WSFederationMessage Class


Represents a WS-Federation message and defines the base class from which more specialized WS-Federation message classes derive.

public ref class WSFederationMessage abstract : System::IdentityModel::Services::FederationMessage
public abstract class WSFederationMessage : System.IdentityModel.Services.FederationMessage
type WSFederationMessage = class
    inherit FederationMessage
Public MustInherit Class WSFederationMessage
Inherits FederationMessage


The WSFederationMessage class represents either a WS-Federation request or a WS-Federation response. More specialized classes that represent specific WS-Federation messages derive from WSFederationMessage; for example, the SignInRequestMessage class, which represents a WS-Federation sign-in request message.

The WSFederationMessage class exposes several properties that can be used to set or access individual message parameters. These parameters can also be set or accessed through the Parameters dictionary. For example, you can read the wencoding parameter in the message either through the Encoding property or by specifying "wencoding" as the key to the Parameters dictionary.

The WSFederationMessage contains static methods that you can call to create the appropriate WS-Federation message from: a URL that includes a query string; a base URL and a collection of WS-Federation parameter names and values; or form post data in an HTTP request.

For more information about the message that this class represents, see section 13 of the following specification: Web Services Federation Language (WS-Federation) Version 1.2.


WSFederationMessage(Uri, String)

Initializes a new instance of the WSFederationMessage class from the base URL to which the message applies and the action to be performed (the wa message parameter).



Gets or sets the wa parameter of the message.


Gets or sets the base URL to which the message applies.

(Inherited from FederationMessage)

Gets or sets the wctx parameter of the message.


Gets or sets the wencoding parameter of the message.


Gets the message parameters as a dictionary.

(Inherited from FederationMessage)



Creates a WS-Federation message from the form post received in the specified request.

CreateFromNameValueCollection(Uri, NameValueCollection)

Creates a WS-Federation message from a NameValueCollection of parameters.


Creates a WS-Federation message from the specified URI. The parameters are assumed to be specified in the query string.


Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object.

(Inherited from Object)

Serves as the default hash function.

(Inherited from Object)

Returns the specified parameter value from the parameters dictionary.

(Inherited from FederationMessage)

Gets the Type of the current instance.

(Inherited from Object)

Creates a shallow copy of the current Object.

(Inherited from Object)

Removes a parameter from the parameters dictionary.

(Inherited from FederationMessage)
SetParameter(String, String)

Sets the value of a parameter in the parameters dictionary.

(Inherited from FederationMessage)
SetUriParameter(String, String)

Sets the value of a parameter in the parameters dictionary. The value must be an absolute URI.

(Inherited from FederationMessage)

Returns a string that represents the current object.

(Inherited from Object)
TryCreateFromUri(Uri, WSFederationMessage)

Attempts to create a WS-Federation message from the specified URI. The parameters are assumed to be specified as a query string.


Validates the message.

(Inherited from FederationMessage)

When overridden in a derived class, writes the message to the output stream.

(Inherited from FederationMessage)

Serializes the message as a form post and returns the resulting Form together with its Javascript as a string.

(Inherited from FederationMessage)

Returns a string representation of the message in query-string format.

(Inherited from FederationMessage)

Applies to