FlipTile Class


Represents a Flip Tile targeting MPNS. Use the FlipTile with MpnsPushMessage to create an MPNS notification and send it using the PushClient.

public class FlipTile : Microsoft.Azure.Mobile.Server.Notifications.MpnsTileMessage
type FlipTile = class
    inherit MpnsTileMessage
Public Class FlipTile
Inherits MpnsTileMessage


For more information about MPNS Flip Tiles, see http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windowsphone/develop/jj206971.



Initialize a new instance of the FlipTile class.



Gets or sets a background image of the back of the tile. If this property is an empty URI, the background image of the back of the tile will not change during an update.


Gets or sets the text to display on the back of the tile, above the title. If this property is an empty string, the content on the back of the tile will not change during an update.


Gets or sets the background image of the front of the tile. If this property is an empty URI, the background image of the front of the tile will not change during an update.


Gets or sets the title to display at the bottom of the back of the tile. If this property is an empty string, the title on the back of the tile will not change during an update.


Gets or sets a value between 1 and 99 that will be displayed in the Count field of the Tile. A value of 0 means the Count will not be displayed. If this property is not set, the Count display will not change during an update.

(Inherited from MpnsTileMessage)

Gets or sets the optional ID or the tile.

(Inherited from MpnsTileMessage)

Gets the properties associated with this toast or tile.

(Inherited from MpnsMessage)

Gets and sets the front-side background image for the small tile size.


Gets or sets the template name of the tile or toast, e.g. "FlipTile", or null if there is no template name.

(Inherited from MpnsMessage)

Gets or sets the id of the tile.

(Inherited from MpnsMessage)

Gets or sets the text that displays on the front side of the medium and wide tile sizes.

(Inherited from MpnsTileMessage)

Gets or sets the version of the tile or toast, e.g. "2.0", or null if there is no version.

(Inherited from MpnsMessage)

Gets and sets the back-side background image for the wide tile size.


Gets and sets the text that displays above the title, on the back-side of the wide tile size.


Gets and sets the front-side background image for the wide tile size.

Explicit Interface Implementations

IXmlSerializable.GetSchema() (Inherited from MpnsMessage)
IXmlSerializable.ReadXml(XmlReader) (Inherited from MpnsMessage)
IXmlSerializable.WriteXml(XmlWriter) (Inherited from MpnsMessage)

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