Evidence.CopyTo(Array, Int32) Method



Evidence should not be treated as an ICollection. Please use the GetHostEnumerator and GetAssemblyEnumerator methods rather than using CopyTo.


Evidence should not be treated as an ICollection. Use the GetHostEnumerator and GetAssemblyEnumerator methods rather than using CopyTo.


This API is now deprecated.

Copies evidence objects to an Array.

 virtual void CopyTo(Array ^ array, int index);
[System.Obsolete("Evidence should not be treated as an ICollection. Please use the GetHostEnumerator and GetAssemblyEnumerator methods rather than using CopyTo.")]
public void CopyTo (Array array, int index);
[System.Obsolete("Evidence should not be treated as an ICollection. Use the GetHostEnumerator and GetAssemblyEnumerator methods rather than using CopyTo.")]
public void CopyTo (Array array, int index);
public void CopyTo (Array array, int index);
public void CopyTo (Array array, int index);
[<System.Obsolete("Evidence should not be treated as an ICollection. Please use the GetHostEnumerator and GetAssemblyEnumerator methods rather than using CopyTo.")>]
abstract member CopyTo : Array * int -> unit
override this.CopyTo : Array * int -> unit
[<System.Obsolete("Evidence should not be treated as an ICollection. Use the GetHostEnumerator and GetAssemblyEnumerator methods rather than using CopyTo.")>]
abstract member CopyTo : Array * int -> unit
override this.CopyTo : Array * int -> unit
abstract member CopyTo : Array * int -> unit
override this.CopyTo : Array * int -> unit
abstract member CopyTo : Array * int -> unit
override this.CopyTo : Array * int -> unit
Public Sub CopyTo (array As Array, index As Integer)



The target array to which to copy evidence objects.


The zero-based position in the array to which to begin copying evidence objects.




array is null.

index is outside the range of the target array.


The following code example shows the use of the CopyTo method. This example is part of a larger example provided for the Evidence class.

Console::WriteLine( "\nCopy the evidence to an array using CopyTo, then display the array." );
array<Object^>^evidenceArray = gcnew array<Object^>(myEvidence->Count);
myEvidence->CopyTo( evidenceArray, 0 );
for each (Object^ obj in evidenceArray)
Console.WriteLine("\nCopy the evidence to an array using CopyTo, then display the array.");
object[] evidenceArray = new object[myEvidence.Count];
myEvidence.CopyTo(evidenceArray, 0);
foreach (object obj in evidenceArray)
Console.WriteLine(ControlChars.Lf & "Copy the evidence to an array using CopyTo, then display the array.")
Dim evidenceArray(myEvidence.Count - 1) As Object
myEvidence.CopyTo(evidenceArray, 0)
Dim obj As Object
For Each obj In evidenceArray
Next obj

Applies to