Microsoft.Network networkWatchers/connectionMonitors 2023-06-01

Bicep resource definition

The networkWatchers/connectionMonitors resource type can be deployed with operations that target:

For a list of changed properties in each API version, see change log.

Resource format

To create a Microsoft.Network/networkWatchers/connectionMonitors resource, add the following Bicep to your template.

resource symbolicname 'Microsoft.Network/networkWatchers/connectionMonitors@2023-06-01' = {
  name: 'string'
  location: 'string'
  tags: {
    tagName1: 'tagValue1'
    tagName2: 'tagValue2'
  parent: resourceSymbolicName
  properties: {
    autoStart: bool
    destination: {
      address: 'string'
      port: int
      resourceId: 'string'
    endpoints: [
        address: 'string'
        coverageLevel: 'string'
        filter: {
          items: [
              address: 'string'
              type: 'AgentAddress'
          type: 'Include'
        name: 'string'
        resourceId: 'string'
        scope: {
          exclude: [
              address: 'string'
          include: [
              address: 'string'
        type: 'string'
    monitoringIntervalInSeconds: int
    notes: 'string'
    outputs: [
        type: 'Workspace'
        workspaceSettings: {
          workspaceResourceId: 'string'
    source: {
      port: int
      resourceId: 'string'
    testConfigurations: [
        httpConfiguration: {
          method: 'string'
          path: 'string'
          port: int
          preferHTTPS: bool
          requestHeaders: [
              name: 'string'
              value: 'string'
          validStatusCodeRanges: [
        icmpConfiguration: {
          disableTraceRoute: bool
        name: 'string'
        preferredIPVersion: 'string'
        protocol: 'string'
        successThreshold: {
          checksFailedPercent: int
          roundTripTimeMs: int
        tcpConfiguration: {
          destinationPortBehavior: 'string'
          disableTraceRoute: bool
          port: int
        testFrequencySec: int
    testGroups: [
        destinations: [
        disable: bool
        name: 'string'
        sources: [
        testConfigurations: [

Property values


Name Description Value
name The resource name

See how to set names and types for child resources in Bicep.
string (required)
location Connection monitor location. string
tags Connection monitor tags. Dictionary of tag names and values. See Tags in templates
parent In Bicep, you can specify the parent resource for a child resource. You only need to add this property when the child resource is declared outside of the parent resource.

For more information, see Child resource outside parent resource.
Symbolic name for resource of type: networkWatchers
properties Properties of the connection monitor. ConnectionMonitorParametersOrConnectionMonitorResult... (required)


Name Description Value
autoStart Determines if the connection monitor will start automatically once created. bool
destination Describes the destination of connection monitor. ConnectionMonitorDestination
endpoints List of connection monitor endpoints. ConnectionMonitorEndpoint[]
monitoringIntervalInSeconds Monitoring interval in seconds. int

Min value = 30
Max value = 1800
notes Optional notes to be associated with the connection monitor. string
outputs List of connection monitor outputs. ConnectionMonitorOutput[]
source Describes the source of connection monitor. ConnectionMonitorSource
testConfigurations List of connection monitor test configurations. ConnectionMonitorTestConfiguration[]
testGroups List of connection monitor test groups. ConnectionMonitorTestGroup[]


Name Description Value
address Address of the connection monitor destination (IP or domain name). string
port The destination port used by connection monitor. int

Min value = 0
Max value = 65535
resourceId The ID of the resource used as the destination by connection monitor. string


Name Description Value
address Address of the connection monitor endpoint (IP or domain name). string
coverageLevel Test coverage for the endpoint. 'AboveAverage'
filter Filter for sub-items within the endpoint. ConnectionMonitorEndpointFilter
name The name of the connection monitor endpoint. string (required)
resourceId Resource ID of the connection monitor endpoint. string
scope Endpoint scope. ConnectionMonitorEndpointScope
type The endpoint type. 'AzureArcVM'


Name Description Value
items List of items in the filter. ConnectionMonitorEndpointFilterItem[]
type The behavior of the endpoint filter. Currently only 'Include' is supported. 'Include'


Name Description Value
address The address of the filter item. string
type The type of item included in the filter. Currently only 'AgentAddress' is supported. 'AgentAddress'


Name Description Value
exclude List of items which needs to be excluded from the endpoint scope. ConnectionMonitorEndpointScopeItem[]
include List of items which needs to be included to the endpoint scope. ConnectionMonitorEndpointScopeItem[]


Name Description Value
address The address of the endpoint item. Supported types are IPv4/IPv6 subnet mask or IPv4/IPv6 IP address. string


Name Description Value
type Connection monitor output destination type. Currently, only "Workspace" is supported. 'Workspace'
workspaceSettings Describes the settings for producing output into a log analytics workspace. ConnectionMonitorWorkspaceSettings


Name Description Value
workspaceResourceId Log analytics workspace resource ID. string


Name Description Value
port The source port used by connection monitor. int

Min value = 0
Max value = 65535
resourceId The ID of the resource used as the source by connection monitor. string (required)


Name Description Value
httpConfiguration The parameters used to perform test evaluation over HTTP. ConnectionMonitorHttpConfiguration
icmpConfiguration The parameters used to perform test evaluation over ICMP. ConnectionMonitorIcmpConfiguration
name The name of the connection monitor test configuration. string (required)
preferredIPVersion The preferred IP version to use in test evaluation. The connection monitor may choose to use a different version depending on other parameters. 'IPv4'
protocol The protocol to use in test evaluation. 'Http'
'Tcp' (required)
successThreshold The threshold for declaring a test successful. ConnectionMonitorSuccessThreshold
tcpConfiguration The parameters used to perform test evaluation over TCP. ConnectionMonitorTcpConfiguration
testFrequencySec The frequency of test evaluation, in seconds. int


Name Description Value
method The HTTP method to use. 'Get'
path The path component of the URI. For instance, "/dir1/dir2". string
port The port to connect to. int

Min value = 0
Max value = 65535
preferHTTPS Value indicating whether HTTPS is preferred over HTTP in cases where the choice is not explicit. bool
requestHeaders The HTTP headers to transmit with the request. HttpHeader[]
validStatusCodeRanges HTTP status codes to consider successful. For instance, "2xx,301-304,418". string[]


Name Description Value
name The name in HTTP header. string
value The value in HTTP header. string


Name Description Value
disableTraceRoute Value indicating whether path evaluation with trace route should be disabled. bool


Name Description Value
checksFailedPercent The maximum percentage of failed checks permitted for a test to evaluate as successful. int
roundTripTimeMs The maximum round-trip time in milliseconds permitted for a test to evaluate as successful. int


Name Description Value
destinationPortBehavior Destination port behavior. 'ListenIfAvailable'
disableTraceRoute Value indicating whether path evaluation with trace route should be disabled. bool
port The port to connect to. int

Min value = 0
Max value = 65535


Name Description Value
destinations List of destination endpoint names. string[] (required)
disable Value indicating whether test group is disabled. bool
name The name of the connection monitor test group. string (required)
sources List of source endpoint names. string[] (required)
testConfigurations List of test configuration names. string[] (required)

ARM template resource definition

The networkWatchers/connectionMonitors resource type can be deployed with operations that target:

For a list of changed properties in each API version, see change log.

Resource format

To create a Microsoft.Network/networkWatchers/connectionMonitors resource, add the following JSON to your template.

  "type": "Microsoft.Network/networkWatchers/connectionMonitors",
  "apiVersion": "2023-06-01",
  "name": "string",
  "location": "string",
  "tags": {
    "tagName1": "tagValue1",
    "tagName2": "tagValue2"
  "properties": {
    "autoStart": "bool",
    "destination": {
      "address": "string",
      "port": "int",
      "resourceId": "string"
    "endpoints": [
        "address": "string",
        "coverageLevel": "string",
        "filter": {
          "items": [
              "address": "string",
              "type": "AgentAddress"
          "type": "Include"
        "name": "string",
        "resourceId": "string",
        "scope": {
          "exclude": [
              "address": "string"
          "include": [
              "address": "string"
        "type": "string"
    "monitoringIntervalInSeconds": "int",
    "notes": "string",
    "outputs": [
        "type": "Workspace",
        "workspaceSettings": {
          "workspaceResourceId": "string"
    "source": {
      "port": "int",
      "resourceId": "string"
    "testConfigurations": [
        "httpConfiguration": {
          "method": "string",
          "path": "string",
          "port": "int",
          "preferHTTPS": "bool",
          "requestHeaders": [
              "name": "string",
              "value": "string"
          "validStatusCodeRanges": [ "string" ]
        "icmpConfiguration": {
          "disableTraceRoute": "bool"
        "name": "string",
        "preferredIPVersion": "string",
        "protocol": "string",
        "successThreshold": {
          "checksFailedPercent": "int",
          "roundTripTimeMs": "int"
        "tcpConfiguration": {
          "destinationPortBehavior": "string",
          "disableTraceRoute": "bool",
          "port": "int"
        "testFrequencySec": "int"
    "testGroups": [
        "destinations": [ "string" ],
        "disable": "bool",
        "name": "string",
        "sources": [ "string" ],
        "testConfigurations": [ "string" ]

Property values


Name Description Value
type The resource type 'Microsoft.Network/networkWatchers/connectionMonitors'
apiVersion The resource api version '2023-06-01'
name The resource name

See how to set names and types for child resources in JSON ARM templates.
string (required)
location Connection monitor location. string
tags Connection monitor tags. Dictionary of tag names and values. See Tags in templates
properties Properties of the connection monitor. ConnectionMonitorParametersOrConnectionMonitorResult... (required)


Name Description Value
autoStart Determines if the connection monitor will start automatically once created. bool
destination Describes the destination of connection monitor. ConnectionMonitorDestination
endpoints List of connection monitor endpoints. ConnectionMonitorEndpoint[]
monitoringIntervalInSeconds Monitoring interval in seconds. int

Min value = 30
Max value = 1800
notes Optional notes to be associated with the connection monitor. string
outputs List of connection monitor outputs. ConnectionMonitorOutput[]
source Describes the source of connection monitor. ConnectionMonitorSource
testConfigurations List of connection monitor test configurations. ConnectionMonitorTestConfiguration[]
testGroups List of connection monitor test groups. ConnectionMonitorTestGroup[]


Name Description Value
address Address of the connection monitor destination (IP or domain name). string
port The destination port used by connection monitor. int

Min value = 0
Max value = 65535
resourceId The ID of the resource used as the destination by connection monitor. string


Name Description Value
address Address of the connection monitor endpoint (IP or domain name). string
coverageLevel Test coverage for the endpoint. 'AboveAverage'
filter Filter for sub-items within the endpoint. ConnectionMonitorEndpointFilter
name The name of the connection monitor endpoint. string (required)
resourceId Resource ID of the connection monitor endpoint. string
scope Endpoint scope. ConnectionMonitorEndpointScope
type The endpoint type. 'AzureArcVM'


Name Description Value
items List of items in the filter. ConnectionMonitorEndpointFilterItem[]
type The behavior of the endpoint filter. Currently only 'Include' is supported. 'Include'


Name Description Value
address The address of the filter item. string
type The type of item included in the filter. Currently only 'AgentAddress' is supported. 'AgentAddress'


Name Description Value
exclude List of items which needs to be excluded from the endpoint scope. ConnectionMonitorEndpointScopeItem[]
include List of items which needs to be included to the endpoint scope. ConnectionMonitorEndpointScopeItem[]


Name Description Value
address The address of the endpoint item. Supported types are IPv4/IPv6 subnet mask or IPv4/IPv6 IP address. string


Name Description Value
type Connection monitor output destination type. Currently, only "Workspace" is supported. 'Workspace'
workspaceSettings Describes the settings for producing output into a log analytics workspace. ConnectionMonitorWorkspaceSettings


Name Description Value
workspaceResourceId Log analytics workspace resource ID. string


Name Description Value
port The source port used by connection monitor. int

Min value = 0
Max value = 65535
resourceId The ID of the resource used as the source by connection monitor. string (required)


Name Description Value
httpConfiguration The parameters used to perform test evaluation over HTTP. ConnectionMonitorHttpConfiguration
icmpConfiguration The parameters used to perform test evaluation over ICMP. ConnectionMonitorIcmpConfiguration
name The name of the connection monitor test configuration. string (required)
preferredIPVersion The preferred IP version to use in test evaluation. The connection monitor may choose to use a different version depending on other parameters. 'IPv4'
protocol The protocol to use in test evaluation. 'Http'
'Tcp' (required)
successThreshold The threshold for declaring a test successful. ConnectionMonitorSuccessThreshold
tcpConfiguration The parameters used to perform test evaluation over TCP. ConnectionMonitorTcpConfiguration
testFrequencySec The frequency of test evaluation, in seconds. int


Name Description Value
method The HTTP method to use. 'Get'
path The path component of the URI. For instance, "/dir1/dir2". string
port The port to connect to. int

Min value = 0
Max value = 65535
preferHTTPS Value indicating whether HTTPS is preferred over HTTP in cases where the choice is not explicit. bool
requestHeaders The HTTP headers to transmit with the request. HttpHeader[]
validStatusCodeRanges HTTP status codes to consider successful. For instance, "2xx,301-304,418". string[]


Name Description Value
name The name in HTTP header. string
value The value in HTTP header. string


Name Description Value
disableTraceRoute Value indicating whether path evaluation with trace route should be disabled. bool


Name Description Value
checksFailedPercent The maximum percentage of failed checks permitted for a test to evaluate as successful. int
roundTripTimeMs The maximum round-trip time in milliseconds permitted for a test to evaluate as successful. int


Name Description Value
destinationPortBehavior Destination port behavior. 'ListenIfAvailable'
disableTraceRoute Value indicating whether path evaluation with trace route should be disabled. bool
port The port to connect to. int

Min value = 0
Max value = 65535


Name Description Value
destinations List of destination endpoint names. string[] (required)
disable Value indicating whether test group is disabled. bool
name The name of the connection monitor test group. string (required)
sources List of source endpoint names. string[] (required)
testConfigurations List of test configuration names. string[] (required)

Terraform (AzAPI provider) resource definition

The networkWatchers/connectionMonitors resource type can be deployed with operations that target:

  • Resource groups

For a list of changed properties in each API version, see change log.

Resource format

To create a Microsoft.Network/networkWatchers/connectionMonitors resource, add the following Terraform to your template.

resource "azapi_resource" "symbolicname" {
  type = "Microsoft.Network/networkWatchers/connectionMonitors@2023-06-01"
  name = "string"
  location = "string"
  parent_id = "string"
  tags = {
    tagName1 = "tagValue1"
    tagName2 = "tagValue2"
  body = jsonencode({
    properties = {
      autoStart = bool
      destination = {
        address = "string"
        port = int
        resourceId = "string"
      endpoints = [
          address = "string"
          coverageLevel = "string"
          filter = {
            items = [
                address = "string"
                type = "AgentAddress"
            type = "Include"
          name = "string"
          resourceId = "string"
          scope = {
            exclude = [
                address = "string"
            include = [
                address = "string"
          type = "string"
      monitoringIntervalInSeconds = int
      notes = "string"
      outputs = [
          type = "Workspace"
          workspaceSettings = {
            workspaceResourceId = "string"
      source = {
        port = int
        resourceId = "string"
      testConfigurations = [
          httpConfiguration = {
            method = "string"
            path = "string"
            port = int
            preferHTTPS = bool
            requestHeaders = [
                name = "string"
                value = "string"
            validStatusCodeRanges = [
          icmpConfiguration = {
            disableTraceRoute = bool
          name = "string"
          preferredIPVersion = "string"
          protocol = "string"
          successThreshold = {
            checksFailedPercent = int
            roundTripTimeMs = int
          tcpConfiguration = {
            destinationPortBehavior = "string"
            disableTraceRoute = bool
            port = int
          testFrequencySec = int
      testGroups = [
          destinations = [
          disable = bool
          name = "string"
          sources = [
          testConfigurations = [

Property values


Name Description Value
type The resource type "Microsoft.Network/networkWatchers/connectionMonitors@2023-06-01"
name The resource name string (required)
location Connection monitor location. string
parent_id The ID of the resource that is the parent for this resource. ID for resource of type: networkWatchers
tags Connection monitor tags. Dictionary of tag names and values.
properties Properties of the connection monitor. ConnectionMonitorParametersOrConnectionMonitorResult... (required)


Name Description Value
autoStart Determines if the connection monitor will start automatically once created. bool
destination Describes the destination of connection monitor. ConnectionMonitorDestination
endpoints List of connection monitor endpoints. ConnectionMonitorEndpoint[]
monitoringIntervalInSeconds Monitoring interval in seconds. int

Min value = 30
Max value = 1800
notes Optional notes to be associated with the connection monitor. string
outputs List of connection monitor outputs. ConnectionMonitorOutput[]
source Describes the source of connection monitor. ConnectionMonitorSource
testConfigurations List of connection monitor test configurations. ConnectionMonitorTestConfiguration[]
testGroups List of connection monitor test groups. ConnectionMonitorTestGroup[]


Name Description Value
address Address of the connection monitor destination (IP or domain name). string
port The destination port used by connection monitor. int

Min value = 0
Max value = 65535
resourceId The ID of the resource used as the destination by connection monitor. string


Name Description Value
address Address of the connection monitor endpoint (IP or domain name). string
coverageLevel Test coverage for the endpoint. "AboveAverage"
filter Filter for sub-items within the endpoint. ConnectionMonitorEndpointFilter
name The name of the connection monitor endpoint. string (required)
resourceId Resource ID of the connection monitor endpoint. string
scope Endpoint scope. ConnectionMonitorEndpointScope
type The endpoint type. "AzureArcVM"


Name Description Value
items List of items in the filter. ConnectionMonitorEndpointFilterItem[]
type The behavior of the endpoint filter. Currently only 'Include' is supported. "Include"


Name Description Value
address The address of the filter item. string
type The type of item included in the filter. Currently only 'AgentAddress' is supported. "AgentAddress"


Name Description Value
exclude List of items which needs to be excluded from the endpoint scope. ConnectionMonitorEndpointScopeItem[]
include List of items which needs to be included to the endpoint scope. ConnectionMonitorEndpointScopeItem[]


Name Description Value
address The address of the endpoint item. Supported types are IPv4/IPv6 subnet mask or IPv4/IPv6 IP address. string


Name Description Value
type Connection monitor output destination type. Currently, only "Workspace" is supported. "Workspace"
workspaceSettings Describes the settings for producing output into a log analytics workspace. ConnectionMonitorWorkspaceSettings


Name Description Value
workspaceResourceId Log analytics workspace resource ID. string


Name Description Value
port The source port used by connection monitor. int

Min value = 0
Max value = 65535
resourceId The ID of the resource used as the source by connection monitor. string (required)


Name Description Value
httpConfiguration The parameters used to perform test evaluation over HTTP. ConnectionMonitorHttpConfiguration
icmpConfiguration The parameters used to perform test evaluation over ICMP. ConnectionMonitorIcmpConfiguration
name The name of the connection monitor test configuration. string (required)
preferredIPVersion The preferred IP version to use in test evaluation. The connection monitor may choose to use a different version depending on other parameters. "IPv4"
protocol The protocol to use in test evaluation. "Http"
"Tcp" (required)
successThreshold The threshold for declaring a test successful. ConnectionMonitorSuccessThreshold
tcpConfiguration The parameters used to perform test evaluation over TCP. ConnectionMonitorTcpConfiguration
testFrequencySec The frequency of test evaluation, in seconds. int


Name Description Value
method The HTTP method to use. "Get"
path The path component of the URI. For instance, "/dir1/dir2". string
port The port to connect to. int

Min value = 0
Max value = 65535
preferHTTPS Value indicating whether HTTPS is preferred over HTTP in cases where the choice is not explicit. bool
requestHeaders The HTTP headers to transmit with the request. HttpHeader[]
validStatusCodeRanges HTTP status codes to consider successful. For instance, "2xx,301-304,418". string[]


Name Description Value
name The name in HTTP header. string
value The value in HTTP header. string


Name Description Value
disableTraceRoute Value indicating whether path evaluation with trace route should be disabled. bool


Name Description Value
checksFailedPercent The maximum percentage of failed checks permitted for a test to evaluate as successful. int
roundTripTimeMs The maximum round-trip time in milliseconds permitted for a test to evaluate as successful. int


Name Description Value
destinationPortBehavior Destination port behavior. "ListenIfAvailable"
disableTraceRoute Value indicating whether path evaluation with trace route should be disabled. bool
port The port to connect to. int

Min value = 0
Max value = 65535


Name Description Value
destinations List of destination endpoint names. string[] (required)
disable Value indicating whether test group is disabled. bool
name The name of the connection monitor test group. string (required)
sources List of source endpoint names. string[] (required)
testConfigurations List of test configuration names. string[] (required)