AzureActiveDirectoryExtendedLoginProvider Class


Provides an LoginProvider implementation providing support for Azure Active Directory authentication using both client and server side flow.

public class AzureActiveDirectoryExtendedLoginProvider : Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Mobile.Service.Security.Providers.AzureActiveDirectoryLoginProvider
type AzureActiveDirectoryExtendedLoginProvider = class
    inherit AzureActiveDirectoryLoginProvider
Public Class AzureActiveDirectoryExtendedLoginProvider
Inherits AzureActiveDirectoryLoginProvider


AzureActiveDirectoryExtendedLoginProvider(HttpConfiguration, IServiceTokenHandler)

Initializes a new instance of the AzureActiveDirectoryExtendedLoginProvider class with a given config, and tokenHandler.



Gets the Azure Active Directory for this service as defined by AzureActiveDirectoryAudience.


Gets the System.Web.Http.HttpConfiguration for this instance.

(Inherited from AzureActiveDirectoryLoginProvider)

Gets or sets the name uniquely identifying this ILoginProvider. The name is used to refer to the this ILoginProvider from the LoginController as well as from the OWIN application pipeline.

(Inherited from AzureActiveDirectoryLoginProvider)

Gets the IServiceTokenHandler for this instance.

(Inherited from LoginProvider)

Gets or sets the lifetime for generated tokens.

(Inherited from LoginProvider)



Handles the specified client flow login request

(Inherited from AzureActiveDirectoryLoginProvider)
ConfigureMiddleware(IAppBuilder, ServiceSettingsDictionary)

Configures this module for participation in the OWIN application pipeline. The module should be configured as passive so as only to participate in the mobile service authentication process when requested by the LoginController.


Return the set of provider specific credentials for inclusion in a login token

CreateLoginResult(ClaimsIdentity, String)

Creates a login result to return after a successful login.

(Inherited from LoginProvider)
CreateTokenInfo(ClaimsIdentity, ProviderCredentials, String)

Creates the final login token using the specified inputs. Derived classes can override to customize the login token produced.

(Inherited from AzureActiveDirectoryLoginProvider)

Gets the name under which the OWIN middleware handling the client flow should be registered.

(Inherited from LoginProvider)

Gets the single tenant used for OWIN middleware validation. The current Azure Active Directory OWIN middleware only supports single-tenant validation. In case we have a single tenant then we let the middleware do the validation but if there are multiple tenants then we do the validation here.

(Inherited from AzureActiveDirectoryLoginProvider)

Returns the set of tenants that have been registered for tenant issuer validation.

(Inherited from AzureActiveDirectoryLoginProvider)

Deserialize the specified provider credentials

(Inherited from AzureActiveDirectoryLoginProvider)
UseCustomAzureActiveDirectoryBearerAuthentication(IAppBuilder, WindowsAzureActiveDirectoryBearerAuthenticationOptions)

Registers the OWIN middleware for Azure Active Directory client flow authentication.

(Inherited from AzureActiveDirectoryLoginProvider)
UseCustomAzureActiveDirectoryOpenIdConnectAuthentication(IAppBuilder, AzureActiveDirectoryOpenIdConnectAuthenticationOptions)

Registers the OWIN middleware for Azure Active Directory server flow authentication.

Applies to