ContextDataSourceView Class


Supports the ContextDataSource control and provides an interface for data-bound controls to perform data operations.

public ref class ContextDataSourceView abstract : System::Web::UI::WebControls::QueryableDataSourceView
public abstract class ContextDataSourceView : System.Web.UI.WebControls.QueryableDataSourceView
type ContextDataSourceView = class
    inherit QueryableDataSourceView
Public MustInherit Class ContextDataSourceView
Inherits QueryableDataSourceView


ContextDataSourceView(DataSourceControl, String, HttpContext)

Initializes a new instance of the ContextDataSourceView class.



Indicates that an event occurred after an instance of the context type object was created.


Indicates that an event occurs before an instance of the context type object is created.


Indicates that an event occurs before an instance of the context type object is disposed.



Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the QueryableDataSourceView object that is associated with the current QueryableDataSource control creates a dynamic an OrderBy clause.

(Inherited from QueryableDataSourceView)

Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the QueryableDataSourceView object that is associated with the current QueryableDataSource control creates a dynamic Where clause.

(Inherited from QueryableDataSourceView)

Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the QueryableDataSourceView object that is associated with the current QueryableDataSource control supports paging by default.

(Inherited from QueryableDataSourceView)

Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the QueryableDataSourceView object that is associated with the current QueryableDataSource control supports sorting by default.

(Inherited from QueryableDataSourceView)

Gets a value that indicates whether the QueryableDataSourceView object that is associated with the current QueryableDataSource control supports delete operations.

(Inherited from QueryableDataSourceView)

Gets a value that indicates whether the QueryableDataSourceView object that is associated with the current QueryableDataSource control supports insert operations.

(Inherited from QueryableDataSourceView)

Gets a value that indicates whether the QueryableDataSourceView object that is associated with the current QueryableDataSource control supports paging.

(Inherited from QueryableDataSourceView)

Gets a value that indicates whether the QueryableDataSourceView object that is associated with the current QueryableDataSource control supports retrieving the total number of data rows, and retrieving the data.

(Inherited from QueryableDataSourceView)

Gets a value that indicates whether the QueryableDataSourceView object that is associated with the current QueryableDataSource control supports a sorted view of the retrieved data.

(Inherited from QueryableDataSourceView)

Gets a value that indicates whether the QueryableDataSourceView object that is associated with the current QueryableDataSource control supports update operations.

(Inherited from QueryableDataSourceView)

Gets or sets the current data context.


Gets the type of the data context.


Gets or sets the name of the data context class that contains the field or property that is specified in the TableName property.


Gets the collection that contains the parameters that are used during a delete operation.

(Inherited from QueryableDataSourceView)

Gets or sets the object that contains the value of the data to retrieve.


Gets or sets the name of the property or field in the data-context class that represents a data collection.


Gets or sets the name of the object that is created for an insert, delete, or update operation.


Gets or sets the object that is created for an insert, delete, or update operation.


Gets or sets the name of the object that is created for an insert, delete, or update operation.


Gets a list of event-handler delegates for the data source view.

(Inherited from DataSourceView)

Gets or sets the name or names of the properties to use during the select operation for grouping data.

(Inherited from QueryableDataSourceView)

Gets a collection of parameters whose values are used to create the GroupBy clause during the select operation.

(Inherited from QueryableDataSourceView)

Gets a collection of parameters that are used during the insert operation.

(Inherited from QueryableDataSourceView)

Gets a value that indicates whether the QueryableDataSourceView object is saving changes to its view state.

(Inherited from QueryableDataSourceView)

Gets the name of the data source view.

(Inherited from DataSourceView)

Gets or sets the name or names of the properties that are used during the select operation to sort data.

(Inherited from QueryableDataSourceView)

Gets a collection of parameters that are used during the select operation to sort data.

(Inherited from QueryableDataSourceView)

Gets or sets the names of the properties that are used during the select operation to sort grouped data.

(Inherited from QueryableDataSourceView)

Gets a collection of parameters that are used to create the OrderGroupsBy clause.

(Inherited from QueryableDataSourceView)

Gets or sets the properties and calculated values that are included in the retrieved data.

(Inherited from QueryableDataSourceView)

Gets the collection of parameters that are used during a data-retrieval operation.

(Inherited from QueryableDataSourceView)

Gets the collection of parameters that are used during an update operation.

(Inherited from QueryableDataSourceView)

Gets or sets a value that specifies what conditions must be true for a row to be included in the retrieved data.

(Inherited from QueryableDataSourceView)

Gets a collection of parameters that are used to create a Where clause.

(Inherited from QueryableDataSourceView)


BuildDeleteObject(IDictionary, IDictionary, IDictionary<String,Exception>)

Creates the objects to use for the delete operation.

(Inherited from QueryableDataSourceView)
BuildInsertObject(IDictionary, IDictionary<String,Exception>)

Creates the objects to use for the insert operation by using the values to insert and the error message to display if the operation fails.

(Inherited from QueryableDataSourceView)

Creates a Select query expression by using the select arguments of the data source.

(Inherited from QueryableDataSourceView)
BuildUpdateObjects(IDictionary, IDictionary, IDictionary, IDictionary<String,Exception>)

Creates the objects to use for the update operation by using the specified values.

(Inherited from QueryableDataSourceView)

Determines whether the specified command can be executed.

(Inherited from DataSourceView)

Clears the original values.

(Inherited from QueryableDataSourceView)

Creates an instance of the data context and entity-set type for the specified operation.


Creates an instance of a query context object that contains the evaluated parameter collections.

(Inherited from QueryableDataSourceView)
Delete(IDictionary, IDictionary, DataSourceViewOperationCallback)

Performs an asynchronous delete operation on the list of data that the DataSourceView object represents.

(Inherited from DataSourceView)
Delete(IDictionary, IDictionary)

Performs a delete operation.

(Inherited from QueryableDataSourceView)

Deletes a data object from a table.

(Inherited from QueryableDataSourceView)

Disposes the context after an operation is performed.


Disposes the specified data context after an operation is performed.


Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object.

(Inherited from Object)
ExecuteCommand(String, IDictionary, IDictionary, DataSourceViewOperationCallback)

Executes the specified command.

(Inherited from DataSourceView)
ExecuteCommand(String, IDictionary, IDictionary)

Executes the specified command.

(Inherited from DataSourceView)
ExecuteDelete(IDictionary, IDictionary)

Performs a delete operation using the specified keys and using row values that are used to detect conflicts.


Performs an insert operation by using the values specified in a collection.

ExecutePaging(IQueryable, QueryContext)

Executes paging by using the QueryContext object from the QueryableDataSource object.

(Inherited from QueryableDataSourceView)
ExecuteQuery(IQueryable, QueryContext)

Performs a query, sort, or paging operation on the IQueryable<T> object.

(Inherited from QueryableDataSourceView)
ExecuteQueryExpressions(IQueryable, QueryContext)

Executes query expressions by using an IQueryable object and the QueryContext object.

(Inherited from QueryableDataSourceView)

Performs a data-retrieval operation.

(Inherited from QueryableDataSourceView)
ExecuteSorting(IQueryable, QueryContext)

Performs a sorting operation.

(Inherited from QueryableDataSourceView)
ExecuteUpdate(IDictionary, IDictionary, IDictionary)

Performs an update operation by using the specified row-key values, the row values, and the row values that are used to detect conflicts.


Retrieves the type of data object to use for the delete, insert, and update operations.


Retrieves the entity set as a property, field, or data context.


Serves as the default hash function.

(Inherited from Object)

Retrieves the original values for the specified keys that were stored during the Select operation.

(Inherited from QueryableDataSourceView)

Retrieves the source of the query context.


Gets the Type of the current instance.

(Inherited from Object)
HandleValidationErrors(IDictionary<String,Exception>, DataSourceOperation)

Called by methods that perform CRUD operations when a CRUD operation fails in the data-object building process.

(Inherited from QueryableDataSourceView)
Insert(IDictionary, DataSourceViewOperationCallback)

Performs an asynchronous insert operation on the list of data that the DataSourceView object represents.

(Inherited from DataSourceView)

Performs an asynchronous insert operation on the data items that the QueryableDataSourceView object represents.

(Inherited from QueryableDataSourceView)

Inserts data objects into a QueryableDataSourceView object.

(Inherited from QueryableDataSourceView)

Restores the previously saved view state for the data source view.

(Inherited from QueryableDataSourceView)

Creates a shallow copy of the current Object.

(Inherited from Object)

Raises the DataSourceViewChanged event.

(Inherited from DataSourceView)

Raises the QueryCreated event after the QueryableDataSource control has created an IQueryable object.

(Inherited from QueryableDataSourceView)
OnQueryParametersChanged(Object, EventArgs)

Calls the RaiseViewChanged() method.

(Inherited from QueryableDataSourceView)

Called by the RaiseUnsupportedCapabilitiesError(DataSourceView) method to compare the capabilities requested for an ExecuteSelect(DataSourceSelectArguments) operation against those that the view supports.

(Inherited from DataSourceView)

Calls the OnDataSourceViewChanged(EventArgs) method.

(Inherited from QueryableDataSourceView)

Saves changes to view state for the QueryableDataSourceView object since the time that the page was posted to the server.

(Inherited from QueryableDataSourceView)
Select(DataSourceSelectArguments, DataSourceViewSelectCallback)

Gets a list of data asynchronously from the underlying data storage.

(Inherited from DataSourceView)
StoreOriginalValues(IList, Func<PropertyDescriptor,Boolean>)

Stores the original values from the select operation in the control's view state when delete or update operations are enabled.

(Inherited from QueryableDataSourceView)

Stores the original values from the Select operation in the control's view state.

(Inherited from QueryableDataSourceView)

Returns a string that represents the current object.

(Inherited from Object)

Causes tracking of view-state changes to the server control so that they can be stored in the server control's state.

(Inherited from QueryableDataSourceView)
Update(IDictionary, IDictionary, IDictionary, DataSourceViewOperationCallback)

Performs an asynchronous update operation on the list of data that the DataSourceView object represents.

(Inherited from DataSourceView)
Update(IDictionary, IDictionary, IDictionary)

Performs an update operation.

(Inherited from QueryableDataSourceView)
UpdateObject(Object, Object)

Updates a data object.

(Inherited from QueryableDataSourceView)



Occurs when the data source view has changed.

(Inherited from DataSourceView)

Occurs when a query is created.

(Inherited from QueryableDataSourceView)

Explicit Interface Implementations


When implemented by a class, gets a value that indicates whether a server control is tracking its view-state changes.

(Inherited from QueryableDataSourceView)

When implemented by a class, loads the server control's previously saved view state for the control.

(Inherited from QueryableDataSourceView)

When implemented by a class, saves the changes to a server control's view state to an object.

(Inherited from QueryableDataSourceView)

When implemented by a class, gets a value that indicates whether a server control is tracking its view-state changes.

(Inherited from QueryableDataSourceView)

Applies to