IHttpSysRequestTimingFeature.Timestamps Property


Gets all Http.Sys timing timestamps

public ReadOnlySpan<long> Timestamps { get; }
member this.Timestamps : ReadOnlySpan<int64>
Public ReadOnly Property Timestamps As ReadOnlySpan(Of Long)

Property Value


These timestamps were obtained using QueryPerformanceCounter https://video2.skills-academy.com/windows/win32/api/profileapi/nf-profileapi-queryperformancecounter and the timestamp frequency can be obtained via QueryPerformanceFrequency https://video2.skills-academy.com/windows/win32/api/profileapi/nf-profileapi-queryperformancefrequency. The index of the timing can be cast to HttpSysRequestTimingType to know what the timing represents. The value may be 0 if the timing is not available for the current request.

Applies to