DesignerHierarchicalDataSourceView.GetDesignTimeData(Boolean) Method


Generates design-time data that matches the schema of the associated data source control and returns a value indicating whether the data is sample or real data.

 virtual System::Web::UI::IHierarchicalEnumerable ^ GetDesignTimeData([Runtime::InteropServices::Out] bool % isSampleData);
public virtual System.Web.UI.IHierarchicalEnumerable GetDesignTimeData (out bool isSampleData);
abstract member GetDesignTimeData : bool -> System.Web.UI.IHierarchicalEnumerable
override this.GetDesignTimeData : bool -> System.Web.UI.IHierarchicalEnumerable
Public Overridable Function GetDesignTimeData (ByRef isSampleData As Boolean) As IHierarchicalEnumerable



true to indicate the returned data is sample data; false to indicate the returned data is live data.


This implementation always returns null.


The GetDesignTimeData method should provide a design-time version of data for use by the associated data-bound control designer.

It is not expected or recommended that the designer perform actual data access at design time. Instead, the designer should create sample data that matches the schema of the data source.

Applies to

See also