PatchSettings Constructors




Initializes a new instance of the PatchSettings class.

PatchSettings(String, Nullable<Boolean>, String, WindowsVMGuestPatchAutomaticByPlatformSettings)

Initializes a new instance of the PatchSettings class.


Initializes a new instance of the PatchSettings class.

public PatchSettings ();
Public Sub New ()

Applies to

PatchSettings(String, Nullable<Boolean>, String, WindowsVMGuestPatchAutomaticByPlatformSettings)

Initializes a new instance of the PatchSettings class.

public PatchSettings (string patchMode = default, bool? enableHotpatching = default, string assessmentMode = default, Microsoft.Azure.Management.Compute.Models.WindowsVMGuestPatchAutomaticByPlatformSettings automaticByPlatformSettings = default);
new Microsoft.Azure.Management.Compute.Models.PatchSettings : string * Nullable<bool> * string * Microsoft.Azure.Management.Compute.Models.WindowsVMGuestPatchAutomaticByPlatformSettings -> Microsoft.Azure.Management.Compute.Models.PatchSettings
Public Sub New (Optional patchMode As String = Nothing, Optional enableHotpatching As Nullable(Of Boolean) = Nothing, Optional assessmentMode As String = Nothing, Optional automaticByPlatformSettings As WindowsVMGuestPatchAutomaticByPlatformSettings = Nothing)



Specifies the mode of VM Guest Patching to IaaS virtual machine or virtual machines associated to virtual machine scale set with OrchestrationMode as Flexible.<br /><br /> Possible values are:<br /><br /> Manual - You control the application of patches to a virtual machine. You do this by applying patches manually inside the VM. In this mode, automatic updates are disabled; the property WindowsConfiguration.enableAutomaticUpdates must be false<br /><br /> AutomaticByOS - The virtual machine will automatically be updated by the OS. The property WindowsConfiguration.enableAutomaticUpdates must be true. <br /><br /> AutomaticByPlatform - the virtual machine will automatically updated by the platform. The properties provisionVMAgent and WindowsConfiguration.enableAutomaticUpdates must be true. Possible values include: 'Manual', 'AutomaticByOS', 'AutomaticByPlatform'


Enables customers to patch their Azure VMs without requiring a reboot. For enableHotpatching, the 'provisionVMAgent' must be set to true and 'patchMode' must be set to 'AutomaticByPlatform'.


Specifies the mode of VM Guest patch assessment for the IaaS virtual machine.<br /><br /> Possible values are:<br /><br /> ImageDefault - You control the timing of patch assessments on a virtual machine.<br /><br /> AutomaticByPlatform - The platform will trigger periodic patch assessments. The property provisionVMAgent must be true. Possible values include: 'ImageDefault', 'AutomaticByPlatform'


Specifies additional settings for patch mode AutomaticByPlatform in VM Guest Patching on Windows.

Applies to