpace": [
      "gradientAccumulationSteps": "string",
      "learningRate": "string",
      "learningRateScheduler": "string",
      "modelName": "string",
      "numberOfEpochs": "string",
      "trainingBatchSize": "string",
      "validationBatchSize": "string",
      "warmupRatio": "string",
      "weightDecay": "string"
  "sweepSettings": {
    "earlyTermination": {
      "delayEvaluation": "int",
      "evaluationInterval": "int",
      "policyType": "string"
      // For remaining properties, see EarlyTerminationPolicy objects
    "samplingAlgorithm": "string"
  "validationData": {
    "description": "string",
    "jobInputType": "string",
    "mode": "string",
    "uri": "string"

NCrossValidations objects

Set the mode property to specify the type of object.

For Auto, use:

  "mode": "Auto"

For Custom, use:

  "mode": "Custom",
  "value": "int"

EarlyTerminationPolicy objects

Set the policyType property to specify the type of object.

For Bandit, use:

  "policyType": "Bandit",
  "slackAmount": "int",
  "slackFactor": "int"

For MedianStopping, use:

  "policyType": "MedianStopping"

For TruncationSelection, use:

  "policyType": "TruncationSelection",
  "truncationPercentage": "int"

ForecastHorizon objects

Set the mode property to specify the type of object.

For Auto, use:

  "mode": "Auto"

For Custom, use:

  "mode": "Custom",
  "value": "int"

Seasonality objects

Set the mode property to specify the type of object.

For Auto, use:

  "mode": "Auto"

For Custom, use:

  "mode": "Custom",
  "value": "int"

TargetLags objects

Set the mode property to specify the type of object.

For Auto, use:

  "mode": "Auto"

For Custom, use:

  "mode": "Custom",
  "values": [ "int" ]

TargetRollingWindowSize objects

Set the mode property to specify the type of object.

For Auto, use:

  "mode": "Auto"

For Custom, use:

  "mode": "Custom",
  "value": "int"

DistributionConfiguration objects

Set the distributionType property to specify the type of object.

For Mpi, use:

  "distributionType": "Mpi",
  "processCountPerInstance": "int"

For PyTorch, use:

  "distributionType": "PyTorch",
  "processCountPerInstance": "int"

For TensorFlow, use:

  "distributionType": "TensorFlow",
  "parameterServerCount": "int",
  "workerCount": "int"

JobInput objects

Set the jobInputType property to specify the type of object.

For custom_model, use:

  "jobInputType": "custom_model",
  "mode": "string",
  "uri": "string"

For literal, use:

  "jobInputType": "literal",
  "value": "string"

For mlflow_model, use:

  "jobInputType": "mlflow_model",
  "mode": "string",
  "uri": "string"

For mltable, use:

  "jobInputType": "mltable",
  "mode": "string",
  "uri": "string"

For triton_model, use:

  "jobInputType": "triton_model",
  "mode": "string",
  "uri": "string"

For uri_file, use:

  "jobInputType": "uri_file",
  "mode": "string",
  "uri": "string"

For uri_folder, use:

  "jobInputType": "uri_folder",
  "mode": "string",
  "uri": "string"

LabelingJobMediaProperties objects

Set the mediaType property to specify the type of object.

For Image, use:

  "mediaType": "Image",
  "annotationType": "string"

For Text, use:

  "mediaType": "Text",
  "annotationType": "string"

MLAssistConfiguration objects

Set the mlAssist property to specify the type of object.

For Disabled, use:

  "mlAssist": "Disabled"

For Enabled, use:

  "mlAssist": "Enabled",
  "inferencingComputeBinding": "string",
  "trainingComputeBinding": "string"

SparkJobEntry objects

Set the sparkJobEntryType property to specify the type of object.

For SparkJobPythonEntry, use:

  "sparkJobEntryType": "SparkJobPythonEntry",
  "file": "string"

For SparkJobScalaEntry, use:

  "sparkJobEntryType": "SparkJobScalaEntry",
  "className": "string"

SamplingAlgorithm objects

Set the samplingAlgorithmType property to specify the type of object.

For Bayesian, use:

  "samplingAlgorithmType": "Bayesian"

For Grid, use:

  "samplingAlgorithmType": "Grid"

For Random, use:

  "samplingAlgorithmType": "Random",
  "logbase": "string",
  "rule": "string",
  "seed": "int"

Property values


Name Description Value
type The resource type 'Microsoft.MachineLearningServices/workspaces/jobs'
apiVersion The resource api version '2023-02-01-preview'
name The resource name

See how to set names and types for child resources in JSON ARM templates.
string (required)
properties [Required] Additional attributes of the entity. JobBaseProperties (required)


Name Description Value
componentId ARM resource ID of the component resource. string
computeId ARM resource ID of the compute resource. string
description The asset description text. string
displayName Display name of job. string
experimentName The name of the experiment the job belongs to. If not set, the job is placed in the "Default" experiment. string
identity Identity configuration. If set, this should be one of AmlToken, ManagedIdentity, UserIdentity or null.
Defaults to AmlToken if null.
isArchived Is the asset archived? bool
notificationSetting Notification setting for the job NotificationSetting
properties The asset property dictionary. ResourceBaseProperties
services List of JobEndpoints.
For local jobs, a job endpoint will have an endpoint value of FileStreamObject.
tags Tag dictionary. Tags can be added, removed, and updated. object
jobType Set the object type AutoML
Sweep (required)


Name Description Value
identityType Set the object type AMLToken
UserIdentity (required)


Name Description Value
identityType [Required] Specifies the type of identity framework. 'AMLToken' (required)


Name Description Value
identityType [Required] Specifies the type of identity framework. 'Managed' (required)
clientId Specifies a user-assigned identity by client ID. For system-assigned, do not set this field. string

Min length = 36
Max length = 36
Pattern = ^[0-9a-fA-F]{8}-([0-9a-fA-F]{4}-){3}[0-9a-fA-F]{12}$
objectId Specifies a user-assigned identity by object ID. For system-assigned, do not set this field. string

Min length = 36
Max length = 36
Pattern = ^[0-9a-fA-F]{8}-([0-9a-fA-F]{4}-){3}[0-9a-fA-F]{12}$
resourceId Specifies a user-assigned identity by ARM resource ID. For system-assigned, do not set this field. string


Name Description Value
identityType [Required] Specifies the type of identity framework. 'UserIdentity' (required)


Name Description Value
emailOn Send email notification to user on specified notification type String array containing any of:
emails This is the email recipient list which has a limitation of 499 characters in total concat with comma separator string[]


Name Description Value
{customized property} string


Name Description Value
{customized property} JobService


Name Description Value
endpoint Url for endpoint. string
jobServiceType Endpoint type. string
nodes Nodes that user would like to start the service on.
If Nodes is not set or set to null, the service will only be started on leader node.
port Port for endpoint set by user. int
properties Additional properties to set on the endpoint. JobServiceProperties


Name Description Value
nodesValueType Set the object type All (required)


Name Description Value
nodesValueType [Required] Type of the Nodes value 'All' (required)


Name Description Value
{customized property} string


Name Description Value
jobType [Required] Specifies the type of job. 'AutoML' (required)
environmentId The ARM resource ID of the Environment specification for the job.
This is optional value to provide, if not provided, AutoML will default this to Production AutoML curated environment version when running the job.
environmentVariables Environment variables included in the job. AutoMLJobEnvironmentVariables
outputs Mapping of output data bindings used in the job. AutoMLJobOutputs
queueSettings Queue settings for the job QueueSettings
resources Compute Resource configuration for the job. JobResourceConfiguration
taskDetails [Required] This represents scenario which can be one of Tables/NLP/Image AutoMLVertical (required)


Name Description Value
{customized property} string


Name Description Value
{customized property} JobOutput


Name Description Value
description Description for the output. string
jobOutputType Set the object type custom_model
uri_folder (required)


Name Description Value
jobOutputType [Required] Specifies the type of job. 'custom_model' (required)
assetName Output Asset Name. string
assetVersion Output Asset Version. string
mode Output Asset Delivery Mode. 'Direct'
uri Output Asset URI. string


Name Description Value
jobOutputType [Required] Specifies the type of job. 'mlflow_model' (required)
assetName Output Asset Name. string
assetVersion Output Asset Version. string
mode Output Asset Delivery Mode. 'Direct'
uri Output Asset URI. string


Name Description Value
jobOutputType [Required] Specifies the type of job. 'mltable' (required)
assetName Output Asset Name. string
assetVersion Output Asset Version. string
mode Output Asset Delivery Mode. 'Direct'
uri Output Asset URI. string


Name Description Value
jobOutputType [Required] Specifies the type of job. 'triton_model' (required)
assetName Output Asset Name. string
assetVersion Output Asset Version. string
mode Output Asset Delivery Mode. 'Direct'
uri Output Asset URI. string


Name Description Value
jobOutputType [Required] Specifies the type of job. 'uri_file' (required)
assetName Output Asset Name. string
assetVersion Output Asset Version. string
mode Output Asset Delivery Mode. 'Direct'
uri Output Asset URI. string


Name Description Value
jobOutputType [Required] Specifies the type of job. 'uri_folder' (required)
assetName Output Asset Name. string
assetVersion Output Asset Version. string
mode Output Asset Delivery Mode. 'Direct'
uri Output Asset URI. string


Name Description Value
jobTier Enum to determine the job tier. 'Basic'
priority Controls the priority of the job on a compute. int


Name Description Value
dockerArgs Extra arguments to pass to the Docker run command. This would override any parameters that have already been set by the system, or in this section. This parameter is only supported for Azure ML compute types. string
instanceCount Optional number of instances or nodes used by the compute target. int
instanceType Optional type of VM used as supported by the compute target. string
locations Locations where the job can run. string[]
properties Additional properties bag. ResourceConfigurationProperties
shmSize Size of the docker container's shared memory block. This should be in the format of (number)(unit) where number as to be greater than 0 and the unit can be one of b(bytes), k(kilobytes), m(megabytes), or g(gigabytes). string

Pattern = \d+[bBkKmMgG]


Name Description Value
{customized property}


Name Description Value
logVerbosity Log verbosity for the job. 'Critical'
targetColumnName Target column name: This is prediction values column.
Also known as label column name in context of classification tasks.
trainingData [Required] Training data input. MLTableJobInput (required)
taskType Set the object type Classification
TextNER (required)


Name Description Value
description Description for the input. string
jobInputType [Required] Specifies the type of job. 'custom_model'
'uri_folder' (required)
mode Input Asset Delivery Mode. 'Direct'
uri [Required] Input Asset URI. string (required)

Pattern = [a-zA-Z0-9_]


Name Description Value
taskType [Required] Task type for AutoMLJob. 'Classification' (required)
cvSplitColumnNames Columns to use for CVSplit data. string[]
featurizationSettings Featurization inputs needed for AutoML job. TableVerticalFeaturizationSettings
fixedParameters Model/training parameters that will remain constant throughout training. TableFixedParameters
limitSettings Execution constraints for AutoMLJob. TableVerticalLimitSettings
nCrossValidations Number of cross validation folds to be applied on training dataset
when validation dataset is not provided.
positiveLabel Positive label for binary metrics calculation. string
primaryMetric Primary metric for the task. 'AUCWeighted'
searchSpace Search space for sampling different combinations of models and their hyperparameters. TableParameterSubspace[]
sweepSettings Settings for model sweeping and hyperparameter tuning. TableSweepSettings
testData Test data input. MLTableJobInput
testDataSize The fraction of test dataset that needs to be set aside for validation purpose.
Values between (0.0 , 1.0)
Applied when validation dataset is not provided.
trainingSettings Inputs for training phase for an AutoML Job. ClassificationTrainingSettings
validationData Validation data inputs. MLTableJobInput
validationDataSize The fraction of training dataset that needs to be set aside for validation purpose.
Values between (0.0 , 1.0)
Applied when validation dataset is not provided.
weightColumnName The name of the sample weight column. Automated ML supports a weighted column as an input, causing rows in the data to be weighted up or down. string


Name Description Value
blockedTransformers These transformers shall not be used in featurization. String array containing any of:
columnNameAndTypes Dictionary of column name and its type (int, float, string, datetime etc). TableVerticalFeaturizationSettingsColumnNameAndTypes
datasetLanguage Dataset language, useful for the text data. string
enableDnnFeaturization Determines whether to use Dnn based featurizers for data featurization. bool
mode Featurization mode - User can keep the default 'Auto' mode and AutoML will take care of necessary transformation of the data in featurization phase.
If 'Off' is selected then no featurization is done.
If 'Custom' is selected then user can specify additional inputs to customize how featurization is done.
transformerParams User can specify additional transformers to be used along with the columns to which it would be applied and parameters for the transformer constructor. TableVerticalFeaturizationSettingsTransformerParams


Name Description Value
{customized property} string


Name Description Value
{customized property} ColumnTransformer[]


Name Description Value
fields Fields to apply transformer logic on. string[]
parameters Different properties to be passed to transformer.
Input expected is dictionary of key,value pairs in JSON format.


Name Description Value
booster Specify the boosting type, e.g gbdt for XGBoost. string
boostingType Specify the boosting type, e.g gbdt for LightGBM. string
growPolicy Specify the grow policy, which controls the way new nodes are added to the tree. string
learningRate The learning rate for the training procedure. int
maxBin Specify the Maximum number of discrete bins to bucket continuous features . int
maxDepth Specify the max depth to limit the tree depth explicitly. int
maxLeaves Specify the max leaves to limit the tree leaves explicitly. int
minDataInLeaf The minimum number of data per leaf. int
minSplitGain Minimum loss reduction required to make a further partition on a leaf node of the tree. int
modelName The name of the model to train. string
nEstimators Specify the number of trees (or rounds) in an model. int
numLeaves Specify the number of leaves. int
preprocessorName The name of the preprocessor to use. string
regAlpha L1 regularization term on weights. int
regLambda L2 regularization term on weights. int
subsample Subsample ratio of the training instance. int
subsampleFreq Frequency of subsample. int
treeMethod Specify the tree method. string
withMean If true, center before scaling the data with StandardScalar. bool
withStd If true, scaling the data with Unit Variance with StandardScalar. bool


Name Description Value
enableEarlyTermination Enable early termination, determines whether or not if AutoMLJob will terminate early if there is no score improvement in last 20 iterations. bool
exitScore Exit score for the AutoML job. int
maxConcurrentTrials Maximum Concurrent iterations. int
maxCoresPerTrial Max cores per iteration. int
maxNodes Maximum nodes to use for the experiment. int
maxTrials Number of iterations. int
sweepConcurrentTrials Number of concurrent sweeping runs that user wants to trigger. int
sweepTrials Number of sweeping runs that user wants to trigger. int
timeout AutoML job timeout. string
trialTimeout Iteration timeout. string


Name Description Value
mode Set the object type Auto
Custom (required)


Name Description Value
mode [Required] Mode for determining N-Cross validations. 'Auto' (required)


Name Description Value
mode [Required] Mode for determining N-Cross validations. 'Custom' (required)
value [Required] N-Cross validations value. int (required)


Name Description Value
booster Specify the boosting type, e.g gbdt for XGBoost. string
boostingType Specify the boosting type, e.g gbdt for LightGBM. string
growPolicy Specify the grow policy, which controls the way new nodes are added to the tree. string
learningRate The learning rate for the training procedure. string
maxBin Specify the Maximum number of discrete bins to bucket continuous features . string
maxDepth Specify the max depth to limit the tree depth explicitly. string
maxLeaves Specify the max leaves to limit the tree leaves explicitly. string
minDataInLeaf The minimum number of data per leaf. string
minSplitGain Minimum loss reduction required to make a further partition on a leaf node of the tree. string
modelName The name of the model to train. string
nEstimators Specify the number of trees (or rounds) in an model. string
numLeaves Specify the number of leaves. string
preprocessorName The name of the preprocessor to use. string
regAlpha L1 regularization term on weights. string
regLambda L2 regularization term on weights. string
subsample Subsample ratio of the training instance. string
subsampleFreq Frequency of subsample string
treeMethod Specify the tree method. string
withMean If true, center before scaling the data with StandardScalar. string
withStd If true, scaling the data with Unit Variance with StandardScalar. string


Name Description Value
earlyTermination Type of early termination policy for the sweeping job. EarlyTerminationPolicy
samplingAlgorithm [Required] Type of sampling algorithm. 'Bayesian'
'Random' (required)


Name Description Value
delayEvaluation Number of intervals by which to delay the first evaluation. int
evaluationInterval Interval (number of runs) between policy evaluations. int
policyType Set the object type Bandit
TruncationSelection (required)


Name Description Value
policyType [Required] Name of policy configuration 'Bandit' (required)
slackAmount Absolute distance allowed from the best performing run. int
slackFactor Ratio of the allowed distance from the best performing run. int


Name Description Value
policyType [Required] Name of policy configuration 'MedianStopping' (required)


Name Description Value
policyType [Required] Name of policy configuration 'TruncationSelection' (required)
truncationPercentage The percentage of runs to cancel at each evaluation interval. int


Name Description Value
allowedTrainingAlgorithms Allowed models for classification task. String array containing any of:
blockedTrainingAlgorithms Blocked models for classification task. String array containing any of:
enableDnnTraining Enable recommendation of DNN models. bool
enableModelExplainability Flag to turn on explainability on best model. bool
enableOnnxCompatibleModels Flag for enabling onnx compatible models. bool
enableStackEnsemble Enable stack ensemble run. bool
enableVoteEnsemble Enable voting ensemble run. bool
ensembleModelDownloadTimeout During VotingEnsemble and StackEnsemble model generation, multiple fitted models from the previous child runs are downloaded.
Configure this parameter with a higher value than 300 secs, if more time is needed.
stackEnsembleSettings Stack ensemble settings for stack ensemble run. StackEnsembleSettings
trainingMode TrainingMode mode - Setting to 'auto' is same as setting it to 'non-distributed' for now, however in the future may result in mixed mode or heuristics based mode selection. Default is 'auto'.
If 'Distributed' then only distributed featurization is used and distributed algorithms are chosen.
If 'NonDistributed' then only non distributed algorithms are chosen.


Name Description Value
stackMetaLearnerKWargs Optional parameters to pass to the initializer of the meta-learner.
stackMetaLearnerTrainPercentage Specifies the proportion of the training set (when choosing train and validation type of training) to be reserved for training the meta-learner. Default value is 0.2. int
stackMetaLearnerType The meta-learner is a model trained on the output of the individual heterogeneous models. 'ElasticNet'


Name Description Value
taskType [Required] Task type for AutoMLJob. 'Forecasting' (required)
cvSplitColumnNames Columns to use for CVSplit data. string[]
featurizationSettings Featurization inputs needed for AutoML job. TableVerticalFeaturizationSettings
fixedParameters Model/training parameters that will remain constant throughout training. TableFixedParameters
forecastingSettings Forecasting task specific inputs. ForecastingSettings
limitSettings Execution constraints for AutoMLJob. TableVerticalLimitSettings
nCrossValidations Number of cross validation folds to be applied on training dataset
when validation dataset is not provided.
primaryMetric Primary metric for forecasting task. 'NormalizedMeanAbsoluteError'
searchSpace Search space for sampling different combinations of models and their hyperparameters. TableParameterSubspace[]
sweepSettings Settings for model sweeping and hyperparameter tuning. TableSweepSettings
testData Test data input. MLTableJobInput
testDataSize The fraction of test dataset that needs to be set aside for validation purpose.
Values between (0.0 , 1.0)
Applied when validation dataset is not provided.
trainingSettings Inputs for training phase for an AutoML Job. ForecastingTrainingSettings
validationData Validation data inputs. MLTableJobInput
validationDataSize The fraction of training dataset that needs to be set aside for validation purpose.
Values between (0.0 , 1.0)
Applied when validation dataset is not provided.
weightColumnName The name of the sample weight column. Automated ML supports a weighted column as an input, causing rows in the data to be weighted up or down. string


Name Description Value
countryOrRegionForHolidays Country or region for holidays for forecasting tasks.
These should be ISO 3166 two-letter country/region codes, for example 'US' or 'GB'.
cvStepSize Number of periods between the origin time of one CV fold and the next fold. For
example, if CVStepSize = 3 for daily data, the origin time for each fold will be
three days apart.
featureLags Flag for generating lags for the numeric features with 'auto' or null. 'Auto'
forecastHorizon The desired maximum forecast horizon in units of time-series frequency. ForecastHorizon
frequency When forecasting, this parameter represents the period with which the forecast is desired, for example daily, weekly, yearly, etc. The forecast frequency is dataset frequency by default. string
seasonality Set time series seasonality as an integer multiple of the series frequency.
If seasonality is set to 'auto', it will be inferred.
shortSeriesHandlingConfig The parameter defining how if AutoML should handle short time series. 'Auto'
targetAggregateFunction The function to be used to aggregate the time series target column to conform to a user specified frequency.
If the TargetAggregateFunction is set i.e. not 'None', but the freq parameter is not set, the error is raised. The possible target aggregation functions are: "sum", "max", "min" and "mean".
targetLags The number of past periods to lag from the target column. TargetLags
targetRollingWindowSize The number of past periods used to create a rolling window average of the target column. TargetRollingWindowSize
timeColumnName The name of the time column. This parameter is required when forecasting to specify the datetime column in the input data used for building the time series and inferring its frequency. string
timeSeriesIdColumnNames The names of columns used to group a timeseries. It can be used to create multiple series.
If grain is not defined, the data set is assumed to be one time-series. This parameter is used with task type forecasting.
useStl Configure STL Decomposition of the time-series target column. 'None'


Name Description Value
mode Set the object type Auto
Custom (required)


Name Description Value
mode [Required] Set forecast horizon value selection mode. 'Auto' (required)


Name Description Value
mode [Required] Set forecast horizon value selection mode. 'Custom' (required)
value [Required] Forecast horizon value. int (required)


Name Description Value
mode Set the object type Auto
Custom (required)


Name Description Value
mode [Required] Seasonality mode. 'Auto' (required)


Name Description Value
mode [Required] Seasonality mode. 'Custom' (required)
value [Required] Seasonality value. int (required)


Name Description Value
mode Set the object type Auto
Custom (required)


Name Description Value
mode [Required] Set target lags mode - Auto/Custom 'Auto' (required)


Name Description Value
mode [Required] Set target lags mode - Auto/Custom 'Custom' (required)
values [Required] Set target lags values. int[] (required)


Name Description Value
mode Set the object type Auto
Custom (required)


Name Description Value
mode [Required] TargetRollingWindowSiz detection mode. 'Auto' (required)


Name Description Value
mode [Required] TargetRollingWindowSiz detection mode. 'Custom' (required)
value [Required] TargetRollingWindowSize value. int (required)


Name Description Value
allowedTrainingAlgorithms Allowed models for forecasting task. String array containing any of:
blockedTrainingAlgorithms Blocked models for forecasting task. String array containing any of:
enableDnnTraining Enable recommendation of DNN models. bool
enableModelExplainability Flag to turn on explainability on best model. bool
enableOnnxCompatibleModels Flag for enabling onnx compatible models. bool
enableStackEnsemble Enable stack ensemble run. bool
enableVoteEnsemble Enable voting ensemble run. bool
ensembleModelDownloadTimeout During VotingEnsemble and StackEnsemble model generation, multiple fitted models from the previous child runs are downloaded.
Configure this parameter with a higher value than 300 secs, if more time is needed.
stackEnsembleSettings Stack ensemble settings for stack ensemble run. StackEnsembleSettings
trainingMode TrainingMode mode - Setting to 'auto' is same as setting it to 'non-distributed' for now, however in the future may result in mixed mode or heuristics based mode selection. Default is 'auto'.
If 'Distributed' then only distributed featurization is used and distributed algorithms are chosen.
If 'NonDistributed' then only non distributed algorithms are chosen.


Name Description Value
taskType [Required] Task type for AutoMLJob. 'ImageClassification' (required)
limitSettings [Required] Limit settings for the AutoML job. ImageLimitSettings (required)
modelSettings Settings used for training the model. ImageModelSettingsClassification
primaryMetric Primary metric to optimize for this task. 'AUCWeighted'
searchSpace Search space for sampling different combinations of models and their hyperparameters. ImageModelDistributionSettingsClassification[]
sweepSettings Model sweeping and hyperparameter sweeping related settings. ImageSweepSettings
validationData Validation data inputs. MLTableJobInput
validationDataSize The fraction of training dataset that needs to be set aside for validation purpose.
Values between (0.0 , 1.0)
Applied when validation dataset is not provided.


Name Description Value
maxConcurrentTrials Maximum number of concurrent AutoML iterations. int
maxTrials Maximum number of AutoML iterations. int
timeout AutoML job timeout. string


Name Description Value
advancedSettings Settings for advanced scenarios. string
amsGradient Enable AMSGrad when optimizer is 'adam' or 'adamw'. bool
augmentations Settings for using Augmentations. string
beta1 Value of 'beta1' when optimizer is 'adam' or 'adamw'. Must be a float in the range [0, 1]. int
beta2 Value of 'beta2' when optimizer is 'adam' or 'adamw'. Must be a float in the range [0, 1]. int
checkpointFrequency Frequency to store model checkpoints. Must be a positive integer. int
checkpointModel The pretrained checkpoint model for incremental training. MLFlowModelJobInput
checkpointRunId The id of a previous run that has a pretrained checkpoint for incremental training. string
distributed Whether to use distributed training. bool
earlyStopping Enable early stopping logic during training. bool
earlyStoppingDelay Minimum number of epochs or validation evaluations to wait before primary metric improvement
is tracked for early stopping. Must be a positive integer.
earlyStoppingPatience Minimum number of epochs or validation evaluations with no primary metric improvement before
the run is stopped. Must be a positive integer.
enableOnnxNormalization Enable normalization when exporting ONNX model. bool
evaluationFrequency Frequency to evaluate validation dataset to get metric scores. Must be a positive integer. int
gradientAccumulationStep Gradient accumulation means running a configured number of "GradAccumulationStep" steps without
updating the model weights while accumulating the gradients of those steps, and then using
the accumulated gradients to compute the weight updates. Must be a positive integer.
layersToFreeze Number of layers to freeze for the model. Must be a positive integer.
For instance, passing 2 as value for 'seresnext' means
freezing layer0 and layer1. For a full list of models supported and details on layer freeze, please
see: /azure/machine-learning/how-to-auto-train-image-models.
learningRate Initial learning rate. Must be a float in the range [0, 1]. int
learningRateScheduler Type of learning rate scheduler. Must be 'warmup_cosine' or 'step'. 'None'
modelName Name of the model to use for training.
For more information on the available models please visit the official documentation:
momentum Value of momentum when optimizer is 'sgd'. Must be a float in the range [0, 1]. int
nesterov Enable nesterov when optimizer is 'sgd'. bool
numberOfEpochs Number of training epochs. Must be a positive integer. int
numberOfWorkers Number of data loader workers. Must be a non-negative integer. int
optimizer Type of optimizer. 'Adam'
randomSeed Random seed to be used when using deterministic training. int
stepLRGamma Value of gamma when learning rate scheduler is 'step'. Must be a float in the range [0, 1]. int
stepLRStepSize Value of step size when learning rate scheduler is 'step'. Must be a positive integer. int
trainingBatchSize Training batch size. Must be a positive integer. int
trainingCropSize Image crop size that is input to the neural network for the training dataset. Must be a positive integer. int
validationBatchSize Validation batch size. Must be a positive integer. int
validationCropSize Image crop size that is input to the neural network for the validation dataset. Must be a positive integer. int
validationResizeSize Image size to which to resize before cropping for validation dataset. Must be a positive integer. int
warmupCosineLRCycles Value of cosine cycle when learning rate scheduler is 'warmup_cosine'. Must be a float in the range [0, 1]. int
warmupCosineLRWarmupEpochs Value of warmup epochs when learning rate scheduler is 'warmup_cosine'. Must be a positive integer. int
weightDecay Value of weight decay when optimizer is 'sgd', 'adam', or 'adamw'. Must be a float in the range[0, 1]. int
weightedLoss Weighted loss. The accepted values are 0 for no weighted loss.
1 for weighted loss with sqrt.(class_weights). 2 for weighted loss with class_weights. Must be 0 or 1 or 2.


Name Description Value
description Description for the input. string
jobInputType [Required] Specifies the type of job. 'custom_model'
'uri_folder' (required)
mode Input Asset Delivery Mode. 'Direct'
uri [Required] Input Asset URI. string (required)

Pattern = [a-zA-Z0-9_]


Name Description Value
amsGradient Enable AMSGrad when optimizer is 'adam' or 'adamw'. string
augmentations Settings for using Augmentations. string
beta1 Value of 'beta1' when optimizer is 'adam' or 'adamw'. Must be a float in the range [0, 1]. string
beta2 Value of 'beta2' when optimizer is 'adam' or 'adamw'. Must be a float in the range [0, 1]. string
distributed Whether to use distributer training. string
earlyStopping Enable early stopping logic during training. string
earlyStoppingDelay Minimum number of epochs or validation evaluations to wait before primary metric improvement
is tracked for early stopping. Must be a positive integer.
earlyStoppingPatience Minimum number of epochs or validation evaluations with no primary metric improvement before
the run is stopped. Must be a positive integer.
enableOnnxNormalization Enable normalization when exporting ONNX model. string
evaluationFrequency Frequency to evaluate validation dataset to get metric scores. Must be a positive integer. string
gradientAccumulationStep Gradient accumulation means running a configured number of "GradAccumulationStep" steps without
updating the model weights while accumulating the gradients of those steps, and then using
the accumulated gradients to compute the weight updates. Must be a positive integer.
layersToFreeze Number of layers to freeze for the model. Must be a positive integer.
For instance, passing 2 as value for 'seresnext' means
freezing layer0 and layer1. For a full list of models supported and details on layer freeze, please
see: /azure/machine-learning/how-to-auto-train-image-models.
learningRate Initial learning rate. Must be a float in the range [0, 1]. string
learningRateScheduler Type of learning rate scheduler. Must be 'warmup_cosine' or 'step'. string
modelName Name of the model to use for training.
For more information on the available models please visit the official documentation:
momentum Value of momentum when optimizer is 'sgd'. Must be a float in the range [0, 1]. string
nesterov Enable nesterov when optimizer is 'sgd'. string
numberOfEpochs Number of training epochs. Must be a positive integer. string
numberOfWorkers Number of data loader workers. Must be a non-negative integer. string
optimizer Type of optimizer. Must be either 'sgd', 'adam', or 'adamw'. string
randomSeed Random seed to be used when using deterministic training. string
stepLRGamma Value of gamma when learning rate scheduler is 'step'. Must be a float in the range [0, 1]. string
stepLRStepSize Value of step size when learning rate scheduler is 'step'. Must be a positive integer. string
trainingBatchSize Training batch size. Must be a positive integer. string
trainingCropSize Image crop size that is input to the neural network for the training dataset. Must be a positive integer. string
validationBatchSize Validation batch size. Must be a positive integer. string
validationCropSize Image crop size that is input to the neural network for the validation dataset. Must be a positive integer. string
validationResizeSize Image size to which to resize before cropping for validation dataset. Must be a positive integer. string
warmupCosineLRCycles Value of cosine cycle when learning rate scheduler is 'warmup_cosine'. Must be a float in the range [0, 1]. string
warmupCosineLRWarmupEpochs Value of warmup epochs when learning rate scheduler is 'warmup_cosine'. Must be a positive integer. string
weightDecay Value of weight decay when optimizer is 'sgd', 'adam', or 'adamw'. Must be a float in the range[0, 1]. string
weightedLoss Weighted loss. The accepted values are 0 for no weighted loss.
1 for weighted loss with sqrt.(class_weights). 2 for weighted loss with class_weights. Must be 0 or 1 or 2.


Name Description Value
earlyTermination Type of early termination policy. EarlyTerminationPolicy
samplingAlgorithm [Required] Type of the hyperparameter sampling algorithms. 'Bayesian'
'Random' (required)


Name Description Value
taskType [Required] Task type for AutoMLJob. 'ImageClassificationMultilabel' (required)
limitSettings [Required] Limit settings for the AutoML job. ImageLimitSettings (required)
modelSettings Settings used for training the model. ImageModelSettingsClassification
primaryMetric Primary metric to optimize for this task. 'AUCWeighted'
searchSpace Search space for sampling different combinations of models and their hyperparameters. ImageModelDistributionSettingsClassification[]
sweepSettings Model sweeping and hyperparameter sweeping related settings. ImageSweepSettings
validationData Validation data inputs. MLTableJobInput
validationDataSize The fraction of training dataset that needs to be set aside for validation purpose.
Values between (0.0 , 1.0)
Applied when validation dataset is not provided.


Name Description Value
taskType [Required] Task type for AutoMLJob. 'ImageInstanceSegmentation' (required)
limitSettings [Required] Limit settings for the AutoML job. ImageLimitSettings (required)
modelSettings Settings used for training the model. ImageModelSettingsObjectDetection
primaryMetric Primary metric to optimize for this task. 'MeanAveragePrecision'
searchSpace Search space for sampling different combinations of models and their hyperparameters. ImageModelDistributionSettingsObjectDetection[]
sweepSettings Model sweeping and hyperparameter sweeping related settings. ImageSweepSettings
validationData Validation data inputs. MLTableJobInput
validationDataSize The fraction of training dataset that needs to be set aside for validation purpose.
Values between (0.0 , 1.0)
Applied when validation dataset is not provided.


Name Description Value
advancedSettings Settings for advanced scenarios. string
amsGradient Enable AMSGrad when optimizer is 'adam' or 'adamw'. bool
augmentations Settings for using Augmentations. string
beta1 Value of 'beta1' when optimizer is 'adam' or 'adamw'. Must be a float in the range [0, 1]. int
beta2 Value of 'beta2' when optimizer is 'adam' or 'adamw'. Must be a float in the range [0, 1]. int
boxDetectionsPerImage Maximum number of detections per image, for all classes. Must be a positive integer.
Note: This settings is not supported for the 'yolov5' algorithm.
boxScoreThreshold During inference, only return proposals with a classification score greater than
BoxScoreThreshold. Must be a float in the range[0, 1].
checkpointFrequency Frequency to store model checkpoints. Must be a positive integer. int
checkpointModel The pretrained checkpoint model for incremental training. MLFlowModelJobInput
checkpointRunId The id of a previous run that has a pretrained checkpoint for incremental training. string
distributed Whether to use distributed training. bool
earlyStopping Enable early stopping logic during training. bool
earlyStoppingDelay Minimum number of epochs or validation evaluations to wait before primary metric improvement
is tracked for early stopping. Must be a positive integer.
earlyStoppingPatience Minimum number of epochs or validation evaluations with no primary metric improvement before
the run is stopped. Must be a positive integer.
enableOnnxNormalization Enable normalization when exporting ONNX model. bool
evaluationFrequency Frequency to evaluate validation dataset to get metric scores. Must be a positive integer. int
gradientAccumulationStep Gradient accumulation means running a configured number of "GradAccumulationStep" steps without
updating the model weights while accumulating the gradients of those steps, and then using
the accumulated gradients to compute the weight updates. Must be a positive integer.
imageSize Image size for train and validation. Must be a positive integer.
Note: The training run may get into CUDA OOM if the size is too big.
Note: This settings is only supported for the 'yolov5' algorithm.
layersToFreeze Number of layers to freeze for the model. Must be a positive integer.
For instance, passing 2 as value for 'seresnext' means
freezing layer0 and layer1. For a full list of models supported and details on layer freeze, please
see: /azure/machine-learning/how-to-auto-train-image-models.
learningRate Initial learning rate. Must be a float in the range [0, 1]. int
learningRateScheduler Type of learning rate scheduler. Must be 'warmup_cosine' or 'step'. 'None'
maxSize Maximum size of the image to be rescaled before feeding it to the backbone.
Must be a positive integer. Note: training run may get into CUDA OOM if the size is too big.
Note: This settings is not supported for the 'yolov5' algorithm.
minSize Minimum size of the image to be rescaled before feeding it to the backbone.
Must be a positive integer. Note: training run may get into CUDA OOM if the size is too big.
Note: This settings is not supported for the 'yolov5' algorithm.
modelName Name of the model to use for training.
For more information on the available models please visit the official documentation:
modelSize Model size. Must be 'small', 'medium', 'large', or 'xlarge'.
Note: training run may get into CUDA OOM if the model size is too big.
Note: This settings is only supported for the 'yolov5' algorithm.
momentum Value of momentum when optimizer is 'sgd'. Must be a float in the range [0, 1]. int
multiScale Enable multi-scale image by varying image size by +/- 50%.
Note: training run may get into CUDA OOM if no sufficient GPU memory.
Note: This settings is only supported for the 'yolov5' algorithm.
nesterov Enable nesterov when optimizer is 'sgd'. bool
nmsIouThreshold IOU threshold used during inference in NMS post processing. Must be a float in the range [0, 1]. int
numberOfEpochs Number of training epochs. Must be a positive integer. int
numberOfWorkers Number of data loader workers. Must be a non-negative integer. int
optimizer Type of optimizer. 'Adam'
randomSeed Random seed to be used when using deterministic training. int
stepLRGamma Value of gamma when learning rate scheduler is 'step'. Must be a float in the range [0, 1]. int
stepLRStepSize Value of step size when learning rate scheduler is 'step'. Must be a positive integer. int
tileGridSize The grid size to use for tiling each image. Note: TileGridSize must not be
None to enable small object detection logic. A string containing two integers in mxn format.
Note: This settings is not supported for the 'yolov5' algorithm.
tileOverlapRatio Overlap ratio between adjacent tiles in each dimension. Must be float in the range [0, 1).
Note: This settings is not supported for the 'yolov5' algorithm.
tilePredictionsNmsThreshold The IOU threshold to use to perform NMS while merging predictions from tiles and image.
Used in validation/ inference. Must be float in the range [0, 1].
Note: This settings is not supported for the 'yolov5' algorithm.
trainingBatchSize Training batch size. Must be a positive integer. int
validationBatchSize Validation batch size. Must be a positive integer. int
validationIouThreshold IOU threshold to use when computing validation metric. Must be float in the range [0, 1]. int
validationMetricType Metric computation method to use for validation metrics. 'Coco'
warmupCosineLRCycles Value of cosine cycle when learning rate scheduler is 'warmup_cosine'. Must be a float in the range [0, 1]. int
warmupCosineLRWarmupEpochs Value of warmup epochs when learning rate scheduler is 'warmup_cosine'. Must be a positive integer. int
weightDecay Value of weight decay when optimizer is 'sgd', 'adam', or 'adamw'. Must be a float in the range[0, 1]. int


Name Description Value
amsGradient Enable AMSGrad when optimizer is 'adam' or 'adamw'. string
augmentations Settings for using Augmentations. string
beta1 Value of 'beta1' when optimizer is 'adam' or 'adamw'. Must be a float in the range [0, 1]. string
beta2 Value of 'beta2' when optimizer is 'adam' or 'adamw'. Must be a float in the range [0, 1]. string
boxDetectionsPerImage Maximum number of detections per image, for all classes. Must be a positive integer.
Note: This settings is not supported for the 'yolov5' algorithm.
boxScoreThreshold During inference, only return proposals with a classification score greater than
BoxScoreThreshold. Must be a float in the range[0, 1].
distributed Whether to use distributer training. string
earlyStopping Enable early stopping logic during training. string
earlyStoppingDelay Minimum number of epochs or validation evaluations to wait before primary metric improvement
is tracked for early stopping. Must be a positive integer.
earlyStoppingPatience Minimum number of epochs or validation evaluations with no primary metric improvement before
the run is stopped. Must be a positive integer.
enableOnnxNormalization Enable normalization when exporting ONNX model. string
evaluationFrequency Frequency to evaluate validation dataset to get metric scores. Must be a positive integer. string
gradientAccumulationStep Gradient accumulation means running a configured number of "GradAccumulationStep" steps without
updating the model weights while accumulating the gradients of those steps, and then using
the accumulated gradients to compute the weight updates. Must be a positive integer.
imageSize Image size for train and validation. Must be a positive integer.
Note: The training run may get into CUDA OOM if the size is too big.
Note: This settings is only supported for the 'yolov5' algorithm.
layersToFreeze Number of layers to freeze for the model. Must be a positive integer.
For instance, passing 2 as value for 'seresnext' means
freezing layer0 and layer1. For a full list of models supported and details on layer freeze, please
see: /azure/machine-learning/how-to-auto-train-image-models.
learningRate Initial learning rate. Must be a float in the range [0, 1]. string
learningRateScheduler Type of learning rate scheduler. Must be 'warmup_cosine' or 'step'. string
maxSize Maximum size of the image to be rescaled before feeding it to the backbone.
Must be a positive integer. Note: training run may get into CUDA OOM if the size is too big.
Note: This settings is not supported for the 'yolov5' algorithm.
minSize Minimum size of the image to be rescaled before feeding it to the backbone.
Must be a positive integer. Note: training run may get into CUDA OOM if the size is too big.
Note: This settings is not supported for the 'yolov5' algorithm.
modelName Name of the model to use for training.
For more information on the available models please visit the official documentation:
modelSize Model size. Must be 'small', 'medium', 'large', or 'xlarge'.
Note: training run may get into CUDA OOM if the model size is too big.
Note: This settings is only supported for the 'yolov5' algorithm.
momentum Value of momentum when optimizer is 'sgd'. Must be a float in the range [0, 1]. string
multiScale Enable multi-scale image by varying image size by +/- 50%.
Note: training run may get into CUDA OOM if no sufficient GPU memory.
Note: This settings is only supported for the 'yolov5' algorithm.
nesterov Enable nesterov when optimizer is 'sgd'. string
nmsIouThreshold IOU threshold used during inference in NMS post processing. Must be float in the range [0, 1]. string
numberOfEpochs Number of training epochs. Must be a positive integer. string
numberOfWorkers Number of data loader workers. Must be a non-negative integer. string
optimizer Type of optimizer. Must be either 'sgd', 'adam', or 'adamw'. string
randomSeed Random seed to be used when using deterministic training. string
stepLRGamma Value of gamma when learning rate scheduler is 'step'. Must be a float in the range [0, 1]. string
stepLRStepSize Value of step size when learning rate scheduler is 'step'. Must be a positive integer. string
tileGridSize The grid size to use for tiling each image. Note: TileGridSize must not be
None to enable small object detection logic. A string containing two integers in mxn format.
Note: This settings is not supported for the 'yolov5' algorithm.
tileOverlapRatio Overlap ratio between adjacent tiles in each dimension. Must be float in the range [0, 1).
Note: This settings is not supported for the 'yolov5' algorithm.
tilePredictionsNmsThreshold The IOU threshold to use to perform NMS while merging predictions from tiles and image.
Used in validation/ inference. Must be float in the range [0, 1].
Note: This settings is not supported for the 'yolov5' algorithm.
NMS: Non-maximum suppression
trainingBatchSize Training batch size. Must be a positive integer. string
validationBatchSize Validation batch size. Must be a positive integer. string
validationIouThreshold IOU threshold to use when computing validation metric. Must be float in the range [0, 1]. string
validationMetricType Metric computation method to use for validation metrics. Must be 'none', 'coco', 'voc', or 'coco_voc'. string
warmupCosineLRCycles Value of cosine cycle when learning rate scheduler is 'warmup_cosine'. Must be a float in the range [0, 1]. string
warmupCosineLRWarmupEpochs Value of warmup epochs when learning rate scheduler is 'warmup_cosine'. Must be a positive integer. string
weightDecay Value of weight decay when optimizer is 'sgd', 'adam', or 'adamw'. Must be a float in the range[0, 1]. string


Name Description Value
taskType [Required] Task type for AutoMLJob. 'ImageObjectDetection' (required)
limitSettings [Required] Limit settings for the AutoML job. ImageLimitSettings (required)
modelSettings Settings used for training the model. ImageModelSettingsObjectDetection
primaryMetric Primary metric to optimize for this task. 'MeanAveragePrecision'
searchSpace Search space for sampling different combinations of models and their hyperparameters. ImageModelDistributionSettingsObjectDetection[]
sweepSettings Model sweeping and hyperparameter sweeping related settings. ImageSweepSettings
validationData Validation data inputs. MLTableJobInput
validationDataSize The fraction of training dataset that needs to be set aside for validation purpose.
Values between (0.0 , 1.0)
Applied when validation dataset is not provided.


Name Description Value
taskType [Required] Task type for AutoMLJob. 'Regression' (required)
cvSplitColumnNames Columns to use for CVSplit data. string[]
featurizationSettings Featurization inputs needed for AutoML job. TableVerticalFeaturizationSettings
fixedParameters Model/training parameters that will remain constant throughout training. TableFixedParameters
limitSettings Execution constraints for AutoMLJob. TableVerticalLimitSettings
nCrossValidations Number of cross validation folds to be applied on training dataset
when validation dataset is not provided.
primaryMetric Primary metric for regression task. 'NormalizedMeanAbsoluteError'
searchSpace Search space for sampling different combinations of models and their hyperparameters. TableParameterSubspace[]
sweepSettings Settings for model sweeping and hyperparameter tuning. TableSweepSettings
testData Test data input. MLTableJobInput
testDataSize The fraction of test dataset that needs to be set aside for validation purpose.
Values between (0.0 , 1.0)
Applied when validation dataset is not provided.
trainingSettings Inputs for training phase for an AutoML Job. RegressionTrainingSettings
validationData Validation data inputs. MLTableJobInput
validationDataSize The fraction of training dataset that needs to be set aside for validation purpose.
Values between (0.0 , 1.0)
Applied when validation dataset is not provided.
weightColumnName The name of the sample weight column. Automated ML supports a weighted column as an input, causing rows in the data to be weighted up or down. string


Name Description Value
allowedTrainingAlgorithms Allowed models for regression task. String array containing any of:
blockedTrainingAlgorithms Blocked models for regression task. String array containing any of:
enableDnnTraining Enable recommendation of DNN models. bool
enableModelExplainability Flag to turn on explainability on best model. bool
enableOnnxCompatibleModels Flag for enabling onnx compatible models. bool
enableStackEnsemble Enable stack ensemble run. bool
enableVoteEnsemble Enable voting ensemble run. bool
ensembleModelDownloadTimeout During VotingEnsemble and StackEnsemble model generation, multiple fitted models from the previous child runs are downloaded.
Configure this parameter with a higher value than 300 secs, if more time is needed.
stackEnsembleSettings Stack ensemble settings for stack ensemble run. StackEnsembleSettings
trainingMode TrainingMode mode - Setting to 'auto' is same as setting it to 'non-distributed' for now, however in the future may result in mixed mode or heuristics based mode selection. Default is 'auto'.
If 'Distributed' then only distributed featurization is used and distributed algorithms are chosen.
If 'NonDistributed' then only non distributed algorithms are chosen.


Name Description Value
taskType [Required] Task type for AutoMLJob. 'TextClassification' (required)
featurizationSettings Featurization inputs needed for AutoML job. NlpVerticalFeaturizationSettings
fixedParameters Model/training parameters that will remain constant throughout training. NlpFixedParameters
limitSettings Execution constraints for AutoMLJob. NlpVerticalLimitSettings
primaryMetric Primary metric for Text-Classification task. 'AUCWeighted'
searchSpace Search space for sampling different combinations of models and their hyperparameters. NlpParameterSubspace[]
sweepSettings Settings for model sweeping and hyperparameter tuning. NlpSweepSettings
validationData Validation data inputs. MLTableJobInput


Name Description Value
datasetLanguage Dataset language, useful for the text data. string


Name Description Value
gradientAccumulationSteps Number of steps to accumulate gradients over before running a backward pass. int
learningRate The learning rate for the training procedure. int
learningRateScheduler The type of learning rate schedule to use during the training procedure. 'Constant'
modelName The name of the model to train. string
numberOfEpochs Number of training epochs. int
trainingBatchSize The batch size for the training procedure. int
validationBatchSize The batch size to be used during evaluation. int
warmupRatio The warmup ratio, used alongside LrSchedulerType. int
weightDecay The weight decay for the training procedure. int


Name Description Value
maxConcurrentTrials Maximum Concurrent AutoML iterations. int
maxNodes Maximum nodes to use for the experiment. int
maxTrials Number of AutoML iterations. int
timeout AutoML job timeout. string
trialTimeout Timeout for individual HD trials. string


Name Description Value
gradientAccumulationSteps Number of steps to accumulate gradients over before running a backward pass. string
learningRate The learning rate for the training procedure. string
learningRateScheduler The type of learning rate schedule to use during the training procedure. string
modelName The name of the model to train. string
numberOfEpochs Number of training epochs. string
trainingBatchSize The batch size for the training procedure. string
validationBatchSize The batch size to be used during evaluation. string
warmupRatio The warmup ratio, used alongside LrSchedulerType. string
weightDecay The weight decay for the training procedure. string


Name Description Value
earlyTermination Type of early termination policy for the sweeping job. EarlyTerminationPolicy
samplingAlgorithm [Required] Type of sampling algorithm. 'Bayesian'
'Random' (required)


Name Description Value
taskType [Required] Task type for AutoMLJob. 'TextClassificationMultilabel' (required)
featurizationSettings Featurization inputs needed for AutoML job. NlpVerticalFeaturizationSettings
fixedParameters Model/training parameters that will remain constant throughout training. NlpFixedParameters
limitSettings Execution constraints for AutoMLJob. NlpVerticalLimitSettings
searchSpace Search space for sampling different combinations of models and their hyperparameters. NlpParameterSubspace[]
sweepSettings Settings for model sweeping and hyperparameter tuning. NlpSweepSettings
validationData Validation data inputs. MLTableJobInput


Name Description Value
taskType [Required] Task type for AutoMLJob. 'TextNER' (required)
featurizationSettings Featurization inputs needed for AutoML job. NlpVerticalFeaturizationSettings
fixedParameters Model/training parameters that will remain constant throughout training. NlpFixedParameters
limitSettings Execution constraints for AutoMLJob. NlpVerticalLimitSettings
searchSpace Search space for sampling different combinations of models and their hyperparameters. NlpParameterSubspace[]
sweepSettings Settings for model sweeping and hyperparameter tuning. NlpSweepSettings
validationData Validation data inputs. MLTableJobInput


Name Description Value
jobType [Required] Specifies the type of job. 'Command' (required)
autologgerSettings Distribution configuration of the job. If set, this should be one of Mpi, Tensorflow, PyTorch, or null. AutologgerSettings
codeId ARM resource ID of the code asset. string
command [Required] The command to execute on startup of the job. eg. "python" string (required)

Min length = 1
Pattern = [a-zA-Z0-9_]
distribution Distribution configuration of the job. If set, this should be one of Mpi, Tensorflow, PyTorch, or null. DistributionConfiguration
environmentId [Required] The ARM resource ID of the Environment specification for the job. string (required)

Pattern = [a-zA-Z0-9_]
environmentVariables Environment variables included in the job. CommandJobEnvironmentVariables
inputs Mapping of input data bindings used in the job. CommandJobInputs
limits Command Job limit. CommandJobLimits
outputs Mapping of output data bindings used in the job. CommandJobOutputs
queueSettings Queue settings for the job QueueSettings
resources Compute Resource configuration for the job. JobResourceConfiguration


Name Description Value
mlflowAutologger [Required] Indicates whether mlflow autologger is enabled. 'Disabled'
'Enabled' (required)


Name Description Value
distributionType Set the object type Mpi
TensorFlow (required)


Name Description Value
distributionType [Required] Specifies the type of distribution framework. 'Mpi' (required)
processCountPerInstance Number of processes per MPI node. int


Name Description Value
distributionType [Required] Specifies the type of distribution framework. 'PyTorch' (required)
processCountPerInstance Number of processes per node. int


Name Description Value
distributionType [Required] Specifies the type of distribution framework. 'TensorFlow' (required)
parameterServerCount Number of parameter server tasks. int
workerCount Number of workers. If not specified, will default to the instance count. int


Name Description Value
{customized property} string


Name Description Value
{customized property} JobInput


Name Description Value
description Description for the input. string
jobInputType Set the object type custom_model
uri_folder (required)


Name Description Value
jobInputType [Required] Specifies the type of job. 'custom_model' (required)
mode Input Asset Delivery Mode. 'Direct'
uri [Required] Input Asset URI. string (required)

Pattern = [a-zA-Z0-9_]


Name Description Value
jobInputType [Required] Specifies the type of job. 'literal' (required)
value [Required] Literal value for the input. string (required)

Pattern = [a-zA-Z0-9_]


Name Description Value
jobInputType [Required] Specifies the type of job. 'triton_model' (required)
mode Input Asset Delivery Mode. 'Direct'
uri [Required] Input Asset URI. string (required)

Pattern = [a-zA-Z0-9_]


Name Description Value
jobInputType [Required] Specifies the type of job. 'uri_file' (required)
mode Input Asset Delivery Mode. 'Direct'
uri [Required] Input Asset URI. string (required)

Pattern = [a-zA-Z0-9_]


Name Description Value
jobInputType [Required] Specifies the type of job. 'uri_folder' (required)
mode Input Asset Delivery Mode. 'Direct'
uri [Required] Input Asset URI. string (required)

Pattern = [a-zA-Z0-9_]


Name Description Value
jobLimitsType [Required] JobLimit type. 'Command'
'Sweep' (required)
timeout The max run duration in ISO 8601 format, after which the job will be cancelled. Only supports duration with precision as low as Seconds. string


Name Description Value
{customized property} JobOutput


Name Description Value
componentId ARM resource ID of the component resource. string
computeId ARM resource ID of the compute resource. string
dataConfiguration Configuration of data used in the job. LabelingDataConfiguration
description The asset description text. string
displayName Display name of job. string
experimentName The name of the experiment the job belongs to. If not set, the job is placed in the "Default" experiment. string
identity Identity configuration. If set, this should be one of AmlToken, ManagedIdentity, UserIdentity or null.
Defaults to AmlToken if null.
isArchived Is the asset archived? bool
jobInstructions Labeling instructions of the job. LabelingJobInstructions
jobType [Required] Specifies the type of job. 'AutoML'
'Sweep' (required)
labelCategories Label categories of the job. LabelingJobLabelCategories
labelingJobMediaProperties Media type specific properties in the job. LabelingJobMediaProperties
mlAssistConfiguration Configuration of MLAssist feature in the job. MLAssistConfiguration
notificationSetting Notification setting for the job NotificationSetting
properties The asset property dictionary. ResourceBaseProperties
services List of JobEndpoints.
For local jobs, a job endpoint will have an endpoint value of FileStreamObject.
tags Tag dictionary. Tags can be added, removed, and updated. object


Name Description Value
dataId Resource Id of the data asset to perform labeling. string
incrementalDataRefresh Indicates whether to enable incremental data refresh. 'Disabled'


Name Description Value
uri The link to a page with detailed labeling instructions for labelers. string


Name Description Value
{customized property} LabelCategory


Name Description Value
classes Dictionary of label classes in this category. LabelCategoryClasses
displayName Display name of the label category. string
multiSelect Indicates whether it is allowed to select multiple classes in this category. 'Disabled'


Name Description Value
{customized property} LabelClass


Name Description Value
displayName Display name of the label class. string
subclasses Dictionary of subclasses of the label class. LabelClassSubclasses


Name Description Value
{customized property} LabelClass


Name Description Value
mediaType Set the object type Image
Text (required)


Name Description Value
mediaType [Required] Media type of the job. 'Image' (required)
annotationType Annotation type of image labeling job. 'BoundingBox'


Name Description Value
mediaType [Required] Media type of the job. 'Text' (required)
annotationType Annotation type of text labeling job. 'Classification'


Name Description Value
mlAssist Set the object type Disabled
Enabled (required)


Name Description Value
mlAssist [Required] Indicates whether MLAssist feature is enabled. 'Disabled' (required)


Name Description Value
mlAssist [Required] Indicates whether MLAssist feature is enabled. 'Enabled' (required)
inferencingComputeBinding [Required] AML compute binding used in inferencing. string (required)

Pattern = [a-zA-Z0-9_]
trainingComputeBinding [Required] AML compute binding used in training. string (required)

Pattern = [a-zA-Z0-9_]


Name Description Value
jobType [Required] Specifies the type of job. 'Pipeline' (required)
inputs Inputs for the pipeline job. PipelineJobInputs
jobs Jobs construct the Pipeline Job. PipelineJobJobs
outputs Outputs for the pipeline job PipelineJobOutputs
settings Pipeline settings, for things like ContinueRunOnStepFailure etc.
sourceJobId ARM resource ID of source job. string


Name Description Value
{customized property} JobInput


Name Description Value
{customized property}


Name Description Value
{customized property} JobOutput


Name Description Value
jobType [Required] Specifies the type of job. 'Spark' (required)
archives Archive files used in the job. string[]
args Arguments for the job. string
codeId [Required] ARM resource ID of the code asset. string (required)

Pattern = [a-zA-Z0-9_]
conf Spark configured properties. SparkJobConf
entry [Required] The entry to execute on startup of the job. SparkJobEntry (required)
environmentId The ARM resource ID of the Environment specification for the job. string
files Files used in the job. string[]
inputs Mapping of input data bindings used in the job. SparkJobInputs
jars Jar files used in the job. string[]
outputs Mapping of output data bindings used in the job. SparkJobOutputs
pyFiles Python files used in the job. string[]
queueSettings Queue settings for the job QueueSettings
resources Compute Resource configuration for the job. SparkResourceConfiguration


Name Description Value
{customized property} string


Name Description Value
sparkJobEntryType Set the object type SparkJobPythonEntry
SparkJobScalaEntry (required)


Name Description Value
sparkJobEntryType [Required] Type of the job's entry point. 'SparkJobPythonEntry' (required)
file [Required] Relative python file path for job entry point. string (required)

Min length = 1
Pattern = [a-zA-Z0-9_]


Name Description Value
sparkJobEntryType [Required] Type of the job's entry point. 'SparkJobScalaEntry' (required)
className [Required] Scala class name used as entry point. string (required)

Min length = 1
Pattern = [a-zA-Z0-9_]


Name Description Value
{customized property} JobInput


Name Description Value
{customized property} JobOutput


Name Description Value
instanceType Optional type of VM used as supported by the compute target. string
runtimeVersion Version of spark runtime used for the job. string


Name Description Value
jobType [Required] Specifies the type of job. 'Sweep' (required)
earlyTermination Early termination policies enable canceling poor-performing runs before they complete EarlyTerminationPolicy
inputs Mapping of input data bindings used in the job. SweepJobInputs
limits Sweep Job limit. SweepJobLimits
objective [Required] Optimization objective. Objective (required)
outputs Mapping of output data bindings used in the job. SweepJobOutputs
queueSettings Queue settings for the job QueueSettings
samplingAlgorithm [Required] The hyperparameter sampling algorithm SamplingAlgorithm (required)
searchSpace [Required] A dictionary containing each parameter and its distribution. The dictionary key is the name of the parameter
trial [Required] Trial component definition. TrialComponent (required)


Name Description Value
{customized property} JobInput


Name Description Value
jobLimitsType [Required] JobLimit type. 'Command'
'Sweep' (required)
maxConcurrentTrials Sweep Job max concurrent trials. int
maxTotalTrials Sweep Job max total trials. int
timeout The max run duration in ISO 8601 format, after which the job will be cancelled. Only supports duration with precision as low as Seconds. string
trialTimeout Sweep Job Trial timeout value. string


Name Description Value
goal [Required] Defines supported metric goals for hyperparameter tuning 'Maximize'
'Minimize' (required)
primaryMetric [Required] Name of the metric to optimize. string (required)

Pattern = [a-zA-Z0-9_]


Name Description Value
{customized property} JobOutput


Name Description Value
samplingAlgorithmType Set the object type Bayesian
Random (required)


Name Description Value
samplingAlgorithmType [Required] The algorithm used for generating hyperparameter values, along with configuration properties 'Bayesian' (required)


Name Description Value
samplingAlgorithmType [Required] The algorithm used for generating hyperparameter values, along with configuration properties 'Grid' (required)


Name Description Value
samplingAlgorithmType [Required] The algorithm used for generating hyperparameter values, along with configuration properties 'Random' (required)
logbase An optional positive number or e in string format to be used as base for log based random sampling string
rule The specific type of random algorithm 'Random'
seed An optional integer to use as the seed for random number generation int


Name Description Value
codeId ARM resource ID of the code asset. string
command [Required] The command to execute on startup of the job. eg. "python" string (required)

Min length = 1
Pattern = [a-zA-Z0-9_]
distribution Distribution configuration of the job. If set, this should be one of Mpi, Tensorflow, PyTorch, or null. DistributionConfiguration
environmentId [Required] The ARM resource ID of the Environment specification for the job. string (required)

Pattern = [a-zA-Z0-9_]
environmentVariables Environment variables included in the job. TrialComponentEnvironmentVariables
resources Compute Resource configuration for the job. JobResourceConfiguration


Name Description Value
{customized property} string

Quickstart templates

The following quickstart templates deploy this resource type.

Template Description
Create an Azure Machine Learning AutoML classification job

Deploy to Azure
This template creates an Azure Machine Learning AutoML classification job to find out the best model for predicting if a client will subscribe to a fixed term deposit with a financial institution.
Create an Azure Machine Learning Command job

Deploy to Azure
This template creates an Azure Machine Learning Command job with a basic hello_world script
Create an Azure Machine Learning Sweep job

Deploy to Azure
This template creates an Azure Machine Learning Sweep job for hyperparameter tuning.

Terraform (AzAPI provider) resource definition

The workspaces/jobs resource type can be deployed with operations that target:

  • Resource groups

For a list of changed properties in each API version, see change log.

Resource format

To create a Microsoft.MachineLearningServices/workspaces/jobs resource, add the following Terraform to your template.

resource "azapi_resource" "symbolicname" {
  type = "Microsoft.MachineLearningServices/workspaces/jobs@2023-02-01-preview"
  name = "string"
  parent_id = "string"
  body = jsonencode({
    properties = {
      componentId = "string"
      computeId = "string"
      description = "string"
      displayName = "string"
      experimentName = "string"
      identity = {
        identityType = "string"
        // For remaining properties, see IdentityConfiguration objects
      isArchived = bool
      notificationSetting = {
        emailOn = [
        emails = [
      properties = {
        {customized property} = "string"
      services = {
        {customized property} = {
          endpoint = "string"
          jobServiceType = "string"
          nodes = {
            nodesValueType = "string"
            // For remaining properties, see Nodes objects
          port = int
          properties = {
            {customized property} = "string"
      tags = {}
      jobType = "string"
      // For remaining properties, see JobBaseProperties objects

JobBaseProperties objects

Set the jobType property to specify the type of object.

For AutoML, use:

  jobType = "AutoML"
  environmentId = "string"
  environmentVariables = {
    {customized property} = "string"
  outputs = {
    {customized property} = {
      description = "string"
      jobOutputType = "string"
      // For remaining properties, see JobOutput objects
  queueSettings = {
    jobTier = "string"
    priority = int
  resources = {
    dockerArgs = "string"
    instanceCount = int
    instanceType = "string"
    locations = [
    properties = {}
    shmSize = "string"
  taskDetails = {
    logVerbosity = "string"
    targetColumnName = "string"
    trainingData = {
      description = "string"
      jobInputType = "string"
      mode = "string"
      uri = "string"
    taskType = "string"
    // For remaining properties, see AutoMLVertical objects

For Command, use:

  jobType = "Command"
  autologgerSettings = {
    mlflowAutologger = "string"
  codeId = "string"
  command = "string"
  distribution = {
    distributionType = "string"
    // For remaining properties, see DistributionConfiguration objects
  environmentId = "string"
  environmentVariables = {
    {customized property} = "string"
  inputs = {
    {customized property} = {
      description = "string"
      jobInputType = "string"
      // For remaining properties, see JobInput objects
  limits = {
    jobLimitsType = "string"
    timeout = "string"
  outputs = {
    {customized property} = {
      description = "string"
      jobOutputType = "string"
      // For remaining properties, see JobOutput objects
  queueSettings = {
    jobTier = "string"
    priority = int
  resources = {
    dockerArgs = "string"
    instanceCount = int
    instanceType = "string"
    locations = [
    properties = {}
    shmSize = "string"

For Labeling, use:

  jobType = "Labeling"
  dataConfiguration = {
    dataId = "string"
    incrementalDataRefresh = "string"
  jobInstructions = {
    uri = "string"
  labelCategories = {
    {customized property} = {
      classes = {
        {customized property} = {
          displayName = "string"
          subclasses = {
            {customized property} = {}
      displayName = "string"
      multiSelect = "string"
  labelingJobMediaProperties = {
    mediaType = "string"
    // For remaining properties, see LabelingJobMediaProperties objects
  mlAssistConfiguration = {
    mlAssist = "string"
    // For remaining properties, see MLAssistConfiguration objects

For Pipeline, use:

  jobType = "Pipeline"
  inputs = {
    {customized property} = {
      description = "string"
      jobInputType = "string"
      // For remaining properties, see JobInput objects
  jobs = {}
  outputs = {
    {customized property} = {
      description = "string"
      jobOutputType = "string"
      // For remaining properties, see JobOutput objects
  sourceJobId = "string"

For Spark, use:

  jobType = "Spark"
  archives = [
  args = "string"
  codeId = "string"
  conf = {
    {customized property} = "string"
  entry = {
    sparkJobEntryType = "string"
    // For remaining properties, see SparkJobEntry objects
  environmentId = "string"
  files = [
  inputs = {
    {customized property} = {
      description = "string"
      jobInputType = "string"
      // For remaining properties, see JobInput objects
  jars = [
  outputs = {
    {customized property} = {
      description = "string"
      jobOutputType = "string"
      // For remaining properties, see JobOutput objects
  pyFiles = [
  queueSettings = {
    jobTier = "string"
    priority = int
  resources = {
    instanceType = "string"
    runtimeVersion = "string"

For Sweep, use:

  jobType = "Sweep"
  earlyTermination = {
    delayEvaluation = int
    evaluationInterval = int
    policyType = "string"
    // For remaining properties, see EarlyTerminationPolicy objects
  inputs = {
    {customized property} = {
      description = "string"
      jobInputType = "string"
      // For remaining properties, see JobInput objects
  limits = {
    jobLimitsType = "string"
    maxConcurrentTrials = int
    maxTotalTrials = int
    timeout = "string"
    trialTimeout = "string"
  objective = {
    goal = "string"
    primaryMetric = "string"
  outputs = {
    {customized property} = {
      description = "string"
      jobOutputType = "string"
      // For remaining properties, see JobOutput objects
  queueSettings = {
    jobTier = "string"
    priority = int
  samplingAlgorithm = {
    samplingAlgorithmType = "string"
    // For remaining properties, see SamplingAlgorithm objects
  trial = {
    codeId = "string"
    command = "string"
    distribution = {
      distributionType = "string"
      // For remaining properties, see DistributionConfiguration objects
    environmentId = "string"
    environmentVariables = {
      {customized property} = "string"
    resources = {
      dockerArgs = "string"
      instanceCount = int
      instanceType = "string"
      locations = [
      properties = {}
      shmSize = "string"

IdentityConfiguration objects

Set the identityType property to specify the type of object.

For AMLToken, use:

  identityType = "AMLToken"

For Managed, use:

  identityType = "Managed"
  clientId = "string"
  objectId = "string"
  resourceId = "string"

For UserIdentity, use:

  identityType = "UserIdentity"

Nodes objects

Set the nodesValueType property to specify the type of object.

For All, use:

  nodesValueType = "All"

JobOutput objects

Set the jobOutputType property to specify the type of object.

For custom_model, use:

  jobOutputType = "custom_model"
  assetName = "string"
  assetVersion = "string"
  mode = "string"
  uri = "string"

For mlflow_model, use:

  jobOutputType = "mlflow_model"
  assetName = "string"
  assetVersion = "string"
  mode = "string"
  uri = "string"

For mltable, use:

  jobOutputType = "mltable"
  assetName = "string"
  assetVersion = "string"
  mode = "string"
  uri = "string"

For triton_model, use:

  jobOutputType = "triton_model"
  assetName = "string"
  assetVersion = "string"
  mode = "string"
  uri = "string"

For uri_file, use:

  jobOutputType = "uri_file"
  assetName = "string"
  assetVersion = "string"
  mode = "string"
  uri = "string"

For uri_folder, use:

  jobOutputType = "uri_folder"
  assetName = "string"
  assetVersion = "string"
  mode = "string"
  uri = "string"

AutoMLVertical objects

Set the taskType property to specify the type of object.

For Classification, use:

  taskType = "Classification"
  cvSplitColumnNames = [
  featurizationSettings = {
    blockedTransformers = [
    columnNameAndTypes = {
      {customized property} = "string"
    datasetLanguage = "string"
    enableDnnFeaturization = bool
    mode = "string"
    transformerParams = {
      {customized property} = [
          fields = [
  fixedParameters = {
    booster = "string"
    boostingType = "string"
    growPolicy = "string"
    learningRate = int
    maxBin = int
    maxDepth = int
    maxLeaves = int
    minDataInLeaf = int
    minSplitGain = int
    modelName = "string"
    nEstimators = int
    numLeaves = int
    preprocessorName = "string"
    regAlpha = int
    regLambda = int
    subsample = int
    subsampleFreq = int
    treeMethod = "string"
    withMean = bool
    withStd = bool
  limitSettings = {
    enableEarlyTermination = bool
    exitScore = int
    maxConcurrentTrials = int
    maxCoresPerTrial = int
    maxNodes = int
    maxTrials = int
    sweepConcurrentTrials = int
    sweepTrials = int
    timeout = "string"
    trialTimeout = "string"
  nCrossValidations = {
    mode = "string"
    // For remaining properties, see NCrossValidations objects
  positiveLabel = "string"
  primaryMetric = "string"
  searchSpace = [
      booster = "string"
      boostingType = "string"
      growPolicy = "string"
      learningRate = "string"
      maxBin = "string"
      maxDepth = "string"
      maxLeaves = "string"
      minDataInLeaf = "string"
      minSplitGain = "string"
      modelName = "string"
      nEstimators = "string"
      numLeaves = "string"
      preprocessorName = "string"
      regAlpha = "string"
      regLambda = "string"
      subsample = "string"
      subsampleFreq = "string"
      treeMethod = "string"
      withMean = "string"
      withStd = "string"
  sweepSettings = {
    earlyTermination = {
      delayEvaluation = int
      evaluationInterval = int
      policyType = "string"
      // For remaining properties, see EarlyTerminationPolicy objects
    samplingAlgorithm = "string"
  testData = {
    description = "string"
    jobInputType = "string"
    mode = "string"
    uri = "string"
  testDataSize = int
  trainingSettings = {
    allowedTrainingAlgorithms = [
    blockedTrainingAlgorithms = [
    enableDnnTraining = bool
    enableModelExplainability = bool
    enableOnnxCompatibleModels = bool
    enableStackEnsemble = bool
    enableVoteEnsemble = bool
    ensembleModelDownloadTimeout = "string"
    stackEnsembleSettings = {
      stackMetaLearnerTrainPercentage = int
      stackMetaLearnerType = "string"
    trainingMode = "string"
  validationData = {
    description = "string"
    jobInputType = "string"
    mode = "string"
    uri = "string"
  validationDataSize = int
  weightColumnName = "string"

For Forecasting, use:

  taskType = "Forecasting"
  cvSplitColumnNames = [
  featurizationSettings = {
    blockedTransformers = [
    columnNameAndTypes = {
      {customized property} = "string"
    datasetLanguage = "string"
    enableDnnFeaturization = bool
    mode = "string"
    transformerParams = {
      {customized property} = [
          fields = [
  fixedParameters = {
    booster = "string"
    boostingType = "string"
    growPolicy = "string"
    learningRate = int
    maxBin = int
    maxDepth = int
    maxLeaves = int
    minDataInLeaf = int
    minSplitGain = int
    modelName = "string"
    nEstimators = int
    numLeaves = int
    preprocessorName = "string"
    regAlpha = int
    regLambda = int
    subsample = int
    subsampleFreq = int
    treeMethod = "string"
    withMean = bool
    withStd = bool
  forecastingSettings = {
    countryOrRegionForHolidays = "string"
    cvStepSize = int
    featureLags = "string"
    forecastHorizon = {
      mode = "string"
      // For remaining properties, see ForecastHorizon objects
    frequency = "string"
    seasonality = {
      mode = "string"
      // For remaining properties, see Seasonality objects
    shortSeriesHandlingConfig = "string"
    targetAggregateFunction = "string"
    targetLags = {
      mode = "string"
      // For remaining properties, see TargetLags objects
    targetRollingWindowSize = {
      mode = "string"
      // For remaining properties, see TargetRollingWindowSize objects
    timeColumnName = "string"
    timeSeriesIdColumnNames = [
    useStl = "string"
  limitSettings = {
    enableEarlyTermination = bool
    exitScore = int
    maxConcurrentTrials = int
    maxCoresPerTrial = int
    maxNodes = int
    maxTrials = int
    sweepConcurrentTrials = int
    sweepTrials = int
    timeout = "string"
    trialTimeout = "string"
  nCrossValidations = {
    mode = "string"
    // For remaining properties, see NCrossValidations objects
  primaryMetric = "string"
  searchSpace = [
      booster = "string"
      boostingType = "string"
      growPolicy = "string"
      learningRate = "string"
      maxBin = "string"
      maxDepth = "string"
      maxLeaves = "string"
      minDataInLeaf = "string"
      minSplitGain = "string"
      modelName = "string"
      nEstimators = "string"
      numLeaves = "string"
      preprocessorName = "string"
      regAlpha = "string"
      regLambda = "string"
      subsample = "string"
      subsampleFreq = "string"
      treeMethod = "string"
      withMean = "string"
      withStd = "string"
  sweepSettings = {
    earlyTermination = {
      delayEvaluation = int
      evaluationInterval = int
      policyType = "string"
      // For remaining properties, see EarlyTerminationPolicy objects
    samplingAlgorithm = "string"
  testData = {
    description = "string"
    jobInputType = "string"
    mode = "string"
    uri = "string"
  testDataSize = int
  trainingSettings = {
    allowedTrainingAlgorithms = [
    blockedTrainingAlgorithms = [
    enableDnnTraining = bool
    enableModelExplainability = bool
    enableOnnxCompatibleModels = bool
    enableStackEnsemble = bool
    enableVoteEnsemble = bool
    ensembleModelDownloadTimeout = "string"
    stackEnsembleSettings = {
      stackMetaLearnerTrainPercentage = int
      stackMetaLearnerType = "string"
    trainingMode = "string"
  validationData = {
    description = "string"
    jobInputType = "string"
    mode = "string"
    uri = "string"
  validationDataSize = int
  weightColumnName = "string"

For ImageClassification, use:

  taskType = "ImageClassification"
  limitSettings = {
    maxConcurrentTrials = int
    maxTrials = int
    timeout = "string"
  modelSettings = {
    advancedSettings = "string"
    amsGradient = bool
    augmentations = "string"
    beta1 = int
    beta2 = int
    checkpointFrequency = int
    checkpointModel = {
      description = "string"
      jobInputType = "string"
      mode = "string"
      uri = "string"
    checkpointRunId = "string"
    distributed = bool
    earlyStopping = bool
    earlyStoppingDelay = int
    earlyStoppingPatience = int
    enableOnnxNormalization = bool
    evaluationFrequency = int
    gradientAccumulationStep = int
    layersToFreeze = int
    learningRate = int
    learningRateScheduler = "string"
    modelName = "string"
    momentum = int
    nesterov = bool
    numberOfEpochs = int
    numberOfWorkers = int
    optimizer = "string"
    randomSeed = int
    stepLRGamma = int
    stepLRStepSize = int
    trainingBatchSize = int
    trainingCropSize = int
    validationBatchSize = int
    validationCropSize = int
    validationResizeSize = int
    warmupCosineLRCycles = int
    warmupCosineLRWarmupEpochs = int
    weightDecay = int
    weightedLoss = int
  primaryMetric = "string"
  searchSpace = [
      amsGradient = "string"
      augmentations = "string"
      beta1 = "string"
      beta2 = "string"
      distributed = "string"
      earlyStopping = "string"
      earlyStoppingDelay = "string"
      earlyStoppingPatience = "string"
      enableOnnxNormalization = "string"
      evaluationFrequency = "string"
      gradientAccumulationStep = "string"
      layersToFreeze = "string"
      learningRate = "string"
      learningRateScheduler = "string"
      modelName = "string"
      momentum = "string"
      nesterov = "string"
      numberOfEpochs = "string"
      numberOfWorkers = "string"
      optimizer = "string"
      randomSeed = "string"
      stepLRGamma = "string"
      stepLRStepSize = "string"
      trainingBatchSize = "string"
      trainingCropSize = "string"
      validationBatchSize = "string"
      validationCropSize = "string"
      validationResizeSize = "string"
      warmupCosineLRCycles = "string"
      warmupCosineLRWarmupEpochs = "string"
      weightDecay = "string"
      weightedLoss = "string"
  sweepSettings = {
    earlyTermination = {
      delayEvaluation = int
      evaluationInterval = int
      policyType = "string"
      // For remaining properties, see EarlyTerminationPolicy objects
    samplingAlgorithm = "string"
  validationData = {
    description = "string"
    jobInputType = "string"
    mode = "string"
    uri = "string"
  validationDataSize = int

For ImageClassificationMultilabel, use:

  taskType = "ImageClassificationMultilabel"
  limitSettings = {
    maxConcurrentTrials = int
    maxTrials = int
    timeout = "string"
  modelSettings = {
    advancedSettings = "string"
    amsGradient = bool
    augmentations = "string"
    beta1 = int
    beta2 = int
    checkpointFrequency = int
    checkpointModel = {
      description = "string"
      jobInputType = "string"
      mode = "string"
      uri = "string"
    checkpointRunId = "string"
    distributed = bool
    earlyStopping = bool
    earlyStoppingDelay = int
    earlyStoppingPatience = int
    enableOnnxNormalization = bool
    evaluationFrequency = int
    gradientAccumulationStep = int
    layersToFreeze = int
    learningRate = int
    learningRateScheduler = "string"
    modelName = "string"
    momentum = int
    nesterov = bool
    numberOfEpochs = int
    numberOfWorkers = int
    optimizer = "string"
    randomSeed = int
    stepLRGamma = int
    stepLRStepSize = int
    trainingBatchSize = int
    trainingCropSize = int
    validationBatchSize = int
    validationCropSize = int
    validationResizeSize = int
    warmupCosineLRCycles = int
    warmupCosineLRWarmupEpochs = int
    weightDecay = int
    weightedLoss = int
  primaryMetric = "string"
  searchSpace = [
      amsGradient = "string"
      augmentations = "string"
      beta1 = "string"
      beta2 = "string"
      distributed = "string"
      earlyStopping = "string"
      earlyStoppingDelay = "string"
      earlyStoppingPatience = "string"
      enableOnnxNormalization = "string"
      evaluationFrequency = "string"
      gradientAccumulationStep = "string"
      layersToFreeze = "string"
      learningRate = "string"
      learningRateScheduler = "string"
      modelName = "string"
      momentum = "string"
      nesterov = "string"
      numberOfEpochs = "string"
      numberOfWorkers = "string"
      optimizer = "string"
      randomSeed = "string"
      stepLRGamma = "string"
      stepLRStepSize = "string"
      trainingBatchSize = "string"
      trainingCropSize = "string"
      validationBatchSize = "string"
      validationCropSize = "string"
      validationResizeSize = "string"
      warmupCosineLRCycles = "string"
      warmupCosineLRWarmupEpochs = "string"
      weightDecay = "string"
      weightedLoss = "string"
  sweepSettings = {
    earlyTermination = {
      delayEvaluation = int
      evaluationInterval = int
      policyType = "string"
      // For remaining properties, see EarlyTerminationPolicy objects
    samplingAlgorithm = "string"
  validationData = {
    description = "string"
    jobInputType = "string"
    mode = "string"
    uri = "string"
  validationDataSize = int

For ImageInstanceSegmentation, use:

  taskType = "ImageInstanceSegmentation"
  limitSettings = {
    maxConcurrentTrials = int
    maxTrials = int
    timeout = "string"
  modelSettings = {
    advancedSettings = "string"
    amsGradient = bool
    augmentations = "string"
    beta1 = int
    beta2 = int
    boxDetectionsPerImage = int
    boxScoreThreshold = int
    checkpointFrequency = int
    checkpointModel = {
      description = "string"
      jobInputType = "string"
      mode = "string"
      uri = "string"
    checkpointRunId = "string"
    distributed = bool
    earlyStopping = bool
    earlyStoppingDelay = int
    earlyStoppingPatience = int
    enableOnnxNormalization = bool
    evaluationFrequency = int
    gradientAccumulationStep = int
    imageSize = int
    layersToFreeze = int
    learningRate = int
    learningRateScheduler = "string"
    maxSize = int
    minSize = int
    modelName = "string"
    modelSize = "string"
    momentum = int
    multiScale = bool
    nesterov = bool
    nmsIouThreshold = int
    numberOfEpochs = int
    numberOfWorkers = int
    optimizer = "string"
    randomSeed = int
    stepLRGamma = int
    stepLRStepSize = int
    tileGridSize = "string"
    tileOverlapRatio = int
    tilePredictionsNmsThreshold = int
    trainingBatchSize = int
    validationBatchSize = int
    validationIouThreshold = int
    validationMetricType = "string"
    warmupCosineLRCycles = int
    warmupCosineLRWarmupEpochs = int
    weightDecay = int
  primaryMetric = "MeanAveragePrecision"
  searchSpace = [
      amsGradient = "string"
      augmentations = "string"
      beta1 = "string"
      beta2 = "string"
      boxDetectionsPerImage = "string"
      boxScoreThreshold = "string"
      distributed = "string"
      earlyStopping = "string"
      earlyStoppingDelay = "string"
      earlyStoppingPatience = "string"
      enableOnnxNormalization = "string"
      evaluationFrequency = "string"
      gradientAccumulationStep = "string"
      imageSize = "string"
      layersToFreeze = "string"
      learningRate = "string"
      learningRateScheduler = "string"
      maxSize = "string"
      minSize = "string"
      modelName = "string"
      modelSize = "string"
      momentum = "string"
      multiScale = "string"
      nesterov = "string"
      nmsIouThreshold = "string"
      numberOfEpochs = "string"
      numberOfWorkers = "string"
      optimizer = "string"
      randomSeed = "string"
      stepLRGamma = "string"
      stepLRStepSize = "string"
      tileGridSize = "string"
      tileOverlapRatio = "string"
      tilePredictionsNmsThreshold = "string"
      trainingBatchSize = "string"
      validationBatchSize = "string"
      validationIouThreshold = "string"
      validationMetricType = "string"
      warmupCosineLRCycles = "string"
      warmupCosineLRWarmupEpochs = "string"
      weightDecay = "string"
  sweepSettings = {
    earlyTermination = {
      delayEvaluation = int
      evaluationInterval = int
      policyType = "string"
      // For remaining properties, see EarlyTerminationPolicy objects
    samplingAlgorithm = "string"
  validationData = {
    description = "string"
    jobInputType = "string"
    mode = "string"
    uri = "string"
  validationDataSize = int

For ImageObjectDetection, use:

  taskType = "ImageObjectDetection"
  limitSettings = {
    maxConcurrentTrials = int
    maxTrials = int
    timeout = "string"
  modelSettings = {
    advancedSettings = "string"
    amsGradient = bool
    augmentations = "string"
    beta1 = int
    beta2 = int
    boxDetectionsPerImage = int
    boxScoreThreshold = int
    checkpointFrequency = int
    checkpointModel = {
      description = "string"
      jobInputType = "string"
      mode = "string"
      uri = "string"
    checkpointRunId = "string"
    distributed = bool
    earlyStopping = bool
    earlyStoppingDelay = int
    earlyStoppingPatience = int
    enableOnnxNormalization = bool
    evaluationFrequency = int
    gradientAccumulationStep = int
    imageSize = int
    layersToFreeze = int
    learningRate = int
    learningRateScheduler = "string"
    maxSize = int
    minSize = int
    modelName = "string"
    modelSize = "string"
    momentum = int
    multiScale = bool
    nesterov = bool
    nmsIouThreshold = int
    numberOfEpochs = int
    numberOfWorkers = int
    optimizer = "string"
    randomSeed = int
    stepLRGamma = int
    stepLRStepSize = int
    tileGridSize = "string"
    tileOverlapRatio = int
    tilePredictionsNmsThreshold = int
    trainingBatchSize = int
    validationBatchSize = int
    validationIouThreshold = int
    validationMetricType = "string"
    warmupCosineLRCycles = int
    warmupCosineLRWarmupEpochs = int
    weightDecay = int
  primaryMetric = "MeanAveragePrecision"
  searchSpace = [
      amsGradient = "string"
      augmentations = "string"
      beta1 = "string"
      beta2 = "string"
      boxDetectionsPerImage = "string"
      boxScoreThreshold = "string"
      distributed = "string"
      earlyStopping = "string"
      earlyStoppingDelay = "string"
      earlyStoppingPatience = "string"
      enableOnnxNormalization = "string"
      evaluationFrequency = "string"
      gradientAccumulationStep = "string"
      imageSize = "string"
      layersToFreeze = "string"
      learningRate = "string"
      learningRateScheduler = "string"
      maxSize = "string"
      minSize = "string"
      modelName = "string"
      modelSize = "string"
      momentum = "string"
      multiScale = "string"
      nesterov = "string"
      nmsIouThreshold = "string"
      numberOfEpochs = "string"
      numberOfWorkers = "string"
      optimizer = "string"
      randomSeed = "string"
      stepLRGamma = "string"
      stepLRStepSize = "string"
      tileGridSize = "string"
      tileOverlapRatio = "string"
      tilePredictionsNmsThreshold = "string"
      trainingBatchSize = "string"
      validationBatchSize = "string"
      validationIouThreshold = "string"
      validationMetricType = "string"
      warmupCosineLRCycles = "string"
      warmupCosineLRWarmupEpochs = "string"
      weightDecay = "string"
  sweepSettings = {
    earlyTermination = {
      delayEvaluation = int
      evaluationInterval = int
      policyType = "string"
      // For remaining properties, see EarlyTerminationPolicy objects
    samplingAlgorithm = "string"
  validationData = {
    description = "string"
    jobInputType = "string"
    mode = "string"
    uri = "string"
  validationDataSize = int

For Regression, use:

  taskType = "Regression"
  cvSplitColumnNames = [
  featurizationSettings = {
    blockedTransformers = [
    columnNameAndTypes = {
      {customized property} = "string"
    datasetLanguage = "string"
    enableDnnFeaturization = bool
    mode = "string"
    transformerParams = {
      {customized property} = [
          fields = [
  fixedParameters = {
    booster = "string"
    boostingType = "string"
    growPolicy = "string"
    learningRate = int
    maxBin = int
    maxDepth = int
    maxLeaves = int
    minDataInLeaf = int
    minSplitGain = int
    modelName = "string"
    nEstimators = int
    numLeaves = int
    preprocessorName = "string"
    regAlpha = int
    regLambda = int
    subsample = int
    subsampleFreq = int
    treeMethod = "string"
    withMean = bool
    withStd = bool
  limitSettings = {
    enableEarlyTermination = bool
    exitScore = int
    maxConcurrentTrials = int
    maxCoresPerTrial = int
    maxNodes = int
    maxTrials = int
    sweepConcurrentTrials = int
    sweepTrials = int
    timeout = "string"
    trialTimeout = "string"
  nCrossValidations = {
    mode = "string"
    // For remaining properties, see NCrossValidations objects
  primaryMetric = "string"
  searchSpace = [
      booster = "string"
      boostingType = "string"
      growPolicy = "string"
      learningRate = "string"
      maxBin = "string"
      maxDepth = "string"
      maxLeaves = "string"
      minDataInLeaf = "string"
      minSplitGain = "string"
      modelName = "string"
      nEstimators = "string"
      numLeaves = "string"
      preprocessorName = "string"
      regAlpha = "string"
      regLambda = "string"
      subsample = "string"
      subsampleFreq = "string"
      treeMethod = "string"
      withMean = "string"
      withStd = "string"
  sweepSettings = {
    earlyTermination = {
      delayEvaluation = int
      evaluationInterval = int
      policyType = "string"
      // For remaining properties, see EarlyTerminationPolicy objects
    samplingAlgorithm = "string"
  testData = {
    description = "string"
    jobInputType = "string"
    mode = "string"
    uri = "string"
  testDataSize = int
  trainingSettings = {
    allowedTrainingAlgorithms = [
    blockedTrainingAlgorithms = [
    enableDnnTraining = bool
    enableModelExplainability = bool
    enableOnnxCompatibleModels = bool
    enableStackEnsemble = bool
    enableVoteEnsemble = bool
    ensembleModelDownloadTimeout = "string"
    stackEnsembleSettings = {
      stackMetaLearnerTrainPercentage = int
      stackMetaLearnerType = "string"
    trainingMode = "string"
  validationData = {
    description = "string"
    jobInputType = "string"
    mode = "string"
    uri = "string"
  validationDataSize = int
  weightColumnName = "string"

For TextClassification, use:

  taskType = "TextClassification"
  featurizationSettings = {
    datasetLanguage = "string"
  fixedParameters = {
    gradientAccumulationSteps = int
    learningRate = int
    learningRateScheduler = "string"
    modelName = "string"
    numberOfEpochs = int
    trainingBatchSize = int
    validationBatchSize = int
    warmupRatio = int
    weightDecay = int
  limitSettings = {
    maxConcurrentTrials = int
    maxNodes = int
    maxTrials = int
    timeout = "string"
    trialTimeout = "string"
  primaryMetric = "string"
  searchSpace = [
      gradientAccumulationSteps = "string"
      learningRate = "string"
      learningRateScheduler = "string"
      modelName = "string"
      numberOfEpochs = "string"
      trainingBatchSize = "string"
      validationBatchSize = "string"
      warmupRatio = "string"
      weightDecay = "string"
  sweepSettings = {
    earlyTermination = {
      delayEvaluation = int
      evaluationInterval = int
      policyType = "string"
      // For remaining properties, see EarlyTerminationPolicy objects
    samplingAlgorithm = "string"
  validationData = {
    description = "string"
    jobInputType = "string"
    mode = "string"
    uri = "string"

For TextClassificationMultilabel, use:

  taskType = "TextClassificationMultilabel"
  featurizationSettings = {
    datasetLanguage = "string"
  fixedParameters = {
    gradientAccumulationSteps = int
    learningRate = int
    learningRateScheduler = "string"
    modelName = "string"
    numberOfEpochs = int
    trainingBatchSize = int
    validationBatchSize = int
    warmupRatio = int
    weightDecay = int
  limitSettings = {
    maxConcurrentTrials = int
    maxNodes = int
    maxTrials = int
    timeout = "string"
    trialTimeout = "string"
  searchSpace = [
      gradientAccumulationSteps = "string"
      learningRate = "string"
      learningRateScheduler = "string"
      modelName = "string"
      numberOfEpochs = "string"
      trainingBatchSize = "string"
      validationBatchSize = "string"
      warmupRatio = "string"
      weightDecay = "string"
  sweepSettings = {
    earlyTermination = {
      delayEvaluation = int
      evaluationInterval = int
      policyType = "string"
      // For remaining properties, see EarlyTerminationPolicy objects
    samplingAlgorithm = "string"
  validationData = {
    description = "string"
    jobInputType = "string"
    mode = "string"
    uri = "string"

For TextNER, use:

  taskType = "TextNER"
  featurizationSettings = {
    datasetLanguage = "string"
  fixedParameters = {
    gradientAccumulationSteps = int
    learningRate = int
    learningRateScheduler = "string"
    modelName = "string"
    numberOfEpochs = int
    trainingBatchSize = int
    validationBatchSize = int
    warmupRatio = int
    weightDecay = int
  limitSettings = {
    maxConcurrentTrials = int
    maxNodes = int
    maxTrials = int
    timeout = "string"
    trialTimeout = "string"
  searchSpace = [
      gradientAccumulationSteps = "string"
      learningRate = "string"
      learningRateScheduler = "string"
      modelName = "string"
      numberOfEpochs = "string"
      trainingBatchSize = "string"
      validationBatchSize = "string"
      warmupRatio = "string"
      weightDecay = "string"
  sweepSettings = {
    earlyTermination = {
      delayEvaluation = int
      evaluationInterval = int
      policyType = "string"
      // For remaining properties, see EarlyTerminationPolicy objects
    samplingAlgorithm = "string"
  validationData = {
    description = "string"
    jobInputType = "string"
    mode = "string"
    uri = "string"

NCrossValidations objects

Set the mode property to specify the type of object.

For Auto, use:

  mode = "Auto"

For Custom, use:

  mode = "Custom"
  value = int

EarlyTerminationPolicy objects

Set the policyType property to specify the type of object.

For Bandit, use:

  policyType = "Bandit"
  slackAmount = int
  slackFactor = int

For MedianStopping, use:

  policyType = "MedianStopping"

For TruncationSelection, use:

  policyType = "TruncationSelection"
  truncationPercentage = int

ForecastHorizon objects

Set the mode property to specify the type of object.

For Auto, use:

  mode = "Auto"

For Custom, use:

  mode = "Custom"
  value = int

Seasonality objects

Set the mode property to specify the type of object.

For Auto, use:

  mode = "Auto"

For Custom, use:

  mode = "Custom"
  value = int

TargetLags objects

Set the mode property to specify the type of object.

For Auto, use:

  mode = "Auto"

For Custom, use:

  mode = "Custom"
  values = [

TargetRollingWindowSize objects

Set the mode property to specify the type of object.

For Auto, use:

  mode = "Auto"

For Custom, use:

  mode = "Custom"
  value = int

DistributionConfiguration objects

Set the distributionType property to specify the type of object.

For Mpi, use:

  distributionType = "Mpi"
  processCountPerInstance = int

For PyTorch, use:

  distributionType = "PyTorch"
  processCountPerInstance = int

For TensorFlow, use:

  distributionType = "TensorFlow"
  parameterServerCount = int
  workerCount = int

JobInput objects

Set the jobInputType property to specify the type of object.

For custom_model, use:

  jobInputType = "custom_model"
  mode = "string"
  uri = "string"

For literal, use:

  jobInputType = "literal"
  value = "string"

For mlflow_model, use:

  jobInputType = "mlflow_model"
  mode = "string"
  uri = "string"

For mltable, use:

  jobInputType = "mltable"
  mode = "string"
  uri = "string"

For triton_model, use:

  jobInputType = "triton_model"
  mode = "string"
  uri = "string"

For uri_file, use:

  jobInputType = "uri_file"
  mode = "string"
  uri = "string"

For uri_folder, use:

  jobInputType = "uri_folder"
  mode = "string"
  uri = "string"

LabelingJobMediaProperties objects

Set the mediaType property to specify the type of object.

For Image, use:

  mediaType = "Image"
  annotationType = "string"

For Text, use:

  mediaType = "Text"
  annotationType = "string"

MLAssistConfiguration objects

Set the mlAssist property to specify the type of object.

For Disabled, use:

  mlAssist = "Disabled"

For Enabled, use:

  mlAssist = "Enabled"
  inferencingComputeBinding = "string"
  trainingComputeBinding = "string"

SparkJobEntry objects

Set the sparkJobEntryType property to specify the type of object.

For SparkJobPythonEntry, use:

  sparkJobEntryType = "SparkJobPythonEntry"
  file = "string"

For SparkJobScalaEntry, use:

  sparkJobEntryType = "SparkJobScalaEntry"
  className = "string"

SamplingAlgorithm objects

Set the samplingAlgorithmType property to specify the type of object.

For Bayesian, use:

  samplingAlgorithmType = "Bayesian"

For Grid, use:

  samplingAlgorithmType = "Grid"

For Random, use:

  samplingAlgorithmType = "Random"
  logbase = "string"
  rule = "string"
  seed = int

Property values


Name Description Value
type The resource type "Microsoft.MachineLearningServices/workspaces/jobs@2023-02-01-preview"
name The resource name string (required)
parent_id The ID of the resource that is the parent for this resource. ID for resource of type: workspaces
properties [Required] Additional attributes of the entity. JobBaseProperties (required)


Name Description Value
componentId ARM resource ID of the component resource. string
computeId ARM resource ID of the compute resource. string
description The asset description text. string
displayName Display name of job. string
experimentName The name of the experiment the job belongs to. If not set, the job is placed in the "Default" experiment. string
identity Identity configuration. If set, this should be one of AmlToken, ManagedIdentity, UserIdentity or null.
Defaults to AmlToken if null.
isArchived Is the asset archived? bool
notificationSetting Notification setting for the job NotificationSetting
properties The asset property dictionary. ResourceBaseProperties
services List of JobEndpoints.
For local jobs, a job endpoint will have an endpoint value of FileStreamObject.
tags Tag dictionary. Tags can be added, removed, and updated. object
jobType Set the object type AutoML
Sweep (required)


Name Description Value
identityType Set the object type AMLToken
UserIdentity (required)


Name Description Value
identityType [Required] Specifies the type of identity framework. "AMLToken" (required)


Name Description Value
identityType [Required] Specifies the type of identity framework. "Managed" (required)
clientId Specifies a user-assigned identity by client ID. For system-assigned, do not set this field. string

Min length = 36
Max length = 36
Pattern = ^[0-9a-fA-F]{8}-([0-9a-fA-F]{4}-){3}[0-9a-fA-F]{12}$
objectId Specifies a user-assigned identity by object ID. For system-assigned, do not set this field. string

Min length = 36
Max length = 36
Pattern = ^[0-9a-fA-F]{8}-([0-9a-fA-F]{4}-){3}[0-9a-fA-F]{12}$
resourceId Specifies a user-assigned identity by ARM resource ID. For system-assigned, do not set this field. string


Name Description Value
identityType [Required] Specifies the type of identity framework. "UserIdentity" (required)


Name Description Value
emailOn Send email notification to user on specified notification type String array containing any of:
emails This is the email recipient list which has a limitation of 499 characters in total concat with comma separator string[]


Name Description Value
{customized property} string


Name Description Value
{customized property} JobService


Name Description Value
endpoint Url for endpoint. string
jobServiceType Endpoint type. string
nodes Nodes that user would like to start the service on.
If Nodes is not set or set to null, the service will only be started on leader node.
port Port for endpoint set by user. int
properties Additional properties to set on the endpoint. JobServiceProperties


Name Description Value
nodesValueType Set the object type All (required)


Name Description Value
nodesValueType [Required] Type of the Nodes value "All" (required)


Name Description Value
{customized property} string


Name Description Value
jobType [Required] Specifies the type of job. "AutoML" (required)
environmentId The ARM resource ID of the Environment specification for the job.
This is optional value to provide, if not provided, AutoML will default this to Production AutoML curated environment version when running the job.
environmentVariables Environment variables included in the job. AutoMLJobEnvironmentVariables
outputs Mapping of output data bindings used in the job. AutoMLJobOutputs
queueSettings Queue settings for the job QueueSettings
resources Compute Resource configuration for the job. JobResourceConfiguration
taskDetails [Required] This represents scenario which can be one of Tables/NLP/Image AutoMLVertical (required)


Name Description Value
{customized property} string


Name Description Value
{customized property} JobOutput


Name Description Value
description Description for the output. string
jobOutputType Set the object type custom_model
uri_folder (required)


Name Description Value
jobOutputType [Required] Specifies the type of job. "custom_model" (required)
assetName Output Asset Name. string
assetVersion Output Asset Version. string
mode Output Asset Delivery Mode. "Direct"
uri Output Asset URI. string


Name Description Value
jobOutputType [Required] Specifies the type of job. "mlflow_model" (required)
assetName Output Asset Name. string
assetVersion Output Asset Version. string
mode Output Asset Delivery Mode. "Direct"
uri Output Asset URI. string


Name Description Value
jobOutputType [Required] Specifies the type of job. "mltable" (required)
assetName Output Asset Name. string
assetVersion Output Asset Version. string
mode Output Asset Delivery Mode. "Direct"
uri Output Asset URI. string


Name Description Value
jobOutputType [Required] Specifies the type of job. "triton_model" (required)
assetName Output Asset Name. string
assetVersion Output Asset Version. string
mode Output Asset Delivery Mode. "Direct"
uri Output Asset URI. string


Name Description Value
jobOutputType [Required] Specifies the type of job. "uri_file" (required)
assetName Output Asset Name. string
assetVersion Output Asset Version. string
mode Output Asset Delivery Mode. "Direct"
uri Output Asset URI. string


Name Description Value
jobOutputType [Required] Specifies the type of job. "uri_folder" (required)
assetName Output Asset Name. string
assetVersion Output Asset Version. string
mode Output Asset Delivery Mode. "Direct"
uri Output Asset URI. string


Name Description Value
jobTier Enum to determine the job tier. "Basic"
priority Controls the priority of the job on a compute. int


Name Description Value
dockerArgs Extra arguments to pass to the Docker run command. This would override any parameters that have already been set by the system, or in this section. This parameter is only supported for Azure ML compute types. string
instanceCount Optional number of instances or nodes used by the compute target. int
instanceType Optional type of VM used as supported by the compute target. string
locations Locations where the job can run. string[]
properties Additional properties bag. ResourceConfigurationProperties
shmSize Size of the docker container's shared memory block. This should be in the format of (number)(unit) where number as to be greater than 0 and the unit can be one of b(bytes), k(kilobytes), m(megabytes), or g(gigabytes). string

Pattern = \d+[bBkKmMgG]


Name Description Value
{customized property}


Name Description Value
logVerbosity Log verbosity for the job. "Critical"
targetColumnName Target column name: This is prediction values column.
Also known as label column name in context of classification tasks.
trainingData [Required] Training data input. MLTableJobInput (required)
taskType Set the object type Classification
TextNER (required)


Name Description Value
description Description for the input. string
jobInputType [Required] Specifies the type of job. "custom_model"
"uri_folder" (required)
mode Input Asset Delivery Mode. "Direct"
uri [Required] Input Asset URI. string (required)

Pattern = [a-zA-Z0-9_]


Name Description Value
taskType [Required] Task type for AutoMLJob. "Classification" (required)
cvSplitColumnNames Columns to use for CVSplit data. string[]
featurizationSettings Featurization inputs needed for AutoML job. TableVerticalFeaturizationSettings
fixedParameters Model/training parameters that will remain constant throughout training. TableFixedParameters
limitSettings Execution constraints for AutoMLJob. TableVerticalLimitSettings
nCrossValidations Number of cross validation folds to be applied on training dataset
when validation dataset is not provided.
positiveLabel Positive label for binary metrics calculation. string
primaryMetric Primary metric for the task. "AUCWeighted"
searchSpace Search space for sampling different combinations of models and their hyperparameters. TableParameterSubspace[]
sweepSettings Settings for model sweeping and hyperparameter tuning. TableSweepSettings
testData Test data input. MLTableJobInput
testDataSize The fraction of test dataset that needs to be set aside for validation purpose.
Values between (0.0 , 1.0)
Applied when validation dataset is not provided.
trainingSettings Inputs for training phase for an AutoML Job. ClassificationTrainingSettings
validationData Validation data inputs. MLTableJobInput
validationDataSize The fraction of training dataset that needs to be set aside for validation purpose.
Values between (0.0 , 1.0)
Applied when validation dataset is not provided.
weightColumnName The name of the sample weight column. Automated ML supports a weighted column as an input, causing rows in the data to be weighted up or down. string


Name Description Value
blockedTransformers These transformers shall not be used in featurization. String array containing any of:
columnNameAndTypes Dictionary of column name and its type (int, float, string, datetime etc). TableVerticalFeaturizationSettingsColumnNameAndTypes
datasetLanguage Dataset language, useful for the text data. string
enableDnnFeaturization Determines whether to use Dnn based featurizers for data featurization. bool
mode Featurization mode - User can keep the default 'Auto' mode and AutoML will take care of necessary transformation of the data in featurization phase.
If 'Off' is selected then no featurization is done.
If 'Custom' is selected then user can specify additional inputs to customize how featurization is done.
transformerParams User can specify additional transformers to be used along with the columns to which it would be applied and parameters for the transformer constructor. TableVerticalFeaturizationSettingsTransformerParams


Name Description Value
{customized property} string


Name Description Value
{customized property} ColumnTransformer[]


Name Description Value
fields Fields to apply transformer logic on. string[]
parameters Different properties to be passed to transformer.
Input expected is dictionary of key,value pairs in JSON format.


Name Description Value
booster Specify the boosting type, e.g gbdt for XGBoost. string
boostingType Specify the boosting type, e.g gbdt for LightGBM. string
growPolicy Specify the grow policy, which controls the way new nodes are added to the tree. string
learningRate The learning rate for the training procedure. int
maxBin Specify the Maximum number of discrete bins to bucket continuous features . int
maxDepth Specify the max depth to limit the tree depth explicitly. int
maxLeaves Specify the max leaves to limit the tree leaves explicitly. int
minDataInLeaf The minimum number of data per leaf. int
minSplitGain Minimum loss reduction required to make a further partition on a leaf node of the tree. int
modelName The name of the model to train. string
nEstimators Specify the number of trees (or rounds) in an model. int
numLeaves Specify the number of leaves. int
preprocessorName The name of the preprocessor to use. string
regAlpha L1 regularization term on weights. int
regLambda L2 regularization term on weights. int
subsample Subsample ratio of the training instance. int
subsampleFreq Frequency of subsample. int
treeMethod Specify the tree method. string
withMean If true, center before scaling the data with StandardScalar. bool
withStd If true, scaling the data with Unit Variance with StandardScalar. bool


Name Description Value
enableEarlyTermination Enable early termination, determines whether or not if AutoMLJob will terminate early if there is no score improvement in last 20 iterations. bool
exitScore Exit score for the AutoML job. int
maxConcurrentTrials Maximum Concurrent iterations. int
maxCoresPerTrial Max cores per iteration. int
maxNodes Maximum nodes to use for the experiment. int
maxTrials Number of iterations. int
sweepConcurrentTrials Number of concurrent sweeping runs that user wants to trigger. int
sweepTrials Number of sweeping runs that user wants to trigger. int
timeout AutoML job timeout. string
trialTimeout Iteration timeout. string


Name Description Value
mode Set the object type Auto
Custom (required)


Name Description Value
mode [Required] Mode for determining N-Cross validations. "Auto" (required)


Name Description Value
mode [Required] Mode for determining N-Cross validations. "Custom" (required)
value [Required] N-Cross validations value. int (required)


Name Description Value
booster Specify the boosting type, e.g gbdt for XGBoost. string
boostingType Specify the boosting type, e.g gbdt for LightGBM. string
growPolicy Specify the grow policy, which controls the way new nodes are added to the tree. string
learningRate The learning rate for the training procedure. string
maxBin Specify the Maximum number of discrete bins to bucket continuous features . string
maxDepth Specify the max depth to limit the tree depth explicitly. string
maxLeaves Specify the max leaves to limit the tree leaves explicitly. string
minDataInLeaf The minimum number of data per leaf. string
minSplitGain Minimum loss reduction required to make a further partition on a leaf node of the tree. string
modelName The name of the model to train. string
nEstimators Specify the number of trees (or rounds) in an model. string
numLeaves Specify the number of leaves. string
preprocessorName The name of the preprocessor to use. string
regAlpha L1 regularization term on weights. string
regLambda L2 regularization term on weights. string
subsample Subsample ratio of the training instance. string
subsampleFreq Frequency of subsample string
treeMethod Specify the tree method. string
withMean If true, center before scaling the data with StandardScalar. string
withStd If true, scaling the data with Unit Variance with StandardScalar. string


Name Description Value
earlyTermination Type of early termination policy for the sweeping job. EarlyTerminationPolicy
samplingAlgorithm [Required] Type of sampling algorithm. "Bayesian"
"Random" (required)


Name Description Value
delayEvaluation Number of intervals by which to delay the first evaluation. int
evaluationInterval Interval (number of runs) between policy evaluations. int
policyType Set the object type Bandit
TruncationSelection (required)


Name Description Value
policyType [Required] Name of policy configuration "Bandit" (required)
slackAmount Absolute distance allowed from the best performing run. int
slackFactor Ratio of the allowed distance from the best performing run. int


Name Description Value
policyType [Required] Name of policy configuration "MedianStopping" (required)


Name Description Value
policyType [Required] Name of policy configuration "TruncationSelection" (required)
truncationPercentage The percentage of runs to cancel at each evaluation interval. int


Name Description Value
allowedTrainingAlgorithms Allowed models for classification task. String array containing any of:
blockedTrainingAlgorithms Blocked models for classification task. String array containing any of:
enableDnnTraining Enable recommendation of DNN models. bool
enableModelExplainability Flag to turn on explainability on best model. bool
enableOnnxCompatibleModels Flag for enabling onnx compatible models. bool
enableStackEnsemble Enable stack ensemble run. bool
enableVoteEnsemble Enable voting ensemble run. bool
ensembleModelDownloadTimeout During VotingEnsemble and StackEnsemble model generation, multiple fitted models from the previous child runs are downloaded.
Configure this parameter with a higher value than 300 secs, if more time is needed.
stackEnsembleSettings Stack ensemble settings for stack ensemble run. StackEnsembleSettings
trainingMode TrainingMode mode - Setting to 'auto' is same as setting it to 'non-distributed' for now, however in the future may result in mixed mode or heuristics based mode selection. Default is 'auto'.
If 'Distributed' then only distributed featurization is used and distributed algorithms are chosen.
If 'NonDistributed' then only non distributed algorithms are chosen.


Name Description Value
stackMetaLearnerKWargs Optional parameters to pass to the initializer of the meta-learner.
stackMetaLearnerTrainPercentage Specifies the proportion of the training set (when choosing train and validation type of training) to be reserved for training the meta-learner. Default value is 0.2. int
stackMetaLearnerType The meta-learner is a model trained on the output of the individual heterogeneous models. "ElasticNet"


Name Description Value
taskType [Required] Task type for AutoMLJob. "Forecasting" (required)
cvSplitColumnNames Columns to use for CVSplit data. string[]
featurizationSettings Featurization inputs needed for AutoML job. TableVerticalFeaturizationSettings
fixedParameters Model/training parameters that will remain constant throughout training. TableFixedParameters
forecastingSettings Forecasting task specific inputs. ForecastingSettings
limitSettings Execution constraints for AutoMLJob. TableVerticalLimitSettings
nCrossValidations Number of cross validation folds to be applied on training dataset
when validation dataset is not provided.
primaryMetric Primary metric for forecasting task. "NormalizedMeanAbsoluteError"
searchSpace Search space for sampling different combinations of models and their hyperparameters. TableParameterSubspace[]
sweepSettings Settings for model sweeping and hyperparameter tuning. TableSweepSettings
testData Test data input. MLTableJobInput
testDataSize The fraction of test dataset that needs to be set aside for validation purpose.
Values between (0.0 , 1.0)
Applied when validation dataset is not provided.
trainingSettings Inputs for training phase for an AutoML Job. ForecastingTrainingSettings
validationData Validation data inputs. MLTableJobInput
validationDataSize The fraction of training dataset that needs to be set aside for validation purpose.
Values between (0.0 , 1.0)
Applied when validation dataset is not provided.
weightColumnName The name of the sample weight column. Automated ML supports a weighted column as an input, causing rows in the data to be weighted up or down. string


Name Description Value
countryOrRegionForHolidays Country or region for holidays for forecasting tasks.
These should be ISO 3166 two-letter country/region codes, for example 'US' or 'GB'.
cvStepSize Number of periods between the origin time of one CV fold and the next fold. For
example, if CVStepSize = 3 for daily data, the origin time for each fold will be
three days apart.
featureLags Flag for generating lags for the numeric features with 'auto' or null. "Auto"
forecastHorizon The desired maximum forecast horizon in units of time-series frequency. ForecastHorizon
frequency When forecasting, this parameter represents the period with which the forecast is desired, for example daily, weekly, yearly, etc. The forecast frequency is dataset frequency by default. string
seasonality Set time series seasonality as an integer multiple of the series frequency.
If seasonality is set to 'auto', it will be inferred.
shortSeriesHandlingConfig The parameter defining how if AutoML should handle short time series. "Auto"
targetAggregateFunction The function to be used to aggregate the time series target column to conform to a user specified frequency.
If the TargetAggregateFunction is set i.e. not 'None', but the freq parameter is not set, the error is raised. The possible target aggregation functions are: "sum", "max", "min" and "mean".
targetLags The number of past periods to lag from the target column. TargetLags
targetRollingWindowSize The number of past periods used to create a rolling window average of the target column. TargetRollingWindowSize
timeColumnName The name of the time column. This parameter is required when forecasting to specify the datetime column in the input data used for building the time series and inferring its frequency. string
timeSeriesIdColumnNames The names of columns used to group a timeseries. It can be used to create multiple series.
If grain is not defined, the data set is assumed to be one time-series. This parameter is used with task type forecasting.
useStl Configure STL Decomposition of the time-series target column. "None"


Name Description Value
mode Set the object type Auto
Custom (required)


Name Description Value
mode [Required] Set forecast horizon value selection mode. "Auto" (required)


Name Description Value
mode [Required] Set forecast horizon value selection mode. "Custom" (required)
value [Required] Forecast horizon value. int (required)


Name Description Value
mode Set the object type Auto
Custom (required)


Name Description Value
mode [Required] Seasonality mode. "Auto" (required)


Name Description Value
mode [Required] Seasonality mode. "Custom" (required)
value [Required] Seasonality value. int (required)


Name Description Value
mode Set the object type Auto
Custom (required)


Name Description Value
mode [Required] Set target lags mode - Auto/Custom "Auto" (required)


Name Description Value
mode [Required] Set target lags mode - Auto/Custom "Custom" (required)
values [Required] Set target lags values. int[] (required)


Name Description Value
mode Set the object type Auto
Custom (required)


Name Description Value
mode [Required] TargetRollingWindowSiz detection mode. "Auto" (required)


Name Description Value
mode [Required] TargetRollingWindowSiz detection mode. "Custom" (required)
value [Required] TargetRollingWindowSize value. int (required)


Name Description Value
allowedTrainingAlgorithms Allowed models for forecasting task. String array containing any of:
blockedTrainingAlgorithms Blocked models for forecasting task. String array containing any of:
enableDnnTraining Enable recommendation of DNN models. bool
enableModelExplainability Flag to turn on explainability on best model. bool
enableOnnxCompatibleModels Flag for enabling onnx compatible models. bool
enableStackEnsemble Enable stack ensemble run. bool
enableVoteEnsemble Enable voting ensemble run. bool
ensembleModelDownloadTimeout During VotingEnsemble and StackEnsemble model generation, multiple fitted models from the previous child runs are downloaded.
Configure this parameter with a higher value than 300 secs, if more time is needed.
stackEnsembleSettings Stack ensemble settings for stack ensemble run. StackEnsembleSettings
trainingMode TrainingMode mode - Setting to 'auto' is same as setting it to 'non-distributed' for now, however in the future may result in mixed mode or heuristics based mode selection. Default is 'auto'.
If 'Distributed' then only distributed featurization is used and distributed algorithms are chosen.
If 'NonDistributed' then only non distributed algorithms are chosen.


Name Description Value
taskType [Required] Task type for AutoMLJob. "ImageClassification" (required)
limitSettings [Required] Limit settings for the AutoML job. ImageLimitSettings (required)
modelSettings Settings used for training the model. ImageModelSettingsClassification
primaryMetric Primary metric to optimize for this task. "AUCWeighted"
searchSpace Search space for sampling different combinations of models and their hyperparameters. ImageModelDistributionSettingsClassification[]
sweepSettings Model sweeping and hyperparameter sweeping related settings. ImageSweepSettings
validationData Validation data inputs. MLTableJobInput
validationDataSize The fraction of training dataset that needs to be set aside for validation purpose.
Values between (0.0 , 1.0)
Applied when validation dataset is not provided.


Name Description Value
maxConcurrentTrials Maximum number of concurrent AutoML iterations. int
maxTrials Maximum number of AutoML iterations. int
timeout AutoML job timeout. string


Name Description Value
advancedSettings Settings for advanced scenarios. string
amsGradient Enable AMSGrad when optimizer is 'adam' or 'adamw'. bool
augmentations Settings for using Augmentations. string
beta1 Value of 'beta1' when optimizer is 'adam' or 'adamw'. Must be a float in the range [0, 1]. int
beta2 Value of 'beta2' when optimizer is 'adam' or 'adamw'. Must be a float in the range [0, 1]. int
checkpointFrequency Frequency to store model checkpoints. Must be a positive integer. int
checkpointModel The pretrained checkpoint model for incremental training. MLFlowModelJobInput
checkpointRunId The id of a previous run that has a pretrained checkpoint for incremental training. string
distributed Whether to use distributed training. bool
earlyStopping Enable early stopping logic during training. bool
earlyStoppingDelay Minimum number of epochs or validation evaluations to wait before primary metric improvement
is tracked for early stopping. Must be a positive integer.
earlyStoppingPatience Minimum number of epochs or validation evaluations with no primary metric improvement before
the run is stopped. Must be a positive integer.
enableOnnxNormalization Enable normalization when exporting ONNX model. bool
evaluationFrequency Frequency to evaluate validation dataset to get metric scores. Must be a positive integer. int
gradientAccumulationStep Gradient accumulation means running a configured number of "GradAccumulationStep" steps without
updating the model weights while accumulating the gradients of those steps, and then using
the accumulated gradients to compute the weight updates. Must be a positive integer.
layersToFreeze Number of layers to freeze for the model. Must be a positive integer.
For instance, passing 2 as value for 'seresnext' means
freezing layer0 and layer1. For a full list of models supported and details on layer freeze, please
see: /azure/machine-learning/how-to-auto-train-image-models.
learningRate Initial learning rate. Must be a float in the range [0, 1]. int
learningRateScheduler Type of learning rate scheduler. Must be 'warmup_cosine' or 'step'. "None"
modelName Name of the model to use for training.
For more information on the available models please visit the official documentation:
momentum Value of momentum when optimizer is 'sgd'. Must be a float in the range [0, 1]. int
nesterov Enable nesterov when optimizer is 'sgd'. bool
numberOfEpochs Number of training epochs. Must be a positive integer. int
numberOfWorkers Number of data loader workers. Must be a non-negative integer. int
optimizer Type of optimizer. "Adam"
randomSeed Random seed to be used when using deterministic training. int
stepLRGamma Value of gamma when learning rate scheduler is 'step'. Must be a float in the range [0, 1]. int
stepLRStepSize Value of step size when learning rate scheduler is 'step'. Must be a positive integer. int
trainingBatchSize Training batch size. Must be a positive integer. int
trainingCropSize Image crop size that is input to the neural network for the training dataset. Must be a positive integer. int
validationBatchSize Validation batch size. Must be a positive integer. int
validationCropSize Image crop size that is input to the neural network for the validation dataset. Must be a positive integer. int
validationResizeSize Image size to which to resize before cropping for validation dataset. Must be a positive integer. int
warmupCosineLRCycles Value of cosine cycle when learning rate scheduler is 'warmup_cosine'. Must be a float in the range [0, 1]. int
warmupCosineLRWarmupEpochs Value of warmup epochs when learning rate scheduler is 'warmup_cosine'. Must be a positive integer. int
weightDecay Value of weight decay when optimizer is 'sgd', 'adam', or 'adamw'. Must be a float in the range[0, 1]. int
weightedLoss Weighted loss. The accepted values are 0 for no weighted loss.
1 for weighted loss with sqrt.(class_weights). 2 for weighted loss with class_weights. Must be 0 or 1 or 2.


Name Description Value
description Description for the input. string
jobInputType [Required] Specifies the type of job. "custom_model"
"uri_folder" (required)
mode Input Asset Delivery Mode. "Direct"
uri [Required] Input Asset URI. string (required)

Pattern = [a-zA-Z0-9_]


Name Description Value
amsGradient Enable AMSGrad when optimizer is 'adam' or 'adamw'. string
augmentations Settings for using Augmentations. string
beta1 Value of 'beta1' when optimizer is 'adam' or 'adamw'. Must be a float in the range [0, 1]. string
beta2 Value of 'beta2' when optimizer is 'adam' or 'adamw'. Must be a float in the range [0, 1]. string
distributed Whether to use distributer training. string
earlyStopping Enable early stopping logic during training. string
earlyStoppingDelay Minimum number of epochs or validation evaluations to wait before primary metric improvement
is tracked for early stopping. Must be a positive integer.
earlyStoppingPatience Minimum number of epochs or validation evaluations with no primary metric improvement before
the run is stopped. Must be a positive integer.
enableOnnxNormalization Enable normalization when exporting ONNX model. string
evaluationFrequency Frequency to evaluate validation dataset to get metric scores. Must be a positive integer. string
gradientAccumulationStep Gradient accumulation means running a configured number of "GradAccumulationStep" steps without
updating the model weights while accumulating the gradients of those steps, and then using
the accumulated gradients to compute the weight updates. Must be a positive integer.
layersToFreeze Number of layers to freeze for the model. Must be a positive integer.
For instance, passing 2 as value for 'seresnext' means
freezing layer0 and layer1. For a full list of models supported and details on layer freeze, please
see: /azure/machine-learning/how-to-auto-train-image-models.
learningRate Initial learning rate. Must be a float in the range [0, 1]. string
learningRateScheduler Type of learning rate scheduler. Must be 'warmup_cosine' or 'step'. string
modelName Name of the model to use for training.
For more information on the available models please visit the official documentation:
momentum Value of momentum when optimizer is 'sgd'. Must be a float in the range [0, 1]. string
nesterov Enable nesterov when optimizer is 'sgd'. string
numberOfEpochs Number of training epochs. Must be a positive integer. string
numberOfWorkers Number of data loader workers. Must be a non-negative integer. string
optimizer Type of optimizer. Must be either 'sgd', 'adam', or 'adamw'. string
randomSeed Random seed to be used when using deterministic training. string
stepLRGamma Value of gamma when learning rate scheduler is 'step'. Must be a float in the range [0, 1]. string
stepLRStepSize Value of step size when learning rate scheduler is 'step'. Must be a positive integer. string
trainingBatchSize Training batch size. Must be a positive integer. string
trainingCropSize Image crop size that is input to the neural network for the training dataset. Must be a positive integer. string
validationBatchSize Validation batch size. Must be a positive integer. string
validationCropSize Image crop size that is input to the neural network for the validation dataset. Must be a positive integer. string
validationResizeSize Image size to which to resize before cropping for validation dataset. Must be a positive integer. string
warmupCosineLRCycles Value of cosine cycle when learning rate scheduler is 'warmup_cosine'. Must be a float in the range [0, 1]. string
warmupCosineLRWarmupEpochs Value of warmup epochs when learning rate scheduler is 'warmup_cosine'. Must be a positive integer. string
weightDecay Value of weight decay when optimizer is 'sgd', 'adam', or 'adamw'. Must be a float in the range[0, 1]. string
weightedLoss Weighted loss. The accepted values are 0 for no weighted loss.
1 for weighted loss with sqrt.(class_weights). 2 for weighted loss with class_weights. Must be 0 or 1 or 2.


Name Description Value
earlyTermination Type of early termination policy. EarlyTerminationPolicy
samplingAlgorithm [Required] Type of the hyperparameter sampling algorithms. "Bayesian"
"Random" (required)


Name Description Value
taskType [Required] Task type for AutoMLJob. "ImageClassificationMultilabel" (required)
limitSettings [Required] Limit settings for the AutoML job. ImageLimitSettings (required)
modelSettings Settings used for training the model. ImageModelSettingsClassification
primaryMetric Primary metric to optimize for this task. "AUCWeighted"
searchSpace Search space for sampling different combinations of models and their hyperparameters. ImageModelDistributionSettingsClassification[]
sweepSettings Model sweeping and hyperparameter sweeping related settings. ImageSweepSettings
validationData Validation data inputs. MLTableJobInput
validationDataSize The fraction of training dataset that needs to be set aside for validation purpose.
Values between (0.0 , 1.0)
Applied when validation dataset is not provided.


Name Description Value
taskType [Required] Task type for AutoMLJob. "ImageInstanceSegmentation" (required)
limitSettings [Required] Limit settings for the AutoML job. ImageLimitSettings (required)
modelSettings Settings used for training the model. ImageModelSettingsObjectDetection
primaryMetric Primary metric to optimize for this task. "MeanAveragePrecision"
searchSpace Search space for sampling different combinations of models and their hyperparameters. ImageModelDistributionSettingsObjectDetection[]
sweepSettings Model sweeping and hyperparameter sweeping related settings. ImageSweepSettings
validationData Validation data inputs. MLTableJobInput
validationDataSize The fraction of training dataset that needs to be set aside for validation purpose.
Values between (0.0 , 1.0)
Applied when validation dataset is not provided.


Name Description Value
advancedSettings Settings for advanced scenarios. string
amsGradient Enable AMSGrad when optimizer is 'adam' or 'adamw'. bool
augmentations Settings for using Augmentations. string
beta1 Value of 'beta1' when optimizer is 'adam' or 'adamw'. Must be a float in the range [0, 1]. int
beta2 Value of 'beta2' when optimizer is 'adam' or 'adamw'. Must be a float in the range [0, 1]. int
boxDetectionsPerImage Maximum number of detections per image, for all classes. Must be a positive integer.
Note: This settings is not supported for the 'yolov5' algorithm.
boxScoreThreshold During inference, only return proposals with a classification score greater than
BoxScoreThreshold. Must be a float in the range[0, 1].
checkpointFrequency Frequency to store model checkpoints. Must be a positive integer. int
checkpointModel The pretrained checkpoint model for incremental training. MLFlowModelJobInput
checkpointRunId The id of a previous run that has a pretrained checkpoint for incremental training. string
distributed Whether to use distributed training. bool
earlyStopping Enable early stopping logic during training. bool
earlyStoppingDelay Minimum number of epochs or validation evaluations to wait before primary metric improvement
is tracked for early stopping. Must be a positive integer.
earlyStoppingPatience Minimum number of epochs or validation evaluations with no primary metric improvement before
the run is stopped. Must be a positive integer.
enableOnnxNormalization Enable normalization when exporting ONNX model. bool
evaluationFrequency Frequency to evaluate validation dataset to get metric scores. Must be a positive integer. int
gradientAccumulationStep Gradient accumulation means running a configured number of "GradAccumulationStep" steps without
updating the model weights while accumulating the gradients of those steps, and then using
the accumulated gradients to compute the weight updates. Must be a positive integer.
imageSize Image size for train and validation. Must be a positive integer.
Note: The training run may get into CUDA OOM if the size is too big.
Note: This settings is only supported for the 'yolov5' algorithm.
layersToFreeze Number of layers to freeze for the model. Must be a positive integer.
For instance, passing 2 as value for 'seresnext' means
freezing layer0 and layer1. For a full list of models supported and details on layer freeze, please
see: /azure/machine-learning/how-to-auto-train-image-models.
learningRate Initial learning rate. Must be a float in the range [0, 1]. int
learningRateScheduler Type of learning rate scheduler. Must be 'warmup_cosine' or 'step'. "None"
maxSize Maximum size of the image to be rescaled before feeding it to the backbone.
Must be a positive integer. Note: training run may get into CUDA OOM if the size is too big.
Note: This settings is not supported for the 'yolov5' algorithm.
minSize Minimum size of the image to be rescaled before feeding it to the backbone.
Must be a positive integer. Note: training run may get into CUDA OOM if the size is too big.
Note: This settings is not supported for the 'yolov5' algorithm.
modelName Name of the model to use for training.
For more information on the available models please visit the official documentation:
modelSize Model size. Must be 'small', 'medium', 'large', or 'xlarge'.
Note: training run may get into CUDA OOM if the model size is too big.
Note: This settings is only supported for the 'yolov5' algorithm.
momentum Value of momentum when optimizer is 'sgd'. Must be a float in the range [0, 1]. int
multiScale Enable multi-scale image by varying image size by +/- 50%.
Note: training run may get into CUDA OOM if no sufficient GPU memory.
Note: This settings is only supported for the 'yolov5' algorithm.
nesterov Enable nesterov when optimizer is 'sgd'. bool
nmsIouThreshold IOU threshold used during inference in NMS post processing. Must be a float in the range [0, 1]. int
numberOfEpochs Number of training epochs. Must be a positive integer. int
numberOfWorkers Number of data loader workers. Must be a non-negative integer. int
optimizer Type of optimizer. "Adam"
randomSeed Random seed to be used when using deterministic training. int
stepLRGamma Value of gamma when learning rate scheduler is 'step'. Must be a float in the range [0, 1]. int
stepLRStepSize Value of step size when learning rate scheduler is 'step'. Must be a positive integer. int
tileGridSize The grid size to use for tiling each image. Note: TileGridSize must not be
None to enable small object detection logic. A string containing two integers in mxn format.
Note: This settings is not supported for the 'yolov5' algorithm.
tileOverlapRatio Overlap ratio between adjacent tiles in each dimension. Must be float in the range [0, 1).
Note: This settings is not supported for the 'yolov5' algorithm.
tilePredictionsNmsThreshold The IOU threshold to use to perform NMS while merging predictions from tiles and image.
Used in validation/ inference. Must be float in the range [0, 1].
Note: This settings is not supported for the 'yolov5' algorithm.
trainingBatchSize Training batch size. Must be a positive integer. int
validationBatchSize Validation batch size. Must be a positive integer. int
validationIouThreshold IOU threshold to use when computing validation metric. Must be float in the range [0, 1]. int
validationMetricType Metric computation method to use for validation metrics. "Coco"
warmupCosineLRCycles Value of cosine cycle when learning rate scheduler is 'warmup_cosine'. Must be a float in the range [0, 1]. int
warmupCosineLRWarmupEpochs Value of warmup epochs when learning rate scheduler is 'warmup_cosine'. Must be a positive integer. int
weightDecay Value of weight decay when optimizer is 'sgd', 'adam', or 'adamw'. Must be a float in the range[0, 1]. int


Name Description Value
amsGradient Enable AMSGrad when optimizer is 'adam' or 'adamw'. string
augmentations Settings for using Augmentations. string
beta1 Value of 'beta1' when optimizer is 'adam' or 'adamw'. Must be a float in the range [0, 1]. string
beta2 Value of 'beta2' when optimizer is 'adam' or 'adamw'. Must be a float in the range [0, 1]. string
boxDetectionsPerImage Maximum number of detections per image, for all classes. Must be a positive integer.
Note: This settings is not supported for the 'yolov5' algorithm.
boxScoreThreshold During inference, only return proposals with a classification score greater than
BoxScoreThreshold. Must be a float in the range[0, 1].
distributed Whether to use distributer training. string
earlyStopping Enable early stopping logic during training. string
earlyStoppingDelay Minimum number of epochs or validation evaluations to wait before primary metric improvement
is tracked for early stopping. Must be a positive integer.
earlyStoppingPatience Minimum number of epochs or validation evaluations with no primary metric improvement before
the run is stopped. Must be a positive integer.
enableOnnxNormalization Enable normalization when exporting ONNX model. string
evaluationFrequency Frequency to evaluate validation dataset to get metric scores. Must be a positive integer. string
gradientAccumulationStep Gradient accumulation means running a configured number of "GradAccumulationStep" steps without
updating the model weights while accumulating the gradients of those steps, and then using
the accumulated gradients to compute the weight updates. Must be a positive integer.
imageSize Image size for train and validation. Must be a positive integer.
Note: The training run may get into CUDA OOM if the size is too big.
Note: This settings is only supported for the 'yolov5' algorithm.
layersToFreeze Number of layers to freeze for the model. Must be a positive integer.
For instance, passing 2 as value for 'seresnext' means
freezing layer0 and layer1. For a full list of models supported and details on layer freeze, please
see: /azure/machine-learning/how-to-auto-train-image-models.
learningRate Initial learning rate. Must be a float in the range [0, 1]. string
learningRateScheduler Type of learning rate scheduler. Must be 'warmup_cosine' or 'step'. string
maxSize Maximum size of the image to be rescaled before feeding it to the backbone.
Must be a positive integer. Note: training run may get into CUDA OOM if the size is too big.
Note: This settings is not supported for the 'yolov5' algorithm.
minSize Minimum size of the image to be rescaled before feeding it to the backbone.
Must be a positive integer. Note: training run may get into CUDA OOM if the size is too big.
Note: This settings is not supported for the 'yolov5' algorithm.
modelName Name of the model to use for training.
For more information on the available models please visit the official documentation:
modelSize Model size. Must be 'small', 'medium', 'large', or 'xlarge'.
Note: training run may get into CUDA OOM if the model size is too big.
Note: This settings is only supported for the 'yolov5' algorithm.
momentum Value of momentum when optimizer is 'sgd'. Must be a float in the range [0, 1]. string
multiScale Enable multi-scale image by varying image size by +/- 50%.
Note: training run may get into CUDA OOM if no sufficient GPU memory.
Note: This settings is only supported for the 'yolov5' algorithm.
nesterov Enable nesterov when optimizer is 'sgd'. string
nmsIouThreshold IOU threshold used during inference in NMS post processing. Must be float in the range [0, 1]. string
numberOfEpochs Number of training epochs. Must be a positive integer. string
numberOfWorkers Number of data loader workers. Must be a non-negative integer. string
optimizer Type of optimizer. Must be either 'sgd', 'adam', or 'adamw'. string
randomSeed Random seed to be used when using deterministic training. string
stepLRGamma Value of gamma when learning rate scheduler is 'step'. Must be a float in the range [0, 1]. string
stepLRStepSize Value of step size when learning rate scheduler is 'step'. Must be a positive integer. string
tileGridSize The grid size to use for tiling each image. Note: TileGridSize must not be
None to enable small object detection logic. A string containing two integers in mxn format.
Note: This settings is not supported for the 'yolov5' algorithm.
tileOverlapRatio Overlap ratio between adjacent tiles in each dimension. Must be float in the range [0, 1).
Note: This settings is not supported for the 'yolov5' algorithm.
tilePredictionsNmsThreshold The IOU threshold to use to perform NMS while merging predictions from tiles and image.
Used in validation/ inference. Must be float in the range [0, 1].
Note: This settings is not supported for the 'yolov5' algorithm.
NMS: Non-maximum suppression
trainingBatchSize Training batch size. Must be a positive integer. string
validationBatchSize Validation batch size. Must be a positive integer. string
validationIouThreshold IOU threshold to use when computing validation metric. Must be float in the range [0, 1]. string
validationMetricType Metric computation method to use for validation metrics. Must be 'none', 'coco', 'voc', or 'coco_voc'. string
warmupCosineLRCycles Value of cosine cycle when learning rate scheduler is 'warmup_cosine'. Must be a float in the range [0, 1]. string
warmupCosineLRWarmupEpochs Value of warmup epochs when learning rate scheduler is 'warmup_cosine'. Must be a positive integer. string
weightDecay Value of weight decay when optimizer is 'sgd', 'adam', or 'adamw'. Must be a float in the range[0, 1]. string


Name Description Value
taskType [Required] Task type for AutoMLJob. "ImageObjectDetection" (required)
limitSettings [Required] Limit settings for the AutoML job. ImageLimitSettings (required)
modelSettings Settings used for training the model. ImageModelSettingsObjectDetection
primaryMetric Primary metric to optimize for this task. "MeanAveragePrecision"
searchSpace Search space for sampling different combinations of models and their hyperparameters. ImageModelDistributionSettingsObjectDetection[]
sweepSettings Model sweeping and hyperparameter sweeping related settings. ImageSweepSettings
validationData Validation data inputs. MLTableJobInput
validationDataSize The fraction of training dataset that needs to be set aside for validation purpose.
Values between (0.0 , 1.0)
Applied when validation dataset is not provided.


Name Description Value
taskType [Required] Task type for AutoMLJob. "Regression" (required)
cvSplitColumnNames Columns to use for CVSplit data. string[]
featurizationSettings Featurization inputs needed for AutoML job. TableVerticalFeaturizationSettings
fixedParameters Model/training parameters that will remain constant throughout training. TableFixedParameters
limitSettings Execution constraints for AutoMLJob. TableVerticalLimitSettings
nCrossValidations Number of cross validation folds to be applied on training dataset
when validation dataset is not provided.
primaryMetric Primary metric for regression task. "NormalizedMeanAbsoluteError"
searchSpace Search space for sampling different combinations of models and their hyperparameters. TableParameterSubspace[]
sweepSettings Settings for model sweeping and hyperparameter tuning. TableSweepSettings
testData Test data input. MLTableJobInput
testDataSize The fraction of test dataset that needs to be set aside for validation purpose.
Values between (0.0 , 1.0)
Applied when validation dataset is not provided.
trainingSettings Inputs for training phase for an AutoML Job. RegressionTrainingSettings
validationData Validation data inputs. MLTableJobInput
validationDataSize The fraction of training dataset that needs to be set aside for validation purpose.
Values between (0.0 , 1.0)
Applied when validation dataset is not provided.
weightColumnName The name of the sample weight column. Automated ML supports a weighted column as an input, causing rows in the data to be weighted up or down. string


Name Description Value
allowedTrainingAlgorithms Allowed models for regression task. String array containing any of:
blockedTrainingAlgorithms Blocked models for regression task. String array containing any of:
enableDnnTraining Enable recommendation of DNN models. bool
enableModelExplainability Flag to turn on explainability on best model. bool
enableOnnxCompatibleModels Flag for enabling onnx compatible models. bool
enableStackEnsemble Enable stack ensemble run. bool
enableVoteEnsemble Enable voting ensemble run. bool
ensembleModelDownloadTimeout During VotingEnsemble and StackEnsemble model generation, multiple fitted models from the previous child runs are downloaded.
Configure this parameter with a higher value than 300 secs, if more time is needed.
stackEnsembleSettings Stack ensemble settings for stack ensemble run. StackEnsembleSettings
trainingMode TrainingMode mode - Setting to 'auto' is same as setting it to 'non-distributed' for now, however in the future may result in mixed mode or heuristics based mode selection. Default is 'auto'.
If 'Distributed' then only distributed featurization is used and distributed algorithms are chosen.
If 'NonDistributed' then only non distributed algorithms are chosen.


Name Description Value
taskType [Required] Task type for AutoMLJob. "TextClassification" (required)
featurizationSettings Featurization inputs needed for AutoML job. NlpVerticalFeaturizationSettings
fixedParameters Model/training parameters that will remain constant throughout training. NlpFixedParameters
limitSettings Execution constraints for AutoMLJob. NlpVerticalLimitSettings
primaryMetric Primary metric for Text-Classification task. "AUCWeighted"
searchSpace Search space for sampling different combinations of models and their hyperparameters. NlpParameterSubspace[]
sweepSettings Settings for model sweeping and hyperparameter tuning. NlpSweepSettings
validationData Validation data inputs. MLTableJobInput


Name Description Value
datasetLanguage Dataset language, useful for the text data. string


Name Description Value
gradientAccumulationSteps Number of steps to accumulate gradients over before running a backward pass. int
learningRate The learning rate for the training procedure. int
learningRateScheduler The type of learning rate schedule to use during the training procedure. "Constant"
modelName The name of the model to train. string
numberOfEpochs Number of training epochs. int
trainingBatchSize The batch size for the training procedure. int
validationBatchSize The batch size to be used during evaluation. int
warmupRatio The warmup ratio, used alongside LrSchedulerType. int
weightDecay The weight decay for the training procedure. int


Name Description Value
maxConcurrentTrials Maximum Concurrent AutoML iterations. int
maxNodes Maximum nodes to use for the experiment. int
maxTrials Number of AutoML iterations. int
timeout AutoML job timeout. string
trialTimeout Timeout for individual HD trials. string


Name Description Value
gradientAccumulationSteps Number of steps to accumulate gradients over before running a backward pass. string
learningRate The learning rate for the training procedure. string
learningRateScheduler The type of learning rate schedule to use during the training procedure. string
modelName The name of the model to train. string
numberOfEpochs Number of training epochs. string
trainingBatchSize The batch size for the training procedure. string
validationBatchSize The batch size to be used during evaluation. string
warmupRatio The warmup ratio, used alongside LrSchedulerType. string
weightDecay The weight decay for the training procedure. string


Name Description Value
earlyTermination Type of early termination policy for the sweeping job. EarlyTerminationPolicy
samplingAlgorithm [Required] Type of sampling algorithm. "Bayesian"
"Random" (required)


Name Description Value
taskType [Required] Task type for AutoMLJob. "TextClassificationMultilabel" (required)
featurizationSettings Featurization inputs needed for AutoML job. NlpVerticalFeaturizationSettings
fixedParameters Model/training parameters that will remain constant throughout training. NlpFixedParameters
limitSettings Execution constraints for AutoMLJob. NlpVerticalLimitSettings
searchSpace Search space for sampling different combinations of models and their hyperparameters. NlpParameterSubspace[]
sweepSettings Settings for model sweeping and hyperparameter tuning. NlpSweepSettings
validationData Validation data inputs. MLTableJobInput


Name Description Value
taskType [Required] Task type for AutoMLJob. "TextNER" (required)
featurizationSettings Featurization inputs needed for AutoML job. NlpVerticalFeaturizationSettings
fixedParameters Model/training parameters that will remain constant throughout training. NlpFixedParameters
limitSettings Execution constraints for AutoMLJob. NlpVerticalLimitSettings
searchSpace Search space for sampling different combinations of models and their hyperparameters. NlpParameterSubspace[]
sweepSettings Settings for model sweeping and hyperparameter tuning. NlpSweepSettings
validationData Validation data inputs. MLTableJobInput


Name Description Value
jobType [Required] Specifies the type of job. "Command" (required)
autologgerSettings Distribution configuration of the job. If set, this should be one of Mpi, Tensorflow, PyTorch, or null. AutologgerSettings
codeId ARM resource ID of the code asset. string
command [Required] The command to execute on startup of the job. eg. "python" string (required)

Min length = 1
Pattern = [a-zA-Z0-9_]
distribution Distribution configuration of the job. If set, this should be one of Mpi, Tensorflow, PyTorch, or null. DistributionConfiguration
environmentId [Required] The ARM resource ID of the Environment specification for the job. string (required)

Pattern = [a-zA-Z0-9_]
environmentVariables Environment variables included in the job. CommandJobEnvironmentVariables
inputs Mapping of input data bindings used in the job. CommandJobInputs
limits Command Job limit. CommandJobLimits
outputs Mapping of output data bindings used in the job. CommandJobOutputs
queueSettings Queue settings for the job QueueSettings
resources Compute Resource configuration for the job. JobResourceConfiguration


Name Description Value
mlflowAutologger [Required] Indicates whether mlflow autologger is enabled. "Disabled"
"Enabled" (required)


Name Description Value
distributionType Set the object type Mpi
TensorFlow (required)


Name Description Value
distributionType [Required] Specifies the type of distribution framework. "Mpi" (required)
processCountPerInstance Number of processes per MPI node. int


Name Description Value
distributionType [Required] Specifies the type of distribution framework. "PyTorch" (required)
processCountPerInstance Number of processes per node. int


Name Description Value
distributionType [Required] Specifies the type of distribution framework. "TensorFlow" (required)
parameterServerCount Number of parameter server tasks. int
workerCount Number of workers. If not specified, will default to the instance count. int


Name Description Value
{customized property} string


Name Description Value
{customized property} JobInput


Name Description Value
description Description for the input. string
jobInputType Set the object type custom_model
uri_folder (required)


Name Description Value
jobInputType [Required] Specifies the type of job. "custom_model" (required)
mode Input Asset Delivery Mode. "Direct"
uri [Required] Input Asset URI. string (required)

Pattern = [a-zA-Z0-9_]


Name Description Value
jobInputType [Required] Specifies the type of job. "literal" (required)
value [Required] Literal value for the input. string (required)

Pattern = [a-zA-Z0-9_]


Name Description Value
jobInputType [Required] Specifies the type of job. "triton_model" (required)
mode Input Asset Delivery Mode. "Direct"
uri [Required] Input Asset URI. string (required)

Pattern = [a-zA-Z0-9_]


Name Description Value
jobInputType [Required] Specifies the type of job. "uri_file" (required)
mode Input Asset Delivery Mode. "Direct"
uri [Required] Input Asset URI. string (required)

Pattern = [a-zA-Z0-9_]


Name Description Value
jobInputType [Required] Specifies the type of job. "uri_folder" (required)
mode Input Asset Delivery Mode. "Direct"
uri [Required] Input Asset URI. string (required)

Pattern = [a-zA-Z0-9_]


Name Description Value
jobLimitsType [Required] JobLimit type. "Command"
"Sweep" (required)
timeout The max run duration in ISO 8601 format, after which the job will be cancelled. Only supports duration with precision as low as Seconds. string


Name Description Value
{customized property} JobOutput


Name Description Value
componentId ARM resource ID of the component resource. string
computeId ARM resource ID of the compute resource. string
dataConfiguration Configuration of data used in the job. LabelingDataConfiguration
description The asset description text. string
displayName Display name of job. string
experimentName The name of the experiment the job belongs to. If not set, the job is placed in the "Default" experiment. string
identity Identity configuration. If set, this should be one of AmlToken, ManagedIdentity, UserIdentity or null.
Defaults to AmlToken if null.
isArchived Is the asset archived? bool
jobInstructions Labeling instructions of the job. LabelingJobInstructions
jobType [Required] Specifies the type of job. "AutoML"
"Sweep" (required)
labelCategories Label categories of the job. LabelingJobLabelCategories
labelingJobMediaProperties Media type specific properties in the job. LabelingJobMediaProperties
mlAssistConfiguration Configuration of MLAssist feature in the job. MLAssistConfiguration
notificationSetting Notification setting for the job NotificationSetting
properties The asset property dictionary. ResourceBaseProperties
services List of JobEndpoints.
For local jobs, a job endpoint will have an endpoint value of FileStreamObject.
tags Tag dictionary. Tags can be added, removed, and updated. object


Name Description Value
dataId Resource Id of the data asset to perform labeling. string
incrementalDataRefresh Indicates whether to enable incremental data refresh. "Disabled"


Name Description Value
uri The link to a page with detailed labeling instructions for labelers. string


Name Description Value
{customized property} LabelCategory


Name Description Value
classes Dictionary of label classes in this category. LabelCategoryClasses
displayName Display name of the label category. string
multiSelect Indicates whether it is allowed to select multiple classes in this category. "Disabled"


Name Description Value
{customized property} LabelClass


Name Description Value
displayName Display name of the label class. string
subclasses Dictionary of subclasses of the label class. LabelClassSubclasses


Name Description Value
{customized property} LabelClass


Name Description Value
mediaType Set the object type Image
Text (required)


Name Description Value
mediaType [Required] Media type of the job. "Image" (required)
annotationType Annotation type of image labeling job. "BoundingBox"


Name Description Value
mediaType [Required] Media type of the job. "Text" (required)
annotationType Annotation type of text labeling job. "Classification"


Name Description Value
mlAssist Set the object type Disabled
Enabled (required)


Name Description Value
mlAssist [Required] Indicates whether MLAssist feature is enabled. "Disabled" (required)


Name Description Value
mlAssist [Required] Indicates whether MLAssist feature is enabled. "Enabled" (required)
inferencingComputeBinding [Required] AML compute binding used in inferencing. string (required)

Pattern = [a-zA-Z0-9_]
trainingComputeBinding [Required] AML compute binding used in training. string (required)

Pattern = [a-zA-Z0-9_]


Name Description Value
jobType [Required] Specifies the type of job. "Pipeline" (required)
inputs Inputs for the pipeline job. PipelineJobInputs
jobs Jobs construct the Pipeline Job. PipelineJobJobs
outputs Outputs for the pipeline job PipelineJobOutputs
settings Pipeline settings, for things like ContinueRunOnStepFailure etc.
sourceJobId ARM resource ID of source job. string


Name Description Value
{customized property} JobInput


Name Description Value
{customized property}


Name Description Value
{customized property} JobOutput


Name Description Value
jobType [Required] Specifies the type of job. "Spark" (required)
archives Archive files used in the job. string[]
args Arguments for the job. string
codeId [Required] ARM resource ID of the code asset. string (required)

Pattern = [a-zA-Z0-9_]
conf Spark configured properties. SparkJobConf
entry [Required] The entry to execute on startup of the job. SparkJobEntry (required)
environmentId The ARM resource ID of the Environment specification for the job. string
files Files used in the job. string[]
inputs Mapping of input data bindings used in the job. SparkJobInputs
jars Jar files used in the job. string[]
outputs Mapping of output data bindings used in the job. SparkJobOutputs
pyFiles Python files used in the job. string[]
queueSettings Queue settings for the job QueueSettings
resources Compute Resource configuration for the job. SparkResourceConfiguration


Name Description Value
{customized property} string


Name Description Value
sparkJobEntryType Set the object type SparkJobPythonEntry
SparkJobScalaEntry (required)


Name Description Value
sparkJobEntryType [Required] Type of the job's entry point. "SparkJobPythonEntry" (required)
file [Required] Relative python file path for job entry point. string (required)

Min length = 1
Pattern = [a-zA-Z0-9_]


Name Description Value
sparkJobEntryType [Required] Type of the job's entry point. "SparkJobScalaEntry" (required)
className [Required] Scala class name used as entry point. string (required)

Min length = 1
Pattern = [a-zA-Z0-9_]


Name Description Value
{customized property} JobInput


Name Description Value
{customized property} JobOutput


Name Description Value
instanceType Optional type of VM used as supported by the compute target. string
runtimeVersion Version of spark runtime used for the job. string


Name Description Value
jobType [Required] Specifies the type of job. "Sweep" (required)
earlyTermination Early termination policies enable canceling poor-performing runs before they complete EarlyTerminationPolicy
inputs Mapping of input data bindings used in the job. SweepJobInputs
limits Sweep Job limit. SweepJobLimits
objective [Required] Optimization objective. Objective (required)
outputs Mapping of output data bindings used in the job. SweepJobOutputs
queueSettings Queue settings for the job QueueSettings
samplingAlgorithm [Required] The hyperparameter sampling algorithm SamplingAlgorithm (required)
searchSpace [Required] A dictionary containing each parameter and its distribution. The dictionary key is the name of the parameter
trial [Required] Trial component definition. TrialComponent (required)


Name Description Value
{customized property} JobInput


Name Description Value
jobLimitsType [Required] JobLimit type. "Command"
"Sweep" (required)
maxConcurrentTrials Sweep Job max concurrent trials. int
maxTotalTrials Sweep Job max total trials. int
timeout The max run duration in ISO 8601 format, after which the job will be cancelled. Only supports duration with precision as low as Seconds. string
trialTimeout Sweep Job Trial timeout value. string


Name Description Value
goal [Required] Defines supported metric goals for hyperparameter tuning "Maximize"
"Minimize" (required)
primaryMetric [Required] Name of the metric to optimize. string (required)

Pattern = [a-zA-Z0-9_]


Name Description Value
{customized property} JobOutput


Name Description Value
samplingAlgorithmType Set the object type Bayesian
Random (required)


Name Description Value
samplingAlgorithmType [Required] The algorithm used for generating hyperparameter values, along with configuration properties "Bayesian" (required)


Name Description Value
samplingAlgorithmType [Required] The algorithm used for generating hyperparameter values, along with configuration properties "Grid" (required)


Name Description Value
samplingAlgorithmType [Required] The algorithm used for generating hyperparameter values, along with configuration properties "Random" (required)
logbase An optional positive number or e in string format to be used as base for log based random sampling string
rule The specific type of random algorithm "Random"
seed An optional integer to use as the seed for random number generation int


Name Description Value
codeId ARM resource ID of the code asset. string
command [Required] The command to execute on startup of the job. eg. "python" string (required)

Min length = 1
Pattern = [a-zA-Z0-9_]
distribution Distribution configuration of the job. If set, this should be one of Mpi, Tensorflow, PyTorch, or null. DistributionConfiguration
environmentId [Required] The ARM resource ID of the Environment specification for the job. string (required)

Pattern = [a-zA-Z0-9_]
environmentVariables Environment variables included in the job. TrialComponentEnvironmentVariables
resources Compute Resource configuration for the job. JobResourceConfiguration


Name Description Value
{customized property} string