FilePicker.PickAsync(PickOptions) Method


Opens the default file picker to allow the user to pick a single file.

public static System.Threading.Tasks.Task<Microsoft.Maui.Storage.FileResult?> PickAsync (Microsoft.Maui.Storage.PickOptions? options = default);
static member PickAsync : Microsoft.Maui.Storage.PickOptions -> System.Threading.Tasks.Task<Microsoft.Maui.Storage.FileResult>
Public Shared Function PickAsync (Optional options As PickOptions = Nothing) As Task(Of FileResult)



File picker options to use; may be null for default options.


File picking result object, or null if picking was cancelled by the user.


File types can be specified in order to limit files that can be selected, using a PickOptions object. Note that this method may re-throw platform specific exceptions that occurred during file picking. When calling PickAsync(PickOptions) again while showing a file picker, the Task object that was returned from the first call is cancelled. Be sure to also handle the TaskCanceledException in this case.

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